Sisters of the Mists Ch. 15


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Though she didn't notice it, because she was caught up in her dance and her arousal, every kilt in the room lifted as the men's ardor rose in response to the scent of her arousal, which now tickled their noses as they played. Even the other two priests in the room had joined in the music, clapping out percussion for those playing the instruments.

The music and Danica's dancing grew more fervent as the seconds passed, rising to a crescendo as she whirled about the table, moving toward its head once more. After a final, rapid spiral, her hair whipping out into a fiery halo around her, Danica's palms came to rest on the table in front of her. She threw her head back, thrusting her stiff nipples toward the heavens above, and burst into orgasm.

Danica's juices spurted from her, spattering across the table, and running down her thighs. She cried out in ecstasy, shuddering from the power of her climax. Five groans joined her as the priests turned musicians spurted their seed into their kilts. The final notes of the music lingered, echoing throughout the tomb to join the gasps and pants of those within.


Tayetet quivered, her immortal suitor's cock pulsing within her, the final consummation of a courtship lasting many mortal lifetimes. She caressed Sekmamun's cheek, part of her consciousness reveling in his presence and her ecstasy, the other observing the scene in the tomb.

Still gripped by the intensity of the dance and its culmination, no one in the room observed the Ba of the Pharaoh forming above his mummy, now whole once more. The human face of the falcon lifted toward the heavens, its energy restored, and then spread its wings. A moment later, the joyful Akh of the Pharaoh coalesced within Tayetet's realm, his Ba and Ka once more joined as one.

The goddess felt a two-fold surge of power, both from her coupling with Sekmamun, and the restoration of her favored servant. She immediately lent a measure of this power to the effort of holding back the demonic rift. Both she and her paramour felt a new presence at the same time, and shared a groan as he pulled free of her warm, wet embrace.

Osiran, head of the pantheon, offered a nod as the couple bowed their heads, and the servants of the goddess prostrated themselves in worship.

"This is a time of import," Osiran declared, and extended his hands in a blessing over the immortal couple before him.

Sekmamun and Tayetet both felt the blessing wash over them, and more. They knew what needed to be done.


Only Danica's hands resting on the table prevented her wobbly knees from collapsing. She panted for breath, her juices still dripping from her labia and running down her thighs. Her eyelids fluttered open when Harkhuf draped her discarded robe over her nude, trembling body.

Naturally, she saw the mummy of the Pharaoh first. The body was whole, as though it had never been cruelly dismembered. A glance around showed the priests leaning against the tomb walls, panting for breath even as she was, their tented kilts drooping.

Harkhuf's manhood also slowly sank, and she accepted his help with a nod when he quietly offered to help her stand and dress. Clad in her robe once more, though her panties and brassiere still lay upon the cold stone where she'd discarded them, Danica asked, "What was that?"

"I cannot say for sure, but I believe that the gods channeled their power through you, and this somehow overcame the deadening of magic."

Danica let her vision slip into the second sight, but almost immediately pulled away. "The room is so awash in magical power now that I can't even look at it."

A golden glow arose behind Danica, and the priests in front of her immediately dropped to their knees. Harkhuf turned his head and did likewise. Danica spun around, unsure if she should kneel as well, and squinted to try to see through the aura surrounding the man who had appeared behind her.

"Rise," a voice very similar to that of the current Pharaoh entreated. The light faded, and Danica could see the living face of the man whose body lay on the table around which she'd danced.

The Ba of the dead Pharaoh stepped forward, his eyes centered on Danica. She felt more than a little uncomfortable under his gaze, though his manner was anything but threatening. "Truly you resemble the goddess. Though I have stood at the side of Tayetet, I am blessed to have you dance for me, even as you have for the seed of my loins."

"The blessing is mine, Pharaoh," Danica responded with a bow of her head, at a loss for words.

An aura of the same golden light that had heralded the appearance of the Pharaoh shone about his hand. When it faded, he held a curious golden amulet. "The all-seeing eye — a gift from Osiran. You will know when to call upon it."

Danica accepted the amulet, and as soon as the attached golden chain pooled in her hand, the Pharaoh raised his eyes to the heavens. He vanished as if he had never been. There one second, and gone the next.

The ranking necropolis priest called out orders, instructing his subordinates to fetch the linen and amulets to properly wrap the corpse of the Pharaoh, that he might be laid to rest once more.

Harkhuf took Danica's hand, and led her out of the tomb after she tied her robe closed. Along the way, he gathered up the remainder of her clothing. Danica put on her shoes, but stuffed her bra and panties into pockets of her robe. She noticed that the other priests wore almost fearful expressions of awe as she passed them in the chambers where they had worked. Quick blinks into the second sight showed the natural flow of magic restored throughout the tomb. She also recognized the near blinding power of the amulet in her hand, though it looked and felt completely common otherwise.

Danica placed the amulet around her neck upon entering the final chamber before the corridor that led to the surface. It felt like any normal piece of jewelry, though she almost always could sense something of the magic in an item, especially when it was directly against her skin.

Once within a few steps of the entrance, Harkhuf said, "If anything will moderate the anger of Pharaoh, this will."

"Do you think it will be enough?"

He shook his head, his expression grave. "That, I cannot say."


Celes looked up from where she and Ashley were watching a demon that they thought might be a likely target to capture. "You're looking a little down. Everything okay?"

Marlena smiled and nodded as she crossed the lab. "Brandon is just going to be away from the Hall for a few days. Andrea should be home soon. She was saying goodbye to her new friend when I last saw her."

"You keeping an eye on her?" Celes asked with concern in her voice as she pulled out one of the cushioned chairs so that Marlena could sit down.

"It worries me a little, too. The Duchess has people watching, and she says that she hasn't seen anything to concern her so far. What are you scrying for?"

Ashley answered, "It's a demon that might be a good one to capture. We've seen it meeting with other demons, and they've been deferring to it. Either it's a leader that might know something, or it's risking its master's ire by following its own agenda."

"Where's Danica?"

"She got a disturbing letter from Tari and went to see if she could turn some things around," Celes answered. "It looks like the East is going to boil over into war, too."

Edna walked into the lab, wearing a look of concern that grew even deeper after her eyes quickly scanned the room. "Has anyone seen Danielle?"

Celes said, "I haven't," and then looked to Ashley and Marlena, who both shook their heads in the negative.

Edna approached the table, pulling a piece of paper from her pocket as she walked. "The girls keep vanishing, one at a time, for a little while here and there. The others cover for them, and even my power isn't helping."

Ashley started at that revelation. "You can't read their minds?"

"Oh, I can hear what they're thinking well enough, and I know they're fibbing to me. I don't know how they're doing it, but they're fibbing to me." Edna unfolded the piece of paper onto the table.

Marlena glanced at the drawing and asked, "Is that a map of the valley?"

Edna answered, "I've been drawing it when I take the girls for walks." She tapped the map and said, "I was hoping you could scry for her, and track her down so that I can find out what they're up to."

"Of course. Let me get my crystal." Ashley scooted back her chair to rise.

Celes gestured for her to remain seated. "No need." She then pulled her crystal pendant from around her neck. "Thought it might be a good idea to keep mine with me all the time."

Edna handed Celes a few strands of hair. "From her brush."

Celes nodded, and curled the strands around the chain of her pendant. She dangled the crystal over Edna's map, and it almost immediately snapped down to the paper, just outside the lines of what the elder witch had drawn.

"That's within the mists at the edge of the valley," Edna explained.

Celes slipped her crystal back around her neck as she stood. "I don't like the sound of that."

Edna shook her head. "There's nothing here that would harm any of us."

Celes looked less than convinced. "I'm going to fetch her back — and find out what they're up to."

Ashley stood as well. "I'll come with you. You shouldn't go alone."

Marlena walked to Celes' side. "I haven't really explored the valley. I'll come too."

"Be cautious within the mists," Edna warned.

"I thought you said that there was nothing that would harm us?" Celes questioned.

"Harm — no. Surprise and unnerve you — yes," Edna cryptically explained.

Ashley squeezed her surrogate mother's hand as she walked around the table to join Celes and Marlena. "We'll be careful, and we'll find out why they're sneaking off."

With that, she joined the other two, and Celes led them toward the front door of the manor.


Harkhuf emerged from within the great palace of Pharaoh, and crossed the limestone, worn smooth by the sandals of people for thousands of years. "Pharaoh will see us. Something has happened in the palace to cause great excitement."

"Preparations for war?" Danica speculated as she fell in behind the shaven-headed priest.

"No. Those closest to Pharaoh seem to be in awe."

Once through the older, common areas of the palace and into the more opulent center, people stepped aside when Danica approached, their expressions reflecting the awe of which Harkhuf had spoken. That awe, beyond any possibility of argument, was directed at Danica.

'Why is everyone staring at me like I have two heads?'

Harkhuf started a little from the unexpected telepathic voice, and then answered, 'I am unsure.'

Little snippets of thoughts and emotions assaulted Danica as she tapped into her mental powers. The onslaught was so powerful and constant that she could barely sift out a few impressions. Thoughts of Tayetet, Pharaoh, the afterlife, and the gods stabbed into her brain, forcing Danica to mentally wrench away. The effort left her with barely enough conscious thought to keep following Harkhuf.

Danica finally mastered her powers, blocking out the thoughts of those around her, to discover that she and Harkhuf stood just outside Pharaoh's great hall, awaiting admittance. Seconds later, a man in ceremonial garb stepped into the doorway and bade them to enter.

Harkhuf and Danica crossed the polished granite floor to the throne, which was surrounded by what appeared to be the entire extended royal family. Pharaoh stood as the pair approached, his face decorated with a wide smile. When they reached the foot of the dais, Danica bowed her head in a gesture of respect.

Gasps rang out from all around the chamber when the Pharaoh bowed his head in response. With that simple gesture, he had bestowed upon her the same rank as a visiting King. Harkhuf was shocked as well, and his thoughts rang out in Danica's head to reveal the significance of the moment to her.

Pharaoh stepped down from the dais and held out his hand. Danica took it, and the man said, "Welcome, Danica. Your visit is but one of many great blessings that you have bestowed upon us this day. Generations have come and gone since last one of the God-Kings returned to this mortal world to commune with the seed of his loins."

Danica didn't really know what he was talking about, but she could feel an undercurrent of joy mixed with the awe rolling over her from the family of the Pharaoh. She couldn't think of any appropriate response, and so just smiled as Pharaoh's jewel adorned hand patted hers.

"The God-King came to us this day, to bestow blessings and wisdom upon us. First of the wisdom is the knowledge of what you have done this day. You have our gratitude for serving the gods to return the God-King to his place in the afterlife, at the side of the goddess. It is a debt we can never repay."

"I don't know how much I had to do with it." Danica's cheeks filled with color. A second later, she decided to take advantage of the situation. "If you would reward me, then consider carefully the decision to go to war."

Pharaoh's face tightened. "This wisdom has been imparted upon us as well. Someone from outside our lands sought to draw us into war through this unspeakable act. We are now wise to the deception, but fear it will not prevent the coming conflict."

"But..." Danica began.

Pharaoh smiled and raised a hand, interrupting her. "We will not bring war to the men beyond the desert." He took a deep breath, his smile fading. "It is our fear, and that of the gods, that they will bring war to us. Those who sought to rouse my anger have awakened wrath in the men beyond the desert as well."

"Someone did something horrible, and left something behind to blame it on you," Danica speculated. She knew the depths to which Zoraster would sink, and it appeared that his replacement shared that quality.

Pharaoh nodded. "Young men of our land, too easily influenced by wealth, attacked a village. The women were taken, and the men hanged."

Harkhuf shook his head and sighed. "Hanging is considered the most dishonorable death amongst the people."

"The village is the birthplace of their Emperor," Pharaoh added.

Danica smiled. "Then someone needs to show them the truth before things get out of hand."

"He will not be swayed. I know his rage. Only the intervention of the gods stayed my hand."

Danica smiled at Pharaoh and said, "Then it's time to see if I can conjure up another miracle."


Marlena peered into the swirling mists that forever shrouded the edge of the valley that she and her friends called home. "I don't see her. I don't see anything."

"How could she possibly find her way through that?" Ashley pondered as she also strained her eyes into the mists.

"A better question is how we're going to." Celes reached out into the wall of mist. The vapors remained confined, almost as if within a magical bubble, until she pulled her hand back. A puff of the strangely warm fog swirled out around her hand.

Marlena suggested, "Maybe we should just call for her."

Celes passed her hand back into the clouds again, but swept it to the side this time. For just a moment, she opened a gap in the mists. A tingle passed through her arm, and Celes recognized the sensation. "Or maybe we can go in and find out what she's up to before she knows we're here."

Marlena shrugged, silently asking, How? Ashley, attuned to her sister witch and the magic of the valley, believed that she knew the answer.

"Like this." Celes stepped forward and swept her arms out to the side. The mists parted, leaving her standing in a clear bubble. She looked back over her shoulder and whispered, "Come along now, and be quiet. Let's see what the little missy is about."

Ashley followed even before Celes had finished speaking. Marlena hesitated for a fraction of a second, but she trusted her two friends, and fell in only a half step behind the redheaded witch.

Celes waved her hand in graceful gestures to the sides, opening a corridor as she walked. After only a few steps, she could see a shape forming ahead. A few steps more, and she recognized a cave entrance that shown with a faint, blue light.

"This has to be it," Celes said, and gestured for the other two to follow. She crept up to the edge of the cave, and peeked inside.

Danielle sat upon the floor of the cave with her blouse bunched up above her breasts, her skirt gathered at her hips, and her panties hanging from one ankle. She was staring into an oddly glowing crystal, caressing her breasts with one hand, and furiously masturbating with the other.

Just as Marlena and Ashley looked into the cave, around Celes, Danielle came with a choked off whimper.

Marlena tugged on Celes' sleeve and whispered into her ear. "We should go before she sees us, and realizes what we saw."

Ashley had already stepped back, and Marlena moved away from the entrance as well. A frightened gasp from within the cave let Celes know that she hadn't quite moved quickly enough. She stepped back into the entrance of the cave, waving her hand to indicate that Ashley and Marlena should stay back, thinking that it might be marginally less embarrassing for Danielle if she thought that only one person had seen her.

Danielle tugged down her blouse, smoothed out her skirt, and tried to hide the crystal behind her.

Celes stepped into the cave. "Dearie, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I do it. All women do. We've told you that, Danielle. There's nothing wrong with making yourself feel good."

"So, I'm not in trouble?" Danielle asked in a small voice, her face bright red with shame.

"For that — of course not. For sneakin' off — maybe."

Danielle hung her head and muttered, "Sorry."

"We'll worry about that later. What are you looking at there?"

Somehow, Danielle's blush deepened. "It's... Uhm... It's a magic crystal."

"Magic, you say?" Celes tried to keep her voice neutral, but when Danielle moved aside a bit, the sight of the crystal made Celes a little worried. It was obviously magical — glowing with a reddish-pink light not unlike Danielle's blush — and Celes could see movement in the heart of the crystal.

"There are lots of them in here. They all show different things," Danielle offered, mistaking Celes' concern for curiosity, and hoping it might distract the dark haired woman — perhaps enough that Celes would forget about the sneaking away.

Celes leaned in just a bit closer, and apparently crossed some sort of magical boundary. The flicker of movement in the crystal expanded, and suddenly she could see the image filling her vision. A young man lay on a bed, panting for breath, his softening cock in his hand, and a trail of semen decorating his dark-haired chest.

Celes cleared her throat as she leaned back. "So they do." She hadn't sensed anything malevolent in the magic, though she did notice a little mental tickle, similar to when Danica spoke to her telepathically.

The crystal looked naturally formed, and she couldn't detect any sort of magical aura around it in her second sight. That led her to believe it was blessed by witchcraft.

"You say there are more?"

"They're everywhere. Just look around, and you'll see them."

Celes peered through the gloom of the cave, and a flicker of red light caught her eye a few feet away. As soon as she concentrated on it, the crystal flared to life.

"Not the red one!" Danielle cried out.

The image sprang to life in front of Celes. She saw a black robed figure with long, wild, dark hair, facing away from her. Almost immediately, the figure spun toward her and thrust out a hand. She caught just a glimpse of his face before the crystal exploded.