SIW: Adam & Bronwille Ch. 08


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I didn't care, I hated them, I wanted them to see me, to know how much I wanted to kill them. Before I knew it I was firing and moving forward, ignoring everything else. "I'm gonna kill all you sons of bitches!" Sweat stung my eyes and added to my anger as my own voice sounded foreign to my ears. I needed more than this. Bullets are too good for them after all they've done.

I slung my M16 over my shoulder and ran for the last guy I'd shot, darting through trees and underbrush. You'll pay! You'll all pay! My fists were in his face more times than I could count before I could hear the Lieutenant's voice.

"Simmons! God damn it!"

So few words and yet powerful enough to get my attention. I could hear Lt. Bradley's weapon firing and that's when I turned away from the bloody pulp that used to be a face. There were three more hidden in the trees that I couldn't see from where I was, but he could. God damn it, the ammo carriers!

Unlike the enemies who carried an AK47, I'd completely forgotten that Charlie used people to carry ammo for the RPD gunners and they were usually armed themselves. I was too angry to focus and I was about to get us all killed.

I ran to the nearest tree and shouldered my weapon. A quick glance showed me Simmons, lying still on the ground, eyes open, staring at nothing. I didn't know where he was shot, but what I did know was that it was my fault. I gave away my position, letting them know we were there. I fucked up, Simmons. You didn't deserve that.

I was angry again. Angry that they'd cut down an eighteen year old before he'd had a chance to really live; angry that I didn't kill them all and I intended to make up for that mistake immediately.

I fired. I Reloaded and fired even after they were down. I wasn't satisfied with their deaths. I wanted their ghosts to catch my bullets before they made their way to the afterlife.

"Stop wasting the fucking ammo O'Neill! Jesus fucking Christ! Do you think bullets grow on trees out here? I'm of half a mind to send you over there to take them back out of the damned bodies!"

"Sir! Yes Sir!" Hearing his voice, I knew they were all dead. It won't bring you back Simmons, but I'm glad I could give you this much.

The Lieutenant moved quickly to my position and looked me in the eye. "You ever pull that bullshit again and you won't have to worry about Charlie, Son!"

I read him loud and clear. He knew I'd fucked up and he looked about three seconds away from putting a bullet in me himself. "Yes Sir!" I looked back over to Simmons feeling bile racing to the back of my throat. The pain that I felt for being responsible for his life was beyond the anger that I'd just lost myself in.

Seeing Simmons like that ate me up inside. He was still breathing ten minutes ago. His eyes seemed to call out, "why?" It was a look that I had no answer for. I couldn't explain why I was so completely consumed with such strong hatred, lost to the point that I didn't think and I completely ignored all of my training.

I fell into a dark place in a dark time and I was comfortable there. I would have stayed in that place if it wasn't for the Lieutenant's loud voice jerking me back to reality. Reality? What did that actually mean for those whose lives were the stuff of nightmares? For those who killed or sought to kill every waking moment?

What's our reality? What's real when you see a man beat a woman into unconsciousness and then rape her? What's real when children are sent to you as living weapons? What reality finds you shooting women and children on sight as potential threats? Fucking Charlie!

"We're moving back to the bunker. Help me with Simmons." Lt. Bradley was already trudging through the thick underbrush toward his body. He kept his eyes moving, actively searching for any additional threat.

"Sir, let me take him. I owe him." There was a lump forming in my throat when I pictured Simmons' folks when they came to claim his body. It was too much to think about at the time and I tried to push it down.

The Lieutenant could see my emotions even with my focus on hiding them and moving on. He watched me pick up Simmons with as much honor and dignity as I could. "Son, Marines don't die, they just regroup in hell."

I nodded and a smile crossed my face. "Then we'll make sure to send him plenty of company for target practice, Sir."

It was a rare sound but when it was heard, everyone took notice. Lt. Bradley let out a hearty laugh as we walked back to the bunker. He was covering my rear, making sure no one got the jump on us while I was carrying Simmons. With so many losses, the Lieutenant had to take on the role of every officer to make sure we survived and got the job done, and he did that and more.

"Damn right, Son! To err is human, to forgive divine. However, neither one of those is Marine Corps. policy."

Only Lt. Bradley could make a joke while dressing you down at the same time. God damn you Bradley! They don't make 'em like you anymore. He was right. Marines didn't forgive and I wouldn't. I'd kill every last one of 'em if I had to for what they'd done. But damn it if he didn't hit the nail on the head with the first part.

I'm a Marine. I'm not supposed to fuck up. Fucking up is for politicians and civilians. The guilt of not being there when Simmons needed me was going to haunt me forever. If I'd stayed where I was, I would have been able to cover him. I wouldn't have been carrying him; he'd be walking beside me. I can't fail anyone else. I have to be there to protect my brothers or anyone else who needs me.

I made two promises to myself on that day, promises that I thought I'd never break. I promised to never let my anger overrun my judgment again; one I knew would be hard to keep. Any injustice, any suffering, any senseless violence would have the power to bring me back to that dark place.

I knew that I would fight that demon until the day I died because it had worked its way into my heart like a tumor, embedding itself until it was as much a part of me as anything else. I could fight against it, but I couldn't get rid of it without leaving a hole that couldn't be filled. Would I even be whole if I let it go? Could anything fill that void without making me lose my mind?

I also promised to never leave anyone I was responsible for unprotected. I wouldn't repeat that mistake ever again. If my anger got the best of me, then I'd just have to drag someone else along through the fight, but I wouldn't turn my back on them and I wouldn't leave them behind.

So I did my best to live the words of those promises. Promises I made because of a life I wasted. Promises that helped keep me sane. Promises that were supposed to be indelible. I'd given my word to Simmons' body on that day to keep those words in his honor.

I always thought I'd be able to keep those promises. Sadly, I was wrong.

* * * *

* * * *

Bronwille had a hard time breathing. Her hands went to her cheeks, finding them covered in tears. No wonder he had sounded so tormented in the poem he had shared with her. Their stories were as different as day and night could be different, but their inner turmoil could compete on so many levels. She felt too drained to respond to this and closed everything and shut down her laptop. Coming up with a fitting reply would have to wait till morning.

To be continued...

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ChasingtheSkyChasingtheSkyover 6 years ago

Your writing is SO good!

I find myself in tears reading this story. No other writer has affected me like you have.

I have to start the next chapter NOW.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 10 years ago
Only one word for this chapter


mokkelkemokkelkeover 12 years agoAuthor
dear anon

should you be checking up here instead of using the bio page (like most would to stay on top of things) the next chapter is submitted. seems i very well know where that submit button is when it suits me.

mokkelkemokkelkeover 12 years agoAuthor

thank you Dracosbaby. what irked me more is being accused of forgetting this story. those that follow me outside of Lit (twitter/fb) know i'm still thinking of SIW. i am working on things related to SIW, but yes there has been a lot going on that i could not give it the attention it needs.

DIL is doing a lot better and more family related events have finally passed so i can fully focus on SIW, and yes the though has crossed my mind to first finish the story completely before posting the rest of the chapters ! that way i can included it is finished and those saying otherwise can go find a cliff and jump of it. i know not nice words to say but seriously? i write because i like it and it's a means to escape, it's not my 9-5 job, i don't get paid for this, if they can't handle that they the should go buy books in full instead of reading here where you know it is a gamble. i know there are writers here that start stories and don't finish them, i hate it too, but i realize there is still a person behind the writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Tell them all to back off....Family First!

Cherish your family while they are alive because you never know how long they will be on Earth. I too am waiting for an update, but we are not paying you to write this story, so we will just have to wait. Anyone who does not like it can just find another one to read or keep looking for the update without growling. I know RL can get in the way and medical problems are the worst. Minds do not think well under stress and dealing with medical problems is stressful. It would not surprise me if you waited until all of Merlin, Adam and Ed was done before you posted again because of some comments here. I thought we were adults here....I guess not! Your father in law is in my prayers and I will pray for the impatient ones here so they do not stress you out too much and make you wait until all are done before you post.

I will have to send this as "anon" because I am not on my pc and do not have my password book with me, but I will sign it as DracosBaby!

mokkelkemokkelkeover 12 years agoAuthor

fyi i have not started something new or anything else. but if you must know what takes prio for me is my dad in law having a heart attack over x-mass, which meant the start for me not being able to concentrate on writing. a lot more has happened since then that has prio over writing period. as you say it yourself i am not a professional writer, never will be. i have everything plotted out, i know where i want to take the story and whatever more i need for it to be finished. if you check the date when the first siw chapter has been posted till the last one you can say that i always tried to post regularly (or close too) so the first time there is a real huge gap in posting and you right away start telling of the writer for supposedly ditching a story, starting other stuff and whatever more. is that supposed to be encouraging?

i am aware of the huge gap and those that follow me closely (on the blog or twitter or even my biopage) know i will not just ditch a story and that i do feel bad about this huge gap. BUT i am working on SIW and only on SIW. my plan was to actually have Adam's story completely finished and than restart the posting so the story on its own won't be interrupted and i was planning to write the last part completely before even starting to post it.

as you see i do check my pages daily and i do take the time to reply to posts. i just find it a shame you have to hide behind "anon".

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Finish what you start.

You're seriously disappointing your followers by breaking up your story like that. If you were a professional writer working for a publishing company I'm certain they wouldn't like something like that either. I can certainly understand real life getting in the way, but it's disappointing to have a story put on hold so another can be posted. Without readers a story is just words on paper, or bytes in cyber space. I guess what I'm trying to say is this, write down your ideas, write a story arc for your other story, something to keep the idea there, but finish what you already started before moving on.

mokkelkemokkelkeover 12 years agoAuthor
not forgotten

if you would have bothered reading the bio than you would know i'm not forgetting this story. but sometimes reallife (yeah some of us do have that) takes prio over writing. i am working on chapter 9 and other parts of SIW. but for the moment family has to come first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Another one of those stories ...

.. that's not been updated for months. abandoned and forgotten. I feel sad for these stories. Especially since they started out so well

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

When these characters of your stop running around in your head things will get better. The entire SIW storyline has been wonderful to follow. Each of your characters is an individual unto themselves. And I know that takes time...even the most experienced author knows that just owning a laptop doesn't make a good story, well unless you are writing the owners manual. So when your characters are ready, I'll be here.

mokkelkemokkelkeover 12 years agoAuthor

dear anon, i'm working on SIW, sadly not adam's part, but it is important to the saga. it's more something along the lines of : i hav to get it out of my system before i can focus on adam alone.

bear with me and all will turn out fine

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
*looks at the date* sighs*

I spent the last few days reading the SIW stories. Now that I'm addicted, and there isn't any more to read I'm hoping real life calms down and more chapters are posted. Lets hear it for the little worlds trapped in our heads screaming to be let out into reality. More please. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great Story!

I really enjoy reading your stories, they have consumed my days and now I sit waiting for the next chapter.

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 12 years ago
Please Post Next Chapter

Please Please Post Next Chapter Soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Waiting for more....

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