Sixth Form Slimmer - A Friend in Ne


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This, I thought, was what it was all about. Short, one-word commands enabled my princess to fully enjoy my presence inside her. Every thrust of my cock, every slap of my balls against her butt brought exquisite pleasure to both of us.

For me, of course. Emily was as tight, if not tighter, than Anna had once been, (Anna, I recalled, had never kept herself trim and fit). Emily's abruptly cancelled expert blowjob had increased the urgency of my body's natural desire to shoot its payload. I had to slow right down so we could fully enjoy our own pleasures. Finally, with an eye on the time that had passed, I picked up speed so that my cannon could fire deep within Emily.

And Becky?

Half-an-hour later, with both Emily and I satisfied, I went back downstairs. In hypnosis, as in sleep, time passes quickly. She simply wasn't aware I'd been away. She wasn't aware she'd been hypnotised. She wasn't aware of my need to see her naked.

"So, Becky, from today onwards, you'll still find your tummy feels full with less and less food. Every time your weight goes down you'll feel more aroused, more relaxed, more sexy, more content."

"Becky, Emily tells me that Ryan has helped control the bullies at school, and you must repay his kindness. Whenever you lose weight, you'll remember how Ryan has helped you and you will do whatever it takes to please him. You'll feel even more sexy every time he is near. Do you understand?"

"Yes," her voice was distant, but the smile confirmed she agreed she owed her brother.

I didn't know ... even Becky didn't know she'd already started.

"You must show your appreciation. You must show Ryan in a way he likes. Cuddles, touches, any way you can. Your true appreciation will make you feel good sexy, aroused. He must know how good he makes you feel."

Another nod, another smile. If my plan worked it would completely change her shyness, lose her some weight and make her constantly aware of her sex. And if Ryan wasn't half-asleep he'd take every opportunity offered to him.

"Your daddy too. He will enjoy your attention. You need to entertain him."

"Now Becky, as before, you will forget everything that's happened, but your subconscious will remember all I have said ...

... 3, 2, 1."

This time Becky didn't apologise for falling asleep. She felt good, relaxed. 'It must be the magic candle,' she thought, 'Accept it.'

She thought for a moment.

"I didn't tell you Gordon, I'd lost two pounds. I really must show you."

"It's OK, I'll take your word for it."

"No, Gordon. I really must. I don't know how it works but it's good. I really must show you."

Almost before the words were out of her mouth Becky was on her feet. Her school tie was the first to go, followed by rapid unbuttoning of her white shirt.

Her titties were the smallest I've ever seen. Reasonably well formed, but mini. To give my readers an idea, they were a typical cone-shaped top, nipple, then semicircular underneath - you get the idea. Adorable mid-brown nipples surrounded by paler circles made up a little for the small breasts. Her tummy, whilst not too fat, clearly showed the results of snacking junk food and, given the right diet, a slim tummy would harmonise well with what breasts she had.

By now her regulation blue school skirt was unzipped. This was no sensual striptease, she was simply getting undressed. Her skirt dropped to the floor revealing plain pink and white panties - store budget line at a guess. Unlacing equally cheap trainers ... teased and bullied for those no doubt ... she quickly kicked them off.

By now the whole process seemed robotic. No wiggle of her (did I forget to say?) best ass-et, she simply pulled down her panties and kicked them off.

"You can already see, can't you?" She asked, proudly, fanning her fingers and placing them on her tummy. But my eyes were drawn to her perfect pussy, hidden slightly by fine blonde pubes. No hint yet of outer lips, just smooth intimate curves. I reached out to touch her bare skin, very soft and smooth, as if I was confirming her tummy was slightly less fat than before.

"You're doing really well," I said, just letting my fingers lazily trace over her smooth skin. She involuntarily shivered, goosebumps quickly forming.

"Sorry," I continued, suddenly realising I may have been one of the few to touch there. Her skin was sensitive ... of course it was. My cock had noticed too.

"It's OK," replied Becky.

"You're doing really well." Another dose of flattery was always the best answer. "And you must show me each time we meet."

"Anyway, Becky, Emily's mom will be home real soon. I really don't think she'll want to see me with you naked! Let's see how much you can lose this next week. Better get dressed, I think."

Not a moment too soon! I heard the front door open ... Anna was back early. I hoped my tone of voice didn't give away my guilt feelings. I introduced Becky.

"This is Becky - one of Emily's school friends. Emily asked me if I could help Becky slim."

"Well, your magic candle approach to slimming seems to have worked well before. And you agreed?"

I nodded. "She's a bit shy as well. She's been bullied and has no confidence. I thought I could try and help there as well."

"Gordon, that's real good of you. How thoughtful. Becky can come round anytime. I don't mind giving you a bit of space."

"Hmmm. I'm working through the week. I thought perhaps Saturdays, while you're out. You know the candle magic needs a quiet room."

"True ... and I could visit Mary next Sunday, too, if you want some space. It's really kind of you to help Emily's friend."

Anna didn't say anything, but she knew I was always randy after a 'candle' session.

I smiled to myself. Perhaps things would progress a little faster.

I just couldn't wait to find out if Becky was a virgin.


Ryan had the whole afternoon to reflect on his sister's behaviour. His parents were both out and Emily had called round for Becky. Pants down at his ankles, his right hand was being constantly exercised. If only he'd thought quickly - the video cam on his phone would have been so much better than his memory. He'd passed Becky's room several times over the past two days; the door had been firmly shut.

Why had his quiet, shy sister suddenly become so aware of what effect she could have on the two males in the house? Was she going to repeat the show? She hadn't said much at all ... in fact she hadn't said anything. Maybe Emily was trying to teach her what she'd been missing. The girls that Ryan knew were certainly aware of their sexual power and how exactly to get their own way, but his sister wasn't like that ... was she?


Later into the evening I still had both girls on my mind. I had done my best not just to help Becky slim, but also tackle her naivety, her shyness, her lack of much sexual knowledge, except that knowledge which girls (and boys) instinctively know. I knew Emily would gladly help me. I had the method, Becky now had the desire, Emily had the power to teach.

Anna and I were watching TV, but she knew my mind was elsewhere; it always was after a candle session. She knew her gentle touches in bed would bring about my attention to her needs. Anna didn't want to know about the sessions; they aroused me, and later I would fuck her until she was satisfied. After the stresses of the sessions I would rarely come, but Anna would. And, for Anna, that mattered a lot.


Sunday was always quiet. Chance for daddy to chill out while mom cooked dinner. Maybe a pint at their local, chatting up the barmaid. 'Tits like melons,' Becky had heard him say.

No repeat of Becky's bedroom fun but she was in a remarkably good mood. Mom was working away in the kitchen when brother and sister finally arrived downstairs. Ryan soon noticed sis was wearing quite a loose top with a low neckline ... not because the top was anything special, but because of the way it gaped fully open when she bent to place a cup of coffee in front of him.

He just couldn't remember her doing so before. He couldn't remember seeing the top - perhaps she'd just bought it. Again she bent over, giving him an unrestricted view of her tiny tits. Coffee served up, she came and sat beside him ... put her arm around him, gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What was that for?" Ryan looked puzzled.

"I guess I never showed my appreciation for standing up to the bullies."

Ryan, for once, was almost lost for words. "Oh, it's cool! You're my sister."


Sunday lunch was one of the few times the family were all sat round the table together. Ryan thought he'd imagined someone had touched his leg .. it couldn't be his mom, she was sat opposite.

It happened again. This time he saw his sister move her hand down ... almost accidentally brushing against the outside of his leg, then again on his thigh. He looked at Becky, poker faced.

Becky giggled. Couldn't stop herself.

"What was that for?" enquired her mom.

"Oh nothing! Just a joke Emily told me." Her poker face returned.

Dinner continued as if nothing had happened ... right up to just before Ryan was about to leave the table. He felt Becky's touch again, this time very near where many other girls had touched him. He felt his cock respond but said nothing.

Stll poker faced, Becky sat talking with her mom as if nothing was happening. Ryan, meanwhile, shuffled as far forward as he could without attracting attention.

Becky continued, gradually moving her hand higher to Ryan's crotch. She didn't know why, but she felt a compulsion to repay her brother's kindness in dealing with the bullying and taunts. Emily had been very helpful in helping her understand a boy's needs.

The conversation continued. All Becky knew was that there was a very large bulge inside Ryan's pants. Only once had she wanked a guy off and her treatment of Ryan's equipment was quite rough. Unskilled though she was, Ryan was so receptive to his sister's amateurish touches, a short while later he came in his pants.

Mom seemed puzzled that Becky had left almost a third of her lunch uneaten. She seemed to be more inclined to talk, even refusing the option of a dessert. And why had Ryan left the table in a rush?

Thinking she had maybe hurt her brother, Becky was a little upset and confused ... but for the rest of the day Ryan had quite a smile on his face.


'Perhaps,' thought Emily, 'I gave Becky too much information.' She wondered whether Becky would dare wear the low-cut top she'd lent her. With her exercise and slimming, the top was too big for Emily, but Becky had such smaller breasts that instead of just showing cleavage the top would simply gape open, revealing all.


It was Wednesday before Becky dare check out the bathroom scales again. The customary pee beforehand (why do females always do this?), then tentatively on to the scales.

No, that couldn't be right, could it? Three more pounds? No, the scales were definitely faulty. She stepped off, then carefully on to the scales again. Three pounds lighter ... that made five pounds in all since she'd first met Gordon ... Gordon and the magic candle. He would be pleased, very pleased with her. She must show him ... yes, show him, let him feel, touch, caress, fondle.

Suddenly she could remember ... feel the sensation of light tickles. Gordon's hands hadn't been cold but had made her shiver, tingle and get goosebumps. Goosebumps that were forming now, of their own accord. Goosebumps felt good, goosebumps when she thought of Gordon.

Whether by absent mindedness or not, Becky did not shut the bedroom door behind her. Suddenly it felt as if a hundred pairs of hands were lightly caressing her body, hardly touching, constantly moving. She almost ripped off her pj's in the rush to ensure the invisible fingers were not hindered.

Now, as before, laid naked atop the duvet Becky again began to sink into a deeply relaxed dreamy state. Thoughts and dreams, visions and fantasies raced through her brain. It was Gordon, wasn't it, who was touching her so? But then, no! Fleeting images of her brother who she'd jacked off under cover of the dinner table. She hadn't meant to ... But no! Emily came into view, telling how to please any boy of her choice, what to wear and how to wear it, what to say, where to touch.

Every image seemed to sink her further into that comfortable mattress, her body almost floating ... angels' wings now seducing her, bidding her copy. Becky's hands began to move of their own free will, her own fingers taking over the exploration of her body, lifting her to a peak, then letting the feelings subside.

It was Ryan's lucky day again, Becky surely hadn't meant to leave her door open. His cock was already beginning to rise and press against his boxers. Becky again seemed lost in herself, as if touching, tickling, fondling her most secret parts without thinking. She seemed asleep ... did girls do that in their sleep?

He watched in amazement as her fingers moved rapidly. Soft moans came from her mouth, her breathing quickened and then she slowed almost to a stop. One, then two fingers went inside her. Ryan could see the silky lubrication coat her finger. Urgently she inserted then removed her fingers, raising and lowering her ass on the bed.

Her other hand circled first one, then the other tiny breast. Fingers tickled then pulled each perfectly formed nipple, pinched each roughly, tweaking and squeezing. They would be sore later but, for now, just added to her arousal.

Ryan silently moved into the room, afraid the floor would creak. Becky remained wrapped in her own world, intent in nothing more than total self pleasure. She seemed lost in a dream, oblivious to all around. He was rock solid now and determined not to waste the second chance of watching Becky.

He was close to her now, could see all of her intimate self. Not a fat, shy Becky but someone different, as if acting in her own personal movie. He reached out, touched her leg, ran his fingers gently up the inside of her thigh. At first nothing happened, then slowly Becky stopped touching herself and parted her legs more to give him access.

Ryan knew well how to tease, how to please a girl. He knew too that girls differed ... what some liked, others hated. It was just a matter of watching, listening and learning. Ryan was the master. His success with girls was well known; please them first time, please them anytime. Ever so carefully so as not to alarm his sister, Ryan moved his hand closer and closer to her treasure cave.

Becky - semi aware of new sensations moved her legs still wider apart. She sleepily mouthed a name, followed by 'yes', but Ryan could not make out what she'd said. He must listen more carefully.

"Yes, there, yes. More. Yes Gordon. Yes."

What the fuck was happening? Gordon? Who the fuck was Gordon? He was gonna damn well find out.

Ryan spoke gently so as not to alarm.

"No, Becky. Ryan, your brother. It's OK."

"Yes, Ryan. Have to please Ryan.'

There was a long silence, interspersed with "Mmmm."

Was Becky dreaming a very erotic dream? Was Ryan dreaming? He stopped touching.

"More, Ryan. Again."

Becky's angel had stopped. It was time for human touch to take over until her angel was needed again. Ryan didn't need asking again. His fingers continued to gently tease Becky's skin.

He could feel the dampness of Becky's arousal nectar. He could smell the sweet scent that nature endows. He could touch the very fine blonde hair which barely hid Becky's groove. He could see her outer lips puff out as her arousal mounted. Gently parting her perfect lips, his finger sought her pleasure bud. Pausing only a second or two, he brought his coated fingertip to his nose.

No matter how similar, every female has a different basic scent. Becky's was perhaps disguised by the previous day's events. Night-concentrated, freshly wiped pee, sweat and diet tainted odours all mingled to make a unique scent. Sharp, but very pleasant, it was 100% Becky.

He quickly returned to gently arousing his sister. His work was being rewarded by Becky's moans and lifting her hips. Did she want to be taught? Did she want to learn how a ginormous orgasm felt?

Moving a pillow under her raised butt, Ryan eased Becky's legs open just sufficient for him to place his head between her legs. His expert tongue instinctively knew its target. Now he was fully in control of a mind blowing lesson Becky would never forget.

Becky remained deep within a post-hypnotic trance. She was more acutely aware of all her sexual senses than she would normally be. Gradually she could feel a sensation building at the base of her stomach, and an increasing tingling radiating from her clit. The two gradually moved together, in harmony, building and building until:

"Mmmmm, yes, no, more, mmmmm, oh god, oh fuck oh!!!

Her hips bucked, her body shivered from top to toe as the orgasm burst through her.


As Becky's waves of orgasm subsided, Ryan returned to his room. He just could not work things out. Guilt filled him in case he had misread the whole situation but this did not stop him jacking off, taking mere seconds to cum. He, like Becky, let his head rest on the pillow, drifting rapidly back to sleep.

Becky's waves of orgasm had roused her from hypno-sleep. Two minutes later she was back in deep natural slumber, to rest her senses.

The rest of that day whenever the two met Becky smiled broadly. She knew full well what Ryan had done was natural, was good, and was just a tiny part of the debt she owed him, a debt that money could never repay.
You've got me hypnotized
All it took was just one
Little look into your eyes
I'll do whatever you say
Command me and I'll obey

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Story jumps around too much. Often had to go back and reread sections just to try to understand what's going on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Yes thats your score. What the f*** was up with all the underlining every f****** word?

Chrissie39Chrissie39over 10 years ago
budding sex

A great story of an innocent girl learning about sex in the most sweet and sensual way, oh that I had been taught by such a master, OK not a story for the wham bang thankyou mam types, but for a woman who can still remember her first time it was exquisit, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

very good story, although it could use more sex, it was quite arousing though, very good!

grumpyggrumpygover 10 years agoAuthor
An explanation

This is not a chapter of Sixth Form Slimmer but a spinoff ... otherwise it would be titled 'Sixth Form Slimmer Chapter 3'. It has a similar theme and 3 common characters, that's all. However for the auto-link on my story page to work, the title has to be similar. In addition to the help in slimming, Gordon has given Becky more confidence in relating to others and more self-confidence in her own imperfect body. He also gives her more sexual knowledge and ideas how to attract and keep boyfriends. If you read the two previous stories you would see Gordon's hypnosis isn't perfect! Thus Becky is {a) able to give her brother some reward for tackling the bullies and (b) some titillation for her father, banned from viewing any female flesh whilst his wife is around. Thus it is Becky who offers interest in her body, not her brother or father who makes the first move.

Whilst I welcome any comments, do please try to understand the story first.

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