Skating Free


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Scott and Myung-dae exchanged amused looks; both knew there was no changing Chin-sun's mind on this.

"As you say, young lady."

Seeking to turn the conversation to more pleasant topics, Scott asked, "I am curious how you became so fluent in English? Were you educated at university?"

"No, no, nothing like that," Myung-dae grinned. "I learned English as a boy. I lived right here in this same town when the war first broke out. Those were difficult times. We had no desire to join the fight of the northerners, yet they saw us as their subjects all the same and occupied our village. When the combined forces of the south and the Americans began to push them back, the northern soldiers began to show their cruelty as they retreated. There were new calls for our men to join their forces, and all who refused were killed. My parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances one day, never to be seen again. All I had left was my older sister, but even she was taken from me, captured by an officer as a trophy bride. She surrendered to them while ordering me to hide, ensuring I would not be caught. I owe her my life...

"In any case, it was not long before the American forces arrived in the village. They saw the devastation we faced at the hands of the northern forces, yet we who remained still offered them hospitality. It was during this period that I began to learn English. I was not the fastest learner, but the men I would see every day were kind and patient with me. Some of them would come to the market every morning to purchase fresh fruit, which I understood was a luxury for them."

"Damn right," Scott snorted. "Military meals are functional and not much else."

"Indeed," Myung-dae laughed. "Those men left a positive impression on me, and I continued to practice my English even after the war had ended. As a young man with few prospects and no family left, I knew I would need every advantage I could find. Learning one of the most common languages in the world seemed to be such an advantage, especially once I served a few years in the military. I was one of the first members of the KATUSA assisting the U.S. military."

"I am so sorry for your hardships," Chin-sun said. "I know the pain of which you speak. My grandmother was also taken as a trophy bride as a young woman. It is due to her stories of the life she knew before that I decided to seek my freedom."

"It is a sad story, yet all too common, I fear," Myung-dae nodded. Turning to Scott, he asked, "What is your plan? When we find defectors, we will normally alert the local authorities. They then escort the defector to a secure location where their case can be considered by our government. But considering what you told me before, I sense that you do not wish to do this."

"I'm not sure what would be best," Scott replied. "The agreement to disallow defectors was for the Olympics, which are officially over. I suppose there is a chance they would now accept her, but I'm not willing to take that chance. The official that stopped her yesterday and sent her back to the North Koreans is a man my superiors suspect is secretly working to prevent defections. To be honest, I think our best option is to get Chin-sun out of the country. She does have her passport, at least."

"There is one thing," said Chin-sun. "North Korean passports are only issued on a temporary basis for specific purposes. Mine will expire at the end of the day tomorrow."

"Dammit... looks like that settles it. We need to get you out of the country tomorrow," Scott answered.

"How do you plan to do this without permission from the government?" Myung-dae wondered.

"I have an idea about that," Scott grinned. "In any case, all we need is transportation to Yangyang International Airport."

"I will be happy to drive you in the morning," Myung-dae replied. "Now, if you will excuse me. I will prepare your bedroom, then I believe I will need my rest. Tom, Chin-sun, good night."

As Myung-dae took his leave, Scott pulled out his cellphone and dialed his brother.


"Hey, Doofus. It's me."

"Shit! Where the hell are you?! I've been waiting for you at the airport, got reporters swarming all over me!"

"Things went south. I've got her, but we're stuck for the night. You need to head on home. Get back to the States." Thinking a moment, he continued, "Wait, you said there are reporters there, right? Any TV cameras?"

"TV, papers, you name it."

"Talk to them, give a quick interview on camera. Trust me."

"Dammit, I hate when you get like this... fine. You be safe, Bonehead."

"We will." As he hung up, Scott saw Chin-sun eying him with a confused look. "That was my brother," he explained. "My twin brother."

"Oh!" she realized. "His name is Tom?"


"I see... he is pretending to be you, and you him!"

"Exactly," Scott grinned. "Gives me an alibi for tonight. Oh, speaking of which, I need to call Major Parker."

Two rings, then, "What's your status?"

"I've got her. We're safe for the moment... but down a man."

"Goddammit. What happened?"

"Braveheart was covering me from the driver's seat, but the bad guys got a shot off. Bullet hit the fuel line. Your SUV exploded. I'm sorry..."

There were several seconds of silence before Leon replied, "I suppose he knew what he was getting himself into. Where are you?"

"A little village near the border. A kind old man offered us shelter when he learned our girl is a defector. We'll be heading to the airport in the morning. Her passport expires after tomorrow."

"Ok, I'll be there. Meet in the Middle East?"

Scott smiled, recognizing Leon's code for meeting up in the shitter. "That works. See you then."

As he hung up, Scott saw Chin-sun making her way down the hall towards the guest room, so he decided to call it a night himself. He arrived in the simple room to find her turning down the covers of the double bed. Chin-sun then removed her heavy coat and hung it up, reminding Scott of her beautiful form. He soon shook those thoughts from his mind and kicked off his boots before grabbing one of the pillows from the bed. Scott was about to get settled on the floor, but Chin-sun gave him an odd look.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Giving you the bed," he replied. "Don't worry, I'm fine down here."

Chin-sun snorted a bit. "Scott, we have a bed big enough for two."

"I know, but you've had a hard couple of days. You need to be able to sleep well without having to share with my fat body."

"Your body may be many things, but fat is not one of them," she giggled. "Scott, please. I feel so much safer with you close to me."

He hesitated for several seconds before stammering, "I... I don't want to presume-"

Chin-sun was having none of it. In a bold move that shocked even Scott, she slid across the bed and grabbed his arm, yanking him onto the mattress with her. This led them both into a much-needed giggle-fit. They tried to muffle their laughter as best they could so as not to disturb their host, but that was a tall order. After a minute or two of this, both of them began to feel more relaxed and at ease. Though Scott would never take this as a signal that Chin-sun wanted to do anything other than sleep, he was finding it harder and harder to ignore his attraction to her. It wasn't just her physical beauty, though she had that in spades. No, it was her courage and her ability to hope that attracted him more than anything else. In spite of all the horrible circumstances she endured on a daily basis, she held onto her grandmother's stories like they were the Word of God, even to the point of having the courage to try and escape. She was an inspiration.

As the two of them laid there face-to-face on their sides, something unseen seemed to be drawing them together. Their faces began to inch closer, and both could feel the glorious tension between them rising. The moment Chin-sun's nose grazed Scott's, the resulting spark of emotion was too great for either of them to ignore. Scott remembered the impromptu kiss she had given him at the stadium, but this was completely different; this was a true crescendo of emotions with nothing spontaneous about it. Collecting his courage, he ignored every logical thought in his mind and closed the remaining gap between them, pressing his lips to hers.

Chin-sun was, in a word, exquisite. Scott could think of no better way to describe her. In spite of the frigid weather outside, her lips remained soft and moist, having been helped by their tea from earlier. At first, she seemed to return his affections, moving her lips in time with his. But just as Scott was about to place a hand on her cheek to draw her closer, Chin-sun pulled back all of a sudden.


Scott blinked from her sudden movement. "I... Chin-sun, I'm so sorry. I-"

"Do not be sorry, Scott," she replied, standing and beginning to pace the room. "I do not do this because of you. I would be so lucky to have a man like you, but... you do not deserve that."

"Don't deserve that? What are you talking about?" he asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Scott... I am dirty. Used. You don't want to be with a girl like me." When he made no reply, simply gazing at her with the same loving look in his eyes, she continued, "It is one of our duties as Spirit Ambassadors. We are not only responsible for promoting our homeland while abroad. We must also meet with government officials and provide... entertainment."

Scott's blood now began to boil at what she was suggesting. "Entertainment?"

Chin-sun nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Sometimes, we are sent in a group for several of them where we are forced to... play games with them. Other times..."

"Stop. You don't owe me anything more," Scott said, approaching the crying girl and wrapping her in a hug. "I don't care what they forced you to do, Chin-sun. That doesn't make me think less of you. If anything, I admire you more for it."

Chin-sun looked up at him with confusion in her eyes. "But I am dirty! How could a nice man like you ever desire a girl like me?!"

Sidestepping the direct question for the moment, Scott asked, "When you say 'dirty', are you saying these men gave you a disease of some sort?"

She shook her head. "No. It is one of the only good things about this duty. They test us every two weeks. No official would so much as touch a girl who contracted a sexual illness of any sort. Kim Yo-jong certainly wouldn't be planning what she is for me if I had..."

"Planning? What's she planning for you?" Scott asked, knowing his suspicions about the lady.

"She... wishes me to be her brother's... personal bedwarmer," Chin-sun said through her tears. "If I resist in any way, my family will be killed."

Goddamn, she's a sadistic bitch, Scott thought. "Is your family in any danger from your defection?" he asked.

"I do not believe so. In the past, families are used to make an emotional plea for defectors to return by choice. If we succeed, I assume that is how they will be used."

"Then nothing changes," Scott replied. "And that applies to everything you've told me."


"Chin-sun, I don't care what those men may have done to you; none of it changes how I feel about you," Scott said, taking her hands in his. "You are the most incredible woman I have ever met in my life. You've got more courage in your little finger than the U.S. Army, and I would know. Last night, I said I'd do everything I could to help you earn your freedom. I meant that; I'll risk anything and everything for you, Chin-sun. I... I'm falling in love with you. And even if you don't feel the same way, even if you want to leave and never see me again once we escape, I'll still do anything to keep you safe."

Fresh tears now began to well up in Chin-sun's eyes as she listened to Scott profess his feelings for her. From the moment he first saved her, she knew she would have been willing to do anything for his help, even becoming his personal plaything. Better him than with the horrible men back home, she had reasoned. But he had never once attempted to claim her for himself, never once demanded payment or compensation for his efforts. Now, her fears of rejection from her previous experiences began to melt away, replaced only with her desire for this one man. Scott Erickson truly was the most wonderful man in the world, and Chin-sun wanted nothing more than to grab onto him and never let go. As she finally let go of the last of her fears, she cupped his face in her hands and pushed up onto her toes, meeting his lips with hers. After a few seconds, she dared to allow her tongue to enter his mouth, eliciting a delightful moan from Scott. They continued in this manner for a few minutes before parting to catch their breath.

"Scott," Chin-sun whispered, "will you make love to me?"

"Chin-sun, we don't have to-"

"I wish it," she said. "Just... in case we do not make it... I want to know for once what it is supposed to feel like. To give myself to a kind, deserving man."

With that, Chin-sun unzipped Scott's coat and pushed it off his shoulders. As she began to unbutton his shirt, he gave up any thoughts of resisting her; she had rendered him powerless. He did have the presence of mind to disengage for a moment and retrieve his pistol from the pocket of his coat and lay it on the nightstand by his side of the bed. By the time he had done this, Chin-sun was already on him again, pulling his shirt off from behind him and fiddling with his pants.

She's having fun... guess I should, too, he thought.

Before Chin-sun could make any further progress on his pants, Scott spun around to face her and scooped her up in his arms, eliciting a delighted yelp from her. She was light and easy to carry, he found, and he knew as he held her in his arms that he never wanted to let this girl go. He planted a loving kiss on her lips before laying her down on the bed and reaching for her pants. She gave no struggle, raising her hips to allow him to slip them off, leaving her in just her long-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of white cotton panties.

Enraptured by Chin-sun's beauty, Scott stammered, "I know it's cold, so... if y-you wanna leave your shirt on..."

Chin-sun only gave a flirty smile and shifted onto her knees, peeling her shirt off to reveal a simple white bra. "I want nothing between us, Scott," she purred, reaching behind her back to unhook the clasp.

Scott swallowed hard as she shrugged and allowed the bra to fall to the floor. To him, Chin-sun's body wasn't just sublime, it was perfection. Her fair skin complexion seemed to glow in the light of the bedside lamp and was only further accentuated by her dark black hair. His eyes soon found her B-cup breasts, high and perky on her chest. A pair of tiny brown nipples protruded from them, and they already appeared to be rock-hard from their foreplay. As he drank her in, Chin-sun only smiled and slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, slipping them down to her knees and revealing her bare pussy at long last.

"Do... do you like?" she asked in a nervous voice.

Scott smiled right back at her. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Thank you," she blushed. "Is it my turn to see you?"

Scott finished unbuckling the belt Chin-sun had already fiddled with earlier, lowering his pants to the floor. Her eyes went wide at seeing his size; even with his boxer briefs still on, his erection appeared far larger than any she had ever seen, let alone touched. She briefly wondered if he would be too much for her, but her instincts soon decided that she didn't care. Seeing Scott hesitate to drop the last of his clothes, Chin-sun leaned forward and pushed his underwear down to his ankles.

"Oh, my," she gasped, touching his member with a trembling hand. "Are all American men so big?"

"Um, I'd say I'm... a little above average," Scott managed, trying desperately not to blow too soon from her stroking.


To Scott's relief, she then released her grip on his cock and took him by the hand, pulling him into bed with her once more. Their bodies were both like ice by now, considering the weather outside and their slow pace in undressing, but they both relished in each other's warmth under the covers. Through it all, Scott managed to restrain his urges, reminding himself that he needed to show Chin-sun how women are supposed to be treated in bed. They kissed for several minutes, allowing their bodies to warm each other back to a comfortable level. Soon, Chin-sun broke their embrace and bit her lower lip.

"Scott... would it be ok if... um..."

"What is it?" he asked gently.

"Could... could I be... on top?" she managed. "It's ok if you say no," she continued quickly.

"Of course, you can be on top," Scott replied with a slight laugh. "Why would you think I'd say no to that?"

Chin-sun shrugged. "All the men I have known enjoy... submissive women. We are expected to know that our place is on our backs, quietly taking whatever the man has to give. But there was one time I spent the night with a soldier who had sustained severe leg injuries and had to lie on his back. Our only option was for me to 'ride' him, as he put it. I found the experience... exhilarating."

Scott leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Those men don't know what they're missing out on. To me, everything is more fun with two active participants. Besides, I'm just glad to be here with you. Whatever you want to do is what I want to do."

With a twinkle of excitement in her eyes, Chin-sun swung her leg over Scott's torso and pressed her chest into his. She could feel his equipment pinned against her abdomen, as well as every twitch of anticipation it gave. She continued to tease him a bit, planting playful kisses on his chest and grinding her lower body against his cock. Scott was in blissful agony as he laid there and allowed her to have her way with him. Soon, she could wait no longer to join with him and shifted her pelvis appropriately.

Scott held his erection still for her as Chin-sun pressed her entrance against his tip. Her eyes bulged a bit as he began to penetrate her, but she remained undeterred. She sank down a couple of inches and stopped to allow her juices to seep out and coat the rest of his length. After returning to his tip, Chin-sun continued her descent, managing to take more than half of him this time around. All the while, Scott remained patient and understanding, never rushing her or forcing the issue. Chin-sun was in complete control of the situation. At last, she managed to sink all the way down to the base of his cock, halting for several delicious moments as she savored the feelings of fullness.

"Oh, Scott..."

Scott said nothing in reply, simply running his fingers along the supple skin of her hips and tummy. Chin-sun enjoyed that sensation and soon began to work his cock with her sopping wet pussy. Her speed increased little by little, and Scott became entranced by her long ponytail swaying with every graceful movement she made. After a few minutes of this, the poor boy couldn't help but reach up and take hold of her firm breasts. They were a perfect fit in his hands, and Chin-sun seemed to have just the right amount of sensitivity that his touch enhanced every sensation without overwhelming her.

All too soon, Chin-sun was bucking and convulsing on top of him, the musky scent of her pussy filling the room. As Scott began to worry about their volume, he pulled her down to lie on his chest and sealed his lips around hers. She replied in kind, her tongue dueling with his as she rode the crest of her orgasm. The feeling of Scott's strong hands running down her back to grasp her perky ass only served to intensify the experience. At last, she began to slow, though she remained impaled on his stiff rod the entire time.
