Ski Trip Got Away From Me

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Ski instructor + gorgeous shy wife = seduction.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 03/24/2012
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First let me say that many men like me whom pursue then marry exceptionally beautiful women are voyeurs at heart. It doesn't mean we want to share them sexually with other men or be cuckolded but I did find you can get into more trouble than anticipated.

My wife Jenny is a head turner from day one to now even after a couple of kids. Here long auburn hair, green eyes and smooth fair complexion are just the back drop like canvas for the rest of her physical attributes. If you asked me what attracted me most in a women's figure I would have to say a nice firm rear end and legs to go with it. That is not to say I don't relish beautifully firm breast which I do but a great ass gets me first. Jenny has it all and most definitely a perfect ass and legs, but as luck would have it her breast are superb. Not overly large that they might flap around during sex, but full and firm like half grapefruits, capped by wonderful nipples that enlarge when excited like two small strawberries.

Kissing is a major turn on for Jenn, just the sensation around her full lips will open her up to deeper passion. She has had an orgasm from sucking and titillating those sensitive nipples.

But as time went on in our marriage and the stresses of raising a family and earning a living grew the enjoyment around sex diminished and became mundane.

This is when I noticed that the voyeur in me began to take precedent in how and what would turn me on. Pornography became more available and I began to enjoy it more and more which in turn the inevitable fantasy initiated by some innocent flirtation by Jenny would play out in my mind to a greater and much more involved extent than the actual flirtation.

Of course the male's roles in these flirtations were never quite so innocent. I knew where they were coming from being a horny male myself and with the object of their desires being Jenny there was little guess work involved here.

These fantasies began to evolve and threaten to become real on a well anticipated ski trip to Lake Tahoe. Jenny and I were both barely intermediate skiers and wanted to get back into it and increase our abilities while still young enough to take advantage of it.

I am in my early thirties and Jenn her late twenties. We planned a few days to take off together without the little ones and take some professional lessons during the week to avoid the onslaught of weekend warriors heading to the slopes.

We decided on the North Star resort and booked a room right there at the resort. Since it was mid week we got lucky and we were the only two signed up for the morning lesson.

We signed up for an hour long lesson for 11: AM. The morning was beautiful and already warming up a bit by the time of our lesson. Our ski instructors' name was Todd and we met him at the designated lift. He seemed immediately happy to lay eyes on Jenny and his attention and focus stayed primarily with her the entire lesson with me getting the bare minimum to maintain some sense of appropriateness.

Todd was a ruggedly handsome guy a few inches taller than me and obviously a great skier. There was relatively little physical contact between Todd and Jenny beyond the perfunctory hand to the shoulder to make a point every so often and of course after our initial handshake nothing towards me. I felt his attitude grow a bit arrogant as the lesson progressed but he still remained professional.

The lesson ended and we broke for lunch. Todd said his goodbyes and mentioned he had hoped to see us around. It had grown warm and the snow would soon soften and get sticky so before leaving he offered to take our outer wear and stow it for us. This really was great because trudging down to find and pay for a locker was a hassle. I peeled off my jacket and Jenny took off hers and Todd's eyes pretty much bulged out of their sockets.

Jenny was wearing form fitting bib overalls which accentuated her amazing ass over a snug long sleeve light blue t-shirt. The straps of the one piece overalls wrapped around and outlined her breasts pulling the material snugly around them and with the slight chill from removing her jacket her nipples were quite evident. Even I wanted to get my hands on them right then and there.

Todd's demeanor took a definite shift to predator and he volunteered to meet up with us later if he was free. Sensing his obvious desire as well as my own hit me as a chill in my gut and I found myself a little breathless and jealous.

Jenny was pleasant and seemingly oblivious to these emotions she elicited from her male admirers, but one never knows for sure. We headed back out to the lifts and after a few runs we were both getting a little tired and were discussing whether to call it a day when Todd showed up at the lift line.

Erring on the side of caution I interjected that we were pretty tired which he then used as an opportunity to say how great we were doing and thought he could show Jenny one or two more tips that I, he said, had already mastered. That was pretty clever as I was free to rest and he and Jenny would take one more run together. They poled over to a different lift and took off together engaged in what appeared to be a lot of animated banter. They were alone on a 3-person chair next to each other in the middle which I guess makes sense. I headed into the bar for a beer and awaited there return.

About 45 minute later they came into the bar and it was two runs later not one, but whose counting. Jenny was a bit flushed as I would think from the warm temperature and exertion and her breast and nipples were still prominent but somehow slightly wet.

Todd said his good-byes offering Jenny a bear hug and me that perfunctory hand shake and said something about meeting up later at the bar. We got back to our room and I asked Jenny about the last couple of runs. She said Todd was great, but took her to a slope she felt was a little much for her.

Consequently on the way down she hit some deep powder and took a tumble. Todd was right there apologizing and helped her up and began brushing the snow from her. Jenny was pretty much covered from head to foot in snow and with one arm around her waist bracing her he used his free hand to brush the snow from her body. Jenny was holding on to her poles and later told me she was a little embarrassed when he took his time brushing snow off of her top, breast and nipples included.

She was further embarrassed as the wet chill caused her nipples to swell to complete hardness. Todd had removed his gloves for this and took every advantage to caress her legs and ass as well somehow seemingly with a professional innocence. Why was I getting an erection? It was because, the voyeur in me as I pictured this scene took over and I was excited by it.

We headed up to our room to shower and change. I figured our towels would still be wet from the morning so rather than wait for dry ones to be delivered I left Jenn to go up to our room without me and detoured down to the front desk to get fresh ones. I had to pass through the bar on my way and noticed Todd and a friend seated there having a beer. Todd notice me and after a slight nod of recognition turned back to his friend and smiled with what I conjectured had something to do with me or more directly Jenny and her luscious body. I retrieved new towels and ignored Todd and his friend as I passed through the bar to shower and get ready for dinner.

Surprisingly Jenn had already showered and the damp towels were enough to get her dry. She looked great dressed in a brown skirt and tan light weight button down sweater. I jumped into the shower and Jenn asked if I would like some wine from the room bar. I told her not from our room as the wine would suck and be twice as expensive as the bar or restaurant.

Before I could even react she said she would grab a bottle from the bar and charge it to the room. She was out the door and I just prayed Todd and company had already left.

I had finished showering, shaving and dressing and Jenny was still not back. I headed down the elevator to find her, knowing/fearing she was with arrogant Todd and his lascivious friend. The place was much more crowded now, but neither Jenny nor the two friends were at the bar.

I walked around a bit and found them seated at a tall, small circular table. They were engaged in an animated conversation and both men sat closer to Jenny than would be normal at a circular table. Todd was leaning into Jenny with his hand resting on the back of her chair occasionally touching her shoulder as he related some adventurous story to her. His friend whose name I would later learn was Ron smiled and chimed in with agreement to whatever was being said.

I was nervous and a bit jealous of the way they were obviously hitting on Jenny, but the voyeur in me got the better of me and I hung back out of sight for awhile and just watched. A waitress came over and replaced the finished bottle of red with another which means Jenny had to be feeling it pretty good. Two glasses was her limit and she at least had that many and was now on her third.

I decided it was time to make an appearance and just as I began to walk out of the shadows Todd reached over and turned Jenny's face towards his and planted a lingering, but very soft kiss right on her lips. Jenny was startled, but did not immediately pull away. As she did I appeared at the table and she was not sure what I had seen, but I covered by stating "oh there you are I was looking all over for you." Todd was friendly, introduced me to Ron and invited me to pull up a chair, but did not offer to get me one or move from his position next to Jenny.

We talked for awhile longer and after finishing that bottle of wine Ron mentioned that there was a reception for an Olympic ski champion in a Suite at the hotel and asked us along. I immediately begged off, but this girl was well known to Jenny and she really wanted to go. I relented and said fine since Jenny was into it I would go, but was pretty tired and did not want to stay out to late. Ron said no problem and would call up to get us on the guest list.

A few moments later he returned and with some regret said there was only room for one more. Jenny turned to me and with obvious disappointment declined the offer of the last opening. Without hesitation Todd turned to me and said "why not rest up a bit and we will have Jenny back in an hour or so." Great, what was I going to say now? I said "that's fine Jenny I know you really would love to go" and she said to me "are you sure Robert." Of course I was not at all sure, but did not say so. Off they went and off I went to my room with my head swirling with salacious thoughts as to what was or might be happening.

Sitting back alone in our room my mind and imagination went wild and finally after about 45 minutes I headed up to where I understood the event to be. On the seventh floor where the Suites were located there were a lot of people milling around in the hallway. I looked for the Suite where the event was taking place, but while several rooms' doors were wide open none seemed to be hosting the event. In fact upon asking several people they said the celebrity skier was around but there was not a formal invitation only event going on at all. Now I figured I was being set up and got a little worried for Jenn. I discretely searched the rooms many of which were connected to each other from the inside. There was loud music playing and a lot of partying taking place.

Finally I spotted Ron moving through the crowd with a bottle of wine in his hand and heading through to another room across from where I was standing. That Suite was mostly empty and there Jenn stood dancing a slow dance with Todd. The music playing was not really all that slow, but they still danced as though it was. Todd held Jenny close and was whispering something in her ear, his hands were caressing her back and sides and sometime up to her hair. Ron came up to them and they all moved to yet another Suite that was dark and had few if any guests inside. I move as discretely as I could to follow them inside.

They all three stood near the window looking out towards the slopes and I slid by them into what was one of the bedrooms of this suite.

I watched as they each had an arm around Jenn and slowly caressed her until Todd turned her towards him and kissed her at first gently like before, but soon much more passionately. Jenn put her hands against his shoulders to push him away and for a moment I thought I heard her say no Todd you know I am married.

He said something I could not completely hear, but it sounded like it is okay and began gently kissing her again. Ron's hands were on her waist and soon he turned Jenn around to receive a lingering kiss from him.

Jenn was sandwiched between the two of them. With Jenn still facing Ron and Todd from behind her he turned just her face towards him and again kissed her this time more passionately than before. Ron's hands moved up her waist to the front of her thin sweater and began caressing Jenn's breast. He used the palms of his rough large hands to gently run across her stiffening nipples and then began to gently tweak and role them between his fingers.

All the while Todd kept kissing Jenn now with what seemed like a rather large tongue ravishing her lips and mouth.

Already the top two or three buttons of Jenn's sweater were undone and Ron slowly and sensually began to unbutton the rest. He reached around Jenny's back and unclasped her thin bra and bushed it up revealing those luscious breasts and nipples. The cool air on her exposed breast brought Jenny back to the awareness of her surroundings and began to resist just as Ron brought his mouth down to her breast and began sucking and nibbling her right nipple. She now had her hands pushing against Ron's large shoulders, but her head was leaning back against Todd's. Todd was engrossed with the vision of Jenn's beautiful breasts being so thoroughly ravished that he forwent his own previous ravishing of Jenn's mouth and lips.

The two men now escorted Jenn right towards me in the semi darkness into the bedroom I was spying on them from. I quickly hid behind a large window curtain and was in the prime position to see if what looked like my fantasizing about was going to continue to unfold right in front of me whether I liked it or not. My dick was rock hard and straining against my slacks and I felt dizzy with a mixture of dread, fear and undeniable excitement.

They moved into the room and at the foot of the bed with Jenny still in between them began to remove first her sweater and bra and then her skirt. They each gasped audibly when her skirt fell to the floor and they saw just how gorgeous her legs and firm ass were. Her thong was slid from her hips and Jenny voiced a last vain attempt to stop what was happening, but there was not even an acknowledgement of it by the two men this time.

Todd and Ron both dropped to their knees with their hands trailing down Jenn's delicious body. Now Ron in front began to lick Jenn's shaved mound and sensitive clit while Todd licked her ass between her luscious cheeks. I could see his long thick tongue slide between her legs. Jenn was moaning softly and tried in vain to disengage herself from the intense onslaught of her pussy and ass.

Ron's hands caressed their way back up to cup her breasts and tweak and role her nipples. Jenn was losing it and looked as though she was also losing her balance and about to fall when the men stood up and laid her back onto the bed.

Both Ron and Todd attacked her breast aggressively sucking and even biting her now blood engorged nipples. Her back was arching up into their mouths as the relentless assault continued for what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes. During this time their free hands were busy running all over her stomach thighs and mound.

Then the inevitable happened Jenn began to orgasm. She bucked up so violently that their mouths came loose from her breasts. They each admired their accomplishment before Ron went up to Jenn's mouth and Todd to her cleanly shaved pussy. He gently spread her thighs as wide as his reach would allow and kissed and licked his way to her most tender center of sensuality. Her moaning was now constant and audible to anyone in the next room and for me being so close the slurping sounds of Todd's licking was causing me to become faint.

Uhhhh.........ohhhhhhhhhhhhh........yes, yes....oh my god! was a constant when Jenny's mouth was free from Ron's tongue and lips.

My gooooddddnesss...............yessssssssssss.......oh yes.........yes!

Ron moved away and quickly undressed revealing a muscular torso with some obvious scares from sport injuries. With his shorts remove his already hard cock sprang up standing to full attention, thick, reddish pink and long. Much longer than mine by 2 or 3 inches.

Todd was next as he also stood back and undressed. Broader and heavier than Ron, when Todd's cock was revealed it was just as long but thicker yet and darker in color with an ominous head dripping with pre-cum. Jenn still laying back breathing deeply stared at these large cocks with a smoldering lust. Legs still spread wide she accepted Todd between them and felt his large cock head begin to open her pussy to sensations until now unfamiliar to her.

"! You're so big, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh....easy.......please......... so big, so biggggg!"

Todd took his time and slowly worked his entire length into Jenn. Her legs and knees pushed further apart by his bulk, her face barely visible under, him he now began to really fuck Jenn harder, slapping his pelvis into Jenny's.

For maybe the third or fourth time Jenn screamed her orgasm as Ron watched stroking his own massive hard-on waiting his turn. Todd wanted more before coming himself and easily flipped Jenn onto her stomach and pulling her ass into the air audibly grunting his admiration for her now upturned ass.

His cock, wet from Jenn's juices, easily slipped in to the hilt and soon the smacking sounds of pelvis to ass filled the room. Ron took this moment to move in front of Jenn and offered his thick cock to her already open panting mouth. She took it without question and allowed this brute to fuck her mouth forcibly.

Todd now over the top held his giant cock as deep as he could in Jenn's pussy and grunting loudly released his load of cum, filling her till it leaked out from her pussy lips. I think she came again with her mouth full of Ron's cock.

Todd momentarily satiated pulled out and Ron quickly flipped Jenn over onto her back once again and entered her and fucked her furiously for another 10 minutes and then, with his mouth glued to hers, emptied his balls deeply into her well fucked pussy.

They lay on either side of her now gently caressing her and kissing her. I took this moment having come myself all over the curtains to sneak out of the room and make my way back to our room still dazed and confused as to what had just transpired. Unbelievably I jerked off again and came before Jenn finally came in to our room a couple of hours later.

Apparently she was fucked again by both men till all were too exhausted to continue.

Next Jenn tells her side.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 8 years ago
HOT, but ...

The very first sentence in this tale has a hideous grammar error. 'Whom' is NOT a fancy way to say 'Who!'. If you HAVE to make a mistake, just use 'who' all the time, rather than using 'whom' wrong!

Trouble is, it never gets better regarding word mechanics! There are too many instances of the Bulls ignoring Sweetie's protestations. That, and use of hard-drug laced weed, suggest a strong case for rape! Certainly Reluctant & Non-Consent.

screwherscrewheralmost 10 years ago
My wife

Nice!! Would love for a couple studs to screw my wife like this.

javmor79javmor79almost 11 years ago

My biggest turn off is a stupid women, or a woman who pretends to be stupid. When women pretend like they don't know they are being played, I immediately know that there is no future for us. Women who like to flirt, that's all fine and dandy. If a woman, especially a married one, falls into an obvious trap, there is nothing to talk about. If a guy invites a woman out and not her husband, she is an idiot to accept. If she just met this guy and is willing to go off with this unknown person without her husband, she is an idiot. Or wants you to believe she is an idiot. I believe in forgiveness, but if you continue to play me and say that you didn't see it coming, you haven't learned your lesson.

SleeplessinMD3SleeplessinMD3about 12 years ago
I really do not get this stories where...

the husband starts out saying he is not in favor of sharing his wife but does everything to allow it to happen. If you are into having another man or woman fuck your wife just say so. Why the dishonesty? It is like the teenage girl who gets drunk knowing that she will be "taken advanrage of" by her date. Just because someone is shy does not mean they do not know how to get fucked! Not once did she say no, in fact, she was anixous to leave her duffus husband behind to be with her studs. Now we are going to hear her side of the story? Please don't bother!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

started good but is same ole crap whimp hubby whens someone going to write where the hubby junps in and cole coks the guys with a chair or something then goes home leaveing the cheating whore at the resort, lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
A Great story!

You wrote a good one there! You don't see great stories of wife seduction like yours much anymore. The story was just right! I can't wait for the next chapter. Send me a note to look for it.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Loved It

5 stars, my thanks and please continue with these characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

The husband deserves to lose his wife. He knowingly allowed two men to get his wife drunkand take advantage of her even though he heard her protestations that she was a married woman. Had this been my wife I would have picked up the biggest object I could find and charged in there swinging. Any male who allows a woman to be taken advantage of like that is no man.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Topic is a favorite

I like stories in which faithful wives are skillfully seduced by snakes. This one was going fairly well (except for spelling and grammar) until the ski-bum and his bud get into the 'get her roaring drunk' tactic. Hubby is a slime-wad for not interrupting them once it is clear she's too drunk to give informed consent. No problem butting out (and even playing voyeur) if she is fairly sober and reluctantly allowing them to push her into a small gang-bang (may not have stayed that small in this episode, either)!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Dear New Author

You have to understand that several years ago, a small number of anonymous posters who were unable to satisfy their wives and had been cheated on, found the Loving Wives category and decided it was their mission to fix things. Pay them no mind, they're just angry little men who deserve out pity more than our scorn (though, in truth, I give them more scorn than pity).

That said, while your idea is interesting, you need an editor. The grammar and spelling both need help. There is a volunteer editor forum on the bulletin board, you should look into it. In the long run, it';ll make you a better writer.

Looking forward to the wife's post. What was her motivation?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
6-yr-old phonetic spelling

Sweet? I mean, really! And surely even US dictionaries explain the difference between 'then' and 'than'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
You have to be shitting me

1% of the readers/commenters in LW are women; the vast majority are closet cuckolds feel ashamed about sporting wood and leave negative comments in some idiotic attempt to clear their conscience. That cuck Duna represents 50% of the comments by himself.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ JohnTaylor You are right. I wrote a similar comment about this last year. Yes a woman sexual fantasy the wimp willing cuckold husbands with much money for meal tickets and free cheating adventures. However there are the willing cuckolds from the male people as well. The problem only the unwilling cuckolds are much more than the willing cuckolds and this woman fantasy rarly will be satisfied similar to the sexual cannibalism fantasy. I wrote several times the wimp willing cuckolds have a IMPORTANT SCAVENGER FUNCTION. He should marry more and more slut wives and with this gathering function they assist the other male people because the average husband candidates meet less percentage slut wives candidates, so the all sociaty happiness level will increase and more children will live in whole family..

JonTaylorJonTaylorabout 12 years ago
Not My Cup of Tea

But to each his own. I think most people who like the wimpy cuckold husband stories are women. Surely telling Jenn's side would serve no purpose. This really is her side.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great fantasy story. Don 't be discouraged by the asshole remarks. Keep writing.


allenethanmallenethanmabout 12 years ago
Your story has great potential, but an editor would help

I don't like to be a language snob, but seeing little things like "sweet" instead of "suite" just makes me lose the flow of your story as I am distracted from the story line.

On the positive side, your hotwife appears to be embarking on a great trip to new heights. Her hubby will apparently see her pussy penetrated to depths he can never reach. Sounds like a great adventure. I can't wait to hear her perspective.

Lewy123Lewy123about 12 years ago

What a load of unbelievable crap

njlaurennjlaurenabout 12 years ago
the problem

with a story like this to me is the wife so easily throws her husband away ,she had to know she was heading towards getting fucked and it is like no big deal...few wives fall that easily....and quite honestly even if turned on few husbands after seeing their wife kiss another man like she did would just let her wander off like the guy getting off so easily is not very realistic.This is well written but in thesr lw tales things happen too easily....with a bit more depth and realism a story like this could be 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Olympic gold for this winning story. My favorite genre is beautiful women being seduced by strangers while they reluctantly protest but enjoy it immensely. You write these type of stories well and I look forward to reading many more of them from you. My gratitude for sharing .

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