Sloppy Seconds Captured On Tape Ch. 03


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I kicked my shoes off and lifted my hips so she could pull my clothes all the way off.

She knelt between my legs and gave the TV another look.


Troy was eating her pussy with abandon and she was obviously enjoying it.


She looked back at me and raised an eyebrow, as if to say "Well...?"

I sat there dumbly, hoping she'd follow through on the scene.

She leaned in slowly, obviously taking her time, and took my cock in hand. She held it lightly in a way that was guaranteed not to get me off. Then leaned a little closer and raised it close to her mouth. I couldn't help but strain and thrust up a bit.

She stuck her tongue out and ran it around the head of my cock. It felt fantastic. When she was in the mood, she could give a great blowjob. Of course, it felt like it had been ages since she'd been in the mood with me.

She slid just the head of my cock in her mouth and sucked on it, holding me steady with the other hand. She worked my head like that for what seemed like 20 minutes, but was probably more like 2. Despite the fact that I wasn't getting a lot of physical stimulation, I almost lost it. She was being such a tease and taking control of me in a way I'd always wanted but never gotten.

Her voice from the TV distracted me.


"Troy... Troy..." she moaned, trying to catch her breath.

He didn't stop at first but when she put a hand on his head and gave him a little push, he relented and looked up.

"Oh, god, that's good," she moaned.

"You like that," he said, sounding more like a statement than a question.

He started to go back to the task but she stopped him again, "Wait."


"I want you to... I want to try something."


Kathy continued teasing the head of my cock. But she was watching the TV with a grin that told me she knew what was coming and it practically made her giggle.


"What?" Troy asked.

"I want you to push me over the arm of the couch and lick me from behind."


I couldn't believe she was asking for that. She knew exactly what she was doing, reenacting the scene she and I had shared at my apartment. Hell, the couch was the matching pair to the loveseat at my apartment and everything!

I looked at Kathy. She glanced at me with a big grin, still only holding my cock without really paying it much attention.

I was tempted to get up and leave right then, try to get her out of my head, out of my life.

But she was still holding my cock and I wanted to get off in a bad way. And I think I knew exactly what was coming next and I secretly wanted it.

Well, not so secretly – I stayed, didn't I?


When I looked back at the TV, she was already standing at one end of the couch, bending over the arm just as I'd put her in my apartment. She'd tossed her clothes off. Troy moved behind her and buried his face in the crack of her ass.


Kathy let go of my cock and walked to the end of the couch and just stood there, waiting. I couldn't believe what she was doing on screen, much less believe what she was asking me to do in her living room. But something inside me wanted it. I got up and went to the end of the couch and stacked up some cushions. I bent over and looked at the screen, anxious to feel Kathy's mouth on me again.


Kathy stared at the camera with a big grin, the same grin she'd had moments ago, in the same position I found myself in. Her grin slowly turned into a grimace of pleasure as Troy licked and sucked her pussy from behind.


Kathy kept pushing my legs apart, bending my knees and such until my hips rested on the arm of the couch, my cock pushing straight down between my legs against the outside of the arm of the couch. Her hands grabbed my ass and suddenly her tongue was on my balls, hot and slippery. It made me moan, echoing the sounds coming from the TV. A moment later her hand wrapped around my cock and tugged it almost painfully. I felt like it was pointing straight out behind me. I had to lift up on my elbows to get some relief.

But then her tongue slid around the head of my cock, mixing feelings of pleasure with discomfort.


Troy had his hands on Kathy's ass. He pulled his head back, then inched up and changed his angle of attack. It took a moment to realize he was tonguing her ass. She moaned in appreciation.


Kathy let go of my cock and grabbed my balls in a firm grip. She'd played with my ass a little when we'd first started dating but I didn't expect to feel her tongue there. It startled me so much at first I clenched up. But after a moment it felt great, even better than it had felt on my cock in it's uncomfortable position. She teased around the outside first, then stabbed her tongue into me bit by bit.

It occurred to me she'd told me to go home and wash up because she knew exactly what she'd be doing later. Which meant she'd planned this before she'd even left the bar with Troy. It made my ego swell just a bit to think that while she was fucking Troy, she was thinking of me, even if it was thoughts of how she could mess with my head and turn my brains inside out.

And it felt fantastic.

But a second later I was distracted yet again by the voices coming from the TV.


"Spank me," Kathy sighed.

Troy didn't have to be told twice. He didn't even lift his face from her ass. He just lifted a hand up and slapped her butt.

She was reenacting almost every moment from our night in my living room, with Troy in my place.

And now reenacting it again with me in her place.

"Harder," she moaned.

He pulled back and gave her a good firm one, followed by another with the other hand on the other cheek. Something about it told me he'd done this before, with Kathy.


Kathy pulled away. I let out a little disappointed "oh." I was really beginning to enjoy it.

"Beg for it," she said behind me.

I let out another little "oh" of protest.

"Beg for it."

"Please... lick me."

"No, that's not what you're supposed to ask for."

"What?" I asked, not really understanding what she wanted.

But then her voice came from the TV, "Oh yeah. Oh Troy. Don't stop."


Troy kept spanking her, switching from cheek to cheek. Her butt jumped with every blow.


I knew what she meant. I just wasn't sure I wanted to ask for it.

But her fingers released my balls and trailed over them so gently it almost tickled. She knew that drove me crazy.

"Spank me."

"What?" she said, as if she couldn't hear, still tickling my balls so lightly.

"Spank me," I said again, probably not any louder than the first time.

Her hand came down on my ass, hard, making me jump.

I have to admit, the whole pleasure/pain thing really got to me. I wanted more, of both.

She took my balls in a firm grip again just before the other came down on my butt. She slapped me a few times on each cheek, causing me to shake from head to toe. At first it was exciting but after a few they started to really burn. Each blow coming through the speakers on the TV was repeated a moment later, almost like an echo. It got to the point where I was dreading Troy's blows to Kathy's ass because I knew a moment later it meant the same for me.

Then she stopped. I didn't know why at first but as I caught my breath I heard her voice on the video.


"In my purse..." she sort of whimpered a second, time but I hadn't been paying attention a moment before.

"What?" Tory asked.

But she didn't answer. He looked over to the coffee table and opened up her bag. He got a little grin and pulled out a paddle, a black leather thing a little smaller than ping pong paddle, maybe more oval in shape.

He went back to his place behind her and said, "You want me to spank you with this?"

"Yes," she said, quietly.

"Say it," he said, still with the grin on his face.

I wanted her to say it, but I knew it meant I'd have to say it too.


She dug into the couch cushions next to me. I didn't have to look to know what she'd stashed there.


"Paddle me."

Troy let her have a little tap, nothing as hard as he'd done with her hand.

"You like that?" he asked.

"yeah", she said, whining.

I think she and I had one long night of sex that wore her out to the point where she had that same tone maybe once. But this was the second time I'd heard it from her on video with Troy in as many months.

Troy gave her a series of light, fast smacks all around her jiggling butt with the leather paddle.


I jumped so hard I just about fell off the couch when she smacked me with the paddle. I had expected her to make me ask for it again, and I wasn't entirely sure I was going to. My butt burned all over.

But the paddle stung like a bee!

I couldn't help but let out an "OH!", followed by sucking in breath through my clenched teeth.

But she didn't give me time to relax. She followed Troy's lead, giving me a series of fast little smacks all over my butt, working around in circles from top to bottom.

I kept clenching my eyes shut, but when I opened them I watched the same thing happening to Kathy on TV.


She clenched her fists and jumped around on the couch, but Troy didn't stop. Instead, he moved closer and planted his cock right at her entrance. He held her hip in one hand and kept up the paddling with the other. I could tell he was about to fuck her, maybe paddle her at the same time. This was much hotter than the scene she and I had played out in my apartment.

Combined with the same thing happening to my ass as I watched, I was getting incredibly turned on.

Suddenly the action on screen froze.


She had paused the tape.

"You know what's next," she said.

My eyes were blurry with tears from the mix of pain and pleasure.

She let another blow land with the paddle. I jumped.

"Yes!" I whined.

I had the same whine she had on the TV, that tone that is helpless yet full of desire.

"Do you still want to watch the movie?" she said, her tone not in the least bit soft. She wasn't asking because she was worried. She was asking because she wanted to hear me say it.

I looked at the TV. The paddle was just above Kathy's butt, coming down or going up, I couldn't tell. He gripped her hip with the other and I could see his cock poised behind her. I wanted to see it.

I wanted to feel it.

"Yes," I said, amazed at how weak my voice sounded.

"Say it," she said, obviously trying to sound like Troy.

That's when it hit me.

She wasn't just doing this as Kathy and I. She was taking Troy's place in more ways than one. Fulfilling a fantasy of her own. Maybe one of watching Troy fuck me. Maybe one of me asking for Troy to fuck me.

But her fingertips trailed down my ass and over my balls and all I wanted to do was get off, any way I could.

"I... I want to see Troy fuck you," I said.

I probably knew what she really wanted to hear, but didn't want to say it.

Behind me I heard her moving around, digging something out from under the couch.

"What else?" she said, not letting me off the hook.

I heard the sound of a bottle top popping open and the sound of thick liquid bubbling out of it.


"I want... you to fuck me."

She dropped the remote next to me and moved up behind me. The tip of the dildo pressed against my ass.

"Say it."

"Fuck me."

She pushed forward just a bit. The tip of the dildo pressed hard against my ass, making me clench. I just wasn't ready for it.

But she held it steady and said again, "Say it."

"Fuck me, Kathy."

I felt her adjust something and suddenly my whole body felt like it was tingling – the dildo doubled as a vibrator. The feeling relaxed my ass almost instantly and suddenly the head slipped into me. It caused me to clench again, but Kathy stopped pushing and reached for the remote, still lying next to me. She started the video again and tossed the remote down.


Troy slid into Kathy in one long stroke, then held still for a moment and gave her a couple more slaps on the butt. Each blow made her jump and squirm and her ass jiggle.


The dildo slid into me slowly. I might have been able to relax with the help of the vibrations running through my body, but every time Troy smacked Kathy's butt on TV, Kathy smacked mine. The mix of pleasure and pain was getting more and more intense on both ends of the spectrum.

The vibrations got stronger and stronger the deeper she pushed the dildo into me. Then all the sudden I felt her hips against me. I couldn't believe she'd pushed the thing all the way in. With her pressed up against me, everything moved to another plateau of intensity. It was as if every time I thought it couldn't get any more intense, it leapt up exponentially.

And she continued to smack my butt with the paddle.

"Oh, that looks so good," she said behind me.

I wasn't sure if she was watching the TV or staring at the dildo buried in my ass. But then her fingers trailed over the burning spots on my butt and I figured she was watching the real thing instead of the video replay of her and Troy.


Speaking of, Troy dropped the paddle and grabbed Kathy's hips and really let her have it. I don't think I've seen porn stars fuck so hard. Kathy's face grimaced, but it was hard to tell if it was pain, pleasure or some of both.

"Oh... Troy..." she whimpered a few seconds later, telling me she wasn't going to complain about the rough treatment.


Kathy slid back until I thought she'd pop the dildo out of my ass, then thrust into me. I was surprised at how good it felt. Another slap landed on my butt, making me jump and whimper. Even though Troy had dropped the paddle on TV, Kathy apparently wasn't ready to let it go yet.

She pulled back and thrust into me again. I moaned and shivered, amazed at how the vibrations spread through my whole body. She gave me another smack with the paddle, changing my moans to whimpers yet again.

"You like this?" she asked behind me.

I just let out an "Ohh!" in response.

She smacked my ass again, "Say it."

"I like it," I said, admitting what I already knew.

The top of my cock was rubbing the couch. At first it had felt great but the rough upholstery fabric wasn't easy on the skin and things were getting sensitive, especially at the rim of my head. But again somehow the mild pain only increased the pleasure.

Kathy was breathing hard. The paddle dropped onto the couch beside me, freeing her hand so that both grabbed my hips. I could tell she was enjoying herself, even without looking. I could feel it.

"Fuck me, Kathy," I said again. I knew she got off on dirty talk. Or maybe I was getting off on saying it.

She thrust a little harder. She was definitely enjoying herself.

I could say the same for me.

"Fuck my ass," I said, trying to push back against her as she pushed into me.

I could hear Kathy and Troy on TV getting more and more worked up. I glanced at the screen to see them in a steady fuck, but I wasn't really paying much attention to them. Kathy started echoing her own moans behind me, "Oh... god... damn..."

It hadn't occurred to me she might be able to reach orgasm while fucking me. If I had been thinking about it, I probably just would've thought she was fucking me just to mess with my head. But rational thought wasn't exactly coming to me at the time.

Instead, I just squirmed back against her and moaned, "Oh Kathy, come in my ass."

Then a really strange thing happened. Troy's voice over the TV got louder as he moaned, obviously having a big orgasm. Kathy was twitching and thrusting and shaking at the same time and I couldn't help but picture it as Troy fucking me, coming inside me, instead of Kathy.

Looking back on it, I'm sure it's what Kathy wanted me to think. It should've been obvious while it was happening, but I got wrapped up in the moment and didn't think about the motives.

I tried to get the image out of my head. I'm not homophobic. I've even had a bisexual thought or two over the years. But it's not something I'm sure I'd ever act on, and I sure don't want it to happen with Kathy's fuck buddy.

Kathy let out a moan that pushed the image from my head. She thrust all the way in and held it for a few seconds, shaking hard.

"God... daaammmuhhh...."

I realized just how much I'd been pushing back against her when she held still. I was still squirming, pushing back and up against her hips. As she caught her breath I realized how weird the scene was, yet how good the whole thing felt.

My voice shook, "Kathy, I want to fuck you so bad."

She picked up the remote and started fast forwarding the tape. I didn't get a chance to ask why as the images of her sucking Troy clean flew past at high speed. Kathy was tugging at my hips, trying to get me to back up. I moved with her, finally releasing my cock from it's trap against the arm of the couch. She backed up bit by bit, pulling me with her. I started to resist, hoping to turn around and get her out of the strap-on so I could screw her brains out, but she held tight against me.

"You wanna come?" she asked, the stern tone returning.

"yes..." I said meekly, following her lead as she eased back from the couch.

One hand grabbed my shoulder and stood me up a bit. I pushed up on my hands on the arm of the couch. Apparently it was exactly what she wanted because she stopped me there, still bent over a bit, standing with my legs spread and her still behind me. The dildo jostled around inside me as we moved, the vibrations rolling around.

Her hand pulled my arm back and down, pushing my hand to my cock.

"Jerk off for me," she said.

"Oh, Kathy, please..." I started to say, but was interrupted by her thrusting the dildo into me.

"Oh shit," I whimpered.

The audio from the TV suddenly returned. Kathy had hit play.


I appeared, staring just off camera at the TV screen, then back to Kathy's bald, oozing pussy.

"Lick my pussy," she whispered.

She was replaying me going down on her again.


I tried not to watch. I tried to block it out of my head while I focused on stroking my cock and the incredible sensations buzzing through my ass. But Kathy's voice from the TV kept coming through, loud and clear.

"Lick it out. Yeah, lick his cum out of me."

Kathy fucked me, and soon I was matching her rhythm as I masturbated.

I doubt I lasted a whole minute. When I came my knees almost buckled. I shot semen onto the arm of the couch and carpet, shivering and moaning the whole time.

Kathy slipped out of me mid-orgasm, something she probably thought would bother me but the added sensations of my ass relaxing after all the stimulation only made the orgasm that much more intense. It felt like another orgasm in the middle of my orgasm!

Kathy walked away before I even finished spurting. She stepped into the kitchen and took off the strap-on.

I clung to the couch, catching my breath.

"Clean this up," she said, putting the dildo on the counter next to some paper towels, "and clean up the couch too."

She ignored me completely as I gawked at her, shivering and trying regain my senses. She walked over to the VCR and popped out the tape, then took the original out of the camera.

That's when it occurred to me, "You... weren't recording all of this... were you?"

She had cables running from the camera to the VCR but she'd never stopped the camera, only the VCR when she rewound it to show me the movie. The camera could've been recording the entire time.

"Maybe I'll send you a copy," she said, headed for her bedroom.

I didn't even get a response in mind before she said, "Don't forget to lock up on your way out."

She locked her bedroom door behind her.

A couple of days later I got the tape in the mail. I'd like to say I didn't watch it, that I just threw it away and got on with my life.