Sluts in Love: First Date

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Slutty pair of Liam/Heather sometimes lie about how they met.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/27/2024
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My first Literotica submission is also the first entry in a planned series!

As the title suggests, the follows the progress in the relationship between two promiscuous individuals who fall for one another and begin their exploring their romance without sacrificing the previous lifestyle they shared and which brought them together.

Though they are a heterosexual couple, this series will have a lot of themes including all manner of homosexual pairings, group sex, exhibitionism & voyeurism, BDSM, role-play and much more! There won't be much that'll be off limits for our impulsively hedonistic protagonists.

Hope you enjoy!~~~~~~~~

Heather and Liam are two London residents. Young professionals with a very active and rather wild sex life. Both being pansexual 20-somethings with a generous blessing of genetics and a diligent fitness routine, they had seldom struggled with an empty bed. They have always been insatiable and open-minded.

Neither had been in a committed relationship since their teens, choosing to forgo monogamy. They never even bothered to try for a poly relationship before meeting, choosing instead to live an unshackled and carefree, though hardly careless, life. They were always safe and always made sure their lovers knew that sex is all they were after. Being careful with other's emotions has always been important to both.

When they became a couple, they only got more adventurous, feeding off of each other's hypersexuality. They've been together for nearly a year now, and will be celebrating their first anniversary in just a few weeks.

They've had a few conversations on the subject of how they'd categorize their love and come to the conclusion that they are two very proud sluts in an open-relationship. They're both each other's true one and only, no matter how many playmates each has on the side or share together. Obviously, that's hardly the way they would describe themselves to anyone outside of their little circle of fun.

Maintaining the image that they're a typical monogamous couple is just a lie of omission to help keep things on an even-keel. This lie is not unlike what they tell people when they're asked how Heather and Liam met.

It was a casual hookup through one dating app or another; which one, neither of them could say. Both of them used every platform available at the time. At some point, those apps become interchangeable. It's just the way things are in the 21st century. They deleted their accounts when they got together, only to make new ones as a couple.

They decided early on in their relationship that they would become one of those couples that lied about how they met. It became a fun little game for them.

They had the principal lie they would tell; to family, close friends and important contacts; if and when they were asked. An amalgam of their narratives went something along the lines of:

"Met in the campus library, in the philosophy section. Heather was looking for 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius. Liam was browsing through an introductory book on humanism. They'd never noticed each other in class before, sitting on opposite sides of the lecture hall.

She was coy and asked if he had seen the one she was searching for. When he said no, she asked him if he could help her find it. They talked about the book he was reading while they looked around.

When he found her book, he was shy but managed to ask if she wanted to grab a coffee and chat about philosophy some more. When she said yes, he told her he was going to take her to the best café in the area. She said she had a favorite spot, being that she was a coffee addict, and would judge him based on his choice.

They laughed when they realized both had the same place in mind and, after several hours together seemed to breeze by, the rest is history."

The imagined scenario painted a picture of a romcom's simplistically charming meet-cute. It was very far from how it actually happened but was easy to remember and further embellish if they so fancied. It didn't raise many questions, either, since they had indeed gone to the same university, though they'd attended that class during different semesters.

They found that no one ever thought too hard about it, though.

There were other lies, of course. The ones they would tell to coworker or others who, likewise, would never have the opportunity to hear a contradiction of what they had been told. After all, how often does such a thing come up in conversation? Who would ask someone's family or friends something like 'Hey, can you confirm how Heather and Liam met?'

Those little white lies were the more creative ones.

Liam's favorite was the one he told the office busybody, a loud, obnoxious girl who loved being the center of attention.

"Heather was the new kid in elementary school. She'd transferred over when she moved from the East End. Her first day there, I caught her crying in the stairway during recess. She'd been bullied for her cockney accent, of course. I was going to walk right by because it was sort of awkward, but something made me stop and try to cheer her up.

I grabbed her attention with a 'hey' and told her this one of my dad's most god-awful knock-knock jokes, completely ignoring the fact she was crying. She groaned and told me my joke sucked. I laughed and told her that at least I tried.

We became friends, all the way through secondary. We started dating during our last year but that ruined everything. We graduated broken-hearted and no longer on speaking terms. Then, years after that, I was driving downtown when she rear-ended me. It was my fault, really. I stopped too fast because I thought I saw a bloody dog run past my car.

When she got out to yell at me, we were so surprised to see each other again, we didn't even bother with the fender-bender. The rest is history."

That got a big 'awww' from his gossiping coworker. The very next day, another girl told Liam that his story was the cutest she'd ever heard and that he 'shouldn't trust that cow' with any personal information.

Heather's lie to her 'work-husband', as she called him, was much dramatic and juicier. She had no fear he would spread the story around, so she took great pleasure in concocting the most salacious story she could come up with to test the poor man's seemingly modest impression of her.

"I was a bridesmaid at his wedding. Liam was marrying a good friend. She'd turned into a bridezilla during the wedding planning. She decided that they would have a "hag party" instead of a separate stag and hen. She wanted to make sure that the best man didn't have a chance to come up with something she would disapprove of.

Like most people, I thought that was more than a little unfair, considering it wasn't really about celebrating together and more about her lack of trust in Liam, who seemed like an absolute sweetheart.

They decided on a trip to Amsterdam, which everyone was excited about. When we got there, we expected hash bars, red light district, maybe some thumping nightclubs. Bridezilla decided they'd rent a boat and buy fireworks, instead.

Well, I could tell very early on that Liam was putting on an act, but really wasn't happy with his last night as a free man. So after a few drinks, I decided to give him exactly what his bride-to-be was afraid of.

I took him aside, we found a hidden spot, and... well, y'know... corrupted him. Let's just say that even after the vows and their honeymoon, Liam was still mine. The marriage didn't last long."

That got a chuckling 'wow' from her surprised, somewhat embarrassed coworker. The next day, she found that he had a blushing smile and divertive gaze every time they talked. The work-husband had work-divorced her.

Heather and Liam had laughed at each other's shenanigans when they relayed those stories. It made them feel almost as naughty as the things they got up to in the bedroom.

They told many other lies about the way they got together. It was just a chance meeting; a blind date set up by a mutual friend; they'd been drinking buddies with a long-running joke of being 'boyfriend and girlfriend' which eventually turned official.

Heather and Liam were very creative with their relationship's origin story, if for no other reason than they felt that their burning love and desire for one another deserved a story which reflected that. That, and taking liberties with the truth seemed to get their blood flowing, sometimes.

In reality, the story of how they met was much more straight-forward.

It was a primal urge. A mutual itch with a fairly typical way of scratching it, leading to an unexpected connection.

They'd both swiped right, or sent a heart, or clicked on 'interested'. Whatever it was, the internet matched them up.

Their profiles were both attractively unconventional to one another.

Heather's was brutally honest and offensively twisted and funny to the point of charming him.

Liam's was laboriously long and somewhat flowery and laughable to the point of charming her.

Both, however, left no ambiguity as to their intentions.

"Heather, 28, Camden Town, London - Single, 5'5, Athletic, Bisexual


Must be clean and be able to provide test results no more than 2 weeks old. If you don't have it on hand when we meet, I'll leave you with the bill and block your dirty arse.

P.S.: my profile says 'bisexual' because apparently these apps often forget there are more than two genders out there. Like me old man used to say: "a hole is a hole, slut. Now get on your knees."

xoxo, slags"

Liam thought that this was the exact kind of girl he liked. No pretense and no bullshit like Meyers-Briggs results or astrology. Just a girl, fit and on the pull.

"Liam, 26, Brixton, London. - Single, 5'11, Athletic, Bisexual

All I want in life is loud music, good food, sunny days and amazing sex. Anything else is a bonus.

Boys and enby folk - this is simple: I'm your top. For a chosen few, I'm your power bottom. The higher your pitch when you moan, the harder I'll try to get a nice squeal out of you.

Ladies - I'm whatever you want me to be. I'll be the water mindlessly running through the river of you. You choose my path, and I will follow it. I flow at the pace you set, whether you want churning rapids or gentle streams. I like you assertive, if not dominant. I like you confident, no matter what you look like. I like you whether you're using or loving me and appreciate those of you who can make me feel both at the same time.

Best of luck out there, babes."

Heather liked him immediately. He had a certain audacity which she didn't often see from men who weren't obvious narcissists. He didn't strike her as sexually aggressive but sexually confident, instead. She was also tempted by the fact they were both very transparent in their intention.

Their first online conversation was very short. Heather started it with a lot of confidence, which immediately made Liam think this girl was as awesome as he first suspected.

"Dinner @ the restaurant of your choice, then see where it leads?"

He replied immediately.

"Finger foods. I want to make sure you have no shame about being messy."

"You'll be pleasantly surprised, boy."

"Already am."

They exchanged numbers, worked out the details and met up later in the month when their schedules allowed. Heather took the time to plan how their potential night of fun might play out. Liam took the time to get tested again, something he did every few months anyway.

Heather made sure she was ready for anything that might happen. She dressed in a sensibly sexy, but casual outfit. She advised her then-flatmate to expect her to come back home with someone that night - she was nothing if not sure of herself.

Liam made sure that whatever might happen would happen. He overdressed in his best suit, wanting to impress. He told his then-flatmate not to expect him back that night and not to bother trying to reach his cell- he was nothing if not sure of himself.

Their first in-person conversation was very long. Liam started it by being very forward, which immediately let Heather know the boy was as interest as she wanted him to be.

"Nice to meet you, Heather. I already feel the need to know everything about you, but considering what we're here for, I'll try to measure my enthusiasm."

"Good. Don't want you falling in love with me."

"I can't promise anything but a fun night."

"Already is."

They had so much fun getting to know each other, that the warm summer evening fell away into the darkness of the night far quicker than they expected. They ordered wings. Liam got sauce all over his nice clothes, which Heather teased him about with an even greater mess over her mouth and chin. When he pointed out she was being twice as sloppy as he was, she nearly cackled. It was such an uninhibited laugh, that he couldn't help but follow suit. It wasn't the first or last time they made each other laugh hysterically that night.

Inevitably, they started talking about what their favourite exercise. The thing that brought them together.

"So... riskiest place you've ever had a shag?" She asked him.

"Cemetery, during the day. You?"

"My parent's bedroom."

"I mean... that can be weird, I guess. I've done it before. I think I win, though."

"While your parents were watching the telly in the other room?"

"Oh. Alright, I'll give you that one. I wouldn't have had the nerve."

"Now you ask me one." She instructed.

"Best and worst fuck?"

"Hmmm... best was this guy last year. It wasn't just his size. He was big, but not the biggest I've ever had. It was his stamina. He used every hole twice before he came, and then we went again in less than 5 minutes."

"Fuck me. Was he taking a prick-pill?"

"No! Just young and virile. Neighbour's son. I offered myself as a belated present for his 18th birthday."

"That's hot. Lucky boy... and the worst?"

"Ugh, me dad's best friend. I had a thing for him growing up. A few years ago he went through a messy divorce. I got up the nerve to call'im and invited myself over. He lasted 2 minutes and cried afterwards."

"Oh, c'mon, poor bloke. He'd just gone through a divorce."

"Totally understandable. I like a man who doesn't hide his emotions. But the fact he kept saying 'I shouldn't 'ave dun it. Shouldn't 'ave dun it. Yer me best mate's daughter. I watched ye grow up.' It killed the vibe. I managed to ease his guilt, but he still couldn't get it up after."

"Ouf. Brutal."

"Yeah. How about yours? Best and worst?"

"Best? Had this boy the day of graduation from secondary. Brian. We were good friends since our first year, bonded over the fact we shared our birthdate. He was the most effeminate boy in school n' got bullied a lot for it. You could say was very protective of him. Could say it was inevitable we'd fuck, too. Anyway, took him behind the stands in the footie field outside. There were others neckin' around there. We ended up with an audience of three girls who kicked their homophobe dates out. Naturally, one of those arseholes went and told one of teachers. By the time they came, I'd already filled his cute little arse. The girls, God love'em, busied the teacher by pretending they were drunk while we made a sneaky getaway. We fucked all night in my car after that. It's a fond memory. One of the few from that time in my life."

"Awww... you're so sentimental! Was it love?" She replied with a genuine appreciation for his candor.

"Oh, no. Well, there was a lot of love and respect for our friendship. But we knew we wouldn't have the chance to take it further. He moved to Birmingham for his studies after that. I wouldn't call it a missed opportunity, though. We had our fun. It just wasn't meant to be more than that."

"Very hot. Now... tell me the worst."

"Worst was this girl my mate introduced me to. She had one of those personalities, you know? Larger than life. I figured she'd be real fun in bed. She ended up being more prudish than a lesbian nun. Wouldn't touch or suck it. Just wanted the most basic of fucks. I felt like I was filming a nature doc. Half-expected Attenborough to pipe up and start narrating the process. She didn't want me doing so much as pulling her hair or giving'er a spank. Starfish the whole way through. Even refused to kiss during. She ended up tapping out after 10 minutes."

"Mein Gott, Herr Schawnz. Vas she ein virgin?"

"Ha! Schwanz... no. Nein, I mean. I don't think she was. She didn't say as much, at least."

"Huh. At least that might've explained it. Sorry to hear, Liam."

"Oh well. Luck of the draw, I suppose. Got any other burning questions?"

"How many lovers d'you think you've 'ad?"

"Oh. Let's see. I want to say over 100, but less than 2. How about you?"

"I've lost count. Well over that, though."

"Alright, alright, calm down, Maverick."


"Alright, Heather... here's one. What's the name of the last person you had?"

"Uuh... M-Michelle?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. You sound very sure of yourself."

"Okay, I can't lie... I don't remember. It was definitely an 'M' name. Please don't judge me too harshly."

"I don't. I was just checking. I had a notion that you wouldn't remember."

"Prick. Don't slut shame me, you slut."

"No, no. Don't take it the wrong way. I know we're both sluts, here. I don't remember the name of my last, either. I only ask because, since we're cut from the same cloth, I figured we'd have yet another thing in common."

"Oh, good. Alright, then, I don't feel bad."

"Maybe we should feel bad, no?"

"Maybe. But do we?"

"I don't think we do."

"Good. So... Liam... wanna go forget each other's names?"

"I doubt we will, Heather. I'm gonna make sure you're yelling mine out all night, and you're already unforgettable to me."

"Fuck. Well, alright, charmer. I'm wet. Got those test results?"

"In my car."

"Good. Mine's back at the flat. If I do end up forgetting your name, I'll make sure my flatmate remembers it for me."

"Poor girl. Maybe we can make it up to her if we keep her up all night?"

"What are you thinking?"

"By keeping her up all night, of course."

"Aaaah. Sly. Very sly, boy. Hmmm... I've tried a couple of times. Once with a guy, once with another girl. She's never said yes to a threesome and I don't think she would. Maybe it's me, maybe it's my choice of lover. I'll introduce you to her, fuck you senseless, and then check in with her to see if she's up for it. Might as well try again."

"Great. Let's go."

"After you, slut."

They giggled the whole way out of the restaurant, paying no mind to the dirty looks coming from other nearby diners. They hadn't bothered trying for modesty, even in public, and both spoke louder than good manners would allow.

They got started before they even got out of the parking lot. After giving his test results a cursory look on the way to hers, Heather pulled his zipper down and stroked him to his fullness.

"You better not be a one and done." She said, leaning down and licking him hard along the side of his shaft.

"What do you think, girl? You want music?"

"Absolutely not. I want you to hear me choking and gagging as I suck on this thick fucking prick. My, you're going to make me scream with this. Oh! Make sure to hi to anyone who spies me being my most cock-hungry self, will you?"

Heather managed to make it even messier than she had been while enjoying her food, and her blowjob was made all the better by the obscene sounds she produced out of his thoroughly lubricated cock with her mouth, tongue and throat. They weren't far from her flat when Liam had to pull over so he could let Heather have her well-earned load.

By then, he'd already said 'hi' to four people who'd spotted them, just as she had instructed. He'd even honked the horn at a group of drunken hooligans crossing the street in front of them, clearly on their way from one pub to another. The boys had cheered them on and even come up to the window to get a good look at Heather's skill. She did not disappoint them, of course, giving them a smile and a wink before deepthroating Liam again. One of the lads tried recording them, but was too drunk to work his phone in time before they drove off again.