Snow Sisters


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She would never have imagined that she would be trapped in a car with her sister, her lips sucking life giving milk from her teat. Amy would reach up with her left hand, sliding it into place beneath the breast from which she drank, and would cautiously lift and test the breasts weight. She tried to hide the gentle squeezes she would slip in casually between especially powerful sucks of Tanya's nipple.

Tanya leaned her head against the wheel well as her sister huddled over her breast. The sensation of the milk being drained from the nipple was exceptional and Amy's gentle sucking was exquisite. One of Tanya's hands drifted to the silky head of her sister and cradled it there over her breast. The whole car filled with the sound of Amy's slurping.

Tanya was a bit disconcerted by the shifting of Amy's waist over one of her legs. She now found herself, or at least her thigh, pressed between Amy's thighs. The red panties were not visible amongst the press of their naked skin and Tanya thought she could feel a different kind of wetness pressing into her.

Tanya was right. Amy's thighs were slightly rocking on her leg as she sucked on her breast. And with each rock, a small wet trail would cool and confirm for the older of the siblings that Amy was aroused by this activity. She was starting to grow disgusted by it, when Amy's lips broke their hold on her nipple. The stark cold air's caress was surprising and the heated kiss with which Amy greeted her was even more so.

Tanya's mind reeled as her sister's full lips pressed into her own, and then opened. A warm rush of her own breast milk rushed into her mouth. She swallowed the thick liquid quickly, wondering at Amy's audacity and strange behavior. Then their kiss was broken and Amy's head slipped back to her breast.

Tanya was surprised to find a similar reaction filling her own groin. With each slow rock of her sister's hips on her thigh, she found her own pussy waking. The gentle urgency of the motions, the soft sucking of her nipple, the persistent slurping from her breast, and then the full mouthed kisses filled Tanya with a desire she had not realized still existed. Long ignored, her pussy was quickly filling with a wetness of its own.

The next time Amy raised her head to her sister's mouth she was greeted with an open mouthed kiss, more passionate than the others. Once the milk had drained down Tanya's throat, she felt a tongue slip past her lips and her sister's hands curl into her hair. Seizing on the opportunity, Amy's tongue responded in kind. For several minutes the two sister's tongues danced and teased one another until they had to break for air.

Amy pulled back first, her hands going to her sister's sweatshirt. They gently pulled the heavy cotton material over Tanya's head and raised arms. Then her own sweatshirt followed to the floor.

Amy rolled to the side of her sister momentarily allowing Tanya to lay out fully on the floor. Her older sister piled the sweatshirts beneath her head in an improvised pillow. Then Amy slipped one leg back between her thighs and firmly nudged it into place against her sister's pussy.

Tanya lay there, feeling the growing heat as her pussy pressed into her sister's knee. There was something forbidden and taboo about feeding her sister with her own breast milk and now, now they were so close to having sex. Tanya's need was growing overwhelming. Waiting over a year to be touched with passion put her lust firmly in control. Her hips gently bucked, indicating the start of the games.

Amy did not immediately lower her body over Tanya's. For a moment she looked down over her sister's beautiful body. As Tanya's hips began to steadily grind her twat into her leg, Amy reached out and gently caressed Tanya's smooth stomach and the underside of her breasts.

Her movements were slow and deliberate, nails trailing across the wide open areas of white flesh. Small pink trails appeared then faded in their wake. Amy pretended not to notice her sister's urgent thrusting. She knew that Tanya needed release, needed to be loved and lusted after. And Amy was more than happy to provide it for her. Her foreplay would last a bit longer but soon her own body's needs would overcome any more delays.

Tanya stared up at her sister's small girlish tits, their dark rosy nipples and her smooth abs. One of her hands was lazily stroking an exposed breast while the other tenderly reached out to caress Amy's backside. Tanya was still grinding her pussy onto her sister's knee, but the intensity of the caress was only sufficient to make her want more.

Amy abandoned her position over her sister just long enough to slip her lacy red underwear from her hips and add them to a growing pile of discarded clothing. Tanya took the opportunity to do the same with her simple white underwear.

Then came a moment of crucial hesitation. The sisters looked at one another, evaluating their needs, their desires, and the risks of what they were about to surrender to. Amy, always the impulsive one, would make the decision first. She would recline again, this time with her head propped on one arm, at her sister's waist. Tanya was not used to any time of same sex interaction and pondered momentarily if this was the end of their adventure. She found herself regretting it if it was.

That thought of the end would dissipate when Amy's lips plant a small haunting kiss on her hip. Soon a small hand was inching its way up Tanya's inner thigh and she found them parting obligingly. Amy's kisses continued over her sister's hip bones and lower stomach. They would continue even as her fingers made their first contact with Tanya's labia.

The lips of Tanya's pussy were soaking wet. The pink folds were fully engorged with a steady stream of blood and they unfolded like a blossoming flower. They would part even more readily as Amy's fingers slipped inside them.

Tanya could not take any more slow teasing. She just needed raw passionate release.

"Please Amy, no more waiting. Just do it, please. Fast."

Amy looked up at her pleading sister with a small grin. Her other hand slipped between her thighs and began to toy with her own fired twat. Her left hand's fingers began their steady upward journey into Tanya's pussy. Complicit, Tanya hips would rise from the hard floor of the car allowing the fingers to slip deeper inside. Then they slowly slid out again.

Soon a steady forceful rhythm was established as the fingers plunged over and over into Tanya's pussy. Amy was enamored with the vision of her fingers plunging into the pink folds of her sister's pussy. She loved the way they glistened even in the darkness. She loved the smell that was released as they slid backward out of the twitching walls of sensitive skin. She loved the gentle trembles of her sister's thighs as they squirmed beneath her tender attention. It was a vision of eroticism for the young college graduate.

Tanya did not have to wait long for the sweet eruption of orgasmic release. It had been far too long and the situation was far to intense for her to hold back. Her legs would drive together, trapping Amy's digits mid thrust as her waist bucked up and down, the power of the need and the strength of the solution overwhelming her.

"God yes! Oh, God yes! Oh Amy, oh wow!"

As Tanya calmed and some sanity returned, Amy teased her. "You liked that huh? It seemed to have been a while. The floor and my hand are drenched."

"Shut up. I told you it had been a while. God that was fantastic. But I'm being selfish. What do you want sis?"

Amy grinned at her sister as she pulled her fingers from her sister's pussy and licked them clean. Tanya's eyes widened a bit at that, but the biting of her bottom lip told Amy that she was more intrigued by the action than anything. Amy rolled onto her back and spread her thighs. One arm reached across her and took Tanya's.

Obligingly, Tanya allowed herself to be led. She found that Amy's hand guided her up and over her head. Kneeling there, looking down at Amy's grinning face she wondered what was coming next. When Amy's hands reached out and gripped her ass and pulled her forward over her mouth, she realized what was being requested.

Tanya had never done it in a "sixty-nine" position, but she knew about it. Excitedly her thighs shifted into place and she leaned forward, her head lowering towards Amy's pussy. She had to pull her hair back and flip it over one shoulder as her body pressed down into her younger sister's thinner form. Tanya took a moment to adjust to this unique and intensely sexual position. She could feel Amy's tits pressed into her hips and she could feel her own erect nipples being crushed into her sibling's stomach. Then the caress of Amy's hot breath over her pussy lips drove her to action.

For the first time in her life, Tanya ate pussy. And she ate it very well. Tanya acted instinctively, on what her own pussy wanted and it worked wonders for Amy. Amy was surprised by how quickly Tanya took to eating her out. The moment she had breathed on her lips, Tanya's head had buried itself in her thighs. A quick moving tongue was soon burrowing its way to her center and sampling her pussy's liquid feast. Amy's hips raised slightly from the floor at this first contact and Tanya's tongue withdrew swiftly to caress her outer lips with gentle licks.

Amy buried her hungry mouth in the deliciously pink pussy hovering over her. Her sister's pussy had a tangy taste. It was a very distinctive and pleasant flavor and Amy wanted as much of it as she could get. Her tongue set to rolling and writhing inside of the channel, prying open long ignored folds and parting the abandoned tunnel. Amy kept her eyes open, as she watched the two curved hills of her sister's ass twist and turn as her tongue fucked her.

She was having a hard time focusing on any sensory experiences other than her sister's taste and the sensation of her tongue flicking over her pussy's lips and clit before burying inside of her. Tanya was extremely pleased by this new activity. Amy's pussy was clean shaven and was sweet tasting. She loved knowing that her sister was being driven wild by her touch, that she could not have enough. The feeling of being desired was a powerful enough aphrodisiac to drive her on for hours.

Amy decided to add a twist to this position. She slipped an arm up and around Tanya's pale thigh and lazily stroked some of the untouched areas of her pussy. Once it was adequately covered in fluid she slipped it between her older sister's cheeks. Amy felt Tanya's mouth still over her pussy as she wondered what was about to happen. Then the finger pressed into the tight hole and Tanya began to squirm at the sensation of having herself anally pleasured. When Amy's tongue rejoined the two front assault, Tanya forgot about anything but riding the two intruders.

Tanya's mind began to buzz with excitement as she felt the finger and tongue work in such close conjunction to bring her intense pleasure. Within a minute, Tanya felt a second and equally intense orgasm rip from her depths.

"Amy! Oh Amy," was all she managed before her head lulled back into her sister's thighs and she resumed her assault on her sister's cunt. The sudden resumed energy of her attack sent Amy into the same starry realm where her mind buzzed and reeled in pleasure and Tanya was given a plentiful fill of her sister's pussy juices.

The two women would finish out the fading waves of their orgasms lapping slowly over one another's twats. When they finally surrendered their bodies' embrace they cuddled together softly. Amy began to nurse again, her lips attaching to the other breast, emptying it of its painfully full content. She and Tanya would share the milk in the same way they had before. Tanya realized how blissfully close and complete she felt to her sister now. There was some sort of unique oneness which had been achieved through their passionate lovemaking. It was something she realized she would treasure for ever.

The young women were ignorant of the fact that the car's battery had fully died now. The heater had gone still and the only noise was that of their connection and shared meal. They pulled the shimmering emergency blanket back into place as the air began to cool and the snow climbed higher on the windows. Soon only the rear storage area's side windows remained uncovered by snow.

Amy's lips would break their encirclement of Tanya's nipple after both had drunk their fill. Then her head would rest on her older sister's shoulder and despite everything she would feel safe. Right up until the snow on the back window of the car was swept aside and a familiar aged face peered in.

Both women bolted for their clothes as the back door was cleaned of snow and was pulled open and the freezing air rushed in. They had managed to get their sweatshirts on by the time the face bobbed back into view.

"Well look what I found! It's my two favorite granddaughters! Ha," Papa Armentz chuckled.

"Papa," the two excited women cried. Their elderly grandfather, whom they had come to rescue, was in turn rescuing them! His long steely grip reached into the Audi's compartment and pulled Tanya first from the car and then Amy. The two women plunged barefoot into the snow, trying to reach his truck.

Neither was having much success until he came alongside them and half carried, half pulled them onto the road. The girls dived into the large vehicle, huddling close to one another as the old heater blew heavenly gusts of warm air onto them. Then Papa Armentz plopped into the seat next to them and kicked the monster into gear.

Both girls blurted out repeated questions to their grandfather.

"Where have you been?"

"Why haven't you called?"

"How did you find us?"

"Did you see our flare?"

"How far from home are we?"

He just laughed to himself until they were calm enough and warm enough to listen.

"The phone lines were down up here for the last couple days. When they finally managed to get them repaired I got a call from your mother wondering if I had seen hide or hair of ya. Of course when I realized that two foolish little girls of mine were up here I assumed that you had gotten stuck or lost. Luckily for you there is only one real route in here so all I had to do was retrace your path. I would have driven right by your car, buried as it was, but for the tree you crashed into." When both girls just looked at him bewildered by what he meant, he explained further.

"It was the only tree on the side of the road that did not have a heavy pile of snow on it. It was big enough to stop your car, but you shook it so bad that it must've knocked a bunch of that snow loose. I almost missed it, but it struck me when I had to turn around the second time." Papa Armentz looked over at his two granddaughter's a smile on his face. Tanya's hand was unconsciously resting high on her sister's naked thigh, closer than a normal sibling relationship would allow.

Tanya caught the glimpse and realized that her hand was nearly touching her sister's pussy once more. She reacted a little bit too quickly to hide the new nature of their relationship. When it shot away from Amy's thigh, everyone became painfully aware of the revelation.

But instead of ignoring the topic or pretending naiveté, Papa Armentz said something completely unexpected.

"Nothing to be ashamed of. No sir. Your mother and aunty had a funny little relationship like that in college. Never did anybody harm, just kept everyone close. They were the best damn sisters I had ever seen. I didn't know until I walked in on them one Christmas. They was going at it like randy beavers. Ha. Boy were they surprised. I just let it slide and told 'em to be more careful. Others wouldn't react the same way."

"Our mom," a surprised Amy blurted.

"With Aunty Danny?" Tanya couldn't believe what she had just heard.

"Yessir. I thought it would be something permanent, but it was just a phase. But they're still better friends then most sisters and I think that type of thing might have been why. So you two don't worry about it none. You won't get any condemnation from our family on the matter. No sir."

Amy and Tanya just stared at each other, than at Papa Armentz. They couldn't believe it. The revelation did plenty in the way of relaxing them a bit.

No one would speak again for a few minutes.

"When will we be able to go back home, Papa?" Tanya was worried that everyone was worrying about them. She was also slightly fearful that a return to normalcy would mean the end of she and Amy's connection.

"Oh, not for anytime soon, I'm afraid. Back behind ya a ways part of the hill came down on the road. There won't be any coming and going till they clear it. And that could take quite a while."

Amy was reassured, strangely, by the news. Her head drifted down to Tanya's shoulder and she took one of her hands in her own. They would have plenty of time together. Their private exchange would be safe for a while longer.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I really enjoyed that. I liked the breast feeding parts as well. Thanks!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

The two women pulled tanya from the snow...

^ Wrong...

Liked the tense thing, really worked quite well.

Loved the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
You are amazing

I simply adore your writing. I'm a big fan. email me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

have you followed up on this story line?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
It's a misguided criticism

It's been long enough since you wrote this that I doubt you still care what anyone has to say about it, but I jus wanted to point out that your use of the IMPERFECT TENSE was masterful. It gave the events of the story a feeling of inevitability, almost as if they were guaranteed before they took place. I actually noticed this while reading the story andd was very impressed, I loved it.

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