Snowball's Chance


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"What the fuck are you doing?" he screamed at both of us. I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears, betraying just how jealous he was.

Heidi stammered a little. Her face was flushed, and I think it was obvious that the kiss had gotten to her. I stepped up and took the blame. "It was my fault. I got caught up in the moment. I'm so sorry, man."

He cocked his arm back, as if to punch me in the face. This time Heidi saw it coming and pulled him back.

"Let's go, Heidi," he said as he grabbed her by the hand and led her to his car. I stayed behind and rode the bus back to school with the rest of the team.


It took a few weeks for the baseball incident to smooth itself over, but by graduation we were back to our normal threesome. After the ceremony, we sat at the House of Pizza discussing the future. "What are you going to do next year, Brian? Have you even applied to colleges yet?" Heidi asked. "Nah. I'm going to the community college. We don't have the money for me to go away or anything," I replied. "What about you guys?" "We're going to Ohio State," Eric replied. "I mean, I am anyway. Heidi got accepted too, but she's still waffling."

"I just don't think I can afford it," she said. "Maybe community college would be the way to go."

I saw a dark cloud move across Eric's face. "Don't worry," I said. "I'll leave your girlfriend alone."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that," he back-pedaled. "I just want her to come with me."

"C'mon, guys. Don't do this," Heidi interrupted. "There's nothing between Brian and me."

"We'll see," Eric muttered, getting the last word in.

I changed the subject. "Are you guys getting summer jobs? I applied at the bowling alley. I think they're looking for more summer help."


And that's how our summer went. Just like our summer at the YMCA, the three of us were together all the time. Only this time, Eric was watching us like hawks. If I accidentally bumped into Heidi, he was right there, telling me to knock it off. If she smiled at me, he stepped between us. His jealousy hung over us like mosquito netting and often erupted into anger, mostly directed at me.

It was hard to ignore my feelings though. If I thought about that kiss on the baseball field, I'd be miserable. My cock would be hard, and I would be lonely. I was beginning to think that if Heidi did not go to Ohio State, that maybe I'd have to leave town. I didn't think I could manage this torturous friendship without Eric's anger to keep my libido and my heart in check.


In the end, I couldn't do it. Eric left. Heidi stayed. I stayed too.

Throughout the fall, we adjusted to a new dynamic- Heidi and me and no Eric. It just didn't make real sense after so much of our time was spent together. We had a couple of classes together and we still worked at the bowling alley. We spent our free time studying or just hanging out together.

I thought I'd be a lot happier having Heidi to myself, but it was almost more difficult. Without Eric around I still had to hide my feelings, but it was easier to forget that I had to hide them. Several times I came close to spilling it and just telling her how I felt. I was also not having any dates now that I wasn't a third wheel. Heidi and I were always together, but there wasn't a snowball's chance in Hell that she was going to suddenly drop to her knees and give me a blowjob or anything.

I never thought I'd say this, but I actually wished that Eric hadn't left, and that things had continued like they were. ~ Christmas came and Eric came home for a few weeks. It was an uncomfortable reunion though. Eric's temper was very short with Heidi, and he was nasty to me.

The two of them actually went on dates by themselves for the first couple of weeks. I was a little lonely, and I started thinking about how dysfunctional this threesome was.

He practically accused me of fucking his girlfriend while he was gone. Nothing Heidi or I said would convince him that she was faithful to him and that we were still just friends, even when he wasn't there. His mood was foul for the entire winter break, and he started to discuss the idea of transferring closer to home next year. It was a relief to see him go back to school. It was the end of January, and we prepared to return to our "Sans-Eric" routine. We were watching the news one night as we studied for our first accounting exam of the semester. They were actually predicting a couple of inches of snow for the next evening. I was thrilled.


The snowstorm turned out to be what Heidi called a "nuisance storm"- not enough snow to be any fun, but plenty of snow to make the driving a bitch. When the flakes were starting to taper off, she called me.

"Brian. I'm picking you up in ten minutes. I'm going to teach you to drive in the snow," she informed me.

I was unaware such lessons would be required, but I figured it would be fun anyway. She pulled up in front of the house, and moved into the passenger seat of her 1987 Buick Skylark. I got behind the wheel and buckled up.

"Don't step too hard on the gas. You'll spin the tires," she said. I gently placed my foot on the gas and we slowly started to move. I picked up a little speed, and she said, "Not too fast. You have to stay in control." When we approached the stop sign at the end of the street, she said, "Now pump the brakes."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked as I started to apply pressure to the brake pedal. "Step-release-step-release, as fast as you can!" she said in a panic.

I couldn't get it right fast enough, and we began to skid.

"Whoa! What do I do?" I shouted.

"Steer into the skid. Steer in the direction you're skidding and PUMP THE FUCKING BRAKES!" she screamed.

Fortunately there was nothing coming toward us because we skidded right through the intersection and into somebody's yard. The car came to a stop against the fence. We sat there staring at the fence, hearts pounding, thankful that we weren't killed.

"Okay. That's enough of you driving in the snow," she declared. She reached out to me to hug me. Something about that moment was so electrically charged that I leaned in to kiss her. She hesitated, then parted her lips and kissed me. We sat there in the practically crashed car, making out like I had dreamed of since I learned what making out was. Her mouth was soft and warm, and she tasted like a mint. When her tongue made its way into my mouth, I thought I would die and go to heaven right then and there.

Suddenly she broke away from me saying, "Oh, God. We can't do this."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing," I said. "Let's get out of here." My cock was throbbing, and I tried to hide my erection from her.

I got out of the car so she could drive us home. When we pulled up in front of my house, I apologized again and went into the house. I was grateful that Mom wasn't home because I masturbated for the first time in weeks. When I came, I yelled as loudly as my mother did when she took it up the ass. It was satisfying, but I felt like shit afterward.


We didn't see each other much for the next couple of weeks. I didn't know if she told Eric about our kiss or not, but life went on. We still carpooled to school. We still worked at the bowling alley. We still studied together. It was uncomfortable though, and I felt like my time with Heidi was nearing its end. I started thinking about applying to schools in Texas, just to get away from this dysfunctional ménage à trois.

The Tuesday before Valentine's Day, the phone rang. I answered it on the third ring. It was Heidi. She sounded breathless from excitement.

"Brian! I think this is it. I think he's gonna propose to me. He's taking me to the cabin this weekend for Valentine's Day. He wants it to be extra-special!" she practically screamed into the phone.

"Who is this?" I teased, just to bring her back to Earth.

"It's me, silly. I'm so excited. He said he was just at the jewelry store, and that we're going to have a special weekend at the cabin this weekend. I wonder how big the diamond is," she continued.

I frowned, glad that she couldn't see my face over the phone. "Aren't you a little young to be engaged?" I asked. We had just graduated from high school eight months ago.

"Well, it's not like we're going to get married this weekend. I think he just misses me," she said. She sounded a little hurt.

"Do you think maybe he's just trying to mark his territory? To make sure that no one else thinks that you might be available?" I asked. I knew I sounded harsh, but I was getting pissed.

I felt sick to my stomach. I was about to lose her forever to him. To freaking Eric. He didn't deserve her. He was mean, for crying out loud. He didn't freaking deserve her! I had to get off the phone fast.

"Heidi," I interrupted. "I gotta go. Congrats, Honey. You can tell me all about it later." I slammed down the phone and went to my room. I was pissed.

Valentine's Day was just days away. I thought about trying to stop this proposal from happening, but I knew that I would just push her away from me if I tried. I began wishing and hoping that someone or something would interrupt their plans. On Wednesday, Al Roker answered my prayers.

"It'll be a snowy Valentine's Day in the Ohio Valley on Friday as a Noreaster churns in your direction," Al announced.

I called Heidi. "A Noreaster- is that bad?" I asked.

"Sometimes we get a blizzard," she explained. "This is exciting. You'll finally see some real snow."

I had to admit that I was looking forward to that, but I didn't know if I could be happy about it without Heidi. Knowing that she was with Eric, promising to become his wife, it was too much to even think about. She should be with me. I've loved her forever.

But if it really snowed...

"Will you be able to drive to the cabin if it snows that hard?" I asked.

She laughed a little and said, "Yeah. I drive a lot better in the snow than you do, you know. If it's really bad, I'll have to wait until the roads are plowed, but I should be able to make it."

"I'd hate to see you miss it," I lied.

"I have my snow tires, and I'll be careful. Don't worry," she assured me.

I didn't like it, but I guessed that it was out of my hands.


Valentine's Day arrived, and my heart was heavy. I was going to lose her, and I was powerless to stop it. I walked to my car to go to my College Math class, and I saw the first flakes land on my windshield. I'd heard Eric talking about the smell of snow once, but I couldn't smell anything different. I felt a burst of excitement in my belly at the thought of a big snowstorm, but it was instantly dulled when I remembered what day it was.

My morning classes went on as usual, but everyone was talking about what time the college would close because of the snow. We finally got our answer around lunchtime. School was closing at two. Yippie. My classes were finished by then anyway.

After class I drove home, parked my car in the driveway, and just wallowed in my misery. I sat at the window and watched the snow fall. Finally I could take no more. A completely irrational idea arose in my head, and I put on the boots I had bought last year when I arrived in Ohio, a hat, gloves, and my winter jacket. I started walking down the street, towards the woods. I had been to Eric's cabin many times the summer my dad died, and we always walked through the woods. I hoped I remembered the way.

I did, pretty much. I fumbled through the snow, losing my way and backtracking more than once. I was colder than I had ever been in my life, since most of my life I lived in nice, warm Texas. My feet were like Popcicles, and my wet hat had soaked right through to my head. There were snowflakes in my eyelashes and eyebrows, and I was ready to turn back and abandon this ridiculous plan.

I stopped and looked around, completely disoriented. The snow was falling so hard and fast that I couldn't see, and it was unnaturally quiet. I listened for the birds and squirrels running through the leaves and downed branches, but heard nothing but the soft tapping of the snowflakes landing on the waterproof fabric of my jacket. I sniffed the air like an animal would, not knowing what I was hoping for. I was rewarded with a nose full of snowflakes. I sneezed then cleared my face with a wet glove.

I decided that I didn't have time to figure out where I was. It was beginning to get dark, and I knew that I'd have to keep moving if I didn't want to freeze to death. I forced my feet to step forward and tried to keep from panicking.

As I walked, I fumed out loud.

"How can she marry him? Doesn't she see that she should be with me? He's an asshole. He's been terrible to me since sixth grade. I hate him. Why doesn't she hate him?"

On and on I walked. On and on I talked out loud to no one. This was a stupid idea. What made me think that spoiling her big night would make her see that she should be with me? Just the thought of the "big night" started my rant anew.

I was really getting going, when I suddenly tripped over a branch, and landed in the soft snow face-first.

When I rolled over to sit up, I was like an enraged animal, roaring my pain and anger into the snow falling from the sky. Then I realized that I could smell the faint smell of smoke at the back of my throat. I looked around, half expecting to see a bonfire mirage behind me. Instead I saw that I had come to a clearing.

It was almost completely dark, but through the snow I could see some light. I couldn't tell what kind of light it was, but I got to my feet and started walking towards it. As I approached I could see that it wasn't just one light. I could see a cabin with candles and lanterns in the windows. The snow made each flame appear to be surrounded by a halo of soft light. It was breathtaking.

The cold must have frozen my brain because it took a moment for me to realize whose cabin I was approaching. This was my intended destination, Eric's cabin! The lights I had been following were the candles he lit to seduce Heidi. MY Heidi. I began to run, hoping I wasn't too late to stop the proposal.

I stopped in the front of the cabin, about twenty five yards from the porch. It wasn't until that moment that I realized that I didn't even have a plan of attack. What was I going to say to them? To her?

I took a deep breath of the cold air, and listened to the snow falling once again. I looked toward the woods and saw a magnificent buck not far from where I had just been lying in the snow. I turned back toward the soft haloes of light in the windows when the front door of the cabin flew open. Eric stepped onto the porch, alone.

I rushed toward the cabin in a burst of courage. "Where is she, Eric?" I yelled.

"She didn't come, you fucker," he yelled back. My heart leapt. Maybe she had changed her mind. Maybe she thought about it and realized that she belonged with me.

Something hard, wet, and cold on my face brought me back to reality.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled, trying to maintain my balance in the deep snow.

"A snowball, you idiot," he replied, punctuating his answer with another snowball in my face.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Three snowballs hit me, right in a row. His aim was excellent. This time he got my head, my shoulder, and my groin. I fell over on my side into the snow. I was cupping my poor balls with my gloved hands, but it didn't help.

In the meantime, Eric was striding across the yard the best he could in the deep snow. I jumped to my feet to face him. When he was about five feet away, he stopped. He was wearing jeans, a turtle neck, and boots, and nothing else. He looked around, and again I noticed how quiet it was. Suddenly that quiet made sense to me. The snow covered everything like a blanket, and absorbed all of the sound around us.

"Where is she?" I asked again.

"Are you fuckin deaf? She didn't come. It's Valentine's Day. I was going to ask her to marry me, and she didn't come," he spat.

I thought about the snow.

"Maybe her car got stuck?" I ventured. I didn't know why I was trying to make him feel better. I had hated him since the first time he called me "Tex", and he was about to marry the love of my life.

"No way. She knows how to drive in the snow," he retorted. "What the fuck are you doing here, Douchebag?"

I didn't know what to say. I never considered that he would be here alone. My hesitation seemed to answer his question though, and it sent him into a rage.

He took two giant steps toward me and swung his fist toward my face. I tried to deflect it, but he got me in the cheekbone anyway. I hadn't been punched in the face since the time he had hit me in sixth grade, and I was unprepared for the pain to my face.

He hit me twice more before I could even think of fighting back or protecting myself. I managed to hit him twice in the gut before he tackled me to the ground. He straddled my waist and brought his fist back, as if to pulverize my face, when he suddenly stopped. I was terrified. I truly thought he would beat me to death right at that moment. For a moment we just stayed there, staring each other down while the snow fell down on us.

Then, instead of punching me again, he lowered his face to mine and kissed me on the lips, his tongue forcing itself roughly into my mouth. Before I could stop myself, my mouth opened to accept his tongue. His lips were soft, his tongue warm and wet. I felt my tongue reach his, and a shudder ran through my body. For that moment the world outside of that snowy clearing ceased to exist. All that was left was the two of us and this kiss.

After a long moment, I snapped back to my senses. I summoned all of my strength and threw Eric off me and into the snow. He jumped to his feet, and ran toward the cabin. I couldn't see his face in the dark, but I was guessing his face was as red-hot as mine felt. I stood there in the snow for what seemed like an eternity before realizing that I really did need to get out of the cold. I walked to the cabin and let myself in without knocking.

There was a glorious fire in the fireplace. I didn't see or hear Eric, so I carefully removed my clothes, except for my boxers, and laid them in front of the fire to dry. There was an old, hand-made afghan on the back of the couch, so I wrapped myself in it. I pulled the rocking chair closer to the fire, and began to thaw out.

I looked around and saw that Eric had prepared for a romantic Valentine's Day with Heidi. I saw dozens and dozens of red roses, champagne and glasses, strawberries and chocolates, all tastefully arranged around the room. On the table next to the couch I saw a bottle of K-Y and a bright red vibrator. I wondered where the diamond ring was and who bought the champagne.

I dozed for a while in the warmth of the fireplace. When I woke, Eric was placing another log on the fire. I jumped out of the chair, ready to defend myself.

"Easy, Tex," Eric said.

He was wearing dry jeans with no shirt. I was in my boxers with the afghan around my shoulders. I thought to myself, "His grandmother probably made this, for Christ's sake."

I turned to keep him facing me, but he stepped closer.

"What time is it?" I asked, for lack of anything more intelligent to say.

"A lil after minnight," he slurred.

He took another step toward me, and without another word, he shoved his hand into my boxer shorts and grabbed my cock.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" I demanded.

"I dunno, Tex," he replied, with a horrified look on his face.

"Take your hand off my cock, dude," I said, dumbfounded.

"Okay," he said in a shaky voice, but he made no effort to remove his hand from my underwear.

He looked absolutely terrified, completely bewildered as he stood there with his hand in my shorts. I felt him gripping my cock even tighter, and he began stroking up and down my shaft. Until that moment, I hadn't realized that I was hard. As he stroked, I pulled down my boxers, allowing him full access to my privates. I took a deep breath and moaned. I was aware that he was drunk, but I was stone-sober, and I felt like I was waking up from a coma.