Softball Revenge

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I don't get mad - I get even.
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Was it rape?

Copyright JohnnyMax 2012


I think she's cheating. Odd signs, but regular ones. She put my favorite satin sheets on the bed one Friday morning with a promise that we'd enjoy them over the weekend but when I got home they were in the dryer as "she'd spilt something on them". Silly little things that made me wonder about Sally.

We'd been married nearly fifteen years, our eldest, Cindy is fourteen, and Tom is eleven. We'd married after dating for eight months when we met at an office social. She worked in one of our sales outlets while I am based in Head office. Sex started on our fourth date, would have been our third but she had her period, sex was "oh la la"! Sally enjoyed all forms of sex, she hesitated when she suggested anal, explained she'd heard about it and would like to try but was very nervous. She found a copy of the Kama Sutra and we've tried nearly every position in it. About a third of them we've used more than once.

I'm an average guy in most areas except I'm a shorty, 5' 4" but I'm still 185 lbs. I work out weekly at a gym and use my weights at home. So I feel I'm pretty much OK.

I've read odd stories about guys getting revenge on a cheating wife and her lover and usually thought "what a wimp", he should beat the crap out of them. So now it might be my turn.

It seemed to be Fridays that were the problem day so I concealed and hooked up a web-cam that I could access remotely. Friday at work I accessed the camera and watched Sally and this guy, Dave having sex in my bed. I was not very happy. Dave would be about 6'4" and 220 lbs, but his cock wasn't any bigger than mine. Sally was obviously enjoying him though as she was quite vocal with an "oh oh, oh oh, oh oh." That gave me an idea.

Our work had put up a notice looking for players for an inter-office softball competition, just a fun day. I went and signed up and on my way home stopped at a sporting goods store and got myself a bat, glove, and a ball. Over the weekend I managed to convince Sally and the kids to come down to the park with me and give me some practice. Made it an outing, with a picnic and everything. I hadn't swung a bat since high school but I could still manage to hit the ball.

I kept the gear in my bag in the hall closet with a promise of regular practices before the competition in three weeks. Tom and Cindy made me go running with them each evening to build up my fitness, I showed them their old man could still sprint. They didn't see me in my shower afterwards gasping for breath.

Friday came around, I was feeling sick just after lunch so I went home. I walked in the door being quiet and headed upstairs. From outside I could hear Sally going "no no, no no." I looked in the door to see this huge guy raping Sally. I looked around and spotted my softball bat so grabbed it and stepped beside the bed. I belted him in the head with the bat yelling "Get off my wife you rapist." I hit him again and again across the back, buttocks and legs yelling "Get off her, you bastard, get off her."

I realized he couldn't get off her as he was unconscious, so I pulled him off Sally. She was unconscious as his head had hit hers when I hit him. I took the opportunity to hit him in the balls. I work on the idea that you should always hit a man when he's down as he may get up again.

I phoned the police and ambulance to report that my wife was being raped and that I had stopped it. When Sally recovered consciousness she found two police officers and two medics attending her. The female police officer told her she was lucky to have a husband who would take on someone much bigger than himself to defend her honor. Sally moaned, "Oh no, Oh no." She asked if she could talk to the officer in private. The medics took the rapist out to the ambulance. While Sally had her private talk the other officer asked me some extra questions. When the female officer came out she had a strange expression on her face. She asked us both to go back in to the bedroom. She told Sally to repeat what she had told her.

"I'm so sorry, Mike. That was Dave you beat up. He wasn't raping me, I invited him here. The police tell me that's called consensual sex. I'm so sorry Mike."

I was shocked. "But I heard you going 'no no no', why would you want sex with anyone else, why, oh my God."

Sally hung her head and looked ashamed "I think I was going 'oh oh oh', Oh God Mike, why are you home, You weren't meant to see that. I'm so so sorry."

"I came home because I was sick in the stomach after lunch, now I'm feeling even sicker."

The medics wanted to take her to hospital for a check up so they took her away. The police officers looked sadly at me. "I still think you are a hero, I don't think any judge will convict you on assault, but we have to talk to David Harman when he recovers and see if he wants to press charges."

I told them I understood and numbly saw them out. I sat down in the kitchen and made myself a herbal tea, supposed to be good for upset stomachs. I just had time to phone my boss and explain what happened and get some time off. Three minutes after the police and ambulance left, Marcie from next door was knocking. I answered the door and looked blankly at her.

"Mike, what's happened, why were the police here, who was taken to hospital?"

She's a nosy woman, the neighbourhood gossip, so she got the same story the police heard about me coming home to find Sally getting raped, and me beating the crap out of her assailant. But the police discovering that she had invited him. She wanted to know who he was and seemed to recognize the name. I appeared slightly dazed by all this and sipped my tea and grimaced while holding my stomach. She rushed off after getting all the facts and left me to wait for our kids to get home from school. They were surprised to find me home and even more surprised to hear the story. I told them everything, as I was in a daze and didn't think to censor the events. They pulled up chairs on either side of me and we sat close. Cindy put her arms around me while Tom rested his hand on my shoulder.

We sat like that for a few hours then Cindy decided to make dinner. I told her not to bother and got her to order pizza. We ate quietly and then watched a little TV, don't ask me what was on, I was watching with my eyes disconnected from my brain. About nine o'clock Sally's mother rang to say that Sally was there and that Sally had told them the story. She said that Sally kept saying that she had screwed up big time and that her parents agreed. She asked me to look after the kids and give them a big hug. Sally wanted to come over Saturday after lunch to see me.

Saturday morning, the kids headed off to visit friends. They were careful to make lots of positive contact with me while they had breakfast and got ready. Cindy gave me a deliberate, proper kiss when she left, not one of those air kisses that parents usually get.

About ten o'clock there was a knock on the door and it was a pleasant looking lady there.

"Are you Mike?" "Yes."

"Are you the Mike that put my cheating bastard of a husband in hospital yesterday?"

"I thought he was raping my wife when I hit him. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. This isn't the first time, but I've never been able to get witnesses before. Having two police officers sworn statements means he is nailed. I'd like to thank you."

Jane came in and had a coffee. We talked about divorce proceedings and sharing the cost of a lawyer, her brother is a lawyer and, after she called him and told him the story, he agreed to handle our cases. She stayed for lunch and was still there when Sally arrived. Sally looked put out when she met this strange woman, and then looked sick when I told her who she was.

Sally looked broken, and then did something that surprised me. Sally knelt on the floor in front of us and took off her blouse and bra. She stretched out flat exposing her back fully,

"I deserve to be punished. Please beat me as much as you want. I know it won't put things back how they should be, but this is all I can offer."

Jane looked at me, and when I shook my head, she sat Sally up. She looked at Sally, who simply hung her head in shame.

"I'm not going to punish you by beating you. Your husband has given me all that I need to get a divorce. My husband has been cheating on me for years, not just with you, but you are the only one who has managed to get two police officers sworn statements that can be used as evidence in a divorce."

Sally looked dully at her, then at me. She put her bra and blouse back on. Good timing as the next knock on the door was the police officers. They came in and were surprised to find Sally kneeling on the floor. She looked at them,

"I deserve to be punished but neither my husband nor Dave's wife will punish me. Am I allowed to whip myself?"

"er, self-flagellation I think it's called, like the monks did, as an act of penance. I don't think that would be a crime. However, you do have two children, and you shouldn't do it in front of them."

"Oh" She thought for a minute while we sat there. "But I need to show them that there are consequences for making a wrong choice."

The female officer thought for a moment. "Let me think about that, I might have to talk with a lawyer and my boss. I understand where you are coming from but there are a few things to work out first."

She turned to me. "We talked to Dave Harman when he recovered consciousness, he's going to be ok. He confirmed your wife's story about consensual sex so technically you assaulted him. He won't be pressing any charges however so you are clear there. Technically you were using an offensive weapon but as the bat was a sports item that was the nearest usable object no judge would convict you."

I thanked them and they agreed that their case reports would be copied to us. When they left Sally was still kneeling on the floor. Her expression was rather blank and I worried that she might be suicidal. She straightened up and looked at me. "May I collect some clothing, I know I have to stay at my parents now. I screwed up big time and now I pay. I hope you will let me see the kids, I want to be a constant example of consequences when you screw up. I had a husband that could give me orgasms, multiple orgasms, nearly every time we had sex, a husband that would explore new things WITH me, and I had to screw it up for a taste of someone different. I'm sorry Jane, but Dave wasn't even very good sexually."

I told her to go and collect whatever she needed. I had slept in the spare room, I hadn't cleaned up our bed, leaving the bloodstained sheets. Sally came back downstairs after a moment, knelt in front of me with her head down and asked if she could clean the bedroom. Jane looked strangely at me, then I told Sally not to bother as I would be replacing the bed completely. Sally cringed but stood and went back up. She came back down with a suitcase and opened it in front of me.

"Consequences. I have to show you that I have only taken as you permitted. I have a long way to go to earn any trust and I hope you can trust me with our children sometime."

That shocked me, that she realized there were consequences that went a long way.

"I think that the children will never be the subject of a trust problem. Would you like them to visit you at your parents tomorrow?"

The look she gave me could have lit up the sky. "Thank you Mike, Would it be OK if I phone them this evening to see if that's OK with them?"

I agreed with that, but Sally had one more surprise for me, she looked at Jane, "If you make love with Mike, I can guarantee you will enjoy it."

So that's most of my story. Sally took total responsibility, the kids live with me, Jane has moved in as a housekeeper with benefits. She divorced Dave and cleaned him out so she doesn't need to work but we get along fine.

I never got to play a game of softball but that bat hangs on the wall in the hall as a reminder. Sally comes over frequently, she is still a big part of the kid's lives. Every time she comes in the house she makes a point of kneeling in the hall and kissing the bat.

I hope the police never read this story as they might reopen the case if they discover that I knew Dave had been visiting Sally before I caught them. Then again maybe not.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good one!

Norseman123Norseman1235 months ago

Just deserts 5*****

Gearhead19801Gearhead198017 months ago

my head hurts after reading this

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The story lacked any Flow of anything (Dialog work up why and how long it was going on) Just another wasted time in read it

inka2222inka222211 months ago

Wow, man hating commenters are out in force. Great story - yes it's over the top, on purpose (I'm half convinced it's a troll, but if so It's a very satisfying, pleasant to read troll), but at least it's over the top on the side of the male VICTIM, not the side of the female criminal like most LW man hating cuck/reconciliation BS "stories".

For those who complained about Jane's description (which honestly is what makes me think the work is a troll), she is basically getting 100% best of both worlds. A man who clearly is a good marital partner, morally and sexually; financial independence due to divorce, legal and practical independence due to not marrying MC legally, and a ready-made family since she apparently had no kids of her own - the author didn't say but my head canon says she's infertile. And for those too dumb to understand, the MC is the kind of man who'll treat her like he loves her, even if he doesn't, so she's 1000% better off with him than her ex-husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wishful thinking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hated it! Way too much of the wife kneeling or begging to be whipped. Just nonsense!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Weak Ending but at least it had one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good concept but telling the story was/is very dull and forced.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 3 years ago

4. I enjoyed it but some of the bits like Sally going full submissive made her seem like she was a few cans short of a six pack, might have possibly even been a victim herself depending on her state of mind. I'm shocked the story didn't end with her going to a mental institution.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago must be joking.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Really an empty story.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Wow, she went full sub there. So did Jane apparently - 'housekeeper with benefits', indeed.

KayaknhKayaknhabout 4 years ago
Quirky. But smile raising

And worth the read.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago
Little odd

A little odd, but a good burn the bitch and beat the bastard story all in all.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago

No, no former wife and mother would kiss the bat. Offering herself up for corporal punishment was a stretch, but fun. It means there was an opening to rebuild the marriage and I wish he'd taken that opportunity. Redemption is a rare and wonderful thing. Still, fun story.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Okay story

A much too weird ending.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

That is the only kind of swinging story that I enjoy. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Agree this is trash

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Baseball is a great sport

Batter batter batter up swing away

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

....what a pile of crap.

ranec1ranec1almost 6 years ago
Mean As!!

Chur bro awesome story

sas6446sas6446about 6 years ago

More disgusting tripe!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I Have A Lawyer Friend

He noticed I have a baseball bat in two closets at my home and one in my vehicle. He told me one day in a one-on-one conversation to be sure to buy baseball gloves and baseballs to put with the bats. It would be easier to explain to a judge how I came to use the sporting equipment in an act of self defense.

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