Something Fishy


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Masters huddled up with Stan's wife and his family. I escorted my wife to see her lover. Stan was in bad shape. The left side of his face was drooping. He was awake but couldn't speak. Tiffany ran to his side while I stayed at the door. I wanted to throw up when she hugged and kissed him knowing I was in the same room. Tiffany began to ball harder before a nurse came in to tell her to leave. The nurse helped my wife from the room leaving just me and Stan in the room alone.

Stan's eyes got big when he recognized me. He tried to talk but nothing came out. "Stan, you're going to die soon. Before you do, I want you to know that I didn't take your advice. I wasn't a good boy and I didn't accept your idea of a new relationship. Don't worry I am going to tell your wife after you are dead about all the shit you pulled with me and my wife. Before you die, just know that I did this to you. There is nothing that you can do to stop it you motherfucker."

Alarms started going off on the machinery hooked up to Stan. Nurses and doctors came rushing in the room as I stepped out. They kept Stan alive through the weekend but he passed early Monday.

Tiffany was a blubbering mess when she heard the news of her boss passing. Her health was getting worse. I picked up Jenny from daycare and heading home that Monday to find Tiffany in bed.

She confirmed that her lover was gone. Even in her weakened state, her venom was still present. "I guess you're going to gloat now."

"No Tiff, I'm not going to gloat. I not going to pretend I'm upset that he is dead. That motherfucker killed our marriage and he deserves to be dead."

"Our marriage isn't dead and I can't believe you are so cruel about Stan. Nothing I had with him diminished my love for you. I told you it was a means to get ahead, to make us financial set. You knew I would come back to you."

"No Tiff, you're talking complete bullshit. Our marriage is just as dead as your lover Stan. Did you forget that I was in the room when you ran to Stan professing your love for him? Hugging and kissing with your husband in the room."

Tiffany was sobbing hard when I turned to leave the bedroom. She took a turn for the worse by the end of the week. It got so bad I had to take her to the hospital on Friday.

On Saturday morning, her doctor met with me. "Mr. Moss, your wife's organs are shutting down. Her blood is showing an abnormally high level of mercury and another toxin found in fish. Does she eat a lot of sea food, maybe sushi?"

I tried hard to suppress a chuckle. "Yes, she and her boyfriend have been sharing a lot of sushi in the last few months."

"Boyfriend?" The doctor asked quizzically.

"I'm sure you know of him. Stan Cross the man who died here in your hospital just this past Monday. He and my wife had an ongoing affair."

"That explains a lot. Even though he had a stroke, her symptoms are very similar to that of Mr. Cross. I'm afraid that she doesn't have much time left. Her kidneys shut down early this morning. It is just a matter of time now."

The doctor led me to her room. Tiffany was hooked up to several machines looking very weak. Her eyes lit up when I walked in the room. She weakly waved me over.

Her breathing was labored and having a hard time speaking. Tiffany motioned me to come in close. "I'm so sorry Ryan, I now realize how badly I hurt you. The doctor told me I don't have long. I need to hear that you forgive me before I go."

I leaned close to her ear. She had a smile on her face as I started to speak. "My dear wife, I pledged my undying love to you when we took our vows. For better or worse, in sickness and heath, is what I said. At the same time, you pledged to me your love and faithfulness. You broke those vows belittling me and humiliating me. I will never forgive you for what you did to me and our family. I hope that you and your lover burn in hell."

I got up watching a tear run down her cheek. I walked out the door just as the alarms were going off in Tiffany's room. Less than an hour later she was declared dead.

It was hard telling Jenny her mother wasn't coming home. I cried for her not Tiffany. Tiffany tried to end my life as I knew but I got her first.

Apparently, the doctors were convinced that both Stan and Tiffany were the victims of bad sushi. Turning Tiffany's body over to the funeral home told me that there would be no autopsy and no further investigation. No police ever came to question me. I did destroy the extra bottles of creamer and my vials of the toxin at the house. I even retrieved the one-quarter full bottle of creamer at Tiffany's office when I cleared out her belongings.

When I had Tiffany's body cremated, her parents objected. Their religious beliefs discouraged cremation. I didn't care, I wanted the bitch's body destroyed. With her burned up, any lingering evidence would be burned with her.

I should have been satisfied with my deadly revenge on Tiff and Stan but I wasn't done. I gathered up my various recordings and made copies.

My first visit was to Georgia Moss, Stans now widow. The question was, why confront Stan's wife now that he was dead. I wanted to know if she knew and allowed it to happen. My thought was that she did. As open as Stan was there didn't seem to be any way she didn't.

I turned on my pocket recorder when she invited me into her home. "Mrs. Cross, I came here to talk to about your husband and my wife."

She cut me off, "You can stop there Mr. Moss. I knew about my husband and your wife. They were very obvious about it. It wasn't his first but she was his last. I'm sorry about your wife but as you can see, I lost my husband too."

"Thank you Mrs. Cross. I want to be clear here. You knew that your husband seduced my wife and turned her against me and my daughter. By you doing nothing you are just a guilty as he was."

"Wait a minute Mr. Moss, I didn't have any part in my husband's actions."

"I guess we will have to disagree about that Mrs. Cross. The way I see it if you had done something about your husband he may not have felt free to seduce my wife. My child might have a mother right now. The fact that you knew will make me feel better when I go after his estate for the pain and suffering he caused my family."

I got up and walked out of her house with no further discussion. My lawyer told me it was unlikely that we would be successful going after Stan's estate but I didn't care, I wanted retribution.

In addition to the Cross estate, I was going after the firm Stan and Tiffany worked for. With Stan dead, my lawyer thought they wouldn't care about his activities and fight us till the end. That was till I produced a recording of Stan talking to his partner Larry Masters. After my poison plan was underway I had a hard time being civil to Tiffany. After one of my rants, the recorder picked a useful conversation. The recording was of Stan and Larry Masters talking in Tiffany's office. The three were talking about my resistance to their little plan.

Larry was heard on the recording offering his help in enforcing the plan. He tells the other two that he knows cops, prosecutors, and judges who owe him favors. With their help, they would destroy me if I didn't get with their program. My lawyer told me that the recording may not be admissible in court but that didn't stop us from using it.

My lawyer scheduled a meeting with all of the senior partners including Larry Masters. She did not tell them the reason just hinted that it might be about life insurance. I wanted them to be blindsided.

As we were ushered into their conference room each of the seven senior partners gave me their condolences on my wife's passing including Masters. They all believed we wanted to talk to them about Tiffany's life insurance policy that was being held up by the insurance company.

John Hager the managing partner stood up. "Mr. Moss each one of us is very sorry for your loss. We have been made aware of the difficulties you are having getting the insurance company to pay off on the life insurance policy our firm provided for your wife. I'm pleased to tell you we were successful in stepping in to clear the obstacles." Hager slid a check for $500,000 from the insurance company.

I put the check in my pocket, "Thank you, Mr. Hager. That is not why we are here. We are here to give your firm the opportunity to settle a sticky issue before we go public and file suit against each one of you individually and your law firm. You see Mr. Hager your firm was complicit with Mr. Cross in a plot to seduce my wife away from her family and to have me arrested, prosecuted, and jailed."

Hager stood up angrily, "How dare you come in here accuse our firm of such crimes and besmirch the good name of one of our fallen partners. Mr. Moss, we will not sit here and allow you to false allegations."

"Mr. Hager we can leave now but I can assure you that my allegations, as you call them, are true and I have evidence to back them up. I would suggest that you simply ask Mr. Masters if I'm telling the truth."

All eyes turned to Masters, who is squirming in his chair. They appear to be waiting for Masters to shoot down my claims but he stayed quiet. My lawyer hit play on his phone triggering a small portion of the recording of Masters and Cross discussing how they were going to destroy me.

Hager stood up looking at his partners quickly then back to me and my lawyer. "Mr. Moss if you will indulge us, I need to talk privately with my partners."

Thirty minutes later Hager alone stepped in the room. "What are your demands, Mr. Moss?"

"Your firm is going to pay me and my daughter five million dollars or we are going to sue you and the recording I played for you and many others will go public. It is as simple as that. My lawyer tells me that Masters will certainly be disbarred and maybe the rest of you. The fact that they identified specific prosecutors and judges might be a little harmful to your business if you and your partners keep their licenses."

Hager requested two days to confer with his partners about my offer. My lawyer spoke up, "You have two days to agree or it all comes out."

Two days later my lawyer called me. "They've agreed to the five million dollars. I have a proposed agreement I'll send you. As part of the agreement we agreed not to go after Mr. Cross's estate, in exchange they will expel Mr. Masters from the firm citing a moral clause denying him ninety percent of his partnership share."

I agreed and took their money. I signed an agreement that I would not disclose what Mr. Cross and his firm did to me and my family.

One thing Tiffany had right. Her affair made our family financially set. Now I had to start looking for a replacement for my wife and mother to my child.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

You had me at: "Warning, I go dark in retribution".

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Nope, not enough crying, wailing, smoking craters, and blood running in the streets.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

I can't recall if it was a book ,story or movie but I certainly remember the title - it seems appropriate here BURN BABY BURN! Am I wrong? Thank you TS, my second read.

somewhere east of Omaha

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Brutal, but no one should ever eat bait. Also, being a wife cheating with a know it all lawyer isn’t healthy when the husband refuses to be a cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The whore, her master, and all his cronies got theirs!! GOOD!

Foggybottom81Foggybottom81about 1 month ago

One reason I never eat sushi.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

The whore and her asshole boss got what they deserved. A very clean and simple revenge plan. The husband told the boss what he did; he should have told his whore wife too. I loved the last line: “Now I had to start looking for a replacement for my wife and mother to my child.” The husband is a cool customer; too bad the whore never figured that out.

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTabout 1 month ago

Finally a "wife" that got what she deserved.

inka2222inka2222about 1 month ago

What a delightfully amazing BTB. I would have preferred him to use the settlement to go after the law firm, or at least after the slimeball's widow, but can't have everything. Thank you and easy 10/5 stars.

Racerman1969gsRacerman1969gs3 months ago

Had my wife did something like, telling me she was going out, and wouldn't be home that night, she'd have never made it the door, without all her stuff on front lawn.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

2 or at most 3 stars. It would of been much nicer to have them duke it court with the recordings made public, saying that the recording was received from an anonymous source, probably an enemy of the firm. It would of been so much more entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good story if a little bit formulaic. Although the revenge was original. I liked it pretty much right up to the end when he let off the law firm and the corrupt officials. Basically he took the money and let them carry on their immoral ways which kind of makes him complicit doesn't it? A good story which I gave a four rating. Was thinking of a 3 because of the ending but feel generous today. BardnotBard

FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

Thank you for a well-written, excellent tale. Nice work burning the bitch and the bastards!

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Miss type below should read “most of the whores”. Not whites

RePhilRePhil7 months ago

Wife’s are so easy to replace. There are a lot of great women out there. Most of the whites only live here in LW hHah

MountainMan1336MountainMan13367 months ago

4 stars from me. I liked how the husband destroyed the slimy lawyer and his cheating cunt wife but I was disappointed when he wimped out and did not get more from the law firm. After all he was dealing with a pack of lawyers. There is no slimier more pathetic creature on God's green earth than a lawyer. And in a just world, a pack of lawyers in a conference room needs only to have three or four fragmentation grenades thrown in and after they explode, someone go in with a .45 and put the surviving lawyers down with a round in each lawyer's head. That would be a great day at a law firm. Perhaps I am a little bitter.

muddman74muddman748 months ago

This a true BTB, or better yet, kill the bitch. I enjoyed this one, no RAAC crap for me.

Elias1Elias18 months ago

Wished this author was still writing.... he is one of the best on here.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago




AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Pretty much over the top stupid

MightyheartMightyheart10 months ago

Loved it.


Nothing like a good revenge story.

I pity readers finding small faults.

Guys, this is literotica.

Enjoy !

usaretusaret11 months ago

Murder is murder, whatever the reason.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Liked the story, but as usual in these types of stories, the legal theories are fantasy not consistent with established law. First, the MC’s lawyer could be disbarred. It is plainly unethical for a lawyer to essentially extort a favorable financial settlement in a civil matter in exchange for withholding evidence of a crime or similar misconduct not going forward with an otherwise legitimate criminal or simil misconduct (e.g., a disbarment action regarding misconduct by a member of the bar). The reason for this is that criminal and similar matters are a right of the people (i,e., the state), and thus are not proper bargaining chips or leverage for a civil litigant whose obligation is not to withhold evidence of a crime. I know this is not portrayed in works of fiction, including television show, movies and stories like this, but it is the real law, not this kind of convenient, contrived fictional devise for gaining financial retribution. In fact, some jurisdictions might view what the MC did here as a crime itself, that is extortion. Notwithstanding the legal

Flaws, I still liked the tale, but the legal premises are deeply flawed, which happens all the time in loving wives as authors get carried away with their revenge fantasies. The Fush poisoning though is fresh, although I don’t know if it’s scientifically valid.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

They were evil so they had to die, that was the only ending that was fair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Harsh. The crap about Tiffany professing her love for her husband and cheating for financial improvement doesn’t make any sense with her display with her dying lover in the hospital. Still murder is deplorable and not an appropriate response. Too dark.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


One inch incel fantasy. That's all this story and the author is.

that beats all tohell what you are

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very appropriate. Well done.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

One inch incel fantasy. That's all this story and the author is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Outstanding! It would never work out that way in real life, but their consequences were well deserved!

moultonknobmoultonknobover 1 year ago

Just another load of pathetic fucking rubbish

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 1 year ago

(3/18/2023) Well, that was quite harsh, on both sides. Five stars.

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