Sometimes Dark Clouds Do Have Silver Linings


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After releasing her from her bonds, and a mutual cleansing, we stumbled into the bed. I proceeded to drop off into the sleep of the dead, but not before I noticed that Sheila had taken up an interesting position. Instead of her usual spot at her side of the bed, she was right up against me, left arm across my chest and left leg thrown across my waist. It was as if she feared I would be taken from her during the night.

I awoke to a most unusual sensation. My lovely bride was kneeling between my legs lovingly licking and sucking my morning wood. As soon as she noticed I was awake, she gave me a shy grin as if to make sure she had permission to continue, and then she carried on in earnest. When she had managed to bring me off, I rolled her over and made up for the rough and unforgiving battering of the night before. It was a great start to the morning, and it carried on through the weekend. Our lovemaking had changed in a major way. There was no hesitancy on her part any longer. If I wanted to try something, she did not question me, she simply let me have my way. It was the best sex of our marriage. I could not help but think how much better the first fifteen years might have been if things had always been this way.

I was quick to point out to her, however, that things were not back to normal and all was not right and forgiven. Her deception and disrespect had gone on for two months in which she had near driven me to despair. One night of revenge wasn't going to balance things out, and she might as well accept that, and a repeat of Saturday night would be happening on more than one occasion. The look on her face was more than enough to let me know that she accepted the justice of my plans. Like it or not, she had made her bed and she was going to have to lay in it. Consequences follow actions, for good or bad.

Surprisingly enough, one of the first people I called on Monday morning was Barbara Blevins. She surprised me equally as fast by requesting that we meet as soon as possible. I made an appointment to meet her for coffee around lunchtime with a sense of total uncertainty. Did she have something else that I was unaware of that was going to further upset the apple cart? Was my wife running a brothel out of the hotel above her restaurant on her off hours? Was she being visited by a biker gang while I went to work? At any rate, when I arrived Barbara was her usual delicious looking self. Yet there was something different in her air. It was as if she was being deceptive. There was a mystery in the air, but I had a feeling I would soon be made competent.

"Please tell me that this is not bad news." I quipped, as I slid into a chair across from her, "Things are just starting to turn back to the good side, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Saturday night went very well, and if you'll follow my advice it will get a lot better."

She gazed mysteriously at me over the rim of her coffee cup for a few moments as I digested this last statement.

"Your statement begs a very obvious question Barbara. Just how is it that you know how Saturday night went, good or bad?"

"Okay, I did something I've never done before. I told you that I was personally interested in this case. So when my team and I removed the surveillance equipment from your home, I left one camera and a recorder in place in your master bedroom. I didn't watch the events of the entire weekend, but I was "on hand" for the little show Saturday night. It was both entertaining and quite enlightening, to say the least."

I sat there, shocked and blushing furiously, as the import of what she had just told me filtered in through my thick skull.

"Oh, stop your damn blushing! Look, you know as well as I do that there was an instant spark between us. It took everything you had to keep from bending me over my desk and fucking the shit out of me thirty seconds after you walked in my office that first day. And that's when you were all torn up and depressed about your wife being unfaithful no less. I'm just as drawn to you. This doesn't happen to me often. Like I said, I don't see a very good side of men in general, as a rule they're total shits. You've done a number on me Luke and I'm making some bad decisions because of it. Now you can file a complaint, sue me, or we can put this to work to the benefit of myself, you, and your wife."

"Just where does Sheila fit into all this?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Like I said, I saw everything Saturday. When she saw you with the little blonde, she was jealous as Hell, but it turned her on like crazy too. She loved the part where she was restrained and tickled as well. It's as obvious as can be Luke. She's got a submissive streak a mile wide. She's probably not even aware of it. With the proper guidance though, that woman can be made as hot as ten dollar pistol. Maybe subconsciously that's why she's repressed her sexuality so much through the years. It's time to let all that loose."

"What exactly do you have in mind?"

"Saturday night your little blonde friend needs to find an alternate way to spend her evening. A few other things are going to happen differently as well. I'll be in touch with you, and at some point I'll have to talk to Sheila about Saturday night. Her life is going to very radically change. I want you to give her one command. When I call her, she is to follow my commands to the letter. If she deviates from what I tell her to do in any fashion, she might as well pack her trash and be gone. Harden your heart and be firm on this. I guarantee you won't regret it. Oh, and Luke, I'm going to make what that little blonde did to you pale in comparison. Just leave the camera in place. I won't be watching you two this week, but we'll definitely want to record what happens Saturday night."

The call from Barbara to Sheila came on Thursday night. As per Barbara's request, I had laid down the simple ground rules that her wishes were to be treated as commands. No deviation would be tolerated in the slightest. If Sheila could not live with Barbara's commands, she had the option of packing up and moving on. Sheila could comply and stay, or she could leave and Barbara would be here anyway. Basically, the only choice Sheila had in the entire matter was whether or not she would be a participant with Barbara and me, and the only way to exercise that choice was to follow Barbara's every command without question or hesitation.

Once again, the children were out of the picture for the night. It would seem that rather than going out, we would be having Barbara as a guest for dinner. Strangely enough, Sheila ate early, and hustled upstairs to prepare herself as dinner finished cooking.

I came down in my best black suit and found the table in the dining room set with the fine china, with places for two. It was then that Sheila appeared with the main dish in a silver covered tray. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. Sheila was wearing stiletto heels, black nylons and a garter belt, and a starched and ironed white apron. Before I could even register the astonishment at this sight, the doorbell rang, and Sheila hustled off to answer the door.

Sheila opened the door, head bowed low, with a quiet, "Good evening Mistress, come in please."

Barbara Blevins stepped into the house and handed Sheila her wrap. It took a moment for my heart to start beating again. She was dressed all in black, from her tight cocktail dress, her stockings, and her heels. Her thick, luxuriant hair was pinned up, and I could not decide which part of her should get the most of my attention, that long sweep of exposed neck or her sparkling crystal eyes. Of course, those long shapely legs cried out for their share of attention as well. Her makeup was very lightly applied, but I quickly determined that her lipstick had a definite strawberry essence. Her cologne was a heady fragrance, to say the least.

Dinner was an odd affair. We enjoyed the meal, we had great conversation, and there was no shortage of sexual chemistry and innuendo either. Sheila was basically furniture during the entire event. She carried, she cleared, and she mostly hovered in the background in case she was needed. On the two occasions when Barbara did bother to so much as acknowledge her presence, she was referred to as "Slut."

We retired into the den for a drink after the meal, and again Sheila put in her appearance after the dishes had been cleared and the kitchen cleaned. Here is where the normality of the evening left the rails very quickly. Barbara was seated next to me, with my arm around her. She, for her part, was not very discreetly rubbing her fingers along the length of my rapidly hardening cock. Again, I was enjoying that strawberry flavored lipstick as well.

"These heels are quite uncomfortable Slut." She said as she looked at Sheila with an icy stare, "Get on your knees, remove them and massage my feet. I suggest you do a very good job at it, or your punishment will be both swift and certain."

Sheila, to my amazement did not so much as hesitate, but did exactly as she was told, lovingly rubbing the length and breadth of each foot and each individual toe. To my surprise, I could tell that this was exciting her. Her nipples were distended and her breathing was becoming ragged, if you listened close enough to tell. Of course, I suspect that Barbara was enjoying the power she was exerting over my wife as well.

"Do you find my feet pretty Slut?"

"Yes Mistress, they're very beautiful and soft. They're very sexy"

"Then I will permit you to worship them you little bitch. I want them kissed and licked all over. You'd better not miss a centimeter. While you enjoy my feet, I'll pass my time enjoying myself by playing with Luke's nice, large cock. He's wanted to share it with me for some time now, and it looks like tonight will be the night. I'm so going to enjoy showing him what making love with a real woman is like."

"Yes, Mistress."

Again, to my utter amazement, Sheila did exactly as she was told. Barbara gave me an "I told you so" look as we cuddled and kissed, while Sheila nibbled and kissed away. It was amazing watching her tongue slip along the sole of Barbara's nylon covered soles.

"Don't worry." Barbara whispered in my ear, "We're just getting started. Before the night is out, I'll guarantee you, she'll have the greatest sex of her life. You're going to see her gladly doing things you never thought she'd do at gunpoint."

In due course, we climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Sheila was ordered to remove her apron which she dutifully did. It was at this point that Barbara began lashing her to the bench beside the bed. Again, I could observe the look that held that mixture of lust and apprehension in her eyes.

"Luke would you undress me please?" Barbara sweetly asked, "You may leave on my stockings and garter belt since I know that pleases you."

"As for you, Slut, you are now going to be taught a lesson. I gave you a simple instruction. You were told to worship my feet and not to miss a spot while you did so. Unfortunately, you did miss several spots and will now be punished. Luke, I'm going to need that box from under the bed. There's also a small velvet bag in my purse and a small bottle of lube. Would you get that for me as well please?"

The contents of the box were no mystery, but the bag was another matter. It turned out to be an object that looked a great deal like an egg with a wire protruding from it. Barbara covered it with a small amount of lube and without ceremony slipped it into Sheila's already wet pussy. With the flip of a switch, I heard a faint buzz begin. Then out came the ostrich plume.

In moments I could see that Terri was a rank amateur compared to Barbara, her skill was on a completely different level. Then there was the added dimension of the vibrator buzzing away inside Sheila. At key points, Barbara would speed it up or slow it down. It was obvious that she was bringing Sheila to the edge of orgasm, and then backing her off. It must have been terrifically frustrating for Sheila, enduring that tickling and the vaginal stimulation at the same time. On top of the whole experience was the simple visual tableau. My wife was a sexy woman, of that there was no doubt, even at her age and after bearing two children. Barbara was a stunner, outright. Her body looked like it could have been carved from marble. There was not a visible flaw. The sight of these two interacting, one completely dominant was almost more than I could handle.

"Have you had enough yet Slut?" Barbara's voice taunted, "I can keep this up all night long."

"Please Mistress, I'll do anything you ask!" pleaded Sheila.

"Well, we'll just see about that Slut. Do you like my breasts?"

"Yes Mistress, they're very lovely."

"They're much nicer than yours aren't they Slut?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Well then Slut, I want my tits sucked and I want them sucked well. If you do a half-assed job, I'll tickle you worse than I have already. I'll take away the vibrator too."

Without a second's hesitation, Sheila began absolutely worshiping those lovely orbs. Hell, I was jealous frankly, as I would have liked to apply for the job. Again, I could hear the alternating buzz of the vibrator nestled inside Sheila's canal. After this had gone on for awhile, Barbara rose up and placed two chairs at the head of the bench, one on each side. She placed her knees in one on each side and lowered her groin downward.

"Now Slut, since you suck tit so good, we'll see how good you do at licking pussy, and I know you want to lick it for me. Again, don't mess around here. You've got an advantage. You know how you like to have yours licked so the same technique will likely work on mine. I'll guide you as needed. You'd better make me cum or you'll be sorry. I haven't even started tickling your right foot yet, so you better get this right the first time."

Judging from Barbara's reactions, Sheila must have been a natural. Barbara was playing with her nipples and rocking her slit back and forth over Sheila's tongue which I could see frantically working away from my vantage point on the bed. It wasn't long and Barbara erupted.

"Right there...yes there...don't you dare stop! Ah God, yes..."

Suddenly Barbara collapsed into the left hand chair and leaned back, looking at the ceiling.

"You did a wonderful job, my little Slut. Now, while I cool down a bit we need to talk. You see, this whole thing is on film. That means you are now my own personal little Slut. If I call you and tell you to come to my office at lunchtime, your pretty little ass had better be naked and on your knees in front of my chair at noon. You'll do what I say, when I say it. You'll worship my feet, suck my tits, eat my pussy, and if I'm in the mood I might just strap on a dildo and fuck you good. That man in your bed, he's wearing your ring, and he's given you his last name, but he's mine now too. So if I choose to swing by his office and let him fuck me on his desk, or if I choose to suck his cock, you'll have not a damn thing to say about it. I will be nice enough to give him permission to share his dick with you when I'm not using it. I hope it isn't a problem with you, but I'm about to do just that.

My God, if the woman could fuck any better she would have killed me. Again, she made Terri look like a rank amateur. For a woman with such a low opinion of men in general, she damn sure knew how to operate one. Her oral skills were superb, and even the touch of her fingers seemed to leave a tingle in their wake. Her body was incredibly responsive, like a finely tuned sports car. It seemed that anything I touched or kissed elicited a response that was favorable. Sheila had already warmed up her breasts and pussy, but damned if I was going to pass them up. It didn't matter; she liked it just as good the next time around. By the time I slid my hard cock in her she was soaking wet and it felt heavenly. She was tight, but not uncomfortably so, and the moaning and cooing in my ear as I slid in and out of her only served to heighten my desire even further. We moved from position to position flawlessly as if our movements were choreographed, and even our climaxes seemed to arrive within seconds of each other.

Again, we showered and dried one another, but there was one change this evening. Before Barbara left, she had one last conversation with Sheila.

"I want you to know one thing Slut. It was I who caught you cheating, and I'll be watching you from now on. If you ever hurt this man again, there will be no second chance. He'll be mine, and mine alone, and you won't even get to share him with me. That doesn't stop, by the way. After, what, five times the slate should be clean right? Well, that's not going to happen. You're going to be my Slut and that's going to be my cock until I decide otherwise. Maybe that's not fair, but then, you're the one that cheated, Slut. Remember, this whole thing was recorded. How would you like for your friends and family to watch you absolutely enjoy being my little Bitch? In other words, Slut, your ass is mine."

By the time I got Barbara out of the house and turned Sheila loose, she damned near raped me. I've never seen her so fired up. We fucked like bunnies all weekend. I was almost happy to go to work on Monday morning just to get away from her. Soon life settled down, and things were almost back to normal, and yes, we're together still.

So yes, my wife cheated on me. Yes, it was devastating and heartbreaking. I think, in the end, I came out far ahead, although I'd readily admit that mine is far from the usual situation. Sheila holds nothing back anymore and there's nothing she won't try. We've managed to do some pretty wild things like flashing and semi-public sex. She seems more fulfilled and happy than she's ever been. Barbara is still very much a part of our life as well. Sheila sees her at least twice a week, as do I, and it's after those meetings that we have some of our best sex. It turns her on incredibly to be Barbara's submissive and on a couple notable occasions, Terri has joined us on a Saturday night as well. The sight of those two working Sheila over is just about more than my heart can stand. Those are what I call "Viagra nights" since I'm not eighteen anymore, but I can proudly take care of the three of them, although it takes me a day or two to recover.

So yes, I suppose the old saying is true. There are dark clouds in life, but every now and then you manage to find one with a silver lining. Thank God, I did.

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Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 years ago

The fiction here is that because the sex is now better, the marriage is worth keeping. A marriage built on sex is doomed to fail. Sex built on a loving marriage is a different matter. The husband in this story will eventually (hopefully) grow up and when he does the wife will find the new rule is "one and done" the next time.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Don't like the way it ended. Far too over the top

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Wife's infidelity spices up marriage

Well yeah, nothing shakes the boredom and tediousness out of a marriage than a knock down drag out divorce, thats the spice that this shit leads to it, as well it should.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

I liked it.

4/5, why not 5/5?

Because when he evened the balance he should’ve let Barbara and Terri go and returned to his wife. Now he has opened the door to Barbara stealing his wife as sub full time.

He is a greedy stupid man.

BarlowNBarlowNabout 6 years ago
Silver lining

This is a great story. I love that it all worked out in the end.

fanfarefanfarealmost 11 years ago
buncha whiney firstworlders

Yep anonymousie sure is brave and strutting around,,,,,,,on paper!

As satisfying as it is to feel the crunch of an assholes facial bones under my knuckles, It was just fucking dumb luck the police screwed up and I did not to wind up in prison. I'd loooove to see the look on our manly anons tearful faces as they are being auctioned off to one of the cellblock gangs.

The other bit of idiocy from the keyboards of stupid, stupider and stupidest is that the fictional character of Keith, is now getting too much fictional sex?!!? Cry me a river!

Instead being trapped in a boring dull morass of mediocre sex, Keith now has three [count them three!] hot babes fucking him into a very happy stupor. And you idiots are complaining about this.......what macaroons!

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
now you need

to find her boy toy, taser his ass and cut his cock off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Silver Lining?


Can't trust her, dump her.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 12 years ago
A well developed and excuted storyline

Cross genre and very erotic was what I thought was special about the story, along with well developed characters made for a very good read.

Well done, and thanks for the read.

BTTapBTTapalmost 12 years ago
Nice mixture of subgenres

Combined the dramatic cheating wife story with a variation of the hotwife story. Pretty well done, too. If the best revenge is living well, this guy has executed the best possible revenge.

I liked a couple of the subplots, too. I've seen the closet submissive wife thing done before, but it fit well in this story. I also liked the post-nup as leverage to keep the wife in line.

The wife's ending the brief affair and coming clean helps justify the reconciliation, but seemed a tad unemotional on the wife's part, at least initially. In fact, I found the dialogue throughout to be a bit unnatural and clunky.

This was a refreshing change from the usual LW stories, and for that I am thankful. I don't usually come to LW for the smut, but it's nice to get some of it when handled this way.

While imperfect, and not a tour-de-force LW story, I give it 5 stars for being refreshingly original, sexy, entertaining, having some interesting takes, and mixing drama and fantasy. Not realistic? Who gives a fuck?

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