Soothing the Savage Beast


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"Please, don't--" I began as he leaned heavily into my ass, pressing me more firmly against the bike as he reached between my legs. Pleasure exploded inside me as he caressed my button, his big cock stretching my pussy as he fingered me making me feel wicked. "Fuck..." I wailed, the word long and drawn out as I began humping his finger.

"Come on!" he growled as he teased my button. "Come on!" he demanded, his finger busy and his voice harsh and loud. "Come!"

"I'm going to come all over this fucking motorcycle!"

"Do it! Fucking come all over that bitch!"

With a stuttering groan, I shuddered through my orgasm, holding tight to the handlebars as I sagged, forced my supporting leg straight, and then sagged again. "Stop! Stop! Please stop!" I begged as he continued to erotically torment my button.

He tortured me with sweet intent for another instant before he roughly hauled me off the bike, spun me around to face him, and then picked me up to clasp me to his chest. He was so much bigger and stronger than I was he handled me like a doll, and I loved it. As I had earlier tonight, I wrapped him in my legs as I gripped him tight, his arms surrounding me, holding me to this chest as I rode out my orgasm. I wilted as my climax finally washed out of me. This orgasm wasn't as hard as the previous two he'd given me, but it was still more intense than the first one he'd given me, and harder than any orgasm I'd had prior to tonight.

"Fuck..." I murmured as strength slowly seeped back to my body. I pulled my face from where I'd buried it in his neck and found his lips.

We kissed for a long moment, the caress of our lips deep and slow. Once I'd had my fill from his lips, I again buried my face into his neck, enjoying the feel of his muscular body against mine. I sighed, completely content and relaxed. Still holding me tight, he turned to the door, opened it, and carried me through the house to his room. This time he didn't throw me into the bed, but held me snugly as he flipped the rumpled linens back and placed me gently on the mattress before following me into the bed.

I couldn't see him, the room completely dark, but I could sense him watching me. After a moment, he gently ran his finger over my forehead, pushing my hair out of my face. It was a very loving gesture, and I pulled him to me for another kiss.

After another long, erotic kiss, he tumbled to the bed beside me and covered us with the sheet. With a groan, I rolled over and snuggled into his embrace, nodding slowly as his right arm surrounded my back and his left hand gripped my right laying on his chest, holding it softly but firmly, as if he were afraid I'd suddenly disappear unless he held me tight with both hands.

I squirmed, getting comfortable while sighing deeply, my eyes heavy. Walking on the wild side is... exhausting my mind whispered as I began to slide into sleep. A ghost of a smile tickled my lips as I listened to Evan's deep, regular breathing. Exhausting... but oh my God, is it fun.


Ruddy ocher tinted the windows as my eyes slowly opened. We were in the same position we were in when consciousness left me last night, except we were no longer covered by the sheet. I groaned to myself as I slowly stretched, luxuriating in the warmth of his embrace and the slight tenderness between my legs.

I yawned mightily. There was just enough light seeping into the room that I could see his cock was oak hard. I instantly flooded as lascivious thoughts began careening around inside my mind. I wanted, no, needed another good fucking. I considered taking him into my mouth and blowing him awake, but I was a bit self-conscious over my skills. He'd ruined me with is mouth last night and I was afraid I wouldn't measure up to his expertise. I changed my plan. To me, it seemed like I'd been able to match him fuck for fuck last night, so I decided I'd fuck him awake instead, the idea thrilling me at a deep level. Moving slowly, trying not to wake him, I carefully extracted myself from his embrace. I smiled, pleased with myself that he was so dead to the world I'd escaped without rousing him. Take that, you sexy motherfucker!

Still moving as slowly as possible, I straddled him, being careful to not touch him. Once I was in position, I slowly lifted his cock, tipping it to the vertical. He began to stir with my touch, battling his way out of sleep. No time to waste! I was already sopping, so I dropped, slamming him deep into my pussy, wailing softly in erotic pain. My pussy was more tender than I'd realized, but the discomfort, and the memories of why I was this way, instantly morphed the pain into pleasure, and made me want to fuck him even more.

He came awake immediately, his eyes wide, adding his bellow of pleasure, or pain, or both, to my own wail. I braced on this chest as I plunged my hips furiously, instantly desperate for a hard fucking followed by an explosive release.

"Motherfucking shit! We're fucking! My cock is already in your pussy and we're fucking!" he roared as he grabbed my hips and began helping me fuck him even harder, my breasts bunched together by my arms but still jiggling from the fury of our fucking. "You sexy fucking bitch! Your pussy is fucking the come out of my cock!" He bellowed again as he strained to drive his hips up while repeatedly slamming down me over his shaft, his face twisted in profound effort and pleasure.

I cried out with pleasure as I bounced on his rod as hard and fast as I could, adding my voice to his as he roared and bellowed beneath me, his chest and arms bulging and twisting in effort as he hammered me over cock. Everything was forgotten, my humanity stripped away, leaving behind only the animal that howled and snarled as she mated.

It'd seemed we'd only just started when my orgasm hit me like a thunderclap. "Fuck!" I screamed, the word drawn out long as I flung myself upright onto my knees, my back arching as I braced myself on his legs and doused him a second time with my nectar.

"Keep fucking me!" he roared, his face twisted into a mask of pleasure and pain as he continued hammering me over his cock. With another bellow, he threw me off him, flipped me to my back as if I weighed nothing, and then lunging between my legs again, driving his cock into me with a single, vicious plunge. "Fuck!" he raged as he reared up on his powerful arms and power fucked me like I'd never been fucked before. "I can't take your pussy! My fucking cock can't take it! I'm going to fucking come!" he howled to the ceiling.

I clawed at him, incoherent with pleasure, wanting to escape his brutal fucking while hoping it'd never stop. "Don't stop fucking me!" I wailed, my mind only dimly aware I was speaking at all.

With barely a hitch in his motion, he captured my hands and pinned them to the bed beside my head as he reared. "Mother fuck!" he roared as he rammed himself deep, his essence exploding into me as his legs churned, trying to drive his cock deeper still, his body jerking and twitching as his legs drove me up in the bed to wad me against the headboard.

Finally, with an explosive exhale, he collapsed over me, his body quivering as he wrapped me in a crushing embrace and then tumbled, dragging me onto his chest as he did. Then we were still.

I lay on his chest, gasping like I'd just run a race as he panted and rumbled low and deep in his chest like an idling semi. He grunted hard and deep as he thrust his hips madly, driving his cock into me furiously a moment, before he again relaxed, his rumbling idle returning.

We said nothing for a long moment. "Jesus... Christ, Andi" he growled. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

"Yes, I'm okay, and no, you didn't hurt me," I whispered into his neck. He had hurt me with his savagely hard fucking, but I didn't care. From the moment I'd decided to fuck him awake until now couldn't have been more than ten to fifteen minutes. We'd both lost control in a momentary frenzy of passion, but that was exactly what I'd wanted, what I'd needed. My pussy was aching like never before, and I'd probably have some bruises, but I'd wear those battle scars with pride.

We were quiet for another long moment before he pulled my face from his neck. He watched me for a moment, his eyes searching mine, before he pulled my lips to his. I accepted his kiss and drank in the pleasure. After a moment, I slowly pulled back and again buried my face in his neck. I breathed deep to inhale his scent. He held me, his cock still inside me, as I lay on his chest. I didn't understand what'd come over me, but I didn't care. Fuck it! I thought with a smile. I breathed deep again, incredibly well fucked and content, and that was enough for now. I sighed one last time as sleep again pulled me into its dark and loving embrace.


I woke first, slowly rising from the enveloping blanket of sleep. The sun was fully up now, and the bright morning sun poured through the bedroom's windows. Sometime in wee hours of the morning, I'd slid off Evan's chest, and now I lay in his embrace, still and at peace, my arm and leg thrown over him possessively, my pussy aching and well used. He was hard again, but I couldn't. My pussy was wrecked, and I needed a little time to recover. I smiled. Pussy? I never thought of that part of me as my pussy before. My flower... my womanhood... but never my pussy.

All my frustrations were gone, the anger consumed in the fury of the night's passion. I smiled to myself as I sighed in contentment. I'd challenged him to show me how to fuck, and he'd delivered not one, not two, but three fuckings unlike any I'd ever experienced. Fucking? Not making love? Not doing it? I smiled to myself. I didn't know how long it might last, but I felt like I'd changed since he'd invited onto the back of his motorcycle. He'd called me a bitch several times last night, and where before it might have upset me to called a bitch, last night I'd taken that moniker from him with pride. Last night I had been a bitch. I'd been his sexy fucking bitch as we fucked the shit out of each other.

I sighed again as I stared at nothing, content to stay where I was until the end of time. The bed was wrecked, the comforter in the floor, the sheets pulled loose and tangled around us in the center of the bed. It was fitting, somehow, that we'd destroyed the bed as we'd destroyed each other. With another sigh, my attention turned from the bed to his arm. I found it interesting that I hadn't noticed his sleeves until now. I'd never seen him without his jacket on until last night, and when he it took it off, I was distracted by other parts of him I that found more interesting. I lightly traced some of the pictures with my finger, semi-nude women, motorcycles, the occasional oil derrick, and a giant fish of all things. Before last night I'd have found the tattoos off-putting, but somehow, they seem right on him. Another thing that had changed about me. He stretched with a groan and a sigh, and I looked from his arm to his face.

"Good morning," he rumbled, his eyes still closed, his voice slow and deep as he clawed his way out of sleep.

I stretched to kiss him long, slow, and deep, a kiss he returned in kind. "Good morning to you," I murmured. "Did you sleep well?"

He sighed as he smiled and nodded slowly. He seemed so much less... intense. "Yes. Better than in a long time." He sighed again, tugging my hair gently to bring my lips back to his. "I think, at least for now, you've..."

"I've what?" I whispered after a moment.

He said nothing for long seconds, but I'd learned that I could wait him out. "You've... renewed me somehow. Like..."

"Like?" I prompted when he didn't continue.

"It's hard to describe. Like... you've taken away some of the pain, some of the darkness. I feel more like I did when Karen was alive."

"Your sister?" I asked, unsure that I remembered her name.

He nodded slowly. "She'd have liked you."

I felt a pang of sadness for his loss. "I'd have liked to have met her."

He nodded slowly again. "I wish you could have." He paused a moment before tugging on my hair again. "How did you sleep?" he asked as our lips slowly parted.

"Like a woman that's been well fucked." Even though we'd fucked only a few hours ago, I wanted him again, but I hurt, I hurt badly. Maybe later, my libido whispered.

"I know how you feel."

A smile teased my lips. "Better than Jenni?"

He returned my smile as his eyes drifted closed. "Jenni who?"

I snickered. I was quiet for a long moment. "What do you think this means?"


"That you've... found some peace... and that I've found I enjoy a... bit of wildness."

That crooked, enigmatic little smile appeared. "It doesn't have to mean anything."

I lay still, thinking about what he'd said. 'It doesn't have to mean anything,' but what if it did? What if we had a... connection... for the lack of a better word. What if I calmed his inner demons and he pulled me out of my shell? What if we were two halves that made a whole? I smiled to myself. It was far, far, too early to be thinking about forever, but it wasn't too early be thinking about tonight... or if I recovered quickly enough, later this afternoon.

"I'm supposed to work at the store today, but I don't think I'm going in. They can get along without me," I murmured.

"Aren't you worried about losing your job?"

"Fuck it," I growled with a smile.

He snickered. "Your miss goody two-shoes image is getting a little tarnished."

"Do you care?"

"Not a bit." He was quite for a moment. "So, if you aren't going to work today, what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know. My purse is still at Gushers, and that's where my car and house keys are."

"So, you can't into your apartment?" I rocked my head on his shoulder. "You need a place to stay?"

"Just until Gusher opens and I can get in and get my keys."

He nodded slowly, as if thinking. "You seem to have a problem. No place to stay... no way to get anywhere." I waited. "I guess I can put you up for a couple of nights until Gushers opens." I smiled, hoping he'd offer. "If you're going to be hanging around, I guess we better figure out some way to pass the time."

I knew what I wanted to do, but my pussy needed time to recuperate. I thought about it, remembering the freedom I felt last night on the back of his motorcycle. 'Freedom, baby.' 'The nearest thing to flying without leaving the ground.' Yeah, that sounded like something I needed more of.

"You have a shirt I can borrow?"

"I can probably scrounge something up. Why?"

"I think I need another ride on the back of your motorcycle. A longer one."

We were quiet for a long moment. "You know, when a woman wears a man's shirt, that's like him planting a flag on concurred territory."

I smiled into his chest. "I'm okay with that. At least for now." I paused. "Then, we need to come back here so you can rip my shirt off me again."

"You mean my shirt," he teased.

My smile spread. "Well... I guess we don't--"

"I have plenty of shirts."


"I like your plan."

I stretched for another kiss. "So do I."

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rbloch66rbloch66about 2 months ago

That was raw and intense, and ultimately, I could feel the sense of freedom in their release. I enjoyed that much more than I thought I would.

The_OutlanderThe_Outlanderabout 2 years ago

That was interesting, absorbing, and very well written.

I'm definitely up for a bit more of this pair.

DoctimeDoctimeover 2 years ago

Tickeling the ivories has new meaning. Fucking in C flat and long. Play that tune again Sam (Evan). Sequel time!

rayironyrayironyover 2 years ago
It sure ain't


I wonder what her playing will be like next set?

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