Sophie's New Perversions Ch. 02


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Now that I knew what was coming, he stepped back and began to press the log into my pussy. He did not work it in gently, but just kept pressing. I screamed as it felt my body would be torn open. When he was in farther than anyone or anything ever had been, he began moving in and out, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. I expected it to come up into my throat. After several minutes, he had fully inserted the monster inside of me. It had to be in my cervix. He began making very long strokes, pulling out to almost come disengaged from my body and then plunging it back in with force. My bowels threatened to explode. I concentrated on getting pleasure, on having an orgasm. It built slowly and finally the pleasure washed over me and I momentarily forgot my other pains.

But, unlike he had done with Tracey, he kept on going, faster and faster. With each stroke, I could feel the strain on my bonds. The web was creaking as his pummeling threatened to tear it apart. Suddenly he shoved in and stopped, roaring as he erupted inside of me. After several hard spurts, he pulled it out and our Masters returned us both to an upright position and moved a platform back under our feet.

Then Arnold assisted our Masters in removing us from the webs and they led us out to the bathroom, where first Tracey and then myself were allowed to drain our bowels of the liquid we had held there so long. We were told to leave off the rubber panties this time.

This was also when we realized we had been perspiring profusely in the chamber. It had been quite warm in there and our hair was matted with sweat. Our Masters encouraged us to drink lots of water. Even when we were no longer thirsty, they made sure we drank more. They said we would need lots of fluids before returning to the chamber for the next session. We both sagged at the shoulders to realize the lessons were not over.

We were told to sit on a bench and wait while the masters returned to the chamber. We were encouraged to talk. Our leashes were left tied to a ring on the wall.

"How long will your uncle keep us here?" I asked.

"I don't know," said Tracey. "I didn't know this room even existed. I've never seen it before."

"I hope they don't tickle you again. That was horrid," I sympathized. "What do you think they have planned next?"

"I doubt they'll tickle us again. I am surprised they haven't used a whip or paddle yet. I'm also surprised they haven't done anything sexual. I can't guesss what might be next."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Tracey thought a moment and said, "It could be 10 or noon or afternoon. I haven't a clue. I don't even know when we woke up this morning."

About the time, the door to the chamber creaked open and our Masters emerged and each took our leashes. This time, as we entered I noticed immediately that the room was quite cold. I noticed my nipples harden and I shivered.

We were led to some apparatus that had been moved to the center of the room that looked like stocks; the kind they used back in the time of the Pilgrims. There were two sets, facing each other. We were made to kneel on some thin pads and our heads and arms were placed into the stocks which were locked shut. Our knees were moved wide apart and our knees and ankles strapped down to the platform.

I thought, "Well, at least now, they might at least screw us." We were in perfect doggie position and could not move. Tracey and I were facing each other, only about eight feet apart.

Arnold wheeled a cart up between us where we could see much of what it contained. I shivered again, not from just cold, but in wonderment at what was there. There were various whips and paddles. Clothespins and clamps, hooks and weights, and many assorted devices were spread around the cart. I shuddered again. I looked at Tracey and saw the same look of terror in her eyes that I knew was in my own.

The Masters came between us. Uncle Brad spoke. "Both of you have gained many new sexual freedoms in the last few months. Mostly you have used your newfound skills and assets as you should. But, occasionally you have done some things you should not. Sophie, you could have gotten your teacher fired when you displayed yourself during class. If you must have sex at school, make sure the doors are locked and the curtains closed before you even start."

I winced at the remarks, knowing he was right. "Tracey, walking around downtown with no panties and then hanging out at a strange bar is a good way to get molested by dangerous men. Stick to places we have made known to you as safe."

I, of course, did not know what that was about, but I could tell it hit home with Tracey. "Sophie, if you are going to the adult bookstore, call first to make sure that Sam is there. He can control who is getting close to you and who is not. Not everyone that frequents the place is a POVES member."

"Tracey, if you are going to do private shows at the strip club, make sure you use a condom unless you know the man is a POVES member in good standing. You endanger us all."

Uncle Brad continued for several minutes, naming violations of good sense that we both were guilty of committing in our lust over the last few months. Basically, he was trying to get across to us that our sexuality was both a benefit and a danger. We had to learn that in some situations we were quite welcome and encouraged to show our stuff and initiate sexual contact. However, in other situations, it could prove dangerous to us and to others.

When he had finished, we were both feeling ashamed. After a period of silence to let it sink in, he said, "For those transgressions and to teach you to obey and respect those around you, you will be punished. I hope you enjoy it." The last remark did not go unnoticed by either of us.

Each of the Masters selected a small fine-stringed whip and moved behind us. Bruce spoke, "You may feel some pain, but there will be no permanent damage to either of you. You may even find that you enjoy pain. If at any time you feel that you have been injured or that you have reached your ultimate limit, you may end it all by shouting 'aardvark' to either of us. Is that understood?"

Tracey and I both uncertainly and hesitatingly answered, "Yes, Sir"

Uncle Brad continued, "You are free to cry and scream and do whatever you feel you must. Your safe word was chosen because it is not a word you would cry out when in pain. Just be warned. If you cry that word at the first blow, you have not given it a chance and you will not be allowed at the party next week. You must save that word until either the pain or humiliation has reached such a point that you can take it no more." After letting this all sink in for a moment, he concluded, "Do you both understand?"

"Yes, Sir," we answered in demure voices.

"Very well."

Then came a series of lashes across our exposed asses. These then moved to our upper thighs and across our backs. I shrieked when the first lashes hit my exposed pussy. Moments later, Tracey did the same. It seemed to go on forever and then suddenly stopped. Both of us had been shouting for them to stop, but neither of us had used the safe word. Facing each other, I think we were both determined to outlast the other.

When they stopped and stepped aside to confer, I could feel the burning sensation everywhere I had been whipped. Gradually I also noticed the cold, which in turn emphasized my need to pee.

Then the two Masters returned to the cart to select some new equipment. I shuddered at the clamps and clothespins, wondering what devious things they had in mind next.

One by one, items were clipped to our breasts, pinching and pulling them down. I involuntarily squealed or jumped as each was attached. When they stopped, I could feel them not only pinching, but weighing my breasts down. I could see Tracey's boobs and their clamps hanging below her stock front. Next, Uncle Brad showed us another device. It consisted of eight clothespin-type clamps with a thin wire connecting them. He held it by the wire and tipped it from side to side letting the pins slide and click back and forth. He disappeared behind me with two sets.

Uncle Brad massaged and rubbed my pussy. To my surprise, he easily slid two fingers inside of me. I screamed out when the first clamp was attached to my labia. I continued to flinch and jump as each of the eight were attached in quick succession down the lip on one side of my aching twat. Then he did the same to the other side.

Again, the Masters stopped and let us absorb the new feeling into our beings and waited until we had also registered the discomfort of the physical torture along with our chilled bodies and aching bladders.

Then Bruce stepped to the cart and held up what looked like fishing weights attached to slim wires, each with a small clip on the end. The two Masters took several of these and I could feel the pull on my pussy lips increase as they were hung, one by one, from the wire connecting the clips already pinching and pulling my labia. I tried to picture what it must look like as I felt the multiple strains on my body.

"Would you like to see?" asked Uncle Brad.

"Yes, Sir," I answered quietly, trying desperately to keep my voice even.

Arnold and Bruce rotated Tracey's stocks, obviously on wheels. As she turned, I could clearly see her breasts, weighted down and dangling below her. Her breasts were streaked red from the pinching and pulling. I imagined my own looked the same, only smaller. She was completely rotated until her ass and pussy were facing me. Her labia hung down nearly two inches on either side of her gaping hole. Then Bruce stepped up behind her as he lubed a butt plug and inserted it into her rectum as she squealed in pain once again.

Once this was done, Tracey was returned to face me, a small tear rolling down her cheek. The men then rotated me for Tracey to see and invaded my ass with a butt plug as well.

That being done, Uncle Brad announced that they had to go check on the workmen and would return shortly. They left, leaving only a single candle burning off to my right and we were once again in silence. I catalogued the various pains and strains on my body, my mind seeming to search every inch and inscribe each pain and discomfort into my brain. I couldn't believe what had been done to me. When would it end? Was it all worth some stupid party? Why didn't I just use the safe word and stop the torture?

Tracey whispered, "Are you OK?"

I hesitated to answer, but finally nodded and said, "I hurt all over and have to pee, but I'll be alright. How about you?"

"One of the pussy clamps seems to be pressing right on a nerve and really hurts, but the rest aren't too painful. I hope they are almost done. I can't take much more."

We drifted off into our own thoughts and concentrated on trying to relax, our eyes closed. The time dragged on and the need to urinate soon overcame all else.

Suddenly the door opened and more lights came on, causing us to blink. The Masters stepped behind us and removed the butt plugs, relieving one small discomfort. Uncle Brad spoke, "The work crew needs to be serviced. They are coming in to use you. If you can get through them without coming and without peeing, you will get a chance to relieve yourself. If you do pee or have an orgasm, you will be punished. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," we both answered, anticipating some relief.

The pussy clamps and weights were removed one by one, but the ones on our breasts were left in place.

Then a dozen people, eight men and four women entered the chamber. Two of the women immediately stepped between us and were given low stools to sit on. They lifted their skirts and moved their exposed pussies to our faces and we began to lick and tongue them, working hard to get them aroused and coming so we could move on. I watched as a man moved behind Tracey and dropped his pants to expose an average sized cock which he unceremoniously plunged into her. I quickly felt the same in my own pussy. I was surprisingly wet and open.

Fortunately, these people did not last a long time. I felt the man's cum filling me and then he pulled out and shot some across my back. I bit lightly on the woman's bud and she too shrieked, but I managed to fight back any impulse of my own to orgasm. The second woman did the same as the first, scooting into my face. The second man, deciding my ass looked more inviting, shoved straight in with no effort to make sure it was comfortable for me. The woman came soon and was replaced by a man who simply fucked my face. When he came, I nearly gagged, since he buried himself deeply in my throat.

Some of the people were able to become aroused a second time and then it got very difficult not to reach my own orgasm. When one particularly large man was reaming my ass, he reached under and massaged my clit. I was fighting back the arousal. Then a woman got below me and began licking and took over the fingering. When the man began filling my bowels with sperm as the woman nibbled my clit, I could take it no more and came myself. As I did, I also let a small amount of urine escape from my over stressed bladder.

The woman below me jumper up and swore at me. Uncle Brad used this breach of etiquette to lash me a dozen times as punishment. The woman appeared appeased, if not completely satisfied with this punishment. I looked up to see that Tracey was getting similar treatment, so she must also have broken down.

The people all left and the two of us were once again in near darkness to contemplate our fates. Added to the previous pains were the fresh lashings and the stretched muscles of our asses, pussies, and jaws. I could also feel the slowly drying cum covering my body.

Sooner than we expected, probably five minutes, Uncle Brad, Bruce, and Arnold reappeared. Uncle Brad spoke, "Tracey and Sophie, you have done extremely well so far." Those last two words were enough to let us know it was not over. "Because of this, I want you to get a little air, relieve yourselves, and have some food. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, sir," we both responded quickly.

Immediately the final clamps were removed, and we were let out of the stocks and encouraged to stretch and get a few kinks out. I just wanted to pee!

Bruce took the initiative to explain the next step. "Slaves, you will be going upstairs and outside. You will however not be going as people." This caused some confusion. "You are now our dogs. As dogs, you are man's best friend. You will behave as dogs. You will walk on your four legs like dogs - not on knees, but with both feet and both hands on the ground. We will be assisting you with commands just as we would real dogs, but you must think and act like a dog. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," we both answered.

Our leashes were jerked and we were both told "Down, girl" by our Masters. We dropped into the four-legged stance required with two feet and two hands down to walk. Of course, our legs being longer than our arms, our well-used asses and pussies were high in the air.

The Masters led us up the stairs and out through the kitchen to the large expansive yard. We were each led to a tree and commanded to pee. Of course, we both needed to so badly that raising a leg to do it was only a minor inconvenience. It was only when we were done that we were turned back toward the house to notice a dozen people in suits and dresses on the patio. They had just watched the performance.

Uncle Brad said to Bruce, almost casually, "You know a good bitch would wipe herself on the lawn after she peed, don't you think, Bruce."

"Well, that's true," answered Bruce. "Maybe these two bitches need some training."

I immediately squatted as did Tracey and we drug our pussies across the grass to wipe off any urine that might be clinging there. It tickled a little. At least they didn't try to make us lick ourselves like many dogs do. I am not that flexible.

We were led back towards the house, and I could see, despite my head down position, that we were heading for the guests on the patio. We ascended the steps and I felt Tracey bump my side and give me a little grin, as if to say, Watch this." She immediately went toward one of the men on the patio and stuck her nose into his crotch, sniffing like a dog. I snickered to myself and did the same to a woman near me.

She patted my head and said, "Down, girl." Tracey got a pat and a "Good girl" from the man. Then someone said, "What have those dogs gotten into? They smell and their hair is matted. I think they need a bath."

"I do believe you are right, Mitchell. I will have Arnold bring out the washtubs and we'll bathe these two bitches before we have our meal. In a few minutes, we were led back to the yard. About half of the crowd left the patio to get a better view. Two washtubs were produced, along with scrub brushes and a hose. The tubs were filled with soapy water. We were led into the tubs, where the icy water shocked us both and we jumped. We were shoved back in and scrubbed and washed from every angle. When we were thought to be clean enough, we were removed from the tubs and rinsed by the cold spray from the hose.

I could feel the goose bumps all over my body, but worked hard to remain in character. We were led back into the house while the guests watched and snickered. In the dining room, they all sat down for a meal of sandwiches and stew. Tracey and I were led to opposite sides of the table where we each had two bowls, one full of water and the other full of what at first appeared to be dog food. I sniffed it and was thrilled to be greeted by the smell of beef stew. I hungrily ate, my face down in the mixture, and drank water by lapping it up. I could see remnants of stew floating in the water where it had washed off of my face.

It was the first food I had eaten since the previous day at noon. By the looks of the sun outside, it must have been two or three in the afternoon by now. I managed to clean my bowl and it looked as if Tracey had too. I looked at Uncle Brad expectantly. He finally noticed me and just said, "Sit, Sophie." I let my tired body relax as I sat back on my legs and watched the people at the table eat and visit. For the most part they acted as if we were not even in the room.

As the guests were finishing their food, one man turned to me and offered a corner of his sandwich. I could see there was a small piece of roast beef still in it. I walked the few steps to him and took the scrap from him. He patted my head and stroked my hair. Uncle Brad just scowled at me and repeated, "Sit, Sophie." I did.

When the plates and bowls had been cleared, the guests were served cake and coffee while we were again ignored. When they had finished, they arose to go out on the patio again. Tracey and I were called to follow our masters.

Outside, we were made to perform tricks. "Roll over." "Play dead." Each time we obeyed and performed, we were rewarded with pats or strokes and occasionally a small tidbit of food. They even had us play fetch with a ball. Trying to run in the awkward head-down bear crawl was quite difficult.

We were told to lie down and relieved for the rest. The guests and our masters moved away and conversed. Then I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. Tracey saw it too. Two large dogs were loping toward us. I didn't know what to do. The dogs came right up to us and sniffed. Tracey and I both rose to move toward the patio.

I yelped when a cold nose touched my snatch and I could hear a dog sniffling as the nose went into my snatch. I tried to move away. I happened to look down between my swinging breasts and back between my legs. Beneath the dog, I could see his very long and slender cock emerging, red and inflamed, from under the creatures belly. Suddenly I looked up because I could hear Tracey screaming, "No Rex. Stop it. Get away." Rex had his front paws on her sides midway up he back and his head near her neck and was struggling to enter her.