South Beach Cuckold

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Playful flirting in a bar goes too far.
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"I don't know. I don't really get why you think it would be so fun," said Leigh Ann.

Roger sat across from his wife in the restaurant. He had mentioned the idea on an impulse after finishing a few glasses of wine. He wasn't sure he could answer her question. "I guess I just like the idea of other guys wanting you as badly as I do. Watching them come up and hit on you in a bar would be pretty hot. It's just a little playful flirting, no harm in that."

Leigh Ann and Roger were having the best vacation of their lives. They had been married for ten years, and this trip was their anniversary present to each other. They had spent way too much money booking a room at a gorgeous art deco hotel in South Beach. It was really a stretch financially because Roger was having a tough year. He sold advertising for a living, and the market had really softened up since the recession had hit. Leigh Ann had even gone back to work as an administrative assistant to help make ends meet.

She had no trouble getting a job as her looks turned heads wherever she went. She was in her mid-thirties, but she had the body of a woman ten years younger. Her soft brown hair hung straight over her shoulders, and she carried herself with a confidence that was as sexy as she was. When she had been out at the pool earlier in the day, Roger noticed every man around them casting inconspicuous glances her way.

One man was less subtle. He was just a few years older than they were. He was tall, about 6'4", and he was built like a professional athlete, with angular muscles that come only from consistent workouts and a perfect diet. He had dark hair, but the gray that was just beginning to show in his goatee hinted at his maturity. He lifted his expensive sunglasses when he walked by Leigh Ann and brazenly checked her out. He stood at the pool bar just a few meters away and ordered a mojito. While his sunglasses stayed on this time, he seemed to be staring right through Leigh Ann's bikini. Roger seemed to think he saw his wife notice the attention and smile knowing the effect she was having on him.

That moment was the genesis for the idea. Roger noticed how turned on he became by this man's obvious desire for his wife. Maybe it would be fun, he thought, if they walked into a bar separately, her first and then Roger ten minutes later. Without a doubt she would be surrounded by men in no time. Roger had no doubt that he would be excited to watch other men hit on his wife. He also thought that it might excite Leigh Ann to know that after ten years of marriage, she still had what it took to drive men crazy.

After a little harmless flirting Roger himself would come up and hit on her. After a little 'stranger meets stranger' role playing in the bar, they could go extend the fun up in their room. This would all just be a little playful fun for a loving couple.

"Will it turn you on to watch other men hit on me?" asked Leigh Ann.

"I think it will," said Roger.

"You think?" laughed Leigh Ann.

"Ok, I know," smiled Roger.

"And what if they want to buy me a drink? Should I let them?"

"I guess, if you think they are cute," replied Roger with a playful smirk.

"If they are cute I might let them buy me two drinks," laughed Leigh Ann.

"Whatever you want... two drinks, three drinks, they can even buy you breakfast." They both laughed. However, they both also knew that if they did end up doing this, that it would never go too far. For all their humorous little patter, they were both very conservative and very committed to their vows. This would not possibly go beyond a little flirting in the bar.

"Well... my kinky little husband, if I did agree to do this, when would we do it?"

"I guess we could do it tomorrow night, I don't know."

"Yeah, I'm already a little tipsy," said Leigh Ann. "Maybe tomorrow night is best."

It occurred to Roger that maybe it was the wine that had helped Leigh Ann agree to do this in the first place. After sobering up in the morning, he worried that she might not be so open to the idea.

"Hell, let's just do it tonight," exclaimed Roger. "Let me pay the bill here, and we'll head back to the hotel. The lobby bar in that hotel is as good a place as any. After a little play time in the bar, you and I will head up for a little alone time in the room."

Leigh Ann smiled and nodded her head. She ran her slender finger around the rim of the wine glass from which she was drinking before lifting the glass to finish off what was left in the bottom. She reached across the table and grabbed Roger's hands. "Ok," she said. "Let's do it."

They discussed logistics in the cab on the way back. When they arrived at the hotel, Leigh Ann would get out of the cab and go into the bar. Roger would then have the cab driver pull up to the hotel just next door before he would get out. By the time he paid and walked over, Leigh Ann will have had about ten minutes to attract some attention. There was no doubt that she would. She wore a short, almost sheer, crepe-paper looking skirt that hugged her waist and showed off both her long legs and her heart-shaped ass. Her top was sleeveless and tight-fitting with thin straps. It showed her cleavage almost to the tops of her nipples. The outfit was very daring by her standards.

As they approached the hotel, Roger's heart started beating rapidly. He was going to love this. "What should I do about my wedding rings?" asked Leigh Ann, breaking the silence.

"Ummm... I hadn't thought about that. I don't think anyone would mind you wearing them. They'll still hit on you."

"Just the same, I don't want to wear them. " She pulled them off and handed them to Roger. "You hold them." She seemed nervous. Her breathing was a little uneasy.

"Honey, we don't have to do this."

She answered him by leaning towards him and kissing him passionately.

"We're doing it," she smiled.

The car pulled into the hotel and she stepped out. Roger remained inside as per the plan. Without even a look back, she walked into the lobby. Even the doorman gawked at her as she walked by.

Roger put the wedding rings in his front right pocket. He looked over his shoulder as the cab driver pulled out into the street on his way to the next hotel. When the cab arrived next door, Roger got out and paid the driver. The night was warm, and he was more nervous than he had expected. He double-checked that he had the rings and started walking back to his own hotel. He suddenly stopped himself, deciding to go into this adjacent hotel for a quick drink to settle his nerves before heading back.


Leigh Ann was actually excited about this little role play. It would be an opportunity let her hair down, and it couldn't hurt to spice things up after ten years of marriage. She was conservative, but she could also surprise herself at times, and this little adventure was a case in point.

The lobby bar was very nice, and as it was early by Miami standards, it was filling up but still uncrowded. It was dimly lit with a pale blue light, and it opened into the lobby itself where there were additional tables set up for serving drinks. Booths, more dimly lit, were on both walls, and the bar itself was against the back. There was Latin music playing, but it was not so loud that one could not carry on a conversation.

She took one of two open seats at the bar. She could feel the stares of two twenty-something men, both fit and handsome. She rubbed the bottom of her thumb nervously against the empty space on the finger where her wedding rings should have been.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Pardon me," she responded. She had not noticed that one of the two young men had approached her and was already offering to buy her a drink.

"Please do," she answered. "Chardonnay."

The young man ordered her wine and he waited for the bartender to pour it, he introduced himself. He and his friend were in town for a sales meeting, and they were staying at the same hotel. Leigh Ann found them both attractive, but she was having a hard time with the flirting. She kept waiting for Roger to arrive, and it was obvious to the two men that she was expecting someone else. They made pleasant conversation for a few minutes, but the men sensed that they were getting nowhere, and they soon wished her a good visit before finishing their drinks and heading out to get a late dinner of their own. This left Leigh Ann alone in the bar, with no obvious candidates with whom to flirt when Roger did arrive. She wondered what was taking him so long.

She turned the glass of wine up, quickly drinking half the glass. The alcohol seemed to be a decent remedy for her nervousness. She ran her finger around the perimeter of this glass like she had in the restaurant earlier. She seemed lost in her thoughts when she was interrupted by the waitress.

"Miss, the gentleman in that booth wanted me to send you this glass of champagne."

She looked up to acknowledge the waitress. "Certainly, thank you." She took the champagne and looked over to where the waitress had pointed. It was the same well-built man that Roger had seen ogling her at the pool earlier in the day. He wore linen slacks and a tight fitting t-shirt that made his athletic figure as obvious as it was when he wore no shirt at all. He lifted his own glass to toast her.

She stood, looked out to find that Roger had still not yet arrived, and walked over to thank this man. The man stood to greet her. The two looked like a better matched couple than did she and Roger. He was every bit as fit and attractive as her, while Roger, shorter and less striking, always left strangers wondering what they were doing together.

"Hi, I'm Max," said the man.

"And I'm Leigh Ann. Thank you for the champagne."

"My pleasure. I was actually surprised to see you here alone. I thought I saw you with a man earlier at the pool. "

"Well, uhhh.... just me. I thought I would just stop in for a drink."

"Those young men you were speaking with earlier didn't seem like much company. I hope I fare better," said Max. "Have a seat." He guided her by the hand to sit with her back to the entrance of the bar. Now she would not see Roger whenever he arrived. She was sure, however, that he would make his way in to find her.

Max and Leigh Ann sat and talked for some time. He poured her more champagne from the bottle that was chilling beside the booth, and she found herself increasingly charmed by her new companion. He was so attractive, so completely masculine, and there was something hypnotic about the way he spoke to her. She had almost forgotten about Roger until she saw him, out of the corner of her eye, sitting at the bar having already ordered a drink. She wondered how long he had been there. Roger smiled at her, and she tried to pretend not to notice.

"That's the man," said Max, "that I thought you were with. I guess I was mistaken."

"Yes, I suppose so," answered Leigh Ann.

"He seems to be interested in you, however, but I can't really blame him." Leigh Ann blushed. He reached across the table and took her hands in his.

"It's funny," Max said, "I could swear I saw you by the pool today, and I could swear you wore a wedding ring."

Leigh Ann turned up her glass of champagne. "Just me," she said.

"Would you mind if I sat over there on that side of the booth with you?" asked Max.

"Be my guest." Max stood and came over to the other side of the booth, sitting very close to Leigh Ann, he again took her hand. He noticed the tan lines where her wedding rings had been earlier, but he said nothing. "Is it ok if I put my arm around you?" he asked.

"That would be fine," she answered more nervous than ever.

He pushed her hair back and rested his arm along the top of her shoulders. As he did so, he leaned into her ear and whispered, letting his breath warm her neck as he did so. "You know, sometimes married men like to watch their wives come into bars and flirt with other men. Imagine if that guy at the bar was your husband and you were his wife... he'd really be turned on watching us right now."

"Yes," answered Leigh Ann, almost in a moan. The alcohol had certainly affected her. She was surprised by the thoughts that were running through her head. She wanted to be with this man. The playfulness was beginning to get an edge.

"Let's just pretend that's your husband. I bet it would really turn him on if you closed your eyes, if you let me kiss you under your neck."

Leigh Ann's eyes were already shut. She lifted her neck and Max put his lips right below her chin. He kissed her several times, moving lower on her neck with each kiss.

"I'm going to put my hand on your leg, just below your skirt. I don't even think he'll be able to see it from the way we are sitting."

Leigh Ann felt his hand grip her leg just above her knee. Her legs were just slightly parted, but when he touched her, she found herself wanting to open them for him. Perhaps unconsciously she pushed them apart. She rested her head on his shoulder. She opened her eyes and caught Roger's stare. He was conspicuously watching her with Max. Roger gave the appearance that he was in a trance, unable to look away. Max pushed his hand up so that it went under Leigh Ann's skirt, but not so far that he was touching the white lace panties that she had put on earlier that evening.

"They say that the most common fantasy amongst married men is to watch their wife be taken by another man."

"I don't know. I don't understand," Leigh Ann tried to respond. Her breathing was shallow, she was having trouble focussing on anything other than her growing sense of lust.

Max pushed his hand up Leigh Ann's thigh until he was gripping the soft flesh where her thigh met her panties. Leigh Ann pushed her legs yet wider apart, and Max rewarded her by brushing his fingers against the softness of the cloth that covered her pussy.

"Is that your husband, Leigh Ann?"

"Yes," she responded. "You were right."

"What's his name?"


"Invite Roger over here."

She lifted her head off of Max's shoulder as if she was suddenly sobering up to the reality of what was taking place.

"There's no harm in inviting him over here. Let's all have a little chat."

Leigh Ann motioned to Roger, indicating that he should take a seat across the booth.

"Hello, Roger," said Max as he approached. "I'm Max. Have a seat."

"First of all, is it ok that I'm sitting with your wife like this?"

"Yes, but...."

"It's ok, I figured it out; she didn't tell me right away. Have you guys ever done anything like this before?"

"Like what? What do you mean exactly?" asked Roger.

"Has she ever gone into a bar to meet other men... I mean, since you've been married?"

"No, sort of an impulse thing."

"But it was your idea, right?"


"Roger, I get it. It's perfectly normal, and very common actually, to want to see your wife with another man. Does it turn you on, watching her sitting next to me right now?"

"I don't know," stammered Roger. Leigh Ann was now sitting straight up. Max was playing with her hair with his right hand. His left hand remained under her skirt. Both Leigh Ann and Max could not be sure if Roger noticed this or not. It suddenly made Leigh Ann very uncomfortable. She was sure Roger would not be ok with going that far.

As if reading her mind, Max addressed the very issue. "You can't see my left hand, Roger. But I want you to know that it's under Leigh Ann's skirt. Is that ok, Roger?"

Leigh Ann's legs started to close on Max's hand, but she did not push it away. Roger paused for a long time saying nothing. Finally, his eyes looking directly at Max, he said, "I don't know. Is it ok with Leigh Ann?"

Max answered for her. "She seems to like it. Right now I'm touching the outside of her panties. I'm stroking her very gently through her panties. I can tell that they are lace. What color are they, Leigh Ann?"

Leigh Ann could barely utter the answer. "White. They're white."

Her legs pushed apart unconsciously once again.

The waitress suddenly appeared reminding them all with her presence that they were in a public place. She refilled the champagne glasses for Max and Leigh Ann, and acknowledged Roger when he pointed to his empty glass to indicate he needed another. Max started into Roger's eyes as the waitress walked away.

Roger lifted the edge of her panties and slid his finger below the soft cloth. With the very tip of his middle finger, he traced the length of her labia and rubbed the very top of the opening where her clit was swelling. Her mouth formed a circle as she pushed her breasts forward, her back arching slightly.

"Roger, I'm touching her pussy now. Do you want this to stop?" asked Max.

Roger said nothing. The awkwardness of the moment was broken when the waitress returned with Roger's drink. This time she noticed Max's hand under Leigh Ann's skirt, but she only smiled, saying nothing. When the waitress had walked away, Leigh Ann buried her head in the cradle of Max's neck. She placed her open mouth against his goatee, and Max leaned down to kiss her passionately.

"Let's all decide now where we want this to go," announced Max. "I for one think your marriage will benefit if the three of us have an extraordinary adventure tonight. I think you are both strong enough to experiment with something new tonight. Roger, do you agree?"

"What... I don't understand."

"I'm touching your wife's pussy, and she is loving it. You are watching it happen, and I think you are loving it also. Now I want to take her up to my room and slide my cock inside her body. I want you to come up and watch. You don't have to say anything. I'll leave you my key. In ten minutes, join Leigh Ann and I in room 924. Don't expect to participate. You'll watch. You'll do what you are told, understand?"

Roger nodded. He sat in disbelief as Max and Leigh Ann stood to leave the bar. Leigh Ann's eyes were turned towards the floor, unable to look at her husband.


Roger paid the bill, including the tab for the expensive champagne. He took the key card and made a bee line for the elevator.

What had he done? This was not supposed to happen. It was just supposed to be a little playful flirting. Now his beautiful wife of ten years was upstairs with a stranger, maybe already fucking him. And Roger himself... why had he not stopped it? What was this uncontrollable urge he had to see his wife with another man? Where did it come from?

He stepped off the elevator and walked to room 924. He stood outside the door trying to hear what might be happening inside. Hearing nothing, he put the key in the door and opened it. There were no lights on, but the curtains were slightly open letting in enough of the outside light to see very clearly what was taking place.

Max stood, his back to the night-lit window, completely naked and magnificent. Leigh Ann knelt in front of him, still fully clothed, her mouth exploring the length of Max's huge cock. She did not notice, or at least she did not acknowledge, Roger's presence in the room.

Max motioned for Roger to approach. "Isn't it beautiful to watch your wife suck my cock? I want you to undress her for me. Try not to disturb her while you do it."

Roger bent down and began by pulling off Leigh Ann's shoes. They were heels with a thin strap that went around the back of the ankle, and he pulled down the strap carefully to remove them one at a time. He then undid the single button that secured her skirt, and he pulled it gently off of his wife. She lifted her legs one at a time to accommodate him, but continued sucking Max's cock. She now knelt with her legs together, the white lace panties that had been a topic of such interest seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. She pushed her legs slightly apart to make it easier for Roger to remove them. Max seemed pleased.