Space Vampire Ch. 04

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Thalessa discovers why she was impregnated.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/17/2024
Created 06/13/2024
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Attack of the Sex Vampires

By Gary LM Martin

Chapter 4

"What have we got, sir?" said Jack, marching down the hallway. He was unused to being called into work in the evening, unless there was some sort of emergency. Obviously there was, but he didn't know the nature of it.

"I'm not sure," said General Henderson. "Just a message from Doctor Whistler saying we were needed immediately."

They entered the medical bay, and saw Doctor Janice Whistler and Dunlop 4. "Ah, good, you're here," said Dunlop.

"Here for what?" said Jack.

"Let me go!" they heard a familiar voice yell.

"Follow me," said Doctor Whistler. She led them to one of the examination rooms, where Major Samantha Arden, completely nude, was lying on her back on an examination table. Her arms and legs were in restraint cuffs.

"Sir, tell them to let me go," Sam pleaded.

"Should I?" said Jack, turning to Dunlop 4.

"You should not," said Dunlop 4. "Major Arden has been taken over by a Valvan."

"Valvan?" said Jack.

"The vampire creature, Colonel," said Janice.

"How do you know this?" Jack asked.

"Major Arden attempted to take control of me during a... private social encounter," said Dunlop 4.

Jack's eyebrows went up.

"She exhibited a power, mesmerization, attributable only to Valvans. I believe she has been taken over by a Valvan and turned into a lesser, or a slave."


"The term has many meanings. On Visenia, a slave was any person who served a Valvan. But it can also mean someone who is being controlled by a Valvan, and given a lesser version of its abilities."

"And you think Arden has been turned into a Volvo," said Jack.

"A Valvan, yes," said Dunlop 4. "Though she herself is still not one, merely controlled by them."

"Oh," said Jack. He casually walked over to Sam, and looked at her. "Hey Arden."

"Hello, sir," said Sam.

He stared at her naked body, at her large breasts and furry yellow-brown pubic bush. "This feels familiar."

"We've done this before, sir," said Sam uncomfortably.

"We have?" Jack asked.

"When I was taken over by the Haveriti," said Sam.

"The Haveriti?"

"The... ass creatures, sir."

"Oh, yes," said Jack. He continued to stare at her luscious body. "But that time you were face down. Now you're face up. Is this any improvement?"

"I feel a little more exposed this way, sir," said Sam, wiggling in her restraints, as her breasts and vaginal lips was exposed to everyone in the room.

"I can see why," said Jack sympathetically. He leaned over her. "Tell it true, Arden. Are you one of these vampire things?"

"No, sir," said Arden.

"Doctor Whistler?" General Henderson asked.

"I examined Sam's body," said Janice, raising her eyebrows. "I found a series of small puncture wounds on her breasts and labia."

"Her labia?" said Jack. He looked down. "But Doc, if she was drained by these things, she looks as... luscious as ever."

Sam blushed mightily.

"As a lesser Valvan, she could replenish herself by draining others," said Dunlop 4.

"How about that, Arden? Have you been... doing it with other women?"

"No sir," said Sam, blushing a deeper shade of red. Janice purposefully looked away.

"So these bite marks, the vampire guy did this to her?" Jack asked.

"Not necessarily," said Dunlop 4. "The bite marks on the clitoris are consistent with an attack from a female Valvan."

"Wait a minute," said Jack. "I thought you said there were only one of these. A guy, Balzac, right?"

"Balok," said Dunlop 4.

"Yeah, right. But now you're saying a woman did this?"

"Balok may have recruited females as lessers to do chores for him. One of those chores would undoubtedly be making sure I was neutralized. Major Arden invited me over to her apartment and attempted to seduce me."

"You did that?" said Jack, looking at Sam. Sam, supremely embarrassed, opened her mouth, trying to figure out what to say, but Jack cut her off. "All right, I'm convinced. She's a vampire."

"We also found her husband, Gavin, locked in a closet in her apartment. He's in the next room," said Janice hesitantly.

"What is it, Doc? Spit it out," said Jack.

"His gender has been drained," said Janice.

"You mean...."

"He has tiny genitals."

"You did this to your own husband?" said Jack incredulously.

Sam, seeing she had been exposed, snarled at Jack, showing her fangs. Jack jumped back. "Oh yeah. She's a vampire, all right." He turned to Dunlop 4. "Can you de-vampire-ize her?"

"Not with your current state of technology. The only sure way to succeed would be to eliminate the Valvan who mastered her."

"Well... can we get any information out of her? Maybe she knows where this Balzac is."

"She is highly unlikely to willingly tell us anything," said Dunlop 4.

"Well, let me try," said Jack. He went up to Sam. "Hey. Sam," he said, starting the conversation again as if none of this had happened.

"Hello again, sir," said Sam, giving him a weak smile.

That was good. Much better than fangs. Jack was a little encouraged. He looked at her, lying there, naked, defeated, restrained on the table in front of him. The words "nude buffet" entered his mind as he stared at her long legs, her furry bush, her large, firm breasts. He shook the thought off, with an effort, focusing on her eyes.

"So Arden... we know you are one of these Volvo things. You can drop the act. What we need from you now is a name. The name of the person who did this to you."

"I... I want to tell you, sir, but I can't," said Sam.

"Can't?" said Jack. "I'm your commanding officer."

"Yes sir."

"In seven years we've been through more things together than any two living beings alive."

"Yes sir," she acknowledged.

He leaned his head close to hers. "And you can't tell me this one little thing?"

Sam started to tear up. "I... I want to, sir."

"Then do it," said Jack.

"She is under their control. She will tell you nothing," said Dunlop 4.

Jack gave Dunlop a warning glare. Then he turned back to Sam. He touched her bare shoulders. The feeling excited her. He started to rub them.

"Come on, Arden," he whispered. "You can do it. Just a name. All we need is a name." He looked into her eyes determinedly.

Sam looked at Jack. She so much wanted to help him. Her mouth struggled to move. "J... J..."

"Yes, come on, you can do it," said Jack, reaching out to hold her hand.

"Janice." It came out of her all in one, determined breath.

The result was like a bomb exploding.

Janice roared and tried to tear her way out of the room. She knocked over two guards and tore by a nurse. But Dunlop 4 raised his weapon and shot her before she left the doorway. She went skidding to the ground.

"What is the world is going on here?" said General Henderson. "Are you telling me the physician in one of the most secure facilities on the planet has been taken over by a parasite?"

"That is exactly what I am telling you, General Henderson," said Dunlop 4.

General Henderson shook his head. "Can you check the rest of my command staff to see if any have been compromised?"

Dunlop 4 replied, "I can attempt to, General Henderson, but even I cannot always determine if someone has been made into a lesser. The best way to tell is to subject each member of your staff to a thorough physical examination to look for bite marks on the breasts or groin."

"I can't wait for my checkup," said Jack.

"Quiet, Colonel," said General Henderson. "Call Doctor Mackay in here. I want Doctor Whistler stripped, restrained, and examined immediately so we can interrogate her."

Doctor Mackay was a balding man with an acerbic sense of humor who soon, with the help of Survey Service military police, had Janice stripped of her clothing and tied to an examination couch right next to Sam. Very quickly he reported his findings.

"Doctor Whistler has the same bite marks that Major Arden does," said Doctor Mackay.

"So... Someone first did this to Doc Whistler, who then did it to Sam," said Jack.

"That sounds very likely, Colonel," said General Henderson.

Janice slowly struggled to regain consciousness. She opened her eyes, and looked around.

"Doctor Whistler, can you hear me?" said Jack.

"Of course. I'm tied up, not deaf," said Janice.

Jack and Henderson exchanged looks. That didn't sound like the Doctor Whistler they knew.

"We want to know who did this to you," said Jack.

"Balok," said Janice. "Balok the Great."

"Great?" said Jack. "Great as in...."

"In every way, Colonel," said Janice, looking down at his crotch, and giving an evil smile.

"Oh," said Jack. "All right. And where can I find this Balok?"

Janice gave a wicked laugh, which startled them. "Dream on, lover boy."

Jack turned to Dunlop. "She's very different from Sam. Are you sure they both have the same thing?"

"It is likely that the Valvans assert a greater degree of control over Doctor Whistler. That accounts for her change in personality," said Dunlop 4.

"Maybe you'd have better luck talking to Sam again," said Janice. "After all, Colonel, you have that personal connection with her." She gave Jack a wicked smile.

"What do you mean, Doctor?" said General Henderson.

"Sir, when I examined Sam after the incident with the Krions, I neglected to report that I removed fragments of alien DNA and human sperm from Sam's birth canal," said Janice.

"Janice, no," Sam whispered.

"The DNA matched the sample we have on file for Colonel Sullivan."

Henderson turned to Jack. "Colonel, did you and the Major... have relations?"

"With the plant! The plant made us do it!" said Jack.

"How many times, Colonel?"

Jack looked down.


"A few. Maybe a dozen. Or more. Something like that," he said, scratching his head absentmindedly.

"And don't forget to tell the General about the pregnancy, Colonel," said Janice.

Henderson looked at Jack. "Colonel, am I only going to learn what really happened in this incident from my senior physician, who is herself under the control of an alien creature?"

"What can I say, General? She got... pregnant. She gave birth to a few of those... plant things," said Jack, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"It wasn't his fault, sir," said Sam.

Henderson looked at the Major, lying naked on the examination couch. "Really, Major? Whose fault was it?"

"Mine, sir," said Sam. "I... seduced the Colonel. He had no choice in the matter."

"I can see we will have more to resolve than just vampires when this situation is cleared up," said General Henderson. "Colonel, do you think you can extract any more useful information from Major Arden?"

"Don't ask Colonel Sullivan, General," said Janice, giving a mischievous smile. "Ask me."

Henderson gave her a questioning look.

"Of all the people in this room, my relationship with Sam is the closest, most intimate," said Janice, giving Sam a mocking smile.

"Janice... no," Sam whispered.

"What do you mean, Doctor?" said Henderson.

"I was Sam's first lover," said Janice proudly.

"First lover?" said Jack.

"Didn't she ever tell you? No? We were lovers together at UC Santa Barbara."

"You... and her?" said Jack, staring at Sam.

"It was just a fling," said Sam desperately.

"A three and a half year fling," said Janice.

"You... and her?" said Jack again, a hurt look on his face.

"It meant nothing to me, sir," said Sam desperately.

"That's not what you told me." said Janice, smiling broadly.

Jack looked confused and hurt. Sam, even in the depths of Valvan control, wanted so desperately to comfort him.

Janice laughed bitterly, enjoying it all.

"What a mess," said General Henderson, slapping his hands against his legs. He turned to Dunlop 4. "So two of my most senior personnel have been taken over by a parasite, and we're no closer to finding the creature that did this?"

"I'm afraid not, General," said Dunlop 4.

Henderson turned to Jack. "Colonel, I want you to take personal charge of this investigation. And I want a report, a complete report, this time, of everything which happened between you and Major Arden with the Krions, on my computer, first thing in the morning."

"Yes sir," said Jack, watching the General leave. He looked at Sam, strapped down to the examination table, still straining to get free, and then turned to Dunlop 4. "Are you sure there's nothing we can do for her?"

"Not until we neutralize Balok."

"You mean, kill him."

"Yes. I mean, kill him," said Dunlop 4.


Thalessa started to show fairly quickly. She had no idea how long Valvan pregnancies lasted, but she started showing a bump within two weeks. Naturally, Nathan saw it and figured out what had happened. Nathan, her boyfriend, who she had partially drained and turned into an obedient slave.

But he was more than that. He still cared for her, even after all she had done to him. She had betrayed him, partially drained him, replaced him with another lover, and gotten impregnated by her new lover... and Nathan was still urging her to sit down, to rest, while he cooked meals for her.

"Why are you doing this?" Thalessa asked crossly. She was used to slaves doing things for her, but only when commanded or compelled to. Nathan was being nice to her without even asking! It struck her irritably.

"You're pregnant, you need to conserve your strength."

"Pregnant, with another man's child," she said, grinning at him.

"It hurts, I won't deny it," said Nathan, pouring her a bowl of hot soup. "But I love you, Susan."

Thalessa banged the table, spilling some of the soup. "Susan is gone! There is no Susan!"

"If there is no Susan, then who gave Susan's sister Emily her breasts back?" said Nathan.

Thalessa, glaring at him, said nothing, and began spooning her soup.


They had found her.

Balok had needed two women. One of them was the most beautiful redhead ever, who would become Thalessa.

The other was the most beautiful brunette ever, who would become Magenta.

And one of his slave operatives had finally found her.

Balok was plowing into her right now. Unlike Thalessa, he didn't need her permission, she didn't need to be able to resist him; she just needed to be the most beautiful dark haired woman ever conceived.

And she was. As Balok pounded into her tight vagina, he squeezed her firm breasts and experienced a joy he hadn't felt in centuries. He looked into her eyes, and expanded his mental tendrils until they were inside her head.

"You are Magenta," he said, thrusting into her.

"You are Magenta," he repeated, thrusting into her again. With each physical thrust came an equally strong mental thrust, as he started to restructure the contents of her brain. Balok had used part of himself to recreate Thalessa, and now he was doing the same with Magenta. This beauty, whose name he didn't remember and certainly wasn't important, was more and more becoming Magenta with each passing moment. Balok's mind flooded her with memories of Magenta, with her feelings, her perceptions, her desires and wants. Balok overwrote her mind and made it his own. He made her Magenta. As he climaxed within her, exploding within her, he exploded within her mind, overriding the last untouched sections that retained her previous identity. She gasped, and grabbed his arms, as some anonymous woman died, and Magenta was born. He kept plowing her, smiling grimly, still semi-hard within her.

Her eyelids fluttered for a moment, and then she opened her eyes wide, and the first sensation she felt was Balok, still thrusting within her. She smiled warmly, and greeted him with an enormous kiss.


Balok began to disappear, for days at a time.

Thalessa had thought that with her burgeoning pregnancy, which so excited Balok at its creation, that he would spend more time with her.

The opposite proved to be the case. As she got bigger and bigger, Balok spent less and less time with her. When she asked, he told her that he was "busy" building his new empire and recruiting more slave assistants. But Thalessa sensed something else about Balok... another presence, as if there were another Valvan. But that was ridiculous, because she and Balok were the only two Valvans on the planet Earth.

Her concerns only magnified when Balok stopped making love to her. She told herself that it was only natural, because she had a large belly now, but it wasn't just that. He seemed distracted. His attention was clearly elsewhere.

She talked to Nathan about it only because there was no one else to talk to about it. Nathan, who had every reason to be alienated by her, listened sympathetically as he cooked her dinner. Nathan was always doing that, cooking and cleaning and caring for her. He acted like the perfect cuckolded housewife.

"Could he be seeing someone else?" Nathan asked.

"I suppose... he could be sleeping with one of his lessers. Several of them, perhaps."

"Are his...lessers any match for you?" he asked.

"Of course not," said Thalessa. "But... they have flat bellies and slim figures, and me... look at me."

"You're beautiful, Susan," said Nathan, and he said it with such quiet dignity, with such sincerity, that Thalessa didn't even mind that he called her Susan.

She looked him in the eye, Nathan, the little man whose penis she had drained. She saw his love for her. He was the only one who loved her, she realized.

So why not?

She gave a small hand motion, and he helped her get up. He followed her into the bedroom, like an obedient puppydog, and stripped off his clothing at the mere telepathic suggestion while she struggled with her own.

When she was naked, the revulsion she expected to see in his eyes was not there. She was huge, and she was carrying another man's child, but all Thalessa saw in Nathan's eyes was pure love. That was enough for her. She lay down and spread her legs. Nathan got on top of her and started hugging and kissing. One thing turned into another and then Nathan got between her legs (with difficulty, because of his belly) and aimed his small penis towards her gaping vagina.

"Can you still... get it hard?"

"I think so," said Nathan.

Thalessa didn't ask how he knew. Men and women who had been partially drained could usually perform the sex act... it just took more effort, and more willpower.

Nathan put himself inside of her. He was so small that she barely felt him. But in moments he was thrusting into her. Thalessa felt the motion, but not much else. She marveled that Nathan could be so sexually excited while having sex with a woman who was carrying another man's child. But he was.

He plowed in and out of her for a long while. It must have been hard for him, given his current condition. Thalessa didn't feel much, but found the whole thing oddly relaxing. And then she finally heard a quiet groan, and then a small vibration, and she knew he was done.

Except he wasn't. After he pulled out, he moved his head downwards and started sucking her, with his lips.

"Ooooh," said Thalessa. She hadn't expected to feel pleasure from this encounter! But her clitoris throbbed under his tongue and lips. "Nathan," she cried, grabbing his head. It was the first time she had spoken his name since... since....

Nathan worked her expertly with his mouth. In moments Thalessa was rocking back and forth against his tongue. She started to pant, faster and faster, and in moments she came, on his mouth. "Ooooh!" she cried, as she climaxed.

Nathan came to lie by her side. Just like they used to, when they were both... when they....

Thalessa tried not to think about it.


Balok smiled as Magenta drained her husband. Her former husband. They had only been married two years. He really didn't deserve her. He was a short little man, some kind of banker of some sort, whatever that was, something to do with money, which was of no concern to Balok in the present. Balok watched as Magenta drained him entirely. One hundred percent. When she was done, his penis was no larger than a baby's, and he was sobbing like one too.