Special Inducements


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"Bradley, let me explain some facts of life...having sex with another guy doesn't automatically make you gay!"

"It doesn't?" he asked with surprise.

"Oh hell no...ever since the dawn of humans men have gratified one another in times of need when a woman wasn't available to them...men are born with the basic need for sex -- we can only go for so long before we have the biological need to ejaculate -- to replenish our bodies with fresh sperm and semen...."

As soon as I said it I realized I needed to work on a different opening line, that one was beginning to sound rather lame, even to me.

I quickly added: "I have learned over the years that sexually satisfied boys make better students and earn better grades."

"Why would that be?" he asked.

"Oh, it's simple if you think about it..." I responded. "Let me ask you a question: how often do you think about sex every day?"

He hesitated then cautiously said, "Well, uh, you know...a lot."

"Precisely..." I said, "it's very distracting, isn't it? When you're in school your focus and concentration should be a hundred percent on your studies, shouldn't it?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so," he answered.

"...and when you become distracted in class or while you're studying and fantasizing about sex you probably spring a boner, am I right?" I asked.

"Mister Evans," he said with dismay, "...that's kinda personal."

"Bradley, you and I are adults...if you decide to accept my offer we will have many 'personal' conversations about sex," I said. "...but to get back to my point, when a boy springs a boner everything else becomes secondary and you begin daydreaming about girls and getting laid, am I right?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so," he said softly.

"...and while you're daydreaming you don't hear a word the teacher is saying...or if you're reading, the words on the page become blurred because your mind is obsessed with sex...think about this though: if you ejaculate once or twice before school, and two-three times in the evening, your mind will be fresh and clear with absolutely no distractions...would you agree with that?"

"Ummm, uh, I guess so, I think," he stuttered.

"Bradley, all of my boys have graduated with honors -- they have all moved on to important and lucrative careers -- some of them are married to women and have children...what I'm getting at is having sex with a guy doesn't change who you are, it simply gives you a release to clear your mind so you can concentrate on more important matters, like your education!"

"Mister Evans, uh, no offense, but couldn't I live at home while I'm going to school?" he asked.

"Bradley, you're missing the whole point. There are too many distractions at home...I have found that my boys thrive better when they are with boys their own age with whom they share a common goal...and a common lifestyle," I said and instantly thought to myself: Would you buy a used car from this man?

I continued: "I don't need your answer right now...I want you to think hard and long about it tonight and if you decide to accept my gift, come to my house for lunch at noon tomorrow and I'll show you around and you can meet your roommates, okay?"

"Oh," he said. "okay."


When I got home, I looked in on Sammy and Jimmy. The cute little fuckers were seated at their respective desks studying for their finals wearing simply their jockstraps.

"How's it going boys?" I asked.

They swiveled their heads and smiled when they saw me.

"Hi, daddy," they said in unison.

Jimmy, the more dominant of the two said, "I fixed Sammy a nice casserole tonight, daddy, there's some left if you're hungry."

"I had a couple cheeseburgers at the party, thank you anyway," I replied.

I glanced at the rumpled bed and smiled at the boys.

"I want you both to join me tonight -- if you're not too tired, that is," I said pointing at the wrinkled sheets on the bed.

"Sammy will definitely be ready, I didn't let him cum tonight..." said Jimmy as Sammy shyly averted his eyes. "...and you know me, daddy, I'm always ready!"

I chuckled and said, "Okay, boys, take your time...I'm going for a swim."

"Alright, daddy," replied Jimmy.

Since my swim trunks were still wet, I decided to go into the pool 'au naturel.'

I dived into the water headfirst, swam to the far end then swam back. My arms on the edge held me up neck high in the water while I thought about Bradley.

I wasn't sure how he would turn out, so to speak. He easily took the pleasure I gave him while making no move to reciprocate until I threatened to quit sucking him. Only then did he willingly participate.

Yes, it was his first time with a man, and he had been shy and unsure of himself, but I can usually get a sense if a boy is going to be a top or a bottom right away.

It was easy with Sammy. He had been so shy and submissiveness from the start, I knew he would obey my commands with little or no fuss.

And Jimmy, well, he was like Sammy at first, shy and acquiescing, but when I paired them together in the same bed, Jimmy topped Sammy rather quickly.

Which reminded me, I had plowed Sammy's boycunt so hard and long last night, he is probably still sore so I'll fuck Jimmy tonight instead -- he needs it anyway -- when one boy thinks of himself as a top to another, being on the receiving end of a good ass-fucking can be a healthy dose of reality.

Anyhow, if Bradley decides to move in here, and that is a big 'IF,' I'll go slow with him. I'll have the other boys suck him off for a few days until I teach him how to suck their cocks.

If necessary, I'll take him to the cabin for a week or two of intense training.

When a boy becomes addicted to receiving pleasure and is suddenly denied that pleasure, it's amazing how quickly he learns that 'receiving' and 'giving' are closely interrelated.

I started thinking about the summer of my eighteenth birthday.

I had begun high school thinking I was a typical, red-blooded guy, but by the time I graduated, the demons in my head had sewed enough doubt in my brain I felt an overwhelming need to learn the truth about my sexuality.

I was still looking at hetero porn while I masturbated. Particularly photos of women kneeling between men's legs sucking their dicks.

I'm not sure when it began, but my fantasies suddenly shifted from the women to the hard cocks they were sucking. I dreamed it was my mouth wrapped around a manly cock. It was my head bobbing furiously back and forth trying to make the man cum in my mouth.

What the hell is wrong with me? I asked myself every time I climaxed.

There was, and still is, a park near downtown notorious for homosexual hook-ups at night. It's name was used as a cruel taunt by many boys.

"So Anderson, what are you doing Friday night? You gonna hang out at Loring Park as usual?"

or "You gonna be on your knees behind a tree at Loring Park tonight?"

or "You strike out with girls so much you might want to try Loring Park!"

I worked nights at my father's car dealership as a Lot Boy. When I got off at ten I would usually drive straight home to look at porn.

One night the car seemed to have a mind of its own and I found myself at The Park. I sat in the car staring down the gentle hill at the walking path below. I wanted to see for myself what really happened there.

For half-an-hour I saw an occasional solitary figure but never saw anyone 'hook-up.'

Suddenly, there was a young-looking boy being followed by an older man. The man caught up with the boy. They briefly conversed then disappeared together back into the darkness.

For some reason, my heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily. I imagined the man standing behind one of the giant oak trees while the boy dropped to his knees and took out the man's hard cock.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wondered when I sprung a boner.

Soon, another boy was on the path. He too was soon joined by an older man. After a brief conversation, the man turned and began walking up the hill nearest me. The boy followed close behind him.

It excited me thinking I was going to get a closer look at what the two of them were about to do. But when the man continued walking towards me the hair on the back of my neck stood straight. I had to scrunch down in the seat so he wouldn't see me.

Oh my God -- the man stopped at the back door of the car right in front of me and looked all around. I clearly heard him say, "Get in the car, boy!" and the boy replying "Yes, sir."

For fifteen-minutes I stared over the top of the dashboard trying to make out what I was looking at in the backseat. The only discernible sights were the man's head and shoulders. I couldn't actually see the boy but I knew darn well what he was doing with his head in the man's lap.

When the back door finally opened, first the man came out followed by the boy.

"That was pretty good, kid" said the man. "Be here tomorrow night at the same time!"

"Yes, sir," the boy replied.

My imagination was running wild. When the man drove off I couldn't help myself. I took out my hard prick and in less than two-minutes shot a big load while picturing his manly cock in the boys mouth.

The next night at work the demons in my head were arguing again.

"You have to go to the park tonight to see if the boy shows up!"

"Why? What do I care? I'm not queer...I couldn't see what the boy was doing anyway...."

"Who are you trying to fool? Quit lying to yourself! You couldn't even wait to get home to jerk off last night! Maybe tonight you can screw-up enough courage to do the 'fag-walk' on the path yourself!"


I recognized the man's car but there were cars parked behind, and in front of his. Disappointment turned to elation when I spotted an opening directly across the road from his car.

When I parallel parked and shut-off the engine, my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting from the lone street lamp. I saw a silhouette in the drivers seat of the car and assumed it was the man waiting for the boy.

I scrunched down in the seat but gave myself a clear look into the backseat of his car. I was excited -- this angle would give me a much better view of them.

I checked my watch, the 'show' would begin within ten-minutes if the boy was on time. My prick was already stirring in my pants with anticipation.

From this side of the street there was no view down the hill into the park. I simply waited and waited and waited....

I checked my watch for the tenth time. The boy was now fifteen-minutes late. I decided I'd wait until the man either drove away, or went down the hill to the walking path.

His drivers side door suddenly swung open and the man climbed out of the car. He looked all around him as he closed the door.

And then -- OH MY GOD -- he began walking directly towards ME!

I tried to make myself as small as I could but he strode right up to my window and lightly rapped it three times.

I was busted - what else could I do? I lowered the window and dumbly said, "Hello."

"Looks like fag-boy isn't coming tonight, maybe you want to take his place in the backseat with me...you'll have a close-up and personal view instead of crouching down and spying on me," he said.

He squinted hard at me and exclaimed, "Holy shit, boy, how old are you? I don't do jail-bait!"

"No-no, I'm eighteen," I said.

"My-my, aren't you a pretty little thing...you wanna suck my cock, boy?" he asked me with a smile.

I could have said "No" and told him to "Go to hell" but for some damn reason all I could think of to say was "I've never done that."

He instantly replied, "But you're dying to find out what it's like, aren't you boy?"

Now I was tongue-tied. "Uh, well, uh---"

The smile remained fixed on his face.

"I usually don't do virgins, but you're cute as hell...I will teach you everything you'll need to know...c'mon boy, get outta the car and follow me!" he said firmly.

The blood drained from my face. My heart was pounding so hard I imagined he could hear it.

He took three steps toward his car then turned and said, "C'mon boy, you're wasting my time...you came to this park for a reason -- you want to know if you're queer or not, don't you? This is your chance to find out...deep-down I know you want to do this..."

I was frozen in place. The demons were howling in my head.

His voice suddenly softened as he said, "You know son, if you don't at least give it a try, you will regret it the rest of your life!"


So for two-months that summer, I willingly climbed into the backseat of his car three-nights-a-week.

Each time was the same. Once we were inside the car and enveloped by the darkness of night, he would kiss my cheek and say "Open my pants and take out my cock, boy!"

I always responded "Yes, sir" and did as I was told.

His penis was always soft when I managed to lower his slacks and boxers.

"Get your pretty face down there and lick it until it gets nice and hard, boy!" he would say.

"Yes, sir," I replied and again obeyed his command.

Once my tongue had him fully erect, I would keep licking his hot flesh while I reveled in the wonderful manly aroma wafting up into my nostrils until I heard the magic words.

"Wet your lips and slide them over my cockhead..." he ordered.

I replied, "Yes, sir" and did as I was told.

His final command never failed to give me a throbbing boner inside my briefs.

"Good boy," he would say while gently patting my head. "Now suck my cock, boy, and when I shoot in your mouth you make sure to gulp it all down!"

"Mmmmmmm...." I would hum with four of his six-inches stretching my lips obscenely wide.

And each time after I had successfully swallowed his load, he would say, "Lick it clean, boy!

"Yes, sir," I would say then immediately do his bidding.

Once he was satisfied with my effort he would softly say, "That was good tonight, boy."

"Thank you, sir," I always replied.

And when he fixed his clothes in place, he would kiss my cheek again and whisper in my ear: "I turned you into one helluva cocksucker, didn't I boy?"

I would reply, "Yes, sir" and for some unknown reason I would add, "Thank you, sir" which always made him chuckle.


When you finally accept the fact you are attracted to the same sex, the next discovery to be made is whether you are a 'top' or a 'bottom.'

In my case, I had met an older man who was definitely a top. There was no question it was my place to obey him. I figured that is simply the way these things work.

And when 'The Man in the Lincoln Town Car' (I never learned his real name) was transferred to Houston, I went in search of another older man to serve and obey.

I soon learned gay boys my own age didn't interest me. They were either too overbearing or wimpy as hell. I was attracted to strong and confident men, not wishy-washy little boys.

I have to admit though, on slow nights in The Park, sometimes I didn't have much of a choice on who I would end up with if I wanted some semblance of human contact at all.

Gay bars sprung up all over town and that hurt my chances of finding nice men. They didn't have to cruise in darkness anymore.

It seemed the only ones left walking The Park were guys too young for the bars, like me, and creepy older men who were in such deep denial of their sexuality they had to lurk in the shadows and carefully pick and choose their prey.

I had many disappointing and dangerous one-night stands.

It happened several times. After I swallowed the guys jizz behind a tree, he would go into an inexplicable rage while I was still on my knees.

"You worthless faggot" or "Goddamn fucking queer-boy"

I never understood it -- I had just sucked them off and now they were calling me names?

And I learned early on when they said something like "I'm going to teach you fucking faggot a lesson" I had better protect my face and head from the blows that were about to rain down at me.

The last time I went to The Park I was still swallowing the last spurt of cum from some guys dick when he began pummeling me. I received two black eyes, a swollen cheek, a split lip, and two bruised ribs from his work boots.

I finally told myself "No more...."


Until my junior year, my college roommates were all regular guys. They never asked if I was gay and I never volunteered it either. Since I wasn't cruising The Park any longer, I masturbated in the shower if my roommate was home.

That all changed when 'Kent' became my roommate. He was shy and passive. We always did whatever I wanted to do and he never complained, but I wasn't sure if he was gay or not.

He was a cute little fucker and I found myself wanting him more and more. Strangely, in my fantasies, I wasn't the one on my knees. That was a first for me.

I dreamed about his small hands caressing my penis and balls until I sprang a boner. Followed by his full, pouty lips wrapped around my hard prick while I plunged in and out of his hot and moist mouth.

All I had to do was figure out a way to convince him he was queer. That was when I came up with my 'special inducements' plan.

The first part of the plan was simple. Since our dormitory always seemed to be 80 degrees and the windows in our room all faced west toward the setting sun making it even hotter, I simply announced one afternoon "I can't take this anymore" and stood from my desk and peeled off my clothes until I wore nothing but my boxer briefs.

Kent's eyes bugged wide, his mouth agape as he watched my little strip show.

I smiled at him and remarked "This is so much cooler...you know, I won't mind if you do the same."

He turned beet red and stammered, "Well, uh, I don't think so..."

For two days, I loved it when I caught him sneaking glances at my body. He was definitely perspiring more than normal, too.

On the third day, he was sweating profusely and unable to concentrate on his studies.

"I can't take it anymore," I said to the pretty freshman boy. "It bothers me how uncomfortable you look...if you don't take off your shirt and jeans -- I'll come over there and strip you myself!"

You should have seen the cute little fucker blush!

"Kent, sitting around in your undies with another guy doesn't make you queer!" I frowned at him.

"No-no, it's just that, uh...you know...." he mumbled.

I glared at him and said in a louder voice, "STRIP!"

The expression of fear and uncertainty on his pretty face was priceless.

"You leave me no other choice!" I said and abruptly stood.

When I took a menacing step towards him he cried out, "Okay -- okay" and immediately shed his shirt and jeans.

When I saw he was wearing string, bikini briefs I licked my lips, gave him a broad smile and teased, "What cute little panties!"

He blushed so hard I thought he was going to cry.

"No-no-no-they're cotton, string bikini briefs -- I buy them in the men's department!" he frantically protested.

"Uh-huh, whatever, dude," I said still smiling.

I boldly stared at the bulge of his crotch. I remembered my high school days when I wore the same kind of briefs. I liked them because the tight-fitting material gave me the illusion my 'package' was so much bigger than it actually was.

Okay. Step One was complete. I would wait a day or two to begin the next part of the plan so he could get accustomed to our near nudity.

Kent was taking the same advanced mathematics class I had taken as a freshman. He was having trouble and I was helping him pass the tests. My help would be 'special inducement 1'....

'Special inducement 2' was financial. He received a very small weekly allowance from his blue collar parents for necessities. I began to give him money so he could enjoy a few luxuries. He fought and protested the money, but grudgingly accepted it.

He thought the money was a gift, no, heh-heh-heh...when the amount exceeded a couple hundred dollars, I would begin asking him "So are you ever going to start paying me back the money you owe me?"