Speech and Debate Pt. 10


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"But, Daniel. I already booked us a hotel room for the..."

"Cancel it." Daniel's voice was cold steel. "I wouldn't be caught dead in a room with a nasty, vile, bigoted, disgusting bitch like you. You have about 20 seconds to get the fuck out of my sight."

"Daniel!" She whined, her eyes going wide.

"19. We are done, Amy. Through. For prom and for ever. 15 seconds."

A small crowd had begun to form around us now. Amy suddenly realized that her humiliation at the hands of Daniel could no longer be a private matter. Everyone would know now. She'd chosen the battlefield and she had been defeated, but she wasn't out just yet. She was a cornered animal and she still had claws.

"You're seriously going to break up with me over this stupid little queer?" she spat, flinging one red tipped claw towards my face. "You can't honestly be that fucking stupid!?"

"I SAID DON'T. CALL. HIM. NAMES!" Daniel roared at the top of his lungs.

His face was flushed and his eyes crackled with electricity. If only a few people had noticed before, Daniel's volume caught the eye of every person in the ball room. The music still played overhead, but no one else spoke. Very few even moved.

"Are you really that dense, Amy?" Daniel asked, visibly trying to calm himself. "Is there only room for yourself in that pretty little head of yours? Just you and your hate rolling around inside your skull? Is that all you are? Get away from me. If you speak to me again or if I hear even a whisper of something about David that comes from you, mark my words Amelia: I will put you in the fucking ground."

The assembled crowd and even Amy understood that this was not an idle threat. I wondered if Daniel would actually do her physical harm right there.

"Like you fucking could," Amy spat back. "Without me, you're just as much of a nothing as that little fag! You can't touch me. You wouldn't dare!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"He won't be at it alone, you cunt-faced bitch," Ian added, his voice much more sober than the last time I'd heard him speak.

"You really want to take on all of us?" Paul slurred, adding his hand to my shoulder.

Ian leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"You okay, little dude?"

I nodded. I was still unable to speak, but this time not because of Amy.

"Get out of here. Now," Daniel finished.

Amy took the arrival of each of my new defenders like a physical blow. She may have been able to stand up to Daniel alone, even one on one, but the entire baseball team had arrayed themselves against her.

"Katy, Amanda, Adrienne, come on. We're leaving." Amy spat to her minions. I had to hand it to her, she was graceful even in humiliating defeat as she gathered her long silk dress and turned to walk out.

"If you go with her, you can forget about ever speaking to us again," Ian said to his date.

"Ditto," Gordon said to Katy.

Amy waited for the girls to follow her in her storming out. But she waited in vain. All three girls remained at the side's of their dates.

Amy turned and left in a huff, throwing chairs and table settings to floor in her wake. My previous characterization as a harpy was proved true when she let out a screech fit to wake the dead before throwing open the double doors and slamming them closed behind her.

It took a few moments for everything to begin moving again once she left. Daniel sank into the chair next to me and breathed deeply through his nose and out of his mouth, trying to calm himself down. He rested his elbows on the table and held his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry, David," he breathed almost too quietly for me to make out.

He turned to look at me. His brown eyes were wide and shone with wetness. He looked...hurt. I realized that he didn't need to calm down from confronting Amy. That was already far from his mind. He was mad at himself for not protecting me sooner.

"Daniel," I whispered, placing my hand on his knee, "don't blame..."

"I'm going to take him home, guys," Daniel declared loudly. It took me a moment to realize that he wasn't talking to me anymore. He pitched his words to our surrounding teammates.

"Yeah, of course," Gordon slurred. "David, dude, don't worry about it. She's always been a bitch. Even in kindergarten"

"Ian, call my dad and have him come pick you guys up. I'm going to take the limo if that's alright. I want to get out of here right now."

"Got it," Ian chimed in.

Daniel rose from the table, using his hands on the surface to steady himself. I just stared at him from where I sat glued to my seat. He extended his hand to me.

"Come on. We're going home."

It felt like I was two people. One part of me felt like someone else raised their hand to clasp the one Daniel offered. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real. The other part of me was aware of every single molecule of my body as it made contact with Daniel's palm. It pierced me so completely, that awareness of him, that I wondered if I would ever recover.

No one said anything as Daniel lead me by the hand from the ballroom. No one whispered behind their hands. No one's eyes darted or judged. Or they may have. I can't really be trusted to recount things accurately. Daniel was my all consuming thought. His strength flowed through our hands and held me aloft so that I seemed to float from the ballroom and out into the crisp spring night.

Our limousine was only one of several dozen parked in front of the hall. Daniel called the driver on his cell and the obscenely long car pulled around to pick us up.

Daniel held the door open for me and I slid inside without comment. Daniel followed and retook our original seats close to the diving window between the cab and the seats.

"Just you two?" the driver asked.

"Yes," Daniel replied. He instructed the driver to take us to my house. I didn't interject. Daniel pressed the button to raise the dividing window.

"Let's go to the back and get comfortable" Daniel offered.

He took the lead and I was gifted with a superb view of his ass as he hunched over and shuffled to the long back seat with its shiny, plush black leather. He plopped himself down in the corner and beckoned for me to sit with him.

I slid in beside him and snuggled up close, my head resting lightly on his chest. His arm circled my neck and held me close, his fingers raking through my hair. I felt him kiss me tenderly on the top of my head. My eyes closed and I breathed him in, my ear pressing to his chest, listening as his heart beat as it slowed and he returned to calm.

"I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered. "I never thought she would dare to..."

"It doesn't matter," I cut him off.

"But it DOES." Daniel interjected

"No. I promise you, it doesn't," I said, pulling myself back so I could look him in the eyes. "What you just did for me...I...There are no words, Daniel. What you just did, what you are still doing...It's all so..."

Daniel's eyes searched my own, as if he was still looking for any more pain or hurt behind them that he could eradicate for me. There was none. My eyes were glistening with tears, but there was not even a scratch left over from Amy. I felt my heart swell in my chest again, beating so quickly that it hurt, like my chest would burst from the pressure and I would cease to exist.

I shot forward, hoping my lips would do what my words could not, and kissed him. I must have been more forceful that I anticipated because I heard and felt the back of Daniel's head rebound against the tinted glass window. But the dam had opened now. Unless he was bleeding to death on the carpet, there was no stopping this.

My tongue danced with his like I'd wished we danced at the prom itself. I had kissed him so many times before, countless time. And it still amazed me how new it felt every time. There was always a new level to achieve, a new sensation to set my mind blazing like a comet in a starless sky.

Though my body covered his and I tried to pin him beneath me, Daniel was always and ever more the stronger of our pair. His fingers grabbed for the button of my tuxedo jacket and he stripped it from my shoulders and flung it aside without ever breaking our kiss. I felt him undoing the buttons of my white shirt as well, slower. He took his time fishing the hem of it from my pants and even more time with each button. His fingers tweaked my nipple when he got that far up my torso and I jerked in surprise.

It didn't take much for him to flip me off of him and back into a seated position. He swung around in front of me, kneeling between my opened legs on the floor of the limo as his hands traveled up my torso, sending sparks along my spine.

"David," he said as his fingers explored my pecs and gently cupped my face in his palm, "I need you to know how much you..." he trailed off.

I nodded and smiled at him, pressing my cheek into his embrace and kissing the warm skin of his fingertips.

Daniel stared at me as he worked the button and clasp of my tuxedo pants with sure fingers. He stood and hovered above me while his hand found my zipper and he slid his hand into the elastic waistband of my tight boxer briefs. I heard him moan into my mouth when he touched my cock, already awakening to his embrace. He gripped me gently and fished my cock and balls out of their fabric enclosure and hooked the elastic beneath them.

I hadn't heard him undo his own pants, but when I saw them hit the floor of the limo as he used his toes to throw off his shiny shoes, I figured out his plan. It was awkward for him to kick his pants and shoes aside in the cramped space, but he managed and straddled my now closed knees wearing only the white jockstrap I had seen him don the first night we were together in Boston. His hard cock throbbed beneath the thin cotton and I spied the darker white spot that told me he'd already leaked sweet precum.

He scooted forward so that his cock was just inches from my face. I buried my nose into his jock, my mouth opening around the fabric covered tool I yearned to set free. My tongue traveled his length, tasting only the fabric but smelling his musky manliness. I swear I could have survived on that scent alone. I reached around him to grip both globes of his ass and maneuvered my mouth over his covered cock head and flicked my tongue across him.

He reached behind me and took my now stiff-as-a-board member in a backhanded grip. I oozed crystal liquid now. I felt it roll languidly down my supremely sensitive shaft. He worked it into my skin with expert quickness.

"Let me lead, okay?" He asked as he removed his tuxedo jacket and pulled on one end of his red bow tie, letting it fall open on his chest. My fingers began to work on the buttons of his shirt as I nodded.

Daniel guided my cock head to his hole, squatting easily over me. I watched the muscles of his thick thighs strain, the ligaments standing out beneath the black hair there. I groaned as he worked some of my pre cum over his hot opening, felt my cock respond and pulse out another stream for his use.

"It's still so big...," he whispered as he closed his eyes.

I thought I would die when he pushed down and I felt the head of my dick slip gently inside him. We'd never done this without preparation before, so the tightness of him was almost frightening. It felt like his whole body wanted to suck me inside him with violent force. Daniel controlled it and I watched in awe. I felt him slide down my shaft slowly, letting himself get used to it, sometimes pulling up a little and then thrusting down even farther. Each new movement made him twitch. My fingers were frozen on the buttons of his shirt and my mouth hung open, so engrossed was I in the feeling of Daniel's tight ass accepting my throbbing hard cock into his muscled body.

I knew immediately when I pressed into his prostate. His cock jumped in front of me and I abandoned his half opened shift to tear aside his jock strap. Decorum be damned, I needed to see his cock. I gripped him in my palm and worked his silky foreskin over and around his head, pressing my thumb into the soft underside and bringing his precum to my lips.

"Oh, baby. It's so good...I'm not going to last long, I can already tell." Daniel whimpered.

He was nearly all the way down to my hips. With a final push he hit home and the world exploded. Daniel rested his full weight on my lap and placed his hands on either side of my neck, gripping me tightly as he wiggled his ass over the cock that filled him completely.

"Make love to me," he said leaning forward, his forehead touching mine, our lips hovering a hairs breadth apart. His entire ass squeezed my twitching cock buried inside of him and he rocked forward gently. I didn't need him to ask twice. Hell, I didn't even need him to ask the first time.

My hips pressed upwards and I felt his whole body quake around me. I didn't pull out of him or thrust deeper into him. I didn't want to disturb the delicate balance we had or make this end too quickly. But we rocked together on the back seat.

"Mmm, yes, David. Please don't stop," Daniel whined.

He buried his face into the crook of my neck and kissed me gently. I pressed into him again and pushed us both upwards, gaining new ground inside him.

"Ahhh," he groaned. "Again. I'm so close."

I pressed forward. Daniel's cock spewed a massive jet of precum onto my exposed chest. I was sure that there must be some on my rented shirt, but I didn't care.

My cock felt like hot iron sliding through butter as Daniel worked his muscles around it, never stopping his motion with his hips and timing it with the still tighter muscles of his chute and hole. I felt myself getting close as well.

"Make me forget," Daniel's lips were at my ear, nibbling softly. "Take it away. Make it all go away."

I pushed my hips up as far as they would go, burying my cock to the hilt. Daniel's smooth ass checks ground into my trimmed pubes. I concentrated and made my cock expand inside him even as I felt myself pulse another stream of precum deep into him.

"Oh, god," he moaned. "Do it again. Quicker."

I expanded. Again. Again.

Daniel's breath came in gasps. His grip around my neck tightened and the once controlled movements of his ass became erratic but more intense.

Again. Again. Again.

I pulsed my thick cock inside, milking my own balls with his hole, knowing that if I did it just a few more times, I would explode.

"Tell me," Daniel said, pulling his face from my neck and looking me straight in the eye. His face was a contorted mass of pleasure, his eyes shining brightly as he held back the inevitable. "Please, baby, tell me..."

"You know already." I said, barely able to hold myself from the brink.

"I know. But tell me, please. Tell me you love me as much as I love you."

He stared at me, his eyes waiting for my reply, holding us both from the edge of the cliff, unable to go over until this was finished.

"I love you, Daniel." I breathed...

and we let go, falling through the open air, barreling over our cliff wrapped tightly in each other's arms.

I'm not sure which of us started first, but I know we each drove the other to ever increasing volumes and speed. It felt like ice water replaced the hot blood as I pumped all of my heat and cum deep inside of Daniel. It was different this time. This time, it carried my love. It had always been there, of course. But now it had a name. A true name.

Daniel's load plastered my face and chest in thick ropes of white. Any hopes I had of returning the rental shirt were dashed now. As if that mattered.

Watching Daniel gingerly remove himself from my cock, and seeing some of my cum drip from his used hole and down the inside of one massive hairy thigh was a treat. Especially since he waddled awkwardly to the front, slid down the dividing window and got the attention of our driver.

"Change of plans," he called forward. "We're going to my house."

"Yes, Sir." The driver replied, but Daniel was already raising the window again. He settled himself, still pantsless, into the seat beside me. He reached over to wipe some cum from my cock and played with my shaft nonchalantly. He leaned over to kiss me gently.

"You are staying over tonight," he said.

"I can't, Daniel," I said, "I have to get home. Mama's expecting me in by midnight and I... what?"

I stopped because Daniel suddenly wore the most devious smile I had ever seen him crack.

"Nope. She's not. I told her we got you a hotel room with the rest of us. She's not expecting you until around 4 PM tomorrow."

"Why you little..." I didn't finish the sentence.

I tackled Daniel and we spent the remaining journey to his house in uncontrollable fits of laughter and never ceasing kisses.

Every so often we would stop for a moment, out of breath, gasping and smiling as our fingers laced comfortably together. In these brief pauses, Daniel would turn to me and repeat the words that I never wanted him to stop saying:

"I love you, David."

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Willman33Willman336 months ago

At Last, their lonely days are over ............

Sunnydaze361Sunnydaze361about 1 year ago

Excellent story! David and Daniel bring out the best in each other and take us on this epic ride! Each chapter gets better and the sex gets hotter!

isuckcoxndixisuckcoxndixover 1 year ago

I've been reading, waiting for the moment that they say "I love you" and I could not be happier. Daniel's bravado in standing up to Amy, the support he got from Ian, Paul and Gordon about even their dates, that little moment with Coach B...I am in tears. Happy tears. So beautiful, so well written. I am LOVING this story!

The erotica only fuels the story rather than stands as a central story. In truth, those moments feel like another character to me; it feels real and proud and loving. Such great work! Excited to read the rest

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

10 times and read new words to hold onto!

jessy19jessy19over 2 years ago

Pure perfection <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love these characters but I’m almost afraid to read on. I so want their love to last, however intense teenage love hardly ever does. I think this story is going to make me cry. Great writing.

iecummingiecummingover 2 years ago

Wonderful story. I was really moved by it - I laughed, I cried, I jacked off. How many stories can do all of that to you? I’m sad that it’s going to end, but glad that I got to binge and not wait for installments. Thanks, DA Mackey!

MimiloveeeeeeMimiloveeeeeealmost 3 years ago

I'm tearing up 😩

I love them so fucking much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I really like this story, from the raunchy details to the intimate action. My only gripe with this chapter is how Amy was treated, Daniel was falling in love with David yes, but Amy was forced to slowly witness it and not be able to do anything about. Could you imagine your SO falling in love with another person, while you knew they were slowly falling out of love with you? Her reaction, while positively repulsive and inhumane, can at least be explained by what she was going through. Daniel also never broke it off with Amy beforehand and insisted on inviting her while he really intended to bring David, which is kind of a douche move. While we see David's triumph as the story is written in his perspective, we never get to see how Amy sees the whole thing unfold, which would give her character a lot more nuance. I still really like the story, I just wish we could see things from a different perspective.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020about 3 years ago

I just want to add that if some find it long in between chapters then do what I did. I waited untill you were finished, and then got to read the whole story. Like one person these stories are free, and taking the time everything is perfect.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020about 3 years ago

This is my third reading of this story, and this chapter gets me every time....these two are so in love, and such a great match. I do not find David to feminine just emotional, and glad that he can also get to be a top as he can really work Danial into a sexual frenzy. You are a fantastic story teller. I know Danial took care of David, but I would have loved for David to tell her to fuck off. To me she has such a high opinion herself that if David had got a little vicious I am sure she would have backed off. I know I know that David is too much of a gentleman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Say you love me as much as I love you

I’ve read a lot of love stories and THIS line at this point of this story is perfect. Before, Daniel’s feelings had been hinted through a myriad of actions, but it was easy to see how David could’ve questioned the authenticity of those feelings (sometimes when we are completely into another person, we constantly wonder if we’re reading too much into their actions). But in that line, we not only see Daniel’s love, commitment and vulnerability, but we also see that he had been nurturing those feelings for some time. Possibly even before Boston. For the first time, David and Daniel are on the same level. Or maybe, we’re beginning to see the shift in their relationship?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love it!

I love how David is the feminine one in the relationship and he's still the top.. You rarely see that all around.. Can't seem to stop reading. Nice read

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It sucked

To many words and not enough graphic detail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Second time reading the whole story and it is still as geeat as it was the first time! Even better, because now I don't need to worry about what will happen and can just enjoy the storytelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great characters

Daniel, David, and Ian are such awesome characters and you are really able to convey them through your use of imagery.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I stared reading the first chapter last night and didn’t expect to read past that as I don’t really like these super long stories, but have barely put my iPad down since. The sex scenes are great, but the story is just fantastic and completely engrossing! And FINALLY the “I love you’s” that seemed to be on the edge of their lips since leaving Boston!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
a gentleman physically threatening a lady- even if the lady is a bitch- not very southernly

as wonderful as it would b 2 believe the 'i love U' moment- it was pretty hard 2 believe.

i've enjoyed reading the story- but it's been mostly sex- the boys really haven't spent that much time 2gether that wasn't about sex. - not that i'm complaining- it's been a great read- but i just don't see or believe the 'love' part of it.__though at that age it isn't uncommon 2 confuse lust-passion 4/with luv. we feel everything so much more deeply when young- so i suppose the boys thinking it's luv is probably realistic.

- likewise it's hard 2 believe that a guy who has been mostly straight for 18 yrs would b the 1 taking it up the ass most often.- daniel just jumped on the cock and the gay band wagon a little bit too soon/quick/often--- sort of like stories where guys can have anal sex without the necessary preparation- which also happens a lot in this story- not that those things make the story any less enjoyable- just a bit less realistic- this is truly a gay boy's fantasy story- it all comes a bit 2 easily 2 david- the alpha jocks falls 4 him- the baseball jocks welcome him- the coach and bro encourages them, etc...much more fantasy than reality- and there's nothing wrong with that- if 1 prefers fantasy over reality.

i have enjoyed the interaction of the guy/baseball friends- and enjoyed the little bit of adam that we have seen..would like 2 read a dream chapter- where david (and/or daniel) dreams daniel and adam spit roast david- likewise a bukkake/orgy shower scene/dream with the baseball guys._

thank U 4 continuing 2 share your story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I have truly never enjoyed a series as much as this one. I'm generally not easily brought to tears, but I honestly cried at the end of this chapter. This story is so beautifully written, David and Daniel's love for each other is so pure it makes your heart ache. Thank you for this incredible series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This chapter....too emotional. The entire series has been absolutely beautifully written. Looved it.

A superfan from Africa.

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