Spin the New Years Bottle

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New Years party is wilder than anticipated.
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"Do you want to leave?"

"No, we decided to come so we should stay. Remember when we talked about this we said we may be bored. Amy was the only person we knew, and she had to leave because she wasn't feeling well."

"Ok, well what should we do then? Do you recognize anyone?"

"Not really. Here, hold my drink for a sec, I need to go to the bathroom."

"Great, leave me here like a loser, standing alone at a party. Hurry back, k?"

I watched her as she made her way through the crowd and down the hall. There were sure a lot of people here, for a relatively small house. I watched as a few girls were making the rounds in the living room. Either they were good hostesses or they were passing out drugs. At least that's where my head was.

Maria made her way to the bathroom door at the end of the hall. A few little knocks on the door, and she opened it up.

"Hey, come on it!" he exclaimed.

"Oh god, I'm sorry" Maria stammered. "I did knock, maybe you couldn't hear it."

"I can't hear much tonight" he said. "It's pretty loud in here. It's alright, don't worry about it. Good thing I didn't have my cock in my hand, though huh?" He laughed.

Taken aback by his frankness, she replied "Yeah." And her face turned red.

Through the narrow door he inched past her, so his chest grazed hers. He looked into her eyes. "I'm Jerry" he said.

He was tall. She looked straight ahead but found herself staring at his chest instead of his eyes. "Nice to meet you, I'm Maria." She was so embarrassed, she didn't want to look him in the eyes or she'd lose it.

She did notice one thing though, as he made his way past her. Damn he smelled good.

Looked good too. Long black hair, stubbly face. Probably a few years older than her, which wasn't much of a problem. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, with black biker boots. He had a few tattoos, but they were the kind you can't really tell what they are without staring at them for a few seconds.

She quickly made her way in to finish her business. She was still nervous though, and had trouble with her fly. Within a few minutes though, she was back in the crowd, looking for her fiancé.

"What took you so long? These girls are going around to everyone and I was afraid they were going to come up to me. Should we get out of here before they come??"

"Yeah, maybe we should, I don't feel very comfortable."

They turned to head for the door just as a cute, 20-something brunette came up to them. "Hey, you two gonna play?"

"Play what?" I asked.

She looked confused, and obviously couldn't hear me. I leaned over and spoke in her ear. "What is everyone playing?"

"Oh, spin the bottle. It's in the living room - will be starting in a minute so you better get in the circle!"

I don't think I could believe what I was hearing. I had heard of spin the bottle, even seen it on an episode of Sex in the City. But I had never played it. Of course, I hadn't been to too many parties before.

"We really can't, we need to get going" Maria shouted.

"Oh come on, it's not even midnight yet. You have to stay for new years. Come on, I'll show you where to sit."

She took Maria by the arm and walked her into the living room, where now about 12 people were sitting in a large circle on the floor, with another 10 or so sitting on couches and chairs surrounding them.

"You guys can sit here beside each other, that way you may be less likely to pick each other" she laughed.

Maria and I looked at each other. We could make a run for it. Of course, now that we were in the center of attention, we'd look like fools. Guess we had no choice. We nodded a quick agreement to each other.

The girl who had walked us over there quickly found her spot across from us, and took out a two-litre pop bottle from behind her. "Ok, everyone knows how to play?" she asked. We kept silent. No one else spoke up, so we weren't about to.

"Ok, I'll go first." She reached in and put the bottle on the floor in the middle of the circle, and then gave it a quick spin. It made about 4 rotations and slowly slid to a stop, pointing at a girl three down from her. Out hostess then crawled on her hands and knees over to the girl and proceeded to kiss her softly on the lips. It was a pretty sexy kiss. No quick pecking here. Slow, sultry, romantic. And hot. The girl seemed to enjoy it.

I started to look around the circle. There seemed to be more girls than guys, at least a couple more anyway.

The girl who just got kissed then reached in and spun the bottle herself. It did its thing, and almost pointed at Maria. I looked at her and she looked so scared. She was smiling, but it was that smile that said "Oh god get me out of here."

Fortunately, or not, it pointed to a guy on Maria's right. She leaned in and gave him a sloppy, juice tongue one that seemed to last a minute. It also made more noise than any kiss I had ever heard.

It was dark in the room, and hard to tell who's who. Often you couldn't really get a good look at people until they leaned in the middle, since there was a light right over the center of the circle. It was good though; added to the apprehension when you see the bottle spinning but not quite knowing what you're getting into.

After the girl decided to climb off the guy and give his tongue a rest, he sat back and grabbed the bottle. He paused before spinning it though, as he looked around the room. His gaze passed me, but then stopped on Maria.

"Hey babe, glad you finished your pee in time haha. I would have missed you if you weren't in this game." He smiled at her and winked as he said it.

Who the hell was this guy? By his reference to her peeing, I assume they met at the bathroom. Not like Maria to not mention it though. Although we did just talk about leaving as soon as she got out.

He leaned in and spun the bottle, all the while still smiling at my fiance. He looked like a bit of a skid. Bit of a sleaze, but tough.

The bottle rotated a few times, and slowly started to wind down. It looked like it was going to stop in front of me, for god sakes. I had been wondering what happens in that eventuality. But it went on a few more inches, and stopped. Pointing right at Maria. Right at her crotch actually.

"Alright sweetheart, let's do it" he said, as he turned to face her.

Maria looked over at me, almost petrified. I could tell though, that she wasn't grossed out. On the contrary, I knew from looking at this guy that she wouldn't mind a bit. I gave her a little nod.

She whispered "I love you" and turned to meet her new partner. He leaned in, very slowly, and wrapped his arms around her back. His lips moved in and covered hers. I noticed she closed her eyes and tilted her head. Her mouth was open though, I could tell by her jaw. His tongue must be half way down her throat, I imagined, although I couldn't see anything because they're lips were locked. It wasn't a noisy, sloppy kiss like his last one. This one was gentle, open-mouthed, quiet. He was exploring, I knew that. So was she.

It was very dark but I looked down and saw his hand reach under the back of her coral top. She never wore a bra with that top, as I'm sure he could tell. His hand rested on her lower back, and she immediately arched her back, pushing her pelvis towards him. He caressed her a few times, his tongue still deeply buried in a place only Gary and I had ever been to. I then watched as his hand started to go down the back of her jeans, inside. I was tempted to stop him, but I knew by the way she was arching her back that she was enjoying it. Besides, she knew I was here if she needed help.

His hand went right down her ass and I could tell that he was grabbing her pretty tight. He could be rough, I was sure. Seemed to have big hands. I couldn't tell if he was inside her panties or not, but he was in up to the forearm.

After a minute or so he pulled his hand out and released his hold on her. The physical hold ... and the emotional hold. He smiled as he sat back down. I watched as Maria just knelt there, not sure what to do. I reached out and pulled her back on her butt, as I looked in her eyes. She had that look. I didn't see it often, but I knew it. She was fucking wet. I knew it. She was so turned on, she could barely contain herself.

Now it was her turn to spin.

She gingerly crawled to the center of the circle and put her right hand on the bottle. Turning over her left shoulder, she looked at me and blushed. Then she turned to look over her right shoulder, but I couldn't tell what look she gave him. I could only imagine. She spun the bottle.

It wasn't much of a spin, only rotating twice when it quickly stopped. It pointed across the circle, to the girl who asked us to join the game. This would be interesting, I thought to myself. Would she do it?

I didn't have to wait long for an answer. I figured Maria would be shy about it, but probably go through with it. Turns out, she didn't even seem shy. She didn't even look in my direction before crawling to the cute brunette and planting her lips right on her mouth. I couldn't see much because of the darkness, but it wouldn't have surprised me if her tongue went wandering. Guess that's her secret, for now.

When Maria came back to her seat, she leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Perhaps to let me know she was thinking about me. Or perhaps, to let me have a taste of what she's been tasting. She did smell different. I had never experienced that from kissing her before.

We sat back and proceeded to watch the next few turns. Perhaps we were jinxed but the bottle never stopped at us, not for the next several minutes anyway. After a bit, our hostess suggested we up the ante.

"Strip or feel, what do you guys want?' she asked.

"Both" was a few guys' response, while a couple of the girls shouted out "neither!!"

"Okay, raise your hand if you want strip" she said. Four guys and one girl raised their hands.

"Okay, feel?" The same five people, plus everyone else!

I looked at Maria. "What's this all about?" I whispered in her ear.

"Guess we'll find out."

The guy on Maria's right motioned everyone to quiet down a bit. "What are the rules? Outside the clothes, inside the clothes, above the waist, below the waist?"

"Well, outside the clothes isn't all that fun, especially because some of you guys have thick jeans on haha! So why don't we say, inside the clothes is allowed, but not inside the bra or panties, because that's a bit too serious. Does that sound okay to everyone?"

Heads nodded in agreement, probably assuming the bottle won't point to them.

A guy in the corner had the bottle, and had just been kissed by the hostess. The game may even be rigged, it seems, because she got to do the majority of the kissing in that first round. Let's see how well she does in this second one.

The guy reached out and spun the bottle very quickly. It must have turned like 10 times before finally coming to a stop. Pointing at me.

"Ohh too bad for you" I joked, hoping that would be the end of that.

"Don't worry, you can go again. We know you guys are too chicken to experiment" our leader laughed. She was right.

He spun it again, this time it only rotated a few times before pointing to a woman seated on the other side of Maria's hottie. Ha, maybe now SHE'LL get jealous!! I was hoping anyway.

The guy leaned over towards the girl. You could tell he was pretty new at this and wasn't sure what to do. She looked a little nervous too actually.

He leaned over and whispered something quick in her ear, and she nodded with a smile. Then he took his right hand and cupped her right breast with it. She was wearing a fairly tight t-shirt with a tank underneath, so assuming she also had a bra on, that's 2.5 layers to get through. He squeezed for a minute - kinda looked like he didn't know what to do with it - before letting go and returning to his seat. He sheepishly muttered something about wanting to start slow before hanging his head. The woman seemed to enjoy the feel though.

It was her turn now, and she tried to give that bottle a really good spin. Unfortunately, it slipped out of her hand and it only performed about half a spin before stopping, almost pointing at herself. The hostess quickly crawled over to look at it, and decided, without benefit of video replay, that it was actually pointing between her and the guy to her left. Maria's hottie.

The spinner didn't seem too displeased with the judge's decision. Neither did he.

He got up on her knees and faced directly to the woman. She paused for a minute, unsure of what to do. She seemed to be really nervous. Probably liked the guy as much as Marina did. But after a moment she took her right hand and placed it on his zipper. She left it there for a moment, as he closed his eyes. She seemed to feel better without him staring at her, so she lowered her hand some more, an inch or so at a time. From our vantage point we could only see her arm slowly going up and down, but we assumed he was enjoying it.

This lasted for a few minutes before she stopped and sat back down. She was really blushing, but didn't say anything.

He sat back down as well, and put his hand on the bottle. He paused for a moment, before giving the bottle a gentle nudge. Too gentle. It was obvious he wasn't trying to spin it, but rather nudge it in Maria's direction. Unfortunately, it worked.

"Oh god" I thought to myself. "How am I going to handle watching this guy groping my girl's tits? Maybe I won't be able to see much in the dark."

Maria got up on her knees as he came around her front. Looked like he was trying to show me what he was doing, because he didn't just stay where he was, where I couldn't see him through Maria's back.

He leaned over and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't hear it, but I was starting to guess this was the appropriate thing to do. As soon as he stopped whispering, Maria turned and stared right at me, with a bit of a shocked look on her face. A moment later, however, she closed her eyes as his tongue nibbled on her ear before he pulled away.

He reached out his hands and touched her waist. Well, the waist of her jeans to be exact. I watched in disbelief as he undid the button, and slowly pulled the zipper all the way down. Everyone who wanted could see that she had her royal blue panties on.

He moved himself closer to her, until finally their chests were touching. I could clearly see her nipples were straining, popping out of that coral top, poking him in his black t-shirt. I watched as his right hand moved to her waist, underneath her shirt.

"Oh god please go north" I thought. No such luck.

His hand slowly moved down, over her waist, down further, and over panties as the rule stated. It finally seemed to stop as it hit the bottom of her jeans, deep between her legs. I watched as the muscles tenses in his forearm, as I knew he was not content to just have his sit there. He was giving her a damn good feel.

Maria had her eyes closed as her head tilted and came to rest on his shoulder. Meanwhile his hand was working miracles in her jeans. You could only see his arm from the half way point between his wrist and elbow, upwards. And I could tell by the dent his knuckles were making in the front of her jeans, that he was working his fingers pretty good.

Just when I assumed he'd be pulling out, Maria shifted a bit, moving her knees a bit farther apart. His hand picked up the pace, as I could see his arm moving in a circular motion. Maria's body started to go limp, and her breathing rapidly increased. She had that look, in her face and her body, that I had seen many times before. She was about to cum.

As his fingers worked over her panty-covered pussy, and the look on her face said she was about to explode, he leaned in and kissed her hard on the neck. I could see his tongue painting her skin as her body arched backwards and she threw her head back with a terrific moan!

"Ooooooooooooohhhhhhh godddddddd" she exclaimed, making it clear to even the most inexperienced in the room what had happened.

He pulled his hand out as her exhausted body fell back beside me, almost in a heap. I put my arm around her and held her close, as she struggled to regain her composure.

Before he returned to his seat, he leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips. "I guess he's a bit of a gentleman" I thought, amused. He then looked at me.

"Is this your boyfriend?" he asked Maria.

"He's my fiancé" she mumbled, still a bit out of it.

He then leaned over to me, put his right hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "No hard feelings I hope?"

"No, it's okay" I replied, not sure I had heard him right.

"Good" he said. And as he took his hand from my shoulder and turned to find his seat, his fingers slowly, and perhaps purposefully, passed by my nose. My eyes closed as I breathed in a very familiar aroma. No wonder she came so hard.

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KrazyKrystaKrazyKrystaalmost 8 years ago
Oh god!

I would love to get inside your head

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Where's the rest of the story?

Nice, hot, sexy start but ended too soon. Great build up but ended too soon.

How did the rest of the game go?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Beautiful soft sex.

A very well written story. I hope it comes with a second chapter and is as interesting as the first part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Story

Great story - look forward to the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Oh well

Get a new girl friend unless you like having a slut wife

mannydcampmannydcampover 17 years ago

I enjoyed the way you approached the story. Normally these party game stories arent very good and tend to be a boring blow by blow with too many charactors for a short piece. I like the way you focused on the couple and used the other players as needed as opposed to a telling us about every single kiss. I also like the little touches of realism like the choice between nudity and feeling. Anyone who has ever played a game like this knows that limits of some type are usually set to get the less adventurous to play.

My only negative comment is the ending. I dont have a problem with the action stopping before the usualy mass orgie, actually i prefer their first game to only go so far but you could have at least given us that. Some type of wrap up.

Keep writing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I enjoyed the way you approached the story. Normally these party game stories arent very good and tend to be a boring blow by blow with too many charactors for a short piece. I like the way you focused on the couple and used the other players as needed as opposed to a telling us about every single kiss. I also like the little touches of realism like the choice between nudity and feeling. Anyone who has ever played a game like this knows that limits of some type are usually set to get the less adventurous to play.

My only negative comment is the ending. I dont have a problem with the action stopping before the usualy mass orgie, actually i prefer their first game to only go so far but you could have at least given us that. Some type of wrap up.

Keep writing!!!!

oldwinooldwinoover 17 years ago
Ended Too Soon

Great beginning to a hot tale. You have to finish the party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I gave a 4 because...

Very nice, cept for the ending was a bit wanting....I usually dont read sequels but this needs more....

more erotic events....more captivating playeers....more of the inventive and exticing flavor you gave in the original....nice

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Don't leave us hanging.

There is no possible way you can write that story and not find someway to finish it. The game is amazing and can only get better. Would be nice to see the guy get something out of all this after watching his girl get off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
*please* continue this!

now we really want to know where the game goes from here!

Pegasus_FlyingPegasus_Flyingover 17 years ago
Very good story...

Having played the game, more than a few times, I enjoyed how real your description of it all was...Thanks...Phil

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great first effort!

Thanks for the great read. It built well. I hope to see more from you soon. Cheers!

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