Split in Time Ch. 07


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"Really? Okay... answer me this, why do you want to be Were?" Amy said as she took another sponge to her arms.

"You know my past... do you know why I joined the military instead of going off to med school like my parents wanted?" Susan asked.

"You were a single child, always alone, wanting to be a part of something bigger, the military filled that void and when your time was up the pack did. It helped that your sexual preference was accepted and encouraged by the pack even when your parents rejected you." Amy said. "Although in my world you were taken under Nathanael's wing and started your healer training."

"A healer?" Susan said surprised.

Amy nodded, "It is your ability. Healing I mean, you are particularly good at drawing out foreign objects without causing more damage, it was why in my world the military didn't want you to go when your time was up, you were dead handy to them but your heart missed us so you came home."

"When I am Were I will have this ability, at the moment I am just a medic." Susan said.


"Yes when, now to answer your question. I want to be Were because I feel more connected to this life than I do with my old life, being pack will answer everything that has been missing in my life and in your world my sexual preference would have been accepted, here I was tolerated because I was good at patching people up but disliked because of my sexual needs." She moved the sponge putting more gel into it before moving on to the sides of Amy's neck to get at the paint there.

"I will be useful to the pack, I know it will be an adjustment but being turned, it's what I want because deep down, I knew Were were the good guys and I want to make things right." Susan said as Amy finished doing her legs.

Amy quickly washed her face and rinsed the soap away. "Hop in." She ordered.

Susan frowned but stripped and hopped in before Amy. It was Amy's turn to scrub Susan's back.

"Being Were won't be easy Susan, not until this world rights itself." Amy told her after several long minutes of washing.

"Nothing worthwhile having is." Susan answered.

Amy smiled and stood, carefully getting out of the tub, she grabbed a towel and started to dry off. "Come on." She coaxed before she went back to her room. Susan quickly followed using another towel to dry off. Amy was spreading out some plastic sheeting and towels on her bed. "Sit." Susan went to wrap the towel more firmly around herself. "No take it off."

Susan dropped her towel and crawled onto the bed wondering what was going on.

"I will turn you tonight." Amy explained. "I will bite you half a dozen times. I bit you once before and it took you over a year to become fully Were so I am hoping that biting you so many times will turn you quickly. I can't scratch as my Were-ness doesn't work that way. I will also be in hybrid form when I bite you. You must not fear me, I will not harm you." She promised.

"What happens if I do fear you?" Susan asked.

"Your body will act as if it is a forced turn and you will go through the rages. I would rather that not happen, I like my room the way it is." Amy told her with a hint of humour.

Susan chuckled.

"Better." Amy said before she let her beast come forward. Susan watched Amy's change with fascination not fear, she honestly doubted that after everything Amy had done to free her that she would do something to seriously hurt her now. Susan watched everything from the way Amy seemed to get larger to the change of her bone structure until she looked more beast like, white fur erupted all over Amy's body. She watched as hands turned into dangerous paws but again they didn't instil fear. Amy's head was the last to change, becoming more cat like and as usual Amy's teeth were the last thing to grow in. Susan watched as Amy showed off her teeth in all their fierce glory but even knowing that soon those same teeth would be biting into her didn't frighten her.

Susan reached out, she was fascinated by the massive eye teeth that seemed so impractical, how did Amy hunt with those things, she thought to herself. Amy opened her mouth wide and Susan suddenly knew how Amy hunted, she could almost open her mouth to a full one eighty degrees which freed her teeth to do as nature intended and bite down. Her jaws didn't have a strong bite like a wolf or even that of other big cats, but with teeth like hers she didn't need it, her teeth, on their own, almost always ensured death through blood loss.

Susan gently touched one of the displayed eye teeth, near the gum the tooth was almost two inches thick and tapered in a long slight curve to a deadly sharp point. She slid her fingers across the slightly rough surface. Amy let Susan appease her curiosity knowing it was helping her calm down. "I was wondering for a moment how you use these things," Susan said as she removed her fingers. Amy closed her mouth and rumbled a laugh as she licked her nose.

Amy carefully crawled onto the bed and over Susan who lay back. Gently rubbing her face against Susan's body and purring gently to relax her. Susan wrapped her arms around the big head and scratched behind her ears. Amy licked her in reaction to the pleasurable scratching; she moved her tongue across Susan's chest to her left bicep. Before Susan could tense Amy's teeth were biting into the soft flesh, it burned for a moment but she quickly ignored it, relaxing knowing that Amy wouldn't hurt her and that she would survive this.

Amy's teeth pulled out and she licked the wounds closed to keep Susan from losing too much blood, Amy's eyes met Susan's but Susan still looked at her with trust. Amy licked across Susan's chest again, scraping against both nipples causing Susan to moan, Amy bit down again into Susan's right shoulder over the joint. Susan winced as one of those massive eye teeth struck bone but it was the trusting wince of someone who might be getting a wound seen to instead of a wound being inflicted. A third bite quickly followed to her right bicep then Amy gently licked at her bite wounds.

Three down, three to go, Amy thought to herself as she rubbed her face against Susan's chest, desire coursed through her, once she finished turning Susan they were going to play.

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NicoleAmyNicoleAmyover 12 years ago

The stuff with Wolfgang totally made me cry! Must mean it was good!! Well done on your story telling its definately intrigued me with this storyline ... Wondering if she is meant to have her cubs in this reality with Wolfgang, if that is part of what fate wants? Very interesting!

vixenfurryvixenfurryabout 13 years ago
hurry up!

oh i am so anxious for the next chapter especially since my classes start on monday! i had almost forgotten about Thais's announcement about "it's a boy!" but now i am definitely seeing some foreshadowing here. i was wondering if she would get pregnant and was thinking that that would be the best way for her to leave Wolfgang, either that or him dying but that would be depressing... oh and to the person who was talking about Alanna and Electra talking about how they knew about Jessa: remember a few chapters back when Amy opened her mind to all of them? she was showing them all of her memories remember? so of course they would know after seeing everything! anyways! hurry up with this chapter! it's driving me crazy to wait!

GlosUKGlosUKabout 13 years ago

Fab chapter and I am looking forward to the next few chapters as Amy weaves her magic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I've been waiting a long time for these and I'm not disappointed. Please finish it. I know that you are not finished because, what happened at the gathering and another part where Thais said it's a boy?

I'm hooked to your writing. U R THE BOSS!!!!

lori1969lori1969about 13 years ago

In Guarded Hearts, the last chapter; when Thaise ran up to Amy and told her it was a 'BOY'....did he mean Amy, if so was she preggers then or will she get preggers with this Wolfgang so that he's not completely alone when she gets pulled home?

(pause to wipe the tears) I know it would hurt her to leave a child behind but she would know that he would be loved so much, and that Wolfgang had someone to help with the loss.

Hope there is a fix for it.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 13 years ago
I'm having trouble with

Amy's relationship with this Wolfgang. Intellectually, I know that it's still Wolfgang and that her mate is her mate, not matter what dimension. However, he's not exactly the same as the Wolfgang I know and love and the thought of them together is just... icky.

I can't wait for her to go home.

allimbaallimbaabout 13 years ago
thank you!

thank you for updating! it was great!

ella513ella513about 13 years ago
Amazing!!!! More wanted!!!!

Thank you Thank you. I have been waiting for this chapter forever and it did not disappoint. I have read all of your stories and i am hooked and waiting for the next one. I hope you can continue on with your pace of submitting chapters if not sooner :). Cant wait for chapter 8.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
New Twist

I never expected a sister . . . . outstanding story and plot development. Please keep them coming

WarDog143WarDog143about 13 years ago
You did it again!!

What more can I say. This is one of the more entertaining series that I've read in a long time. Your characters touch a part of me that I've long forgotten about since high school. I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Interesting Chapter

i liked the chapter, as I do most of your stories. The characters you create are very engaging. I don't usually nitpick, but this time it's pretty glaring.

Alaina and Electra are both from the alternate reality where they are not yet part of the wolf haven pack. So how do they know about jessa, or Amy and Wolfgang's private tussles? Those are not things Amy would brag about while telling them about their other-selves, let alone that they would discuss with such certainty unless they'd witnessed it. A perfect exchange for the girls we've met before but it doesn't seem to fit in this alternate world.

Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Awesome as usual! You need to get it a little more detailed,and longer would be nice, but again AWESOME!!!!

So looking forward to more, more, more.........

hellsangel19hellsangel19about 13 years ago

Ive been followin all of ur stories and i have to say that u are by far my favorite writer but i must beg u please dont take so long to get the next chapter out because im diein to know what happens and how Amy gets back to her world.

heirloompearls1978heirloompearls1978about 13 years ago

What a twist you gave. A cliff hanger of an ending for the last chapter and then to turn it into this. Absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the rest of the story. What will you do with amy and this universe's wolfgang? I hope that you write lots more.

Surge20000Surge20000about 13 years ago
Super Awesome

You are 1 lovely writer, i love you soo much, awesome job on the new chapter. Nice way to smooth the tension between Amy and Wolfgang(II) also to give into his demands nicely done. Can't wait to see what else the next monthly edition holds.

NightpleasureNightpleasureabout 13 years ago

Always making us want more. ready for the next chapter..

willieonewillieoneabout 13 years ago
Excellent chapter..

would loved it to be longer though but I am sated for the moment now look forward to the next chapter I hope the wait will not be long. Still pissed that Wolfgand in this world will not have his mate by his side for eternity as Wolfgang one of my two most favourite characters Tarvel being my second. I am so sad for him so hope a solution will be found for him that will let him be happy.

packanimalspackanimalsabout 13 years ago
Very Nice!

Your stories always bring me back for more. I'll second that it was nice to see Wolfgang's mom and sister. Keep up the good work.

vixenfurryvixenfurryabout 13 years ago
note to self:

don't read the chapter the day it comes out!!! it will just leave you frustrated and needing the next one!!!

frosty_hore8frosty_hore8about 13 years ago

okay ... so, i was wrong. garnet being wolfgangs sister was a nice twist. lovely to meet his ma too.

do have to say that amy gave in too quicky to wolfgang, would like to have seen a bit more of a confrontation. but i suppose that the mating pull for you.

enjoyed very much, more please ;0)

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