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"I am truly sorry." Doctor Sanchez took a step back. It was the worst aspect of his job. A Father himself, his heart ached for the parents.

"Doctor Sanchez," Nurse Rafferty burst through the door. "Adam Ratliff just woke up!"

"What?" Doctor Sanchez turned towards his Nurse. "That's impossible."

"Adam?" Brandy's head perked up; as well as did every one else's.

"Hurry," Nurse Rafferty waved him on.

"Excuse me," Doctor Sanchez's mind was in shock, but his training forced his feet to run.

Brandy went to run as well, but Edwin held tight. "Let me go!"

"Calm down, Honey," Edwin soothed as he held her fiercely. "We have this hope now. Let's not get in the Doctor's way."

Though Edwin's words were meant for his wife, his words struck home to McKenna, Hannah, and April as well.

"Yes," McKenna breathed to Hannah and April. "We have been granted hope. Let's cherish it for Adam's sake."


"What happened?" Doctor Sanchez begged for any knowledge as to be prepared for what he might need to do.

"I don't know," Nurse Rafferty turned left at the corner. "I was cleaning up and next thing I knew I had to tackle him from leaving. He's under a sedative right now."

"You just said he woke up, not that he was mobile," Doctor Sanchez kept pace. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure," Nurse Rafferty entered Adam's operating room.

Doctor Sanchez stopped as he entered the room, "This can't be him?" He slowly walked over to Adam's body. "Where are my incisions? His bruises?" He turned back to Nurse Rafferty, "I repeat, what happened?"

"I don't know," Nurse Rafferty shrugged while shaking her head; just as puzzled.

"Zombie," Gus, the Security Guard offered, stone serious.

Doctor Sanchez pinched the bridge of his nose at that declaration. He took a deep breath, "All right, I want a full body M.R.I. and I want it right now."

"Yes, Sir," Nurse Rafferty went to the administration phone.


"Kelly?" Adam's head turned to the side. "Kelly?" His face scrunched in anguish. "Kelly?" Adam awoke in a freight, "Where's Kelly?" He went to scramble out of bed when four words calmed him down.

"She's safe and unharmed."

Adam gave a sigh full of relief.

"You had us worried, Buddy," Edwin grinned. "Glad you made it back."

"My Baby!" Brandy came from the bathroom, nearly bulling over her husband as she did. She paused as a tear of joy escaped her eye before she dove onto Adam in a heartfelt Mother's embrace.

"Geez, Mom," Adam wrapped his arms around her. "I love you, too."

Brandy sighed contentedly, "Don't you ever scare me like that again. Do you hear me?"

"All right, Mom. It's okay; I won't." Adam squeezed her one more time before she sat up. "What did I miss? Is McKenna okay? What happened to Liam?"

"Slow down there, Buddy," Edwin held up his hand. "McKenna had a few scrapes from the airbag, nothing else. Liam, Roland, and Serena have been arrested, though it looks like Serena is cooperating with police." Edwin smiled affectionately, "I'm proud of you, Son, for what you've done to protect those girls. You've become a man before my very eyes."

"Well, before I go that far," Brandy stared at her son with folded arms and raised eyebrows, a small smirk perched upon her lips. "I would like to know about these four women in your life... Let's see, there's Hannah, your best friends sister. Kelly and April, who somehow decided that you date them as a team..." Behind Brandy, Edwin gave a thumbs up to his son for pulling off that trick. "And there's your chemistry teacher. Tell me, when did Ms. Gordon become McKenna?"

"How do I explain this?" Adam cringed.

"Sweetie," Brandy put her hand upon her son's. "Remember when we talked about certain bedroom activities?"

"Please, don't remind me," Adam shook his head.

"You didn't like the answer, but I was honest and you felt better about your original question." Brandy gave a comforting smile, "That's all we ask."

"We'll love you no matter what," Edwin assured. "After the past twenty four hours, we've all realized life's too short not to love regardless of decisions."

"Well?" Adam shrugged. "Where should I start?"

Brandy tilted her head, "The women said that all of them went on a date with you so you can determine who you wanted to begin a relationship with. Why don't you start there?"

"We already know," Edwin added, "That whoever you pick to date, it will be a complicated commitment."

"I have come to a decision." Adam took a deep breath, "I know it's going to be a little unorthodox, but I decided to start a relationship with..."


Edwin and Brandy looked at each other before staring back at Adam.

"Are you sure, Sweetie?"

"Absolutely." Adam's eyes echoed the truth in that word.

"It's your choice," Edwin nodded. "We accept that."

"We still love you." Brandy gave a small smile as she shook her head.

"Thanks," Adam grinned. "You know, I actually feel great. Can I just go?"

"The Doctor said that after you wake up, they want to check your vitals again, and yes, you'll be released." Edwin took a step toward the door, "I'll go let them know."

Adam grabbed his phone and sent a group text to McKenna, Hannah, April, and Kelly.

- I will be released soon. I would like to see all of you, so if you can, please meet me at the Pizza Shack after school at 3:30.


"Oh my goodness, Adam," Hannah came running over to the table, where Adam was standing next to her chair, her arms quickly embracing her love. "I've been so worried." She gave him a tender kiss on the lips. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Adam nodded. "I'm not in any pain."

"Well, that's great news," McKenna smirked as she wrapped her arms around Adam's neck. Her lips found his for a cursory lover's kiss. "We've missed you, dearly."

"Yes it is," April smiled.

Kelly beamed, "Glad you're back."

April and Kelly each took a side and kissed Adam's lips.

"The Pizza Shack?" McKenna chuckled. "Not Moreau's?"

Adam was taken aback, "How did you know I took April and Kelly to Moreau's?"

Hannah giggled, "Isn't it obvious? We followed you."

"Actually, we all did," The edges of April's mouth arched upward.

"Any of us not on a date with you was close by, together," Kelly shrugged. "We were curious and supportive to each other."

"The only time we weren't all together is when I had to leave a little early to get ready for our date," Hannah smiled.

"Yes, and by the way," McKenna wagged her finger. "Kudos to you for doing what some people might consider impossible."

"What's that?" Adam stood perplexed.

"You made four women happy in one weekend," McKenna gestured to the other girls and they all nodded.

"I tried." Adam pulled out every chair. As Kelly was about to sit, she hugged Adam madly, "Thank you for saving me... Again."

Adam held her for a few moments, "You're welcome." He then sat down and opened a menu. "So, I understand you girls have spoken with my parents about our situation?"

Silence filled the table.

Adam set down the menu with a stern face to find the four women in shock. Adam nodded, "Hmm."

McKenna cleared her voice, "Yes, we were all so worried about you; we couldn't stay away. They did ask us about our relationship with you, and none of us wanted to give our first impression to them as liars."

Adam broke his faux interrogation with a laugh. "It's all right. I expect nothing but honesty from everyone here." He then took a deep breath, hoping he could manage the hurt feelings. "But they did ask me how the dates went. I think they wanted me to narrow it down sooner rather than later."

McKenna took hold of Hannah's hand while Hannah embraced April's and April in turn latched onto Kelly's. They knew what was next and it scared them.

McKenna took a deep breath, "Go on, we're ready."

Adam nodded. "Kelly..."

Inwardly, Kelly rejoiced for herself and April, but she felt horrible for McKenna and Hannah. April did her best from displaying her happiness. McKenna and Hannah's hearts sunk. Tears had already begun to form.

Adam continued, "As I was going through what happened on Sunday night, I couldn't help my feelings. I knew if something happened to you, I would be devastated. I realized you, Kelly, so strong and yet vulnerable; I loved you... But then I got to thinking; April, you're so smart and timid, I love you. And McKenna, so caring and funny, I love you. Hannah, so sweet and charming, I love you, as well. Looking at everyone here, I know I would be devastated if anything happened to anyone of you, not just Kelly." Adam threw his hands up in defeat, "My decision on who to develop a relationship with is this... All of you, together. We date together, we laugh together, we even live together; you know, eventually."

Adam started to cringe as the women began looking at each other.

Kelly's eyes met with April and they knew. They lifted their entwined hands, "April and I were already going to share, but this is so much better, we love Hannah and McKenna!"

April smiled over to the other women, "We've had so much fun with you guys the past couple days. It would be a shame for it to end."

"After all we've been through together, it would be hard to say goodbye now." Hannah snickered as she pointed at Adam, "And here I thought I was going to have to convince Nolan not to kill you because you didn't pick me."

"We've become a family," McKenna smiled. "So, why wait to move in? I own a house."

Everyone stared at McKenna.

"What?" McKenna laughed. "Do you three really want to wait to live with the man of our dreams?"

Hannah, April, and Kelly quickly agreed.

"Wait," Adam intervened. "Don't I get a say in this?"

All four women turned to Adam, "No."

Adam gulped. 'What did I get myself into?'


"Wake up, kid," Eros shook Adam's sleeping form. "Kid, wake up!"

"What? Huh?" Adam jerked in his bed before waking up to see Eros. He reached for his glasses to note the time was 2:57 in the morning. "Don't you sleep," Adam yawned.

"I just wanted to say, I'm proud of you, Adam."

"For what?" Adam sat up in his bed.

"For taking responsibility for all four of them." Eros smiled, "If not I would have had to make things right in my own way... especially after what I had to go through to save your mortal ass."

"Wait, I thought you said Gods don't interfere with humans?"

"Well, I'm out of here kid; I doubt you'll ever see me again. Got two prayers wanting the same love, a Nolan Carr and Gabriella Weatherford; a perfect match." Eros smiled, "Remember, you have more power over those four than you think you do."

"Nolan and Gabriella?" Adam smiled. He couldn't be more thrilled for his friend.

Eros went to snap his fingers and paused, turning toward Adam one final time. "I know you will treat them as they deserve to be treated. You have my thanks for that. And thank you for correcting my clerical error." Eros felt flustered in front of a human for the first time ever, but he felt it important for his own sake to relay his honest gratitude. He immediately snapped his fingers to get away from the situation and he was gone.

Adam sat back on his bed. 'I have more power over them than I think I do.' After the day he had in which it was decided that the five of them are going to start living together after graduation and a breakdown of how all of them can spend time together until then as well as the rest of life in general, all without input from him, he doubted it. He was incredibly outnumbered.

But surviving death did teach Adam one very important lesson. He didn't need power. He had all the happiness he could ever want in life. Now, all there was to do was embrace the Ever After.

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GrandEagle53GrandEagle5324 days ago

Almost didn't read past first page; so very glad I did. 5 stars.

ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

Classic story, great one.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence3 months ago

Too bad Adam et al don't wish that Liam and Roland could find love in the prison it would be nice if they go to.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Third time through this story. Utterly original concept. Love the evolving relationships. Agree with earlier post, need an epilogue three to five years down the road, offering a snapshot of their life together.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

My only complaint is that there isn't an epilogue chapter with all 5 of them together in a final sexual bash

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