Starfinder: The Jade Regent Pt. 10


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Hana frowned, trying to move up close enough she could push the gun up against the wolfman's side. "Sup, pup?" She said, smirking as she became visible. "So, want to do the smart thing and surrender?"

Rakain emerged from under the stairs, his rifle held at the ready.

The wolf tensed, then frowned. "Who sent you, Rangacorp?" He asked - the tengu squealing in shock and fear, springing back, her towel falling forward to reveal the white tips of her breasts, her nipples shockingly visible against her black skin and fur. Xata held her invisibility and brought her sword to the ready.

Sam stayed in the shadows, feeling it best for Hana to handle this part.

"Girl scouts. You didn't pay for your last cookie shipment." Hana smiled, "Why don't you both get on your knees and put your hands behind your head while we discuss this. And if you're lucky, your answers will please my friends and I. And if not, we'll try to make it as painless as possible."

Rakain drew a bead on the wolfman. "No need for this to get out of hand."

The girl whimpered, while the wolfman...chuckled. "Well, when you put it like that." He sighed and dropped to his knees. "Jorgan Wolfborn, werewolf - and yes, I take wolfencil, I keep my control when shifted. Hence why I'm always shifted because why the fuck would I want to be a fat, balding fifty year old Ulfen piece of shit?" He snorted. "Shadowrunner for the past twenty years, hired on as security here two months ago. The chick's named Yuki."

"Chick, cute." Hana sighed, "So, anyone else here but you two? Before you answer, we killed your tengu downstairs and all the guys watching that trash horror flick, and this.. thing..."

"You said this thing was the product of some 'sick fuck,'" Rakain said. "Who were you referring to?"

"There's a bunch of ninjas in the basement, that stuck up prick of a raven, a fine ass Tian chick..." He grinned. "Alllllllllmost as cute as her." He nodded at Ami. "And I'm talking about the wizard who works with the head honcho - Goti Runecaster. He's some kind of troll." He nodded. "The head honcho is a chick named Kimandatsu."

"Where is the tian chick, the raven, the troll, and the boss?" Hana said, frowning.

"The tian chick, the troll, and the boss are in the basement. The raven usually sticks in the roost above my fuckden." He smirked. "That's why I tend to do Yuki. She's loud and he's a studious prick."

Hana nodded, frowning, typing in her com, So... quick death?

Ami bit her lower lip. Maybe? She sent.

We still got more questions. Sam offered back through her tablet.

He's just doing a job. If we let him go alive, he may be useful in warning other shadowrunners away from us. Xata silently offered the option. Though her sword was still at the ready.

Maybe, Rakain said. He hasn't irritated me enough yet. And I like Xata's idea. Plus it just seems bad form to kill a guy who's almost naked.

With a shrug, Sam stepped forward from the shadows. "The name is Sam. Serious now. You said you were here for the last two months working security. Give me a full run down on every op and haul that has been run out of here during that time."

The wolfman looked at Sam, smirking slightly. "Lots of minor extortion rings, a few corporate snatch and grabs. They kidnapped some icehopper's boyfriend and threw him down there. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet. Like..." He paused. "My gut says they're waiting. Asked for what and got told to not ask questions." He shrugged. "Their loss...I figure I could have helped beef up security more if I knew what they were waiting for. That feeling came on about...a month ago..."

Or...when the Kami had fused with Ami...

Ami, you getting any weird feels off this guy? Hana tapped out the question on her com.

Xata stiffened at the words "some icehopper's boyfriend." She had to fight not to break her invisibility.

Ami frowned. N-Nothing beyond the normal feeling I have when looking at someone that I want to pet him.

Hana Song: "Threw him down where?" She said curiously.

Sam: "Let me guess, the haul from the snatch and grabs would be in the basement?" Sam asked. "And is the man they hauled in still alive?"

Dragon Cobolt (GM): He nodded. "Still alive. They want him for something - not sure what." He sighed. "I made sure he was as comfortable as possible. Might be professional disagreements, but no need to be an asshole about it."

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Yes, he knows all about not being an asshole, Xata commented archly over telepathic link.

But it's good news.

Sam: Sam nodded. "Alright. Give me a quick floor plan of the basement and you'll be free. My advice would be to leave your current employer and break contract, they violated it before you by putting you in the line of fire for this without informing you what you were facing. You got burned- bad." She started to explain.

"Do you have some way out of here under your own power?"

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata began to relax as Sam spoke.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): He nodded. "Fair, and I can steal one of the shuttles in the rookerie."

"W-What about me!?" Yuki asked, looking at them all - her arm crossed shyly over her rather ample breasts.

Hana Song: "Kind of figured you go with him." She said, shrugging.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): You've harmed no one. Xata telepathic messaged her without reappearing. *Go... and find better male company.(

Dragon Cobolt (GM): "H-Hey!" Yuki said, angrily. "Jorgan is great company! He's soft and he can be quite kind when he wants to be and you're not messing up his job off into space without a jetpack!" SHe humphed and then squeaked as Jorgan stood, slung her over his shoulder, and strode out quick as he could.

(everyone gains 240 XP!)

Nora: Nora melted out of the shadows with a 'huh', shouldering her rifle.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): "The Bad Boys," Xata shook her head as she reappeared ruefully. "Some of us will always be suckers, data indicates."

Hana Song: "So.. rookery first, then we head down to the basement?" She said, then frowned. "Wonder if the good guy is positioned so I can't fireball?"

Rakain (player: Nathan): "Again, seems bad to shoot him in front of his ladyfriend when he has no pants on," Rakain said. "Kind of a dick move."

Sam: "Professional courtesy. The job may make us assholes, but doesn't mean we cannot be civilized to each other beyond that." Sam said with a shrug, going over the information she had collected on her tablet.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Fortunately, the wolf had given them inforamtion - they had the maps of the lower levels. They looked fairly linar, with notes on what threats were down there...the issue was that there seemed to be a lot of ninjas and monsters below - including trolls.

"It's going to be a btich to fight through that..." Ami said. "But so far, it seems the alarm hasn't reached them..."

Xata Estin (player: CJ): "We can Do What Must Be Done," Xata said confidently.

Nora: "Move carefully. Maybe throw dust once Rakain's magic wears off. How many times can you cast that spell?"

Xata Estin (player: CJ): She was fishing out a vial from inside her armour as she said it, though, her expression not matching her bravado. She took a swallow of it.

Rakain (player: Nathan): "I can cast it two more times before I'm out of juice for that degree of spell," Rakain said. "And I'm hoping to save some juice for a nanobot spell for emergencies."

Hana Song: "Oh, if need be, I have a spell that can make groups visible and has a chance of making them blind." She snickered, "Would have cast it on the ninjas, but I didn't get a chance."

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Ami nodded. "But first the rookerie, right?" she asked with a slight grin.

Sam: Sam nodded, collecting her things.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata nodded. "Let's make the villain up there eat crow." She was really getting to enjoy her Pun Subroutines.

"There is something I must do first, though."

And she turned to Nora.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Ami blinked, watching Xata as she turned to face Nora, cocking her head slightly.

Sam: Sam was a little confused and curious as to just what Xata was getting at.

Nora: With her helmet only her eyes could be seen and even Nora looked confused.

Rakain (player: Nathan): Rakain folded his arms.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata knelt down at opened up her violin case. She produced a smushed thing that look like it was originally meant to be a gift basket. It was filled with an assortment of nuts, bolts, and something that looked like a tube of strawberry nutrient paste. She stood up and proferred it solemnly to Nora.

"I made this for you," she said. "You have saved my Cute Beep=Boop Butt several times today and I wanted to apologise to you for snapping at you the other day. It is not what Heroes do. It is... not what Friends do."

"And I hope you think I'm a Friend. I have indexed you in that data-slot."

Nora: Nora took a second to look the package over and took it after a pause. She tucked it away into her bag before slipping up to give Xata a firm hug. "It's fine, we all have days. Stuff happens and we move on."

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Ami stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, holding up her smartphone and snapping a picture of their hug.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata hugged her back gratefully. "Thank you, Fellow Adventurer."

Rakain (player: Nathan): Rakain gave Ami a hug, lifting her bodily off the ground.

Nora: She nodded, stepping back to grab her rifle, "Alright, to the rookery then? Best to get moving before their people in the basement come up to investigate."

Xata Estin (player: CJ): "Indeed."

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Ami squeaked as she was picked up and squeezed. "Ack! Ack! Rakain! Air! Air!" She gasped, her legs kicking slightly.

Sam: "I'll give you my vote." Sam said, still smiling behind the faceplate of her armor.

Hana Song: Hana snickered slightly, "Well, that was heartwarming." She shook her head, "But.. bad guy butt kicking now?"

Rakain (player: Nathan): Rakain set Ami down. "Yep, Hana. Let's get to it!"

Dragon Cobolt (GM): (roll stelath!)

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (To GM) rolling 1d20+4




= 21

Nora: (To GM) rolling 1d20+6




= 16

Sam: (To GM) rolling 1d20+11




= 13

Sam: (To GM) rolling 1d20+11




= 24

Rakain (player: Nathan): (To GM) rolling 1d20+4




= 5

Hana Song: (To GM) rolling 1d20+6




= 10

Hana Song: (To GM) rolling 1d20+6




= 26

Rakain (player: Nathan): (To GM) rolling 1d20+4




= 20

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Together, the group started up the stairs towards the rookerie. They walked up the stairs - hearing the soft calls of the ravens...and the sound of conversation.

"Can you believe that idiot slut is fucking that security officer that the boss hired...again?" A male voice muttered.

"Total whore," a pair of female voices said in the exact same tone of wistful longing and imperfectly hidden lust.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Peeking around the corner, they saw the rookerie was originally a kind of observation platform, which had been modified to hold the ravens and crows that hte tengu clearly kept as pets. Dozens of ravens were still snoozing in nets built into the walls, while the three Tengu ninjas talked quietly with one another. Sitting at the very top of the rookerie, eye pressed to a telescope, was the cybernetic blood-raven that they had seen before, the one who had stalked them in Kalsguard!

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (Hmmm.)

Hana Song: Hana frowned, typing out, So, concentrated attack on cyber-squaks before he knows we're here?

Xata Estin (player: CJ): I agree.

Sam: Sam nodded in agreement, though a silent options with reach was something she was lacking at the moment.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): ((OH, hang on!))

((I could Disguise Self, masquerade as the security officer and sucker-punch him.))

((It won't put him down but it would give us the drop on him...))

Hana Song: (If you text that IC we could discuss it.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): (Yeah, if it's OOC, the other characters can't know you're going to do that)

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata messaged the others. I have it in my capacity to disguise myself as the security officer and approach him. It would give us an advantage.

Nora: We can text you lines and I'll have my bot follow you Nora texted back, keying a few things. Her ferretbot hopped over to Xata and scrambled up her leg and back to perch on her shoulder.

Hana Song: We also have those potions of Disguise Self if anyone else wants to get in close. Also, he doesn't see us now, so we have that advantage for people with ranged attacks

Rakain (player: Nathan): I'm all for ranged attacks, Rakain said, slowly drawing a bead with his rifle.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Are there other convincing Disguises to adopt? The security officer seems the natural choice.

Sam: I'll take a potion of Disguise, if it will last long enough. If we get the bunch that can raise the alrm we can deal with the rest without issue. Sam added in.

There were the Ninjas upstairs

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Ami nodded, giving them thumbs up. Then grinning, she texted: Sam might be better able to impersonate a big tough dude. No offense, Xata.

Hana Song: Well, there's the tengu chick who was with him. Plus any generic ninja would pass long enough.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): I do come equipped with a vocal modulator, you know. Xata was a bit irritated.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): Sorry, Ami texted, blushing slightly.

I just don't think big swinging dick when I think of Xata.

Sam: Sam nodded to Xata in agreement. The amazon, even with an illusion, wouldn't be able to pull off the voice of a werewolf.

Nora: Nora paused and seem to ponder that for a long moment, I mean, I wouldn't be against seeing it but that is straying from the point. Should probably act soon.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): You don't have to, Xata said. That's why it's called Acting. Here... let me show you.

((oh God Xata please roll well your whole goddamn credibility rides on this... she's doing it))

(To GM) rolling 1d20+7




= 8

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (To GM) rolling 1d20+7




= 24

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata stood up abruptly, a subtle growl arising in her throat which manifested into the form of the wolfman as her Disguise Self spell went into effect. She went stalking up toward the rookery muttering: "Gods-damned amateurs, I have to do everything around here. Can't even have a good piece of time to myself for Knotting. I like Knotting, does nobody understand that? That is in my Character."

Sam: Sam snickered at the comment before she finally released the atmo-seal on her armor and opened her faceplate. She downed the potion in one go, and her own form seemed to vanish as the look of one of the generic ninjas was imposed over her.

"Play it pissed, but professional. They pay your bills" She whispered.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): The tengu looked at the large wolfman who strode into the room, looking a bit bemused at his sudden arrival. Then the raven flapped down. "What has gotten up your ass, Wolfborn?" He asked, his voice snide and snooty as he landed on a roost - his eyes now on the level with Xata's.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Right, Xata signalled back.

"What's gotten up my ass is how Slotted-Up this whole Drek Operation is, Chummer," Xata replied in ornery, snarly fashion. "You have any idea what's going on down there? There's 'runners and there's whatever the Frak this is. Tell me you're keeping a frakking eye out."

((Hoping for him to turn his back...))

Dragon Cobolt (GM): "...have you hit your head?" the raven asked, cocking his head, slightly - his back facing the stairs. "I'm...pretty sure that...isn't common."

Hana Song: Hana slipped her wand from her side, taking careful aim at the raven, clearly waiting for a signal.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): "What's common, apparently, is every gorram moron around her taking me for a chump."

Rakain (player: Nathan): Rakain sighted down his rifle's iron sights.

Sam: Sam wanted to facepalm so hard right now. Instead she kept and eye on the room, looking for a good position so that some of what would go down was obscured.

Xata Estin (player: CJ): "I am Paying the Bills around here, Chummer, and you had better Keep Your Attention on Me while I'm talking because I will Drek You Up if you don't!"

Dragon Cobolt (GM): "You have been paid, right?" the raven asked, snidely. "In that idiot Yuki and..." He blinked. "Wait..." He looked back over his shoulder - but by then, it was too late.

(ROll inin! But you all get surprise round!)

Hana Song: (To GM) rolling 1d20+2




= 16

Nora: (To GM) rolling 1d20+4




= 14

Sam: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8




= 12

Rakain (player: Nathan): (To GM) rolling 1d20+1




= 5

Xata Estin (player: CJ): ((Huzzah!))

(To GM) rolling 1d20+1




= 20

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (To GM) rolling 1d20+2




= 6

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (To GM) rolling 1d20+2




= 18

Xata Estin (player: CJ): (To GM) rolling 2d8+1






= 7

Xata Estin (player: CJ): Xata dropped her disguise and slashed twice at her opponent, feeling her blade bite into him on the second hit. It wasn't enough to kill him... but with any luck it would be enough to focus his attention.

Hana Song: (To GM) rolling 2d10






= 14

Dragon Cobolt (GM): (To GM) rolling 1d20




= 7

Hana Song: Hana thrust her wand out at the creature, firing off wild synapses in it's mind.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): The smashed and battered raven cried out - but remained amazingly intact. It was large, for its species, and studded with cybernetics.

Nora: (To GM) rolling 1d20+7




= 23

Nora: (To GM) rolling 1d20+9




= 11

Nora: (To GM) rolling 2d6+6






= 10

Nora: Nora took aim with her rifle while her little drone fired it's pistol. The drone miss while Nora scored a hit on the Raven.

Sam: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8




= 28

Sam: (To GM) rolling 1d20+8




= 25

Sam: (To GM) rolling 4d8+32










= 49

Sam: The ninja disguised Sam appeared to be the least of the Raven's concerns at the moment, which was more than the opening she needed. Hand on her sword, she swung from the draw, the lightning fast strike hitting home.

Dragon Cobolt (GM): As the raven's head thumped on the ground - and one of the enemies that helped to lead this place laid on the ground. Slain. The tengu gaped - and then charged.

And the battle was joined.

(DRAMATIC CLIFFHANGER DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! 320 XP though! Did everyone have fun?)

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DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 4 years agoAuthor
I'm sorry

But this story was literally made by copying and pasting the text files from my roll20 app while roleplaying with friends - and the group in question is now too busy to meet up anymore. Sorry :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

+1 on please finishing this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Finish eeet!


Wickedelf6000Wickedelf6000about 5 years ago
Oh no!!!

Please finish this! Totally love this story. Yes, could use a little polishing, but I like the campy feel of dice rolling! I've read all your stories here keep the tales coming chummer!

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor
For all future readers!

This story is, as been mentioned in many places, a series of transcripts of roleplaying sessions run on Roll20 with me and my friends, edited to be readable!

There's just one tiny problem: starfinder is a goddamn garbage fire of horseshit. It's an awful game system and I hate it with the burning passion of ten billion suns! And so, I've started a NEW game with mostly the same people called Aberrant - the first chapter of which actually went up on this day (1/10/2018 for you future people.)

So, if you want more RPG adventures, go there!

But as for an ending to this story...there ain't gonna be one.

Basically, they beat up the evil Oni who have taken over the Tian Star Empire, Brash gets a huge pile of gold, and everyone fucks Ami's brains out. The End!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I love this story. Any plans for more?

DragonCoboltDragonCoboltover 6 years agoAuthor

I'm SO sorry, everyone, I accidentally uploaded the WRONG VERSION OF THE FILE!

This version will be taken down soon and I will get the PROPERLY FORMATTED one up right away!

Again, so sorry!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Agree with Anon

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Book story style

I enjoyed the story much better when you wrote it like a novel. This game style with the die rolls is irritating at best. Hard to continue focusing on story, which it deserves.

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