Starting Over Pt. 06 Ch. 05

Story Info
Bad guys caught, Yvonne leaves, will Maggie return?
7.4k words

Part 24 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 02/03/2014
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This is the sixth section of the continuing saga "Starting Over". In Part I, LTC (Retired) John Jackson had moved to Seattle after being widowed. He ran into some trouble and some decent people (okay, and a few strippers), while working towards getting his private investigator license. That took place between Sep and Dec 2012.

In Part II, he got involved in a ring trafficking in young women. The main perpetrators were captured, but the hired gun/enforcer slipped away. That took place in Apr and May 2013.

In Part III, which took place in 2013 and 2014, John managed to find the enforcer in Key West and was planning to kill him, but changed his mind. He really didn't know if he could kill someone in cold blood, but the man was living with a woman and had decided that he was retiring. John let him go with a promise to do intelligence work for him and returned to Seattle, where Maggie gave indications that she wanted a serious relationship. Then he used that enforcer from Key West to assist in capturing an assassin. The assassin had been hired to kill him and the detective who helped him break up a leg of a human trafficking chain.

In Part IV, it's 2019. John and Maggie couldn't work things out and now John was working on a case that, at first, involved someone who had assaulted Luke's wife Maria. John then had two men try to break into his apartment to attack him. The authorities caught the two men by tracking them to a strip club, but John got beat up by them before the police got there. When he woke, he found that Vanessa, his waitress at the strip club, was an undercover officer. There were several events that were taking place and it was being done by an anarchist group. However, funding for these events was tracked to someone in human trafficking in Singapore by a hacker that John found through Bob in Key West. He returned to Seattle with the information on a thumb drive, and the FBI and others started tracking him. Finally, the master of the human trafficking ring had his son try to soft sell John's daughter into visiting Asia with him, primarily to kidnap her. John found out, he and his buddies stopped it, and then John, feeling the rage, flew to Singapore and, with the backdoor assistance of a government person, was armed and killed both the leader and his son of this trafficking ring.

In Part V, Yvonne, the young hacker came to live with John. She had nowhere else to go and felt so alone during the pandemic that she was craving human interaction. She also admitted that she was attracted to John, even though there was 19 years difference in their ages. A bad guy was hired to hit him due to his involvement in some operations being run by a rogue CIA manager and some disenfranchised CIA members. John and company got them in the end and Yvonne got shot in the leg. She decided to stay with John.

Recurring Characters

LTC (Retired) John Jackson, 5'11", 180, 55 years old.

Marie Jackson, John's dead wife, 5'8", 140, 44 years old, died 15 Jan 2012

Angelica Jackson (Angel), John and Marie's daughter, 5'5", 125, 28 years old.

Mary Bradford, bartender, 5'5", 120, 48 years old.

Margaret (Maggie) Bradford, Mary's sister, 5'6", 115, 44 years old.

Samantha (Sam) Walker, 5'6", 130 pounds, 48 years old, John's former neighbor.

Joyce Walker, Sam's daughter, 5'4", 120 pounds, 28 years old, and now an exotic dancer using the name Lily

Marion Walker, Sam's daughter, 5'4", 115 pounds, 26 years old.

SFC (Retired) Craig Smithson, 6', 190, 55 years old, NCO from John's Army unit.

Captain Jeff Smithson, 5'11', 185, 53 years old, SFC Smithson's brother and a captain in the Seattle Police Department.

Luke Cole, 5'10", 180, detective in the Seattle Police Department.

Maria Cole, 5'6", 135, Luke's wife.

Jeanne (aka Jasmine) Welch, 5'5", 110, 30 years old, exotic dancer.

Olivia, 5'4", 120 pounds, 30 years old, called Livy, exotic dancer.

Max Meridian (real name Harold Johnson), Mark's lead kidnapper and enforcer. Now changed his name to Bob Thomas and is married to Susan. They own and operate a bar in Key West.

Susan Thomas, Bob's new wife.

George Watson, a new member of the detective agency.

Vanessa Williams, 5'6", 130, detective in the Seattle Police Department.

Yvonne, 5'2", 105, illegal hacker who helped find the human trafficker who had funded the anarchists in Seattle.

Danielle (Dani) Parker, 5'8", 120, known as a "guide". She takes cases where an individual is in mortal danger and "hides" them by giving them new identities and teaching them how to lay low.

Benjamin Smothers, Deputy Director of the FBI.


---------------------------- Sunday, August 8, 2021, John's apartment, Seattle, WA -----------

It was around 4pm now and things were heating up.

John yelled for Yvonne. "The hitter who is after me just took out at least one of the FBI guys across the street. Get in the other apartment and into the safe room. I'll call Farr."

John had had the bedroom and bathroom modified so that the closet was enlarged and turned into a safe room. It had all the protections and plenty of supplies for a couple of days. He was glad for that now.

Yvonne grabbed a few things and rushed into the other apartment. It had a great new connecting door and lock, too.

John called Farr. "This is John, I just saw a suppressed flash across the street where your guys are who are watching me. Better get some men here fast. I'll be armed."

"Roger." Farr hung up and John knew he was scrambling guys.

John called Luke and told him, too. He started scrambling some folks, as well.

John got his Glock out and made sure it was good to go. He looked over at the apartment. Well, shit. Here we go again.


John was considering the best way to defend himself when Farr called. "The Deputy Director says you have a girlfriend there. Did she get out? Will she be okay there?"

"Yes, I built a safe room in the next apartment over, which I also rent. If something happens to me, Luke will call her when everything is clear. He has the number and can text it to you guys, too."

"It's totally safe?"

"Yes. Bullet proof up to a.50 caliber round. It's self-contained with oxygen provided from tanks and provided in an over-pressure situation. It has supplies and oxygen for up to 24 hours. The venting is out a hidden vent in the side of the building. It's pretty well protected."

"I can see that. Not cheap."

"No, but obviously worth it."

"Okay. Hey, listen. I'm sorry about before. I was so concerned about my career and anxious to make a good impression that I got a little ahead of myself. And once I looked you up at Smothers request, I can see why he likes you. I hope we can get past this."

John didn't have time for this. "No problem. Gotta go. People coming."

"Roger." He hung up.

John looked at his phone where he had installed an app to watch the more specialized high-security cameras he had installed in the hallways of the first and second landings of the stairwell. These were not the standard Ring cameras. He could see that three men had come into the building and were at the first-floor landing, looking up to see if they could discern where he was or any traps. They were cautious, which was good and bad. It was bad because they could spot anything he had put out there, although it was only the cameras at the moment. But it was good because it slowed them down and made them act very deliberately.

He looked closely and could see that all three were armed with an automatic weapon. Two looked like AR-15s and one looked like an AK. He was not matched up well with just his Glock in his hand. He watched as they slowly started coming up the stairs to the second floor, the lead guy checking everywhere for an ambush.

John had seen enough. He rushed to the door to the other apartment, unlocked the door with the key he left there on the table, rushed through it, locking it behind him, and headed for the safe room. He called Yvonne and told her he was coming. She had the door opened and he was getting in when the three men opened fire on his door. They would find out quickly that it was a high security door, and then they would probably move to the walls.

Just as he was closing the safe room door, John thought he heard the sirens of the police and FBI. He hesitated for a second, trying to hear it over the gunfire. The three attackers stopped firing for a second and John opened his phone again to look at the security cameras. The three had stopped to reload and check out the door, but heard the sirens, too. They were racing down the stairs to get out of the building. John stepped back out of the safe room.

John watched as all three fled the building and then went to the window. He watched as the police and FBI showed up, their cars screeching to a halt. A couple stopped right in front of the building just after the bad guys left. However, a couple were stopping at each end of the block and he assumed on either side to prevent them from escaping.

Farr and another agent came running for the building and one of the senior police officers started yelling commands and pointing to organize the police. They spread out and immediately started searching in all directions. They must not have seen where the bad guys went when they left the apartment building.

John told Yvonne it was all clear and ran to his door. Just as he swung it open, Farr and the other agent came bounding up the stairs. The reached the door as John stepped out.

"I think they went north," John said quickly.

"Got it." Farr spoke into his radio and told his men what John had said. "Are you and your girlfriend, okay?"

"Yeah. She was in the safe room and I was just starting to get in there when we heard the sirens. The attackers heard them, too, and took off before we were in any real danger."

Farr looked at the wall where some bullets had gone into it. Then he checked out the door. "Wow, nice door. I guess you wanted that to be very strong, too."

John grinned. "It's my third one. After having two broken down, I made sure the entire surrounding area was fortified and I got a steel, exterior door. It holds up well."

Farr spoke into his radio again and carried on a conversation as the other guy with him went back down the stairs to assist outside. Then Farr turned back to John. "I guess the landlord is not happy with you."

"Well, he'll get over it. I usually give him a little rent bonus whenever this happens."

"You would have to." Farr listened to his radio and then turned to John. "They got 'em. There were three who came in here and one in a car around the corner. I'll tell you more after we get through with them." He gave John a grin at that and turned on his heel and left.

Yvonne then came closer to John. "They got them?"

"Yeah. How are you?"

"Shaky. I haven't been anywhere near automatic weapons. That's scary."

"Yes, it is. And it never gets easier."

"Well, I'm going to go try to unwind. You want a beer? I'm having one."

"Not yet. I want to step outside and see what's going on."

As John reached the front door to the building, he ran into the forensics team. He let them pass and they went in to collect the brass, mark it, and also get pictures of the walls. John kept going.

"Hey, John. I guess you just can't live a normal life, eh?"

John turned and smiled at Luke. "I guess not."

"Well, the FBI has these guys and, if they can connect them to shooting three feds, we won't see them again. They'll go away for a long time."

"I hope so. Any idea who these guys are yet? I'm trying to figure out why I was in their crosshairs."

"No word yet, but we'll know soon enough. If the FBI doesn't tell you, I'll let you know."

"Okay, thanks."

About that time a large group of people came around the corner. The FBI had the three men that had shot up my building and were leading them back to a van next to my apartments. I looked closely. I didn't know two of them, but one of them I knew very well. It was one of the Watkins brothers. I didn't remember which one, I just knew it wasn't Gerald, who came up to Seattle once before.

Farr walked over to John. "Recognize Tommy Watkins?"

"Yeah. What about the others?"

"Well, one of them is the main dealer in the Louisville, Kentucky area and that's one of the men that I arrested a few years ago. He got out on some strange amnesty rule. He also was one of the Watkins' best customers. The Watkins brother just plain escaped. So, the two of them pooled their resources and decided to come after both of us since we were in the same area."

"Well, then I guess we were lucky."

"Yes. Now, they can really be put away. Shooting at agents will get you some good prison time."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to go back in and try to calm Yvonne. She's a little shaken up."

"Why wouldn't she be. That had to be scary, three automatic weapons shooting for you. Take care and we'll talk more later."

"Roger. Let me know what information you need for a statement."

Farr nodded and turned away as his attention was requested by one of his other agents.

John went back into the apartment and found Yvonne sitting on the couch, one empty beer bottle on the table and a second one in her hand. She was hitting it fast.

"Slow down. I don't want to have to catch up so fast."

Yvonne grinned. At least she could do that. "I'm not going to slow down until I pass out, so you'd better get to work."

John sat next to her. "I think I'll just sit here and watch you get sloshed."

"Okay." Yvonne took a big drink of the beer she was holding.

John put his hand on her shoulder. "I have a better idea. Come to bed and let's try to get you to calm down in there."

Yvonne finished downing the beer, belched, giggled, and then nodded. "Okay."

They went into the bedroom and got undressed. John crawled into bed under the covers and then Yvonne crawled in on the other side. John pushed her over to her side with her back to him. He then spooned up behind her and started lightly rubbing her arm while she calmed.

"Now just lay there and relax. You'll feel and sleep better if you take some deep breaths."

Yvonne started relaxing and feel asleep. It was now almost midnight. There had been a lot going on that day and John was feeling it, too. He was asleep just after Yvonne.

---------------------------- Sunday, August 22, 2021, John's apartment, Seattle, WA -----------

It has been two weeks since the shooting and John could feel that something was up with Yvonne. She had been a little moody and not quite the same since the shooting. She had even lightened up on sex, and she was usually quite the physical, horny thing.

They were sitting in the living room, watching TV, when John brought it up.

"Okay, Yvonne. Since the shooting you've been different. Your sex drive has decreased, you're moody, and you seem antsy all the time. What's the deal?"

Yvonne waited for a few seconds and then looked up at him. "Sorry. I should have been talking about this more." She took a deep breath. "I have a couple of jobs people want done and I can't do them from here. I almost got pinpointed last time, and I shouldn't give whoever it was another chance. On top of that, I'm restless. I just think I need to get on the road for a while. That's who I really am. I loved being here, but I can tell that it's time to go."

John looked at her and thought about this. She hadn't said she loved him in a while, but he knew they both had feelings for each other. Did she mean she wouldn't come back and stay? That she would stay on the road again like she used to?

"Does this have anything to do with the recent events? Do you not feel safe here after that attack?"

"It's not that. I'm just restless and need to get out and about, doing my job again."

"I understand, Yvonne. So, what does this mean for us? Do you plan to come back or stay on the road? Will I see you again?"

"John! Of course, you'll see me again! I will be on the road for a while and then when I get a chance, I'll stop back by. You know I have feelings for you. You are the only person I love and that I have in my life. I'm just not the stay-at-home domestic sort, so not that sort of love, but I really care about you. Is that enough for you?" She stopped and looked a little stricken for a second as she considered that John might not accept this arrangement. "Or should I not bother to come back?"

"Sorry, I'm just worried about you. I really care about you, too. I didn't mean you couldn't come back, but I'm worried that I won't see you again."

Yvonne came over to him and sat on his lap. She caressed his face. "John, I will always want to come back here. I just can't do this permanently if I want to continue to do my job. I have to be able to be free to roam and work. I was in a really bad place for a time during the pandemic, but you refreshed and restored me. You are the one that allowed me to get to the place where I want to work again."

John gave her a quick kiss. "I understand. I'm really going to miss you."

"Me, too."

"I want you to know that since I care about you, I hope that you can find someone else to be with. Someone who can be with you as you do your job. You deserve a full life, Yvonne."

Yvonne was tearing up and put her head on John's shoulder. "That's why I have such deep feelings for you, and why it is so hard to leave. You are the best man I've ever met."

John lifted her head by the chin and kissed her lightly. He tried to add a little levity, knowing that Yvonne always did that when things got too serious for her. "That wasn't hard considering the type of men you normally meet." He grinned at her.

Yvonne gave a short laugh and then put her head on his shoulder again. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

"You can find plenty of replacements for me, John. I know many of the women around here think very highly of you." She looked up at John.

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead and butter me up while you are leaving." John grinned to let her know he was teasing.

"Okay." Yvonne stood up. "I have to pack. It won't take long and I'll be leaving on Wednesday. I have a job I have to start by Friday." She turned to John and grinned. "That means you have until Wednesday morning to give me all the sex you can to keep me sated for a while."

John raised his eyebrows. "That'll last you about a week."

Yvonne gave John a playful punch on the shoulder. "Like you don't crave that sort of human contact all the time. You love it as much as I do."

John shrugged. "I know. Go start packing. I'll fix us some dinner while you start. After dinner we can start on that."

Yvonne started heading for the bedroom, but turned, her face very serious. "John?" He turned. "I really do love you."

John stared back. "I know. I love you, too."

The two stared for a few moments and then suddenly looked away and got to work.

---------------------------- Wednesday, August 25, 2021, John's apartment, Seattle, WA -----------

Yvonne was packed and ready to go. It was 10am and she wanted to get on the road. She and John had found her a better vehicle for her travels. It was a used van that they cleaned out and prepared for her trip. John built a small set of shelves for a sort of work desk and storage, and one side was left clear for her to crash in, if necessary. Yvonne preferred small hotels, but she had to be better prepared this time.

The three previous days were filled with sex, regret, and discussions of life. Yvonne had a very different outlook than John, but was starting to feel a little differently since living with John. They also discussed the fact that eventually, Yvonne was going to have to stop moving around so much. She could only do this for so long. Yvonne wasn't so sure.

When she was loaded, Yvonne turned back to John. There were tears in her eyes. "I'll never forget this time, and I'll never be able to repay your kindness."