Staying True To Who I Am


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"You owe me for a pair of panties," she said, glaring at me. The old Sylvia was back.

"So sue me," I replied.

I handed her the tapes and told her she earned them. After putting them in her purse, she turned and walked out the door.


I did my usual bowling on Tuesday nights, worked at the plant during the day and bartended on Friday and Saturday nights. I visited my kids when I could on Sundays.

A couple of weeks passed since I had sex with Sylvia. I was working on Saturday night when their card club came in for drinks. It was the first time I had seen Marilyn since our breakup. Sylvia must have given her the tape, because she said hi to me without any friendliness.

Sylvia acted the way she always did. I was just the bartender; no one would have ever known we fucked like rabbits just two weeks before. I was pretty sure she never told Marilyn about it.

I served them just like any other customers and went about my duties. At midnight, shortly after they left the lounge, Sal told me I could go home if I wanted to.

Same as before, about ten minutes after I got home there was a knock on the door. It was Sylvia. I had already undressed, except for my briefs. I didn't care as I opened the door to see what she wanted.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" asked Sylvia.

"What for? You already have the tapes," I replied.

"You owe me for my panties and I thought I'd take it out in trade."

I invited her in and she began removing her clothes. I undid her bra and started man handling her tits. I knew it hurt her some, but she never said anything. Slipping off my briefs, I went over to the couch.

"Can't we go in the bedroom and get comfortable?" ask Sylvia.

"My bed is for lovers. This is just raw sex. Get your ass over here and put my dick in you."

I could tell my statement stung, but she did it. Right away she began moving up and down on it. After a few minutes, I had her lean across the couch as I fucked her hard from behind.

I knew she was enjoying it way too much, so I pulled my wet cock out and lined it up with her asshole.

"No, you're too big," she cried out.

"Don't worry, I'll take it easy," I replied as I eased about two inches into her ass, stopping to let her adjust.

"More but go slowly, Joe."

Damn, she was almost nice. I gave her a couple more inches and then began fucking her slowly. Anal wasn't anything I liked, but it was one way of letting her know I was in charge.

After a few minutes, I pulled out. Shoving into her pussy, I started ramming her. This was all about me getting even with a snobby slut. It was raw sex. And she loved it. I slammed into her hard and started coming.

"More, you bastard, more, give me all you have," Sylvia cried out.

I don't know how many times she came, but I had nothing left in me. I pulled out of her pussy and sat on the couch. She got up and headed for the bathroom.

When she came out, I told her it was over. We both got what we wanted and she could go back to her husband. She said I would regret not having her around, but I just smiled.

To be honest, she was as good of a fuck as I ever had. But I wanted more. I wanted to find that special woman who I could love and share my life. I hoped she was still out there for me. Any woman would have to accept me for who I was.

Jim and Ellen Baker, the elderly couple in the trailer next to mine, told me they were moving. They were buying a motor home and going to travel across America. They were going to lease their place on six-month intervals.

They had a renter lined up, and were putting their furniture in storage. I offered to help them since I had a truck. We moved everything but the stove and refrigerator. They were good neighbors and I would miss them. Hopefully, the renters would be as nice.

The following Sunday I stayed home. My kids were busy that day and I didn't want to bother them. I decided to watch the ball game and cook up some burgers.

I went out to fire up the grill when a U-haul truck and a car pulled up at the Baker's trailer. My new neighbors were moving in. I walked over and greeted the young man.

"Hi there neighbor. I'm Joe Walters, from the trailer next to yours. Welcome to the neighborhood," I said with a smile.

"Hi Joe, thanks for the warm welcome. I'm Brad Austin, but I'm not your new neighbor."

About that time, two women got out of the vehicle behind the U-haul. As they walked up to the truck, Brad introduced them. "This young lady here is my wife Jenny and the old lady with her is my mother-in-law Billie Jo," he laughed after he said it. "We're here to help her move in."

Billie Jo hit him in the arm; you could tell it was all in jest. The two women could almost pass for sisters.

"Hi ladies, I'm Joe Walters, and I live next door. I'm pleased to meet all of you. Do you need a hand moving in? I don't mind helping."

"That would be great," said Brad. "We have some heavy stuff here."

Billie Jo spoke for the first time. "Thanks, Joe; we can use all the help we can get."

Billie Jo was a good-looking woman. She was on the short side, average build, with her blonde hair in a ponytail. It made her look like a teenager. I figured she had to be around forty if Jenny was her daughter.

"Why don't I go and throw some burgers on the grill?" I asked after we emptied the U-Haul.

"You don't have to do that, Joe. We can go to a drive-thru and pick something up. I don't want to inconvenience you," replied Billie Jo. "Besides, you've helped us so much already."

"No inconvenience, I'm making some for myself anyway. I cook out all year long," I responded.

While they carried in the last boxes, I headed over to the store to pick up some potato salad and chips. Once I got back, I fired up the grill. About the same time they finished, the burgers were too. As we talked, I found out a lot more about Billie Jo. She told me just to call her Billie. We all chuckled when I said they could call me Joe.

"Mom, it's time for us to leave, but you can use my car for a few days till you get one of your own," Jenny said after dinner.

"It was nice to meet you, Brad and Jenny."

"I was worried about mom moving into the trailer court alone. But I feel a lot better about it after meeting you, Joe," Jenny replied.

"Don't worry Jenny. The people in this court are pretty nice overall. I'll keep an eye out for Billie." I smiled when I said it.

Billie and I talked till it was almost dark. Born and raised in Kentucky, she married at nineteen and had Jenny a year later. They moved to Ohio because of her husband's job. He died in an auto accident when Jenny was sixteen.

Billie said that Jenny wanted to stay in Ohio and graduate with her friends. They stayed, and Billie went to work at one of the superstores in town. Jenny took up nursing at the community college. After graduating with her degree, she married her high school sweetheart, Brad. That left Billie alone.

Paul Burns owned a local car dealership passed down from his father. Billie said he could sell a woman most anything. They dated for about six months before he asked Billie to marry him. She said yes, and they went to a judge to get married.

Paul said he had to have a pre-nuptial agreement because of the business. Billie had an insurance settlement from the death of her husband with an annuity of fifteen thousand dollars a year coming in, so she didn't mind.

It didn't take her long to figure Paul was all show. His father owned the house Paul lived in, the convertible he drove belonged to the business. He spent money as if he got it off a tree.

Billie said he charged everything. He was always taking clients out and picking up the tab. She said she tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't listen. When she got her yearly check from the insurance company, he put it in their joint checking account. It wasn't long it was gone.

"We were married for a little over a year. He ran up debt and didn't seem to care. I worked hard for my money and he spent every dime we both made."

"I was brought up to buy only what you could afford. I didn't need a house that took all your money just to pay for it. I asked Paul to get me a nice used car, just something decent.

"So he comes home with this brand new car. We were already in debt over our ears and couldn't afford it. He leased it for four hundred and fifty dollars a month. I told him he was crazy to pay that much for a car just to get around in. That was the final straw. I told him I wanted out of the marriage."

"He doesn't sound like he's very responsible," I said.

"I liked Paul; he was a decent guy. I didn't really love him but I didn't want to be alone. So I took a chance and married him. It didn't work out and we each went our own ways. He got pissed when I told him I didn't want the car because he's stuck with the payments."

"Where did all the furniture come from?" I asked Billie.

"It was my stuff that I had in storage. I was going to sell it, but now I'm glad I didn't. I was lucky to get out of that marriage before I lost more. I sold my house, but all I have left is twenty thousand dollars. Paul spent most of the rest. At least I have enough to buy a decent car so I can give Jenny hers back. Would you like to go car hunting with me tomorrow? I'll go to any dealer but Paul's," said Billie.

"That sounds fun," I replied and grinned.

After work the next day, I grilled up a couple of steaks and made a baked potato for us. She was surprised when she got home from work. We ate and then we did a little car shopping.

Billie wanted a good used car. She told me she thought it was a waste of money to buy a new car since they depreciated so fast. We went to four different lots and got the information we wanted on the cars she was interested in buying.

We figured we would go back to her house and look over the choices so she could pick the one she wanted. It was fun car shopping with her. She seemed to think a lot like I did.

The following day we went and picked up the car she like the best. She spent seven thousand dollars for it but as she said, it would do what she wanted it to. I followed her over to Jenny's so she could drop off her car. Of course, Brad and Jen had to take a ride in Billie's new/used car.

Billie and I became good friends. Some evenings I would have something cooked up for dinner. After we ate, we would sit on the porch and talk. I told Billie about my kids and a bit about myself. She couldn't believe it when I told her about my ex telling me I would never amount to anything.

"God, Joe! You have a nice place to live; it's always neat and clean. Especially for a man," she said and laughed. "So you live within your means, what's wrong with that?"

I explained to her that I worked at the bar on Friday and Saturday nights. The first weekend I worked after she moved in, she told me how much she missed me. For knowing each other such a short time, we were becoming good friends.

A couple of weeks went by with us talking about every day. I told her I bowled on Tuesday nights. Then I asked if she would like to join a mixed couple's league with me.

She agreed. It was fun spending more time with her away from the house. It was as if she was my girlfriend even though we never even kissed. She made me feel like a young man again.

"What are your future plans? What is your goal?" I asked one evening.

"I don't have goals set, Joe. I try to make the best of each day, and see Jen and my granddaughter as often as I can. Now I have a great neighbor who I like spending time with too."

"What do you like to do? You know, like shopping, maybe dancing, things like that."

"Well, I'm not a big shopper. I like to pick things up for my granddaughter, but just spending for the fun of it isn't my thing. If I'm in need of something, I get it. I like bowling now, always liked fishing but haven't gone for years.

"I like movies and dancing is okay with the right person. Someday I would like to travel like Jim and Ellen Baker are doing. I've never been out west or even much further east. I always thought it would be fun to go through other states and sightsee. What about you, what do you want?"

"I just want to find that right person to enjoy the rest of my life with. I've never really been anywhere either, but I've been busy working— and probably dating the wrong people." Looking back several years, I realized I hadn't done much of anything other than helping the kids out.

Life for the next few weeks went by rather normal. I wanted to start taking Billie places on the weekend, so I told Sal I was only going to be working every other week again. Since I just did it to help him out, he didn't have a problem with that.

Billie told me that Brad and Jen invited us over Sunday for dinner. Going there together made us seem like a real couple. I got a chance to hold their daughter Sarah. She was a sweet little girl.

The following Saturday I was taking Billie fishing. We asked if they wanted to go along, and they jumped at the idea. I didn't have any fishing poles, but Brad told me about a man down the street who had some during his garage sale. He didn't know whether he sold them or not.

We walked down the street and talked with the man. He still had the fishing poles so I bought all four of them. Got them at a good price too. He also had a tackle box and some lures. Back at the house, Billie told me they were nice ones.

We all had fun fishing. Jen told me she was so glad that her mom and I were friends. I looked over at Billie and she smiled.

I worked at the bar the following Saturday, and when I got home Billie was sitting on my porch waiting for me.

"Hi Joe, I figured you would be home soon so I thought I would wait up for you. There was some woman here about an hour ago, knocking on your door. When I saw her, I told her you were working and wouldn't be home for about an hour. She said thanks and left. She was here a couple of weeks ago also, though I didn't say anything to her then.

"She was a good looking woman, but seemed a little bit uppity. Know what I mean?" asked Billie.

"Why didn't you tell me she was here before?" I asked.

"It's none of my business who you see. Since she was here again, I thought I would mention it. Is she your girlfriend?" I could hear a hint of jealousy in Billie's tone.

"No, if it is who I think it is, she's not even a friend." How do you tell the woman you like that the woman she saw was just a get-even fuck? I wasn't too sure how to handle this.

As we were talking, a fancy car pulled up. The woman saw Billie and I sitting on the porch. She just stopped and looked at us. "Is that the woman who has been here?" I asked Billie.

"Yes, that's her."

I don't know why I did it, but I leaned over and kissed Billie. It wasn't just a kiss, but a long lingering one. Then I heard the car take off. I pulled back and looked at Billie.

"Why, Joe? Why did you kiss me? Was it to make that woman jealous, or for a different reason?"

That question was harder to answer than it seemed. I didn't want to lie to Billie. "It was to let her know that I had someone new and special in my life. Billie, I've been trying to take it slow with you, but it's getting harder to do each time I see you. We have a good friendship and I don't want to ruin it."

Billie kissed me this time. Warm, soft, passionate, would be the way to explain it.

"Joe, I've felt the same about you since you made my first hamburger," smiling while she said it. That's when she took me by the hand and led me into my bedroom.

"Joe, I want to make love to you. I'm not a one night stand. If you care for me as you say, then I have two requirements to ask of you. First, we must always be honest with each other. And second, it has to be a monogamous relationship."

It was as though her words came out of my mouth. It would have been exactly what I would have asked. I took her in my arms and kissed her. Before I knew it, we were both undressed and lying on the bed. I played with her nipples while rubbing her soft blonde mound.

"Joe, I've only been with my two husbands. I'm not very experienced, so please be gentle with me. Especially with that large thing you got between your legs."

"Don't worry; I'll be as gentle as possible. I can't tell you the last time I made love to a woman."

"Joe, we're supposed to be honest with each other. Don't tell me you can't remember the last time you were with a woman."

"I am being honest. I've had sex and fucked many women, including the one that pulled out of here like a bat out of hell. But I have not made love for a very long time. That's what I want to do with you. I want to make love to every part of your body."

"I love you Joe. I just needed to tell you."

Billie stayed at my house that night. When I awoke, it felt so good having her in my arms. She took a shower, and then I did the same. When I was finished, I could smell the hot coffee along with pancakes and eggs.

"Joe, just so you know; what I said to you last night, I meant. I can understand if you don't feel the same, but please don't play me along. I'm a big girl and I can handle it."

I walked up behind her, turned her around, and kissed her. "Billie, I really care for you. I think it's love, but time will tell. I've got this special feeling about us. What you said last night about monogamy and honesty, I feel exactly the same way."

In the weeks that followed, we went about our usual routine. We bowled together, and kissed a lot in front of our friends. We each worked our jobs, had dinner together when possible, but we spent weekends together and slept at my house.

I introduced her to my kids and grandkids, who all loved her. They told me not to be so cheap with her, so I didn't lose her. They just never got it. I know they meant well, but thrifty and cheap aren't the same. When I talked to Billie about it, she just shook her head.

Looking into her face in that moment, I knew without a doubt that I loved her. Funny thing though, was that I never told her I had money. She loved me for who I was.

A few months later, Billie and I were married. We bought a used motor home to travel in. We figured we would see some of the local sights before going further on vacation.

There were times we took Brad, Jen and the baby with us for a weekend jaunt. It was fun having them along.

Our favorite time was when we were alone along a riverbank. We'd have our fishing poles in the water braced on stands while we made love in the open air.

Life is good, especially when you can find the right person to share it with.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another great story I love it when two people hit it off I hate cheaters (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Marilyn and her sister were quite a piece of cake. I would have liked to see the banker get his hands on both tapes. The two sisters deserved that kind of enlightenment!!!



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story What am I going to do when i finish all of your stories ??? Already into the esses (jaybee186)

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

2 and no comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
5 Stars

I have lived in a Trailer .. And guess what not everyone there is Broke or trying to Cheat or Steal from You ..

HighlandLaddieHighlandLaddieover 7 years ago
nothing beats telling the truth

that is the only way to be in any relationship...when you start telling lies then the trouble be a good lier you need to have a good memory....and most liers don't ....a nice little tale ...enjoyable read....

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
Trust - honesty - integrity -

They are more than just words - Marilyn got good marks - for a while - then flunked out.

Good for him - and good luck to them - LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So True!!

Thank you for the wonderful story. It made me think about life and all the great things that this world has to offer. This is the first time that I have commented on a story in this forum. Your story really touched me. Thank You!!

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 12 years ago
The finish says it all -

He never skimped on his families needs - wants are another issue - I grew up being told from about the age of 6 that I was old enough for my wants not to hurt me. It is so true - it did not sink in as well as it did for Joe but is still true lol

Nice one -

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
Good Read

Thanks for sharing very smooth reading.

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