Stephanie's Humiliation Ch. 11


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"How perfect! That's much better. My friend told me how much you squealed for him." Snyde clapped her hands and stood back to admire the subtle transformation. "Fuck Pig, follow me. Nina, bring the laptop."

Stephanie crawled behind the domme as they left the room, traversed the long hallway and descended the staircase. All the while, Nina obediently carried the computer, carefully directing the webcam to capture the journey. When they reached the expansive reception room on the ground floor, Nina kneeled and kept the laptop steady at the request of her owner, balancing it on her outstretched palms.

"Good, stay there," Snyde said, placing her hands on her hips. "Now then, Fuck Pig, go to the bottom stair and lie back against it with your shoulders on the floor." She moved Stephanie into position, guiding her so that she was almost upside down, resting her weight on her neck and raising her legs up onto the steps. Then, Snyde took both of her ankles and pulled them forward so that Stephanie was bent all the way over with her feet outstretched above her head. Her neglected holes were pointed to the ceiling and the uncomfortable pose meant breathing was more difficult. "Keep your legs straight out and don't move from that position."

The older woman stroked her crop along the length of the girl's exposed pussy and down her curved torso. How lucky that this pretty little slave was so flexible. It certainly made for more interesting games. A quick swipe of the leather tongue on her already sore ass cheeks and Snyde stepped away, leaving Stephanie awkwardly displaying herself.

"Little pig, little pig..." Snyde sang in a mocking tone. "You want to cum, little pig?"

"Yes, Mommy!"

"Nuh-uh-uh. Little fuck pigs don't talk. Let mistress hear you oink."

Stephanie fidgeted in distress, still so horny. Still so eager to please. She sucked in air through the back of her throat and snorted like a hog, somehow making the crude noise still sound like a plea. Snyde found it difficult not to laugh.

"Ok, piggy. Seeing as how you've been such a pathetic whimpering little slut, I'm going to give you what you so badly want. Or rather, you're going to give it to you. Stick your fingers in your pussy and start frigging yourself."

The young woman's body seemed to freeze, tensing with impatience. A hand shot up over her thigh and doing all she could to maintain her posture, she plunged it forcefully into her twat. Her movements were violent and relentless with almost her entire hand disappearing inside her with every thrust.

"PLEASE MAY I CUM, MOMMY?!!" she cried out again, her voice strangled.

"What was that, piggy?"

The slavegirl remembered her role and snorted loudly, again and again, her farmyard grunts echoing through the mansion.

"Cum for me!" Snyde yelled. "Cum all over yourself!"

Stephanie's hand darted in and out in a blur until finally she screamed. Her pussy erupted like a geyser, sending hot squirt arcing high into the air and falling back down directly onto her spluttering face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhhh!!!!"

Her vision blurred and all she could see was rippling white light as if she was seeing the world from beneath the ocean. Cold fire ripped through her nerve endings. The gush kept going and going, soaking her hair and her comical rubber snout and pooling on the floor around her. It was like she was a champagne bottle, shaken up and opened with a bang. And she didn't want it to end. She wanted to empty her entire body. A week of tension released in seconds. Her whole frame, still bent in half, spasmed wildly.

Eventually, the outpouring of girl cum subsided, trickling down her belly as her muscles relaxed. She was drenched. Her own fluids saturated her skin and stung her eyes. Then the world came crashing back into focus and a brief moment of clarity reminded her just how low she had fallen. Her dripping face glowed with the indignity of it all and the spine-chilling sounds of a cackling laugh somewhere nearby gave her goosebumps.

"What a fucking whore!" the Madame laughed, applauding her sub. "Get over here now and show me what a mess you've made."

Almost collapsing in a heap as she flopped onto her side, Stephanie found a few ounces of strength to pick herself up and crawl dizzily across the slippery hardwood floor. Snyde waited until she was a foot away from the laptop before pressing a button to end the recording. Saved and stored. Nina, still balancing the computer in her arms, had watched the whole scenario with casual, yet jealous, amusement.

"That will make such a wonderful edition to your website," said Snyde, "And I imagine it should attract quite a few new members."

The Madame had hosted a chain of personal porn sites for some time. Most successful had been her site dedicated to Nina, showcasing the gorgeous woman's talents as another way to inflict her sadistic control over her. Nina loved it, constantly tormented and turned on when wondering if anyone who had once known her in her past life had yet stumbled upon it.

Of course, Stephanie's arrival had demanded a brand new site and over the months, just like Nina, the new slave's humiliation had been documented on film and all of the footage had been uploaded onto the internet for anyone to access for just twenty dollars a month. Everything she had been through was there, collected and categorized. Dozens and dozens of movies. Hundreds of photos. Stephanie stared at the screen as Snyde brought the site up and scrolled through the pages, showing her exactly how her degradation was being broadcast to thousands of customers all over the world. The young woman gawped open mouthed, seeing an end to any illusions she had ever held onto of one day restoring her reputation.

"That being said, it wouldn't be fair on the world to keep everything to ourselves...which is why I've taken the time to create a few free accounts. Perhaps you'd like to send them out, my little pet? Would you like that?"

No...god no...

Stephanie nodded her head slowly.

"Yes, I think that would be very polite. In fact, I think there's a lot of people who would love to access your site on a complimentary membership pass but I've made the effort to whittle it as not to give too much custom away." The Madame poked the mousepad and brought up a spreadsheet listing over twenty names. Stephanie began to read them and for a second time that afternoon, her hair stood on end.

This can't be could she have...?...

Names of people from her past. Some she remembered all too well, other she had thought she'd forgotten until then. Ex boyfriends. Guys she had dumped since high school. Other guys she had rejected on the spot, scoffing as she told them she was out of their league. And female names too. Girls she had bullied, picked on, befriended and discarded. Women and men she had fired over the years for nothing but the smallest of infractions, merely to satisfy her own sense of power. Anyone she had wronged was on the list. Jennifer Thomas. Alison Fayre. Names that felt like distant voices from another world. But here they were. And each name corresponded to an email address, a username and a password.

You can't! You can't do this to me!

The list went on down the page until Stephanie read the last name and her breath caught in her throat. Jessica Coy.

Mom...? NO!

"I'm afraid you're going to be here for a while. Each name will receive an email from you today. A personal email from your own personal account, inviting them to VIP access. But that's not all. Each email will also be a confession. You're to write each person here a groveling apology, begging forgiveness for anything you did to them. You're going to write these letters of contrition individually and with full specifics so that there is no doubt they are coming from you. There will be no crying for help or details about your predicament. Only your heartfelt apology and the offer of free access to your website to show them how sincere you are..." Snyde watched the subtle prick of tears form in those crystal blue eyes. "...except the last name. That's just there so your dear sweet mother can know just how much a filthy fucking pornslut her daughter has become! Tell her yourself. I'm off to top up my tan but I'll be back in a couple of hours. I expect all emails to have been sent by then. Understand?"


Snyde stood up and with a ruby red smile, left both her slavegirls kneeling on the floor. Nina held the laptop open, suffering silently as her legs ached against the hard floor. As for Stephanie, her fingers began to nervously type while her naked body, still doused and dripping, trembled with anxiety.

'Dear Matt, I know it's been a while but I just needed to get in touch with you...'


There was almost no light in the room. Several separated glass viewing booths formed a semi-circle, looking out onto the empty center of the chamber, each of them lit inside by just the faintest of lamps to help the occupants find their seats. The viewers waited silently inside the booths as if waiting to watch a private stage show. They relaxed into comfortable armchairs, some of them lighting cigarettes, adding to the room an eerie wall of smoke. Tea had been made ready for them, served in fine bone china.

Prunella Snyde sat behind one of the windows, entirely comfortable and watching her guests with quiet curiosity. There were three groups of men here. All of them wealthy. All of them keen not to be noticed. But all of them unbothered by the law, knowing the right amount of money and influence could empower them to do anything. Snyde couldn't help but admire that philosophy. She jabbed a finger at the tea set in front of her.

By her side, Nina instantly went into action. Having been reinstated as the house maid, she was no longer stripped to her underwear but instead donned the short French maid outfit that had more recently been the standard uniform of her fellow slavegirl. Pleased to be back in her place at the Madame's side, she poured tea into a cup and then took a step back into the shadows, standing to attention in case she was called upon again.

Putting a headset on, the Madame spoke calmly into the microphone. "It looks like everyone's ready. Begin."

Nina flipped a switch and the dark chamber in front of the windows lit up, spotlights casting a golden hue on the empty space. The men remained still, anticipation hanging in the air.

Slowly and nervously, the red-haired woman with the beautiful body stepped into the light. The contrast of her ivory skin on the pitch black surroundings made her stand out like a silhouette in reverse. She was nude, save for a pair of stripper heels and the rubber pig snout that the mistress now made her wear almost constantly, reminding her of her status. Her true worth however was about to be discovered.

Stephanie edged to the middle of the floor and stood as straight as she could, her hands clasped behind her head. She couldn't see behind the two-way mirrors and her own naked reflection stared back at her from four different angles. She could see how different her body looked since her days of freedom. Her breasts, surgically expanded. Her pussy shaved and waxed to a smooth finish. The small metal piercings adorning her nipples and clitoris, twinkling under the spotlights. And of course the tattoos. Those simple permanent brandings, designed to debase her forever.

The groups of men peered intently from within their enclosures. In one, a team of white men in dark suits waited for the response of their man in charge, a hard-faced Eastern European with his own tattoos emblazoned across his neck and knuckles. He puffed his cigarette and calmly pressed the button under his index finger.

A display screen in front of Snyde blinked. The opening bid. $300,000. She looked up at the mobster's booth and saw his sharp features staring out at the girl, emotionless.

"Turn in a circle." The Madame's voice came through a speaker inside the dark room and Stephanie obeyed, turning a full 360 degrees.

In the booth next to the mobsters, a group of African men gawped at the woman on display. Most of them were in black fatigues but the big man in charge was in green combat gear and a beret. His cold white eyes hungered to have her and he thumped the button.

$500,000. Snyde ran her finger around the lip of her tea cup. "Open."

Stephanie responded to the order like a first language, dropping one hand down and using her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart as she bent at the knees, exposing herself as wide as she could.

In the third booth, the Arab men observed the girl's pink snatch with obvious amusement and the sheik at the button pushed the bid further up, only for the man with the tattoos to counter immediately.

Snyde's display screen began to ping with fresh bids as the trio battled it out for the right to take the woman into their possession. The lights jumped back and forth and the total pot escalated to over a million and a half. The Madame was happy but knew they could always use more encouragement. "Present up," she said.

The slavegirl sank to the floor and turned to show the mirrored windows her subservient holes in their full glory, giving them a visual taste of what they could expect to have at their disposal at all times if they won the auction. Her soft cheeks were deliciously round and would prove a worthy view, while the crude brandings across them were further proof that she would submit fully and without question to any act. Again the bids rose.

Eventually the volley of offers from the Eastern European mobsters died down and the stern looking man at the button shook his head ever so slightly to indicate to his loyal brutes that the price was now too high. Not that he couldn't afford it, he was merely operating under orders on behalf of his captain. It would have been nice to have a healthy slave that wasn't high on smack or unconscious half the time but it wasn't as if white sluts were hard to come by in his part of the world.

The same couldn't be said for the others. White women were regarded with a higher value and the bidding bounced back and forth a few more times. Surprisingly, it was not the sheik who dealt the final bid, despite being by and large the wealthiest man in the room. He simply felt he could get something even prettier and less spoiled for what he was prepared to pay this time. After all, he may have been rich but he wasn't reckless.

Realizing he was the final bidder, the African militant clapped his hands and motioned for one of his men to bring the briefcase forward. Together, they counted out several thick bricks of cash and tossed them into the sack provided before dispensing with the payment in a metal drawer located in the window. Nina was already on her way over on the other side of the screen and fetched the sack to return to her mistress. No gratuities. No taxes. No administrative costs. Just a couple million dollars, crisp and unmarked.

With the auction over, the groups left the booths and made their way out of the building towards the front driveway, where a series of armored cars awaited them. The Africans proceeded to the rear of the building where their own transport was ready to whisk them off as soon as they claimed their purchase.

Stephanie found herself being fitted with her dog collar and a number of additional ropes threaded through the piercings on her nipples and clit, forming a web of leashes all tugging at the front of her body. As Nina applied them, Stephanie could see that her fellow slavegirl had a smugness about her, a twinkle in her eye that indicated she knew something Stephanie didn't. She was right of course. Nina knew that Stephanie's time at the house had come to an end and that she herself was to finally return to her role as the only fulltime slave to Prunella Snyde. She had dreamed of this moment for a long time. No more sharing. No more waiting. Snyde's attention would be all on her and the thought of it was already making her wet.

Nina took the ends of the leads and marched Stephanie out of the chamber, deliberately tugging a little too hard and making the other woman have to pick up the pace to prevent her sensitive parts from suffering the consequences. They walked along a corridor until they came to a pair of large double doors leading outside onto a huge stretch of grass. Snyde was waiting for them and the African men stood ready, wanting to enact the trade quickly.

Stephanie squinted as the daylight washed over her and the breeze ruffled her hair. Confused, she looked at the contingent of dark faces and wondered where she was being taken to this time. Little did she know, her ticket was one-way.

"A pleasure doing business with you," Snyde said to the man in the beret.

"Thank you, dear lady," he replied in his heavy accent. "We must be leaving. Our boat is waiting off the shore and our journey is a long one." He smiled warmly and the Madame nodded in agreement.

"Well then, piggy," she said, turning to Stephanie. "You've made me quite a neat little nest egg today. Such a shame that this is where we part ways but that was always the agreement. Can't have you hanging around for too long just in case anyone ever does come snooping."

What is she...? Part ways? I'm leaving? I'm finally leaving?!

Stephanie's hope fluttered momentarily until she peered up at the dangerous looking men nearby and the helicopter parked in the field behind them.

"Don't worry," the English woman continued, her all-too-familiar voice dripping with poisoned honey. "Look at it this way. You'll be seeing more of the world. And I hear the Congo is lovely this time of year."

The color drained from Stephanie's face as Nina handed the chains to the mean-looking thug and as he led her away with the group, she failed to verbalize her distress, merely glancing back as she wobbled across the grass. Her face was a picture of panic.

Snyde and Nina stood at the door, watching the naked woman being loaded into the helicopter and a blanket thrown over her head. They both wondered if that would be the last they or anyone in the civilized world ever saw of her.

"Such a shame I couldn't keep her for longer. And just when I had her completely broken." Snyde sighed and turned to Nina, who seemed to be wearing the faintest of smiles. "Still, at least I have you. I'll always have you, won't I? Now let's you and I get back home and you can give me a full body massage."

Nina shuddered with joy as her owner's hand ran up her thigh. "Yes, mistress."

The rotor blades turned, raising the chopper off the field and into the clear blue sky.


It was a beautiful morning when Jessica Coy rose early. She decided to make herself an espresso before taking the dog for a walk into town where they could both enjoy the sun. Her husband had been out all night with his friends, drinking and discussing history or literature or whatever it was he did at those secret social gatherings of his. He wouldn't be up for hours, which was good news for Jessica. All the more time to enjoy her own thoughts before the inevitable grocery shopping, cleaning and other weekend chores.

As she threw on some clothes and looked out her window, she wondered if her daughter was having much success taking on her new challenging career. Becoming a screen actress was a notoriously difficult business to break into and she hoped that wherever she was, she wasn't letting her work get in the way of enjoying herself. Jessica received the occasional phone call from Stephanie but there was always something strange about the way she sounded, like she was tired and in a hurry. Kind of like she was just going through the motions and not really thinking about it. But that was what actresses do, Jessica supposed. Always reading off some sort of script.