Still Waters


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"I never knew! Mum..."

"Why should you, you were growing up and we always made sure you and Phillip had a good home life. We never discussed our situation; we just accepted that there was a problem and worked round it."

"I don't know what to say, I'm a bit stunned actually."

"Bless you, don't worry about it; it resolved itself a few years later and Dad and I had a very fulfilling relationship right up until he died. He was such a gentle man."

"So what you're saying is don't read too much into this."

"I certainly am not! Dirty bugger; what the hell did he think he was doing? Dirty pictures of the pair of you and Iris too, that's shameful. At least your father kept it at arm's length, silly sod that he was." She laughed and drank her tea.

Sarah made a pot of coffee aware of the shufflings above indicating that James was about to arrive and he would be hungry and grouchy. Sure enough ten minutes later the stairs thundered to his feet thumping downstairs.

"Mum! I can't find a clean shirt, has any washing been done lately?"

"Good morning James, how are you this morning?" Sarah smiled as she stood before her son, who was shirtless, sockless with unkempt hair. He looked almost like the man she married, the resemblance was uncanny.

"Whaa! I need a shirt, there's none in my wardrobe."

"Here, have a coffee, sit down, relax. I'm sure that the washing has been done, if not you can borrow one of your Dad's shirts, after all he's not going to mind."

"'S'right, sorry I'm a bit on edge today, got a test, I should have revised," he grinned then saw the look on Sarah's face.

"Look it'll be OK, trust me."

"You're Dad used to say that, Oh No! Sorry I take that back."

"Don't pussyfoot around me, I know what's happened, Dad's dead, we have to go on. It'll be hard for all of us."

"What will?" Jenny walked in almost dressed, her blouse unbuttoned, her small whit bra and stomach showing and her skirt rucked up at the side, as if she's simply climbed into it all and walked away.

"Jenny! Try and dress before you come down will you. You're supposed to be grown up now and yet..."

"You still look like an infant school kid." James supplied and stepped back as Jenny threw a lazy arm at him.

"Right James go and get a shirt from Dad's wardrobe, Jenny tuck yourself in and hurry the pair of you or you'll both be late."

They bustled away and thirty minutes later with vague goodbyes and hands waving they were off walking side by side. Jenny still a head shorter than her older brother. Sarah sighed and went to the hall and closed the door, having not heard it slam shut. So they had both just ambled out and left it wide open. She felt her mother by her side.

"Before you say anything, can I just say pot, kettle."

"I was a perfect child" Sarah said with a grin, Linda snorted.

"Yes and you were so tidy and always did your homework and never ever caused us a moments angst."

"See I told you; perfect." Sarah hugged her mother and kissed her forehead.

Sarah drove into the office and parked in her reserved place. Looking at her watch she saw it was just after eight forty. Walking in she met and greeted the staff as she passed through. Joy rose and followed her in to what was Joe's office.

"OK Joy what do we have today?"

"You just have the Chamber of Commerce Meeting at Midday, so far. Actually it's eleven thirty for coffee, then the meeting, light lunch and depart three pm."

"Super, can't wait. Will I do?"

"You look perfect, classy but business-like, you'll wow them all."

"OK before I do that I'd like to go to each section and just make sure that they all understand I want to take the Company forward. I'm not looking to sell, and I'm not going to put anyone in to run it for me. Can you set up a Heads of Department meeting for nine am, no excuses, Coffee and biscuits for... Seven?"

"Six I think?"

"No seven I want you there, you're now part of the Management Team, you're the link between me and Leo, OK?"


"After that I'll rotate through each section and meet the people."

"I'll set it up, how long, ten, fifteen minutes each section?"

"Yes, although let them know I'll take questions as well."

"OK, I'll get it organised."

"Thanks Joy."

As Joy left, Leo came in,

"Sarah, got a moment?"

"Sure Leo, what's happening?"

"We have the opportunity to bid for more business, but I need to check the Plant's capacity, can you contact Iris and ask here for the latest on capacity, both in the plant and in terms of raw materials. If she can I'd like to know how soon we can up production levels and the effects on supplies."

"Sounds like you've been busy?"

"Not really, it's a company that you spoke to the director of to let him know about Joe. Seems he was impressed with your passion and wants to give you the chance to do more for them."

"Perfect, we like a challenge don't we Leo."

"Oh we do Sarah, we do," Leo chuckled and left.

Going to the desk, "My Desk" she thought; Sarah dialed Joe's office in Manchester.

"Iris Walters, Hi Sarah, how's it going?"

"Hi Iris, just about to meet the troops, before I do however, Leo has thrown me a curved ball. Can you tell me what capacity we're at, at the moment, both in production terms and the effect on raw materials if we up the production rate?"

"How much by?"

"Good question, can you give me a sliding scale, say from ten to thirty percent?"

"Well I believe from the figures we're at around eighty percent, if we round it up. I think we can cope with another ten to fifteen percent. If you look at stock, we have about a month's supply, increasing production will reduce that to about two to three weeks at best, less than a fortnight if we go flat out."

"Bloody hell Iris! That's a pretty quick response and quite comprehensive."

"I do have a Maths Degree you know."

"No Shit Sherlock? I have an 'A' level in Media Studies and five 'O's', sadly none in maths. "

Iris laughed,

"I'll check with Geoff to confirm this, but looking at the last three months figures we could do this. It may involve overtime, and that will cut the profit margin, but swings, roundabouts etc."

"As a gesture we could do this then, long term is there capacity to add new production lines?"

"We have room, but we might need to go to the bank, you will have the figures that end, but these machines don't come cheap."

"Thanks honey, see you soon."

"See you soon Sarah Walters, just you take care."

"You know me, careful is my middle name."

"Bye," the phone went dead. Sarah looked at the jottings on her pad, and dialed Leo's extension.

"Leo, Oh hi Sarah! How can I help?"

"Leo I've just spoken to Iris, she feels there is capacity to increase production, but it is only by a maximum of about fifteen percent. Supplies would need restocking about a week earlier than we are doing at present and we could be in an overtime situation."

"Right, that was damn quick, Joe would have taken a day or so to get anything back from Manchester."

"That's the beauty of having someone like Iris on site full time. She's not just good looking, she has brains too!"

Leo chuckled,

"If you could get her to get those figures to me today I can get back to Darren with the news and we can then thrash out how much it's going to cost and when we can start."

"OK! Iris is talking to the Plant Manager and getting confirmation. So I guess we can get those figures to you by mid-afternoon."

"Perfect, thanks Sarah and thank you Iris." The phone went dead and Sarah dropped it back on its cradle. Joy came in with a tap on the door,

"Meeting scheduled in five minutes time in here, I'll get some chairs in."

"I'll give you a hand." Sarah almost ran round the desk, earning a raised eyebrow from Joy. Sarah smiled and winked, Joy laughed and together they set out the chairs for the meeting.

Five minutes later the room began to fill as the section heads arrived. Finance, HR, Production, Engineering and IT. Sarah noticed only one other woman, the Head of IT. Oh well, she thought, I'd better get used to this. Sarah sat against the edge of her desk.

"OK, OK, let's get started. As you know my husband, Joe Walters, died last week, in a car crash on the M1. I have decided to take over Joe's work, as I know how much Joe wanted this company to succeed. So with your help to run the company I intend to take it forward. I have Leo to advise me of course, but I'll need the help and assistance of each and every one of you to make a go of it. After this meeting I will go to each of your sections in turn and talk to and take questions from your staff. Any questions so far?"

"Sarah, can I call you Sarah?" Sarah nodded an affirmative. "Joe had such drive and passion do you think you have that and the instinct for the good deal."

"Good question. Joe certainly had passion, and drive but he and I shared a lot in our marriage which will help me here. I'm absolutely sure with your help we can build on what Joe has achieved. I'm not saying it'll be easy and there are times when I'll appear as thick as two short planks, but persevere with me and I'm sure I'll get it in the end. Anyone else?"

The others looked quite sanguine, and appeared to be absorbing what Sarah had said,

"OK one for you, are there currently any snags, pinch points or approaching crisis's which you want to share with me now?"

Sarah waited several seconds, moving her eyes around the assembled managers.

"OK! So no takers, just to warn you though; if anything blows up in my face, I have a special set of skills and I will hunt you down and find you, and make no mistake when I do, I will kill you!" She laughed and the tension was released.

Joy rose and began to pour coffees, they all began to stand and Sarah moved around amongst them. Soon they were happily in conversation. Twenty minutes later Sarah began with the Finance staff; meeting and greeting them, getting to know them and being as open as she could. By eleven fifteen she was happy to sit in her office in the quiet and reflect on the morning.

"Sarah?" Joy came in and waved her diary, "Sorry but you'll need to leave soon for the Chamber of Commerce."

Sarah nodded and stood, smoothed her skirt and found her jacket. "There's no rest for the wicked is there?"

"Ah but the righteous don't need any," replied Joy with a grin.

Sarah laughed and touched her arm briefly, then left for the afternoon. She was back at two thirty, fuming and threw her handbag at the coffee table. Joy followed her in, seeing her anger and grinned,

"So not as enjoyable as you expected?" she asked archly.

"What a bunch of sad, patronising old ..." She threw her arms around in exasperation.

"Farts?" Supplied Joy with a grin,

"That'll do. God forbid I'll need to go again, even the two other women were patronising; so much for the Sisterhood. Ahhhhhh!" Sarah pounded the desk, then laughed.

"Iris called and said she's mailed you a copy of the last three months figures and said that Geoff confirmed that they could do it, but it would require overtime, or a new machine and an operator."

"Thanks can you get Leo for me please?"

"Here or on the phone?"

"Phone please, I don't want to make him keep traipsing in here everytime I want to sneeze."

"Leo won't worry," Joy said and slipped out to her desk.

When Leo came through, he and Sarah talked over the figures, Sarah having forwarded the mail from Iris to him. It was agreed that they would go back to the other company and say a cautious yes against requirements. Sarah sat back and thought of her first experience of doing a deal and how simple it all seemed. But this was only the overture, only when the full brief arrived would it give them the chance to look at the deal and see if it was, in fact, 'do-able'.

Later at home she sat with her feet on the coffee table explaining to her mother the events of the day. They had a laugh about the Chamber of Commerce meeting and the 'Old Boys' network she'd have to try to wriggle into. Iris rang and confirmed her travel time for tomorrow, Sarah promised to be at the station to meet her and the boys. At around eleven she locked up and went to bed, stripping down to her underwear; just as she reappeared from her en-suite James came in and sat on her bed. Sarah sat beside him.

"Mum, I'm worried about tomorrow, what if Jenny and I don't get on with Iris, or the boys?"

"James, I think you'll love Iris and the boys trust me."

"OK, look I've been thinking, about tomorrow night. Why don't I share with Jenny and let Mark and Harry have my room?"

"Do you really want to share with your sister?"

"No, but it would make things easier, Jenny..."

"...doesn't mind at all for a couple of days." Jenny said, as she strolled into the room, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

Sitting on the other side of James she snuggled up to Sarah.

"OK, look, do you guys want to share with me tonight," Sarah sighed, and giggled as they immediately dived for the pillows, one each side of the large king size bed. "OK, I'll sleep in the gap." she sighed, climbing over James and pulling the duvet over them. Unknown to all three, Linda, Sarah's mother had witnessed the exchange and was walking, smiling back to her bed.

Sarah went in extra early the next morning and helped the office junior sort the post, he seemed a little self-conscious of the 'Boss' watching him. Sarah went and made them coffees, handing him a mug and sipping from hers. She took her own pile and wandered up to her office. As she placed her rump on the door to push it open, Joy came in, looking immaculate as usual. Joy came over, took the mail from Sarah and pushed the door open for her. Sarah smiled and on impulse kissed Joy's cheek. Joy blushed and grinned.

"And before you ask, no, Joe never greeted me that way," she said and laughed. Sarah giggled as they walked into her office.

Distributing the post, Joy picked out the mundane and left Sarah with three envelopes. One was an invitation to a seminar on International Trade. Another was from the bank, asking her to come in and the third was from an outraged supplier angry at what he considered to be late payment of a bill. Sarah sighed and wrote 'LEO, let me know what's happened' on the letter and a frowning face beside her initials. She handed it to Joy, who made a moue face and nodded. Joy said that a taxi had been booked to take her to Kings Cross to pick up Iris and the children, she would remind her about half an hour before it was due, so that Sarah could wind up what she was doing.

At two thirty, Joy popped her head round the door and said, "Half an hour," Sarah nodded and began to gather the papers on her desk together. By the time she had made a couple of phone calls, Joy reappeared to advise that the taxi was waiting. Sarah nodded, rose and grabbed her handbag. Outside the large well upholstered taxi waited. Sarah climbed in beside the driver and they left. Fifty slow, crawling minutes later they arrived at the Taxi ramp at Kings Cross and Sarah jumped out to find the platform on which Iris and the boys would arrive. Puffing slightly she reached the barrier just as the train arrived. As the passengers streamed off Sarah tried to catch a glimpse of Iris. Suddenly there she was, with the boys, each having a bag slung over a shoulder. Sarah waved and saw Iris grin, the boys shouted "Aunty Sarah!" quite loudly, causing several others to look to where Sarah was waving frantically.

Passing through the barrier, Iris and the boys threw themselves in a tangle of arms at Sarah; whose breath was almost knocked out of her body by the warmth of the welcome. Sarah took Iris's bag and they made their way across the crowded station. After loading the bags and settling into the taxis padded seats, Iris and Sarah sat side by side as their train journey south was replayed by the boys. Harry and Mark loved the sights and sounds of the metropolis, pointing out the landmarks they knew. Forty minutes later they arrived outside Sarah's home. As they exited the van Linda opened the door and rushed out to hug Iris and then the boys.

With Linda supplying squash and cakes and biscuits for the boys, Sarah and Iris had time for a review. James and Jenny arrived home from school and immediately were engulfed by the boys. Jenny extricating herself from the mayhem came into the lounge. Iris stood and held her hands out, Jenny walked over and hugged her; Iris threw her arms round her and held her tight. James and the boys appeared, Harry and Mark looking up in awe at the big brother they now had. As Jenny slipped out of Iris's loosening grip, she grabbed the boy's hands and swept them into a hug. James walked hesitantly towards Iris.

"Oh My God," said Iris, blushing, "You are so like Joe, so handsome, so tall." James walked to her, threw his arms round her and began to cry. Sarah began to rise, but Iris raised a hand as if to say, 'no, it's ok, I've got this'. Sarah sat back and Mark sat on her lap. Meanwhile as James cried, Jenny began a tickling contest with Harry. Finally with a sigh and a gulp James stopped crying. Iris pulled back a little, then leaned back to kiss James on his cheek. He nodded and moved his arm across his face to dry his tears. Iris slapped his arm lightly,

"Use your hanky, naughty boy," she admonished, which made him laugh and step away. Jenny, having left Harry lying helpless, rose and stepped to her brother, taking him in her arms she hugged and kissed him. Sarah was amazed, James never showed much emotion, apart from petulant anger; he was growing up fast.

Later after a mammoth meal, prepared by Linda, Iris and Sarah, the children were shepherded upstairs and put to bed. Jenny and James sorted round Jenny's room and reappeared. They snuggled onto the sofa beside Sarah and Iris, talking about the following day. Both James and Jenny insisted that they wanted to accompany Sarah and Iris to the Inquest and would not be swayed. Linda seated in a chair to one side, argued that they were old enough to take in the gravity and importance and it would help them to understand what had happened. Bombarded by the other three, Iris and Sarah gradually gave way and so it was decided that all four would go. Linda would entertain Harry and Mark and make ready a light lunch for their return.

The following day the four boarded a taxi and went to Euston to catch a train to Milton Keynes where the Inquest was to be held. Sarah had told Iris that she had been asked by the Coroners Officer if she wished to see the post-mortem report, but she had said no, it was too distressing. Iris agreed and held her hand in a tight squeeze. They arrived and were ushered into the tiny courtroom. After the coroner arrived and they were reseated, she commenced the Inquest. A Pathologist gave the results of the post mortem in summary. The Police gave evidence of the crash and what they thought had occurred. The Lorry Driver was questioned and excused; Sarah and Iris smiled at him, knowing it was not his fault.

The Coroner summed up and then gave a considered opinion, the death of Joe Walters was due to an accident, and she exonerated the lorry driver. Joe had been inattentive at the wheel and as a result of the accident had died at the scene from multiple and severe injuries, trauma and blood loss. The pathologist had already said it would have been an impossible situation and no amount of medical intervention would have saved him. Sarah and Iris wept. The Coroner read a statement prepared by Sarah and Iris, Jenny and James and closed the Inquest. The Death Certificate would be prepared and issued by the pathologist and the body could then be released to an undertaker of the families choosing.

Outside, Iris and Sarah hugged Jenny and James, then made their way to the waiting taxi. On the train coming home, Sarah phoned Linda and brought her up to date. Linda listened and said she would let Harry and Mark know Mummy was on her way back. Sarah sat back and James hand held hers. Iris appeared lost in thought so no further conversation passed, although she held Sarah's hand very tightly. The train journey was slow and quiet, each silently re-running the events of the Inquest in their mind. Finally they were in a taxi returning to Sarah's home. As they drew up they heard screams and laughter from the garden at the rear. After walking through the side gate they saw Harry and Mark were soaking each other with water pistols. Sarah smiled and whispered to Iris,