Straight Chad, Ep. 01


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The playground had an outdoor basketball court, a few swings, and a few picnic tables. Chad kicked off his shoes and handed them to Joe, padding barefoot across the basketball court towards the picnic tables. Halfway across, he peeled off his underpants and tossed them to Lawrence.

Now he was completely naked. Naked, outdoors, under streetlights that were bright enough to fully expose him. The neighbors wouldn't see anything through the trees, but pedestrians walking by might. The chances of pedestrians at the top of this hill this late on a Monday was slim but not non-existent.

And he was naked not in front of girls he might find sexually attractive, but in front of two guys. Two older gay guys. Gay guys for whom he was going to give a show.

Chad sat on the picnic table facing Lawrence and Joe. He started to stroke his dick, which by now was already fully erect. The two men starred at Chad, and he spread his legs and leaned back to make sure that his naked body was fully exposed under the lights.

"For a hundred bucks, you can take video," Chad said. Lawrence pulled out his phone, and Chad heard his own phone chime in Lawrence's breast pocket as his Venmo registered another incoming payment.

It was only a few minutes before Chad started to ejaculate one of the biggest loads of his life. He had never done anything sexual outside of a bedroom or their private bathroom, and now he was putting on a show outdoors under a streetlight for two gay men.

"Guess I gotta get cleaned up," Chad laughed.

Lawrence was reaching out with the white briefs, and Joe was about to whip off his own t-shirt when Chad stopped them. "No, if you want, you can lick it up," he told them.

Chad leaned back on the table, his arms and legs open wide, spread-eagled. Lawrence and Joe began licking the spunk off of Chad's chest. Chad guided Lawrence's head down to his dick, letting the older man getting a quick taste of his now-shriveling straight cock.

"My apartment is just half a block away," Chad said. He hopped off the picnic table and started walking back across the basketball court to the sidewalk, still fully naked. Lawrence and Joe followed carrying Chad's scant clothing.

Chad walked up the block naked. Fortunately, no cars passed and most of the lights were off in the surrounding homes.

At the apartment building, Chad slipped back into his underwear and shoes.

"It's been a great night," he said, giving both men a quick peck on the lips.

As he punched in a code to electronically open a door to the tradesman alley that would allow him to reach his apartment without going through the main foyer, Joe asked him, "Hey, have you ever been to a nude beach?"

The only nude beach that Chad had heard of was a gay nude beach. Not officially gay, but the vast majority of visitors were men, and most were happy that few women went.

"No, but maybe someday," Chad said.

"I'll text you," Lawrence said. "I'll pay you to wear those undies. If you're willing to go nude, I'll pay even more."

"Yeah, let's do it in the next week or two," Chad said. "I'll go nude, of course."

Back in his apartment, he gave Amy a quick peck on the cheek as she slept, and then slipped into the shower. Stepping out, he peeked at his Venmo balance while he toweled off and mentally tabulated the night's transactions.

Over two thousand dollars! $2,100! The hundred that Lawrence had sent to get him just to consider it, another $1,550 from the night's negotiations, a hundred from winning the contest, which Lawrence doubled with a hundred-dollar tip, $100 for letting them video him jerking off, and then Lawrence had sent another $150 tip while Chad was still showering. Two grand, and he hadn't even had sex with them. Not really, even though they had tasted his cum and briefly licked his dick.

"Thank you so much!" Chad texted Lawrence. "I'm sure we can work out something for the nude beach. And if you have dares you want me to do, let's negotiate."

Lawrence texted back moments later. "I have plenty of dares to discuss," he wrote. "Also...ever been a waiter in your undies? I'm having a dinner party next month."

"Happy to discuss it," Chad wrote back. "Open to being a nude waiter, too."

He set his phone down and snuggled into bed. Amy would be happy about the night's contribution towards their backlog of bills.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hot story. Love too see a second chapter!

Jagas423Jagas423over 1 year ago

God thats hot, wish that was me, i might not cover back up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

very hot - bare feet are a real turn on, and you capture that perfectly. More, please!

curious4cockcurious4cockabout 2 years ago

That was so fucking hot! I've never had a thing for exhibitionism but I wanted to be Chad so bad in this story. I would have sucked them off under the street light. Looking forward to more from you!

dnsontndnsontnabout 2 years ago

Following you so I don’t miss Chads next adventure! Great storytelling

BarbloverBarbloverabout 2 years ago

Hot story !!! Chad is a complete treasure for Lawrance's fantasies. I can't wait to read.

nudedude03nudedude03over 2 years ago

Yummy story. Can’t wait till the next installment.

FitGuy47FitGuy47over 2 years ago

AWESOME!!!!!! As an exhibitionist my self I loved this story. Can't wait for another episode. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Chad seems way more open to gay things than your average straight guy - and doesn’t seem to only be motivated by money. He was clearly aroused by all of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, very HOT even without sex. I've always admired and had a warm spot in my heart (crotch) for enterprising young men like Chad. Looking forward to episode 2 of this ***** story. Thanks, MLF

Reggie2xxReggie2xxover 2 years ago

Nice story how far will chad go now.

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