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“Afterwards,” she said. “You’ll have to help me recover, you know.”

“How would I do that?”

“You can decrease the chances that I’ll die if you give me some of your life force when you have taken from me. Balance it out.”

Miles pulled off his top - far nicer to have skin-on-skin contact with her while he saw to her needs. Looking up at Bailey’s eyes, he saw a seriously fiery expression on her face.

“But if you’re too weak to feed from me…” he said.

“It’ll be up to you,” she said, running her hand through his hair. “You can donate through intercourse too, you know, though incidentally, a female cannot donate through intercourse since no fluid goes into the male’s body. But it works this way round.”

“Well then,” he smiled. “That will be something to look forward to.”

Gently, he kissed his way along one of Bailey’s firm inner thighs. It was strange, he would normally have begun with a bit of fooling around, kissing, touching, removing clothes - not straight into the steamy side of things. But he sensed she was already beyond the point of arousal by a long way. And this was strictly business, of course.

Kissing his way up her inner thigh, he tasted a slight saltiness on her skin – contrasting to the sweetness he still recalled from her finger - and getting closer to her delightfully trimmed pubic patch, Bailey’s scent hung heavy in the air. He kissed his way around the soft skin of her lower abdomen and her mound, edging closer to her open flower that glistened in the light of the candles.

The air was saturated, so that every breath he took was filled with her fragrance - the blend of luxurious perfume blending with the raw spice of her untamed arousal. As his hot mouth moved down the crease between her legs and her crotch, he looked up to see the desire on her face, and she mouthed a plea for him to take from her what he needed.

Creeping closer and closer to her labia, he tasted the first traces of her fresh moisture, which made her smooth pussy lips slippery, removing the friction and allowing his warm lips to slide over her flesh. Her tangy juices were strengthened by the saltiness of perspiration, and at last as he reached the soft pinkness of her inner labia, his mouth and tongue exploring her soaking groove, the build-up was over, and the real ride was beginning.

He heard her moan louder than before now that his hot mouth smothered her sensitive vagina, his flexible tongue lapping at her free-flowing juices, which tasted so sweet, so perfect, with a strange kind of energy that he couldn’t quite determine but drove him on with ever heightened need.

Bailey was warmed up considerably now, writhing and moaning as he lapped at her nectar, his tongue delving inside her pussy lips and swirling around the little pink bud of her clitoris to provoke her into louder moans, more intense heavy breathing. For a while, he slipped a finger inside her, to sample the smouldering wetness of her vagina and urge her on ever closer to her climax. He had the feeling that that was where the transfer would take place. He would probably have consumed enough of her come by now to slowly turn – but he didn’t want to waste any time here. If most of the life force was contained in the sexual fluids during the orgasm period, that was what he needed.

Half his face seemed covered in her juices by now, though with his ever increasing hunger, he was doing his very best to lap up as much as he could. Perspiration also mottled his brow from the sheer heat and intensity of being there between her thighs. What an incredible experience.

But now, Bailey’s whole body began to shiver and quake as his rhythm on her clit, his flicking touches across her labia and that finger caressing the inside of her vagina became almost too much for her to handle. Her hands crawled over his head, crushing him to her body as the explosive orgasm welled up inside her.

At last, she yelled her sweet last, high-pitched and raw in her satisfaction and before she finally released him from his grip, he moved back to gently focus on her vagina, lapping up the flood as she came in his mouth. It was sensational, and sure enough that energy within her juices became so much more intense as she rose to her peak, like a beer compared to hard liquor. He felt something taking hold of his insides now, and it only drove him on to lick her and suck up her pussy juices with all the more fervour.

“Oh God!” she cried as her body shuddered its last, and Miles felt the life force surge through his veins, reaching every cell in his body now. “Please…” she moaned quietly, and he realised she must be edging near danger, her energy levels dangerously low now as he fed from her.

Quickly, he pulled away and stood up to almost tear off his remaining clothes. Bailey just lay there, breathing but silent, her legs apart, her pink folds still oozing her come.

He was already hard as hard could be, and though she was tight around him she was already well lubricated. He glided inside her, making her moan in pleasure despite her weak state, and as he held open her legs, he filled her completely, pushing his cock all the way inside. He wasn’t here to give her another orgasm now, this was a real race. But he was so consumed by arousal, what with such wonderful intimate contact with this insanely attractive girl, it didn’t take long to reach his own climax, and he felt that blissful surge as his hot seed boiled up within him to be pumped inside Bailey’s tight vagina.


“You sure about this?” John Graham said to Miles Scott as they stood there in the darkness, just outside the front door of the Fraternity house.

“They killed my sister,” he replied quietly, and that was that.

The older man held back – he was not one to get involved in all that. But Taylor and Bailey followed close behind Miles as he suddenly launched himself through the front door of the Fraternity, where one of their all-night parties seemed to be in full flow.

Their surprise entrance was perfect: who knew how many Strain-Fives there were in here, but when they crashed through that door several of the couples seemingly making out on the various floors and couches suddenly broke up from what they were doing with blood seeping from their lips.

Taylor and Bailey held back then, helping each other the best they could, and though they were as fit and healthy as could be, they were neither of them fighters.

Miles on the other hand was an immense tower of strength, his emotions aiding him in taking out the Strain-Fives who threw themselves at him. Grinding kicks, cruel chops, his every blow struck home with grisly success. Taylor watched transfixed, as did Bailey although it came as less of a surprise to her, having witnessed him before.

Once again, it felt a little odd going against the words of his former instructors: he had always been taught in the context of self-defence, that his incredible skill ought only ever to be used defensively, not in attacking someone. But this, in a way, was self-defence. And morally, he had no problem in what he did.

Noticing that the blood suckers were beginning to fall by the wayside, Taylor and Bailey now rushed forward. In their hands, Miles saw that they held syringes full of the serum that had brought his own body back from the Strain-Five infection.

The serum didn’t seem to affect the Frat members much, and Miles noticed that some of the younger members of the Fraternity seemed willing to have their shots without being knocked out by Miles.

But now others came – from upstairs. He saw Jake and his henchman appear, and these entered the fray with more ferocity. Taylor and Bailey had to fend off some of the henchmen, too, though it was clear Miles was the main event, and there was status for the vamps to gain in overcoming him, so they mostly concentrated their efforts on him.

For a while, Miles seemed seriously under siege, these monsters were clearly stronger that most of the juniors in there. But at last, he began to lay out the henchman - Gus, Brad, Finchey and Tommo, all slumping down defeated, for Taylor and Bailey to do their bit with the science.

But this time, as they administered the cure, Miles witnessed something new. Now dealing solely with Jake, who continued to taunt him between blows about their part in his sister’s death, he hardly had time to watch what was happening. But he saw that Gus, then Brad, then Tommo and finally Finchey were somehow shrivelling up, then crumbling into grey ash-like dust. What the hell?

Jake was strong. His blows were powerful, and actually got in a few blows on Miles that were more than just smacking against the newest Strain-Four’s defensive blocks. The strength of his fighting was astounding, in fact, considering the lack of formal training he obviously had.

But where Jake had raw power behind him, Miles had blistering speed and technique. At long last, a swift roundhouse kick to the head crunched bones in the Fraternity leader’s neck, and bar a brief moment of sudden surprise, that was it for Jake. He was dead before he even hit the ground, before a syringe of the serum had even touched his skin.

“My God, where d’you learn to do that?” Taylor asked, his mouth open in complete disbelief.

Miles shrugged. “It’s a little frightening what I’m capable of sometime,” he said.

“It’s not over yet,” it was Graham – he entered the building now, assured of safety. Though he seemed old, his body clearly wasn’t strong or fully fit. He was a cautious man.

Graham stooped down and injected Jake with yet another syringe of the transparent fluid. Suddenly, much quicker than his henchman, Jake vanished into a great cloud of grey dust, a strange loud whistling noise in the air accompanying his transformation into nothingness.

“Good night’s work, everybody,” their leader said. “Well done. Miles, I’m very impressed – I knew we were right in getting you involved.”

“Thanks,” Miles grinned. But then the grin turned sour. “Wait,” he said. “It’s not over yet – there are two girls missing.”

“Two? You’re sure?”

“I’m certain of it,” he said.

“They’re none of these…?”

“You – where’s Vanessa and Jessica?” Miles demanded of one of the first year Frat boys. “They’re first years like you, aren’t they?”

“Uh-uh,” the first year said, fear clearly imprinted on his face after seeing Jake and his cronies disappearing into dust like that. “They weren’t first years. Weren’t even enrolled in the college, far as I know.”

“They weren’t? I thought they were sorority girls…”

“No – they were, like, from town or something. Never went to any classes - treated Jake like he was their own personal play thing, I mean I never saw anything like it - ”

Graham shook his head mournfully. “I think they’ve got away from us.”

“Where’ve they gone? You think we could catch them?” Miles said.

“No, no, I think we’ve misjudged them. I don’t think your old friend Jake was the originator of this little group of Strain-Fives at all. I think either one or both of those girls was much older then they let on.”

“We’ll never catch them now,” Taylor said. “Not if they’re matured infections.”

“Such beautiful phraseology,” Miles smiled ironically.

“I’ve no doubt they’ll re-surface again in the future,” Graham said reassuringly. “I feel certain we’ve ended this particular project of theirs – I’d say Jake and those boys there were most likely to blame for the death of your sister. Powerful blood suckers prefer fresh flesh, they don’t drink to the point of death unless they’re starving. Their underlings are the ones that tend to do that. But anyhow, we’ll no doubt encounter them one day in the future, and then they will not escape.”


“How do you… you know, just go up and get a girl like that…” Miles said as he and Taylor entered the busy downtown club.

“Hey, didn’t anybody tell you about the pheromone side-effect of this thing?” he smiled revealing big white teeth. “You don’t have to go to them, they’ll come to you. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like they can sense you’ll give them a good time or something. You’ll see.”

“Right, then.”

“Might as well enjoy, brother – tomorrow it’s back to D.C., and the girls there aren’t nearly so tasty! Okay, go to it, my man!”

They laughed, and then split up in the wild, dark, loud night club that was packed with young college and non-college dancers. As he walked through the crowd, he sensed a very strange effect taking place. The heads of the young women were clearly turning towards him.

As he walked towards the bar, quite a few of them gave him flirtatious glances, offering themselves silently to him to do his bidding. Wow. This could be quite something.

There was a girl by the bar – talking with another girl who was most likely a close friend. He spotted her from a distance – clearly, something quite special. Not nearly as special as Bailey, of course, but sadly he wasn’t going to be able to feed from her, what with her infected status.

This girl was mouth-watering, though. Short, tidy cherry hair, creamy white skin, pretty face with big brown eyes and a nice trim body to boot – all wrapped up in nice, skimpy clothing including the kind of mini skirt that would mean easy access.

But what the hell would he say to her?

“Hi,” she said to him as he approached, taking him a little by surprise.

“Uh… hi,” he said. Jesus, what was this? It was as if his skin was emitting some kind of drug, the female equivalent of Viagra.

“Have we ever met before?” she said, her brow furrowed as she clearly couldn’t understand why she was having this sudden and complete urge to screw his brains out.

“I don’t think so,” he said.

“What would you like to drink?” she asked. Her friend looked more than a little surprised, too, at the redhead’s sudden and strange behaviour towards him.

“I’d like you, for a start,” he said, going with the flow and pushing her apparent lack of inhibitions seemingly to the limits.

“Let’s go,” she said, grabbing her purse and waving a quick good-bye to her confused friend.

Wow, Miles thought, scratching his head in a slightly bemused manner. Perhaps this whole feeding thing wasn't going to be so hard after all.

To be continued…

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
i donno

i diden't like the fight sences seemed kinda half ass i liked the plot but you gota have more of a strougle more discrptive with your fighting if thier as powerfull as you say woulden't they be harder to take down and more animalistic if he could beat the crap out of 4 guys that have super powers while hes a human unless hes bruce lee im having a hard time with that you had some holes in it too with the sister and i just kinda skiped though the sex all you realy need is to be more discrptive with a few things that all great job and you need to realy put the person in side the place every little detale counts thanks for taking the time of writing this story realy liked it and thanks again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Good, but...

Great story, but some of the descriptions are so clinical, words like 'penis' and 'labia' might be anatomically and politically correct, but I personally never got turned on during sex ed in high school...

doormousedoormouseabout 20 years ago
Clearly the best!!!

This story should be up the top of the Top List!!!!!

I can't remember reading such a good story, jesus, where can I meet a guy like Miles? I hope he's thirsty LOL ;-)

L.A. WickerL.A. Wickerover 20 years ago
Max, you the man

Max, by far your story is the best in erotic horror. Read the top 10. I must say it's kinda like the vote counting that took place in Florida a few years back, but the true winner is yours.

Larry. L.A. Wicker

But, beware, I'm trying one myself and will be posting it soon!

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