Strange Afternoon Ch. 02

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Friend's attack on my wife goes haywire.
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Friend's attack on my wife goes haywire - my ending to PTremer's Strange Afternoon


PTremer's story is about some neighborly flirting that gets out of hand. The neighbor plies the wife with alcohol, and when looking down her dress at her tits, and up her dress isn't enough, he starts smacking her ass. She plays along, and before long they're writhing on the ground, her tits out, her panties ripped off, while the neighbor is sticking his fingers up her pussy and making her lick them clean. Our intrepid, slow to respond, unnamed husband has been watching the whole time, both curious and mad, wondering how far it will go. For this particular husband, fingers up the cheating twat is far enough. And that's where it ends, telling us there's a chapter two. That was back in April of 2011. We're still waiting for a continuation.

Again, this is one of those strange stories, where everyone has a name except the husband. He's merely known as Hon, or Buddy. For the sake of this continuation, I think I'll call him Pete.

There are too damn many intriguing stories that are never completed, or left hanging with disgusting endings. If I find a story that's been abandoned for too long, I'll give you my idea of an ending. Fair warning though, I don't write about total wimps. May not be BTB, all nuclear and shit, but no voluntary cucks, or whiny simpering wimps.

This story was continued only after meeting my three critical requirements:

1) Writer has not submitted anything in over 2 years
2) The story has not been added to in at least 3 years
3) Attempts to contact the author have been unsuccessful

For Information on how I choose which stories to continue, please read my profile.

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PTremer's ending of Strange Afternoon, part one.

Her eyes are closed tightly he holds both her wrists with his left hand as his right hand pushes the dress up to her neck and his hand begin roaming over her bare skin. After a few seconds, he releases her hands and reaches for a cushion on the chair next to them and pulls it to the concrete. Then he rolls her over on her stomach. She doesn't resist as he rips her panties roughly and smacks her still red skin.

He smacks her several times before licking his finger and sliding it slowly between her scarlet ass cheeks. She presses back against his hand as he continues pushing into her wet folds before pulling his finger out and pushing it into her mouth. She is surprised but greedily sucks the finger as if she can't get enough.

This is going too far, I quickly stride across the kitchen and open then slam the back door, giving fair warning that I am back.

To be continued...

I walked out on the porch, phone in hand. They had separated, barely, but my wife looked a mess. She was kneeling on the ground, still trying to tuck her tits back into her dress, and I don't think she even realized that her panties were lying underneath the cushionless seat next to her, torn.

As for Ron, he was trying to look calm, sitting back on the next chair over, brushing the sweat off his forehead. He smiled at me, and I grinned back, lifting the phone to my ear.

"Still trying to get hold of Tony?" he asked.

I turned my attention back to my wife, who was obviously mortified. She turned her knees, and sat on the cushion where they'd been messing around. She couldn't lift her eyes up from the concrete. She kept adjusting the bottom of her dress, squirming on the awkward makeshift seat, and I wanted to laugh at her.

"No," I said, and then I heard the response as the far end. "Hey Pam, can you come over and give me a blowjob?"

"What! Is this some kind of joke?" she screamed at me. She never was much of one for joking around. I could almost understand why Ron would want to flirt and play around with my wife, but he'd gone too far, way too far, and it was time I made that abundantly clear.

I expected some kind of response from the two cretins on my porch, but all I saw were looks of shock and dismay.

"No joke. I just found out that you and me, we have open marriages. I always imagined you'd give a damn good blowjob. You have an incredibly sexy mouth."

"What the hell are you talking about, Pete? Ron and I don't have an open marriage!"

I looked over and Ron was shaking his head vehemently, pleading with his eyes. My slut wife had her head in her hands, crying. I reached out with the toe of my shoe, and pulled her torn panties out from under the edge of the chair behind her.

"No? I was sure you did, when I found your husband with half his hand shoved up my wife's cunt, and her tits hanging out of her dress, red from where he was sucking on them." I picked up the panties, and tossed them to my wife, who started to blubber even louder. She started to get up, but I put my hand on the top of her head and pushed her back down.

"God Damn it, Peter! Is this some kind of stupid prank?"

"If it is, obviously the jokes on us, Pam. So you're certain you don't have an open marriage? I was really looking forward to that blowjob." While I spoke, I opened my shorts, pulling out my hard cock, stroking it.

She hung up on me, and I closed my phone and put it away.

My wife looked terrified. Ron looked angry. "What the fuck, Buddy? We didn't do nothin'. What did you have to go and do that for? I'm gonna be in the doghouse for days."

"Really? You did nothing? You didn't beat my wife's ass, suck on her tits, shove your fingers up her cheating cunt, and make her suck them? That kind of nothin'?"

My wife stood and put her arms on my chest. "Please, hon. It wasn't like that. We just got carried—"

I spun her around and lifted her dress to her waist, exposing her bright red ass cheeks, while she shrieked. "Those aren't your hand prints on her bare ass, Ron, buddy?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean to get carried away. We were just playin', you know? Flirting, that's all. It got a little out of hand."

I faced my wife. "So when you tell me you were flirting at a party, how many of your partners were in danger of losing their wedding bands up your cheating cunt, babe? You've got me wondering."

"He . . . he wouldn't leave me alone, hon. I swear. I tried to stop him. He just wouldn't quit."

I stared her down. "Funny. When you were dirty dancing for him, when you were smacking his ass, when you were rubbing your tits on his face, and he was feeding you the juices from your dripping pussy, it didn't look like you were trying to stop him."

She lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I did try to stop him, at first. I . . . I guess I got carried away. I had too much to drink, and I was listening to those tapes. I really didn't mean to. You have to believe—"

The back door slammed, and Pam came out on the porch screaming. "Where is that cheating bastard!"

I turned to face her, and reached for my cock which had been wilting, but with a few strokes was back to standing tall. "Pam! You changed your mind?"

She glared at me, glancing briefly at my erection, then looking over at my wife's panties on the ground before facing her husband. "You no good cheating asshole," she growled.

He stood, waving his hands. "No, baby. We didn't. It's not what it looks like, we were just flirting."

I saw Pam hesitate, and I knew she was wondering what had really happened. I wasn't going to let the asshole get off that easy. "Tell her, Babe. Tell Pam exactly what you did. Don't leave anything out, or you'll be leaving with them when this is over."

"Hon . . ." she whispered, looking up at me pleadingly.

"Tell her. Don't make a liar out of me. Everything."

Lisa did try to put a spin on it to make her look as innocent as possible, but she admitted to the touching, groping, rubbing, the spanking, and finally rolling around on the ground, sucking tits, and fingering pussy. Of course her version had Ron instigating everything. That worked for me.

I could see Pam getting more and more worked up by the second. She's a pain in the ass, but nobody ever said the woman wasn't gorgeous. Angry, she was sexier than ever. Me, I kept my hard cock at the ready.

Ron seemed to shrivel in front of us. I knew he wanted to argue some of the points, but the fact is he'd been caught red-handed. "I'm sorry," he whimpered as his wife stood over him, calling him every name in the book.

When she grabbed him by the hair, and said they were going home, I intervened.

"Hey, wait a second. He got his fun. Now I've got a hard dick, and somebody's gonna suck it before you two leave. How about it Pam?"

She glared at me, and then I saw a slow smile appear on her face. Before she could speak, my wife was tugging on my arm. "Don't do this, hon. I'm sorry. I'll suck it for you. Right here and now, if you want."

"Not a chance in hell, babe," I told her. "You had your fun with our neighbors, now it's my turn." I turned back to Pam who was now smiling from ear to ear.

"He'll suck you," she said, looking down at her beaten down husband.

Ron looked up and I saw the look of terror in his eyes. I started to walk forward, ignoring my wife tugging on my arm.

"No! No way," he said, leaning back in his chair, glancing back and forth between my cock and his wife.

"Damn it, Ron. You owe me! You had your hand up my wife's pussy almost to the wrist. You sucked on her damn tits, and spanked her ass raw. I'm getting my cock sucked or I swear I'm gonna beat you to within an inch of your life, and then you'll suck it!"

I'm certain he'd never seen me that angry before. Hell, I couldn't remember that last time I was that pissed off. I normally am good about keeping my temper in check, but once I lose it . . .

I looked around, picked up the chair that was missing its cushion, lifted it by one leg and slammed it into the ground, making my wife cry out in fear. I wrenched off one of the slats, feeling the heft of it. I was going to enjoy beating the asshole to a pulp.

The shock and fear on Ron's face was a pleasure to behold. "I'm counting to ten. If I'm not getting a blowjob by then, they're gonna take you out of here on a stretcher. One . . ."

Pam looked to be as shocked as anyone. Her eyes strayed to the piece of wood I was holding, down to my cock which was only getting harder, and back to her husband. "I'd do it, if I were you," she said to him.

" . . . Three . . . Four . . ."

He looked up at her piteously. "Please," he whimpered, looking from his wife to my cock.

" . . . Six . . ."

Pam glared at him in contempt. "Remember, you asked, you bastard."

" . . . Eight . . . Nine . . ."

Her lips wrapped around my cock head, and I lowered my arm. Lisa collapsed onto the ground, her dress up around her waist, her naked pussy exposed. Ron watched in horror, as his wife sucked me.

I glared at him, while she did her best. I watched as the same emotions I'd felt earlier crossed his face, anger, lust, confusion.

I couldn't help but moan, as Pam got into it. "Damn," I whispered. "I knew you'd be great."

She looked up at me smiling, took my cock out of her mouth, and gave me a long teasing lick before taking me back into her mouth.

Her actions calmed me, draining my anger. After a couple of minutes, I wasn't thinking about anything but the incredible blowjob I was receiving. My wife's helpless sobbing finally got to me. I started feeling guilty. I knew she was drunk, excited from her tapes. I could have stopped it. I should have, but I'd been so curious to see how far it would go. Now I regretted letting it go as far as I had.

I eased Pam off my cock before she could finish me, and lifted her to her feet. "Thank you, I'm okay now. My wife can finish this. I'm sorry I got so angry."

"You sure?" she asked, her hand reaching down and stroking me.

"I think so. Not that I wouldn't love to continue, you really are amazing, but I don't think that would be good for either of our marriages. I think we're even."

She pulled my head down and kissed me softly. "I think we all suspected he'd try something like this sooner or later. Don't be too harsh with her."

"I won't be."

I went and stood over my wife, waving my cock in front of her face. She looked up at me with her tears running free, and took me in her mouth. Pam had Ron by the hair, and was dragging him home. I waved to them, and she waved back.

The sound of the door slamming shut next door coincided with my erupting in my cheating wife's mouth. She swallowed, which she hated to do, and licked me clean, apologizing.

I lifted her off the ground. "We're not done. You may have enjoyed the spanking that you got with Ron, but I seriously doubt you're going to feel the same about the one I'm about to give you."

She trembled, and followed meekly as I led her to the bedroom.

No bare hand spanking for her. Not this time. I lifted her dress, bent her over the end of the bed, her reddened cheeks exposed, and went through my closet.

"Never again, you understand? I love you, but I won't put up with you cheating on me. I won't do it, Lisa."

She whimpered as she watched me fold my leather belt in half. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - AHHH!"

The belt left a nice red mark on her perfect ass cheeks. Her scream let me know it was effective.

"How many other times have you cheated on me?" I asked, strapping her again.

Once she'd finished screaming and squirming, she sobbed, "Never, I swear. Never. Nobody has ever touched me like that. Nobody but you."

I was out to prove a point, but I didn't want to injure her. After the first five, I eased back and the next five were much lighter. It didn't stop her from crying and acting like I was killing her. After ten, I lifted her to her feet, then tossed her onto the bed, belly down.

"Do we understand each other, Lisa?"

She nodded, through her sobbing and tears.

I sat down beside her, and brushed her hair back. "I love you, babe. I don't mind you dressing slutty, or flirting a little. But you need to know where the limits are. You had an obligation to stop him, the first time he grabbed your ass or fondled your breast. You never should have touched him like you did. You know that, right?"

"You . . . saw . . . everything?" she gasped, through her tears.

"Everything. I knew he was up to no good, and I waited for you to stop him, but you never did."

"You should have—"

"No, babe. If I stopped it, what was to prevent you from going along the next time my back was turned? No, YOU had to stop it, but you didn't. Now I don't trust you to be alone with him, or any other man. You were a total slut with him."

She buried her face in the pillow, her cries louder than ever. I rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. "I'm angry with you, but your punishment is over. I'm not throwing you out or divorcing your cheating ass. Not this time. This was your one free mistake, and you won't get a second one. Am I understood?"

She nodded. Then turned her head and faced me. "You didn't have to make her suck you. That wasn't fair."

I glared at her. "He sucked your tits. She sucked my cock. And it wasn't about you, that was his punishment. He could have done it himself. Instead he was humiliated, and had to ask Pam to do it. He got to see his uptight wife go down on me, as revenge for what he did to you, and to our friendship. At least I stopped it. If I hadn't walked in on you, where do you think you would have stopped?"

She looked down, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. Would you have stopped on your own, if I hadn't shown up, or would you have fucked him?"

"I . . . I don't know. I'd like to think I would have stopped before it went that far. I never wanted to cheat on you."

"I guess it's a good thing I showed up then, isn't it? 'Cause if you had fucked him, you'd be sleeping somewhere else tonight."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"I know. Now go clean up. I don't want any trace of his manhandling you left after you bathe. Use a Brillo pad if you have to."

Her butt was glowing as she got up and started her bath. Me, I went and turned on the TV. The second half had already started. I was still pissed I never got my bet in before the 4:00 kickoff.

~ * ~ * ~

Things were awkward for a long time. It was at least a month before Ron came over, apologizing profusely, and swearing it would never happen again. He said he missed our friendship, and if I was honest with myself, so did I. I still didn't trust the groveling bastard.

He didn't come over alone anymore. We might go out to a sports bar, just the two of us, but if he entered our house, Pam was there with him. I will say that her attitude has changed, and she's a lot easier to be around. She flirts with me outrageously, and sometimes I play along. I'm pretty sure she does it to get under Ron's skin. Well, Ron's and my wife's, probably.

Lisa is still a flirt, but not with Ron. If she knows he's coming over, she's covered from head to toe, wearing her industrial grade panties and bra. If I leave the room, it's not five seconds before she's beside me. I've told her I trust her, but she says she doesn't want to take any chances, and she's still not sure she'll ever trust Ron again. I swear it was six months before she even smiled at him.

And after they leave, she reassures me that I'm the only one for her, that her one mistake was an aberration, and tries to fuck my brains out. She always starts with a blowjob, and once again, I lie and tell her that she's the best, that I was saying that stuff about Pam just to tweak Ron. Lisa doesn't stop until I'm little more than an exhausted lump of meat, stretched out on the bed.

That works for me.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Still should have beat his ass. Many of thcelt's stories make me angry. I didn't even read this one when I saw the low score for Ch 4.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Spouses who flirt are almost 450% more likely than those who do not. Hence I have very different thoughts on one night slips when a spouse is inebriated but they do not flirt, but got caught up ins something they could not control at the time, vs those in same situation who do flirt. Big difference in ability to trust that will.not happen again. Multimonth affairs? Screw that sh$t.

CookiecreamyCookiecreamy4 months ago

This is one of your stories that i really enjoyed. In the middle of the first (original) i didn't like what is goinh down. You rescued it and brought a great perspective. He had his flaws, but llhis response was well oiled.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Stupid, should of finished what he started. No better consequences. Should of made him kiss his wife after he cummed in her mouth, then threaten to finish his initial threat if he so much as mistreats his wife for what happened.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 year ago

This was actually more idiotic than the original, and that's saying something. Apparently it's not Finish The Damn Story Coherently, just Finish The Damn Story.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

Trust but verify, so many hidden cameras to install so damn many mics.

kirei8kirei8over 1 year ago

A cuck is a cuck is a cuck and a fagot is a fagot us a fagot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great to see someone write about a man not tolerating cheating. Keep writing like this.

ErotFanErotFanover 2 years ago

Another fine finish by the dynamic duo. We're going to miss your collaboration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ch. 1 gets a 5 (🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟).

Ch. 2 gets a 3 (🌟🌟🌟).

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A whore is a whore, is a whore. What happens next time he or Pam are gone for a few days? He ripped her panties. He'd be in rough shape and she'd be out the door...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

WTF? Oral sex is still sex. Digital sex (fingering/fisting) is still sex. Anal sex is still sex. If a friend tries to steal your most prized possession, why in the world would you still be friends with them? This was a horrible ending, but I guess that it wasn't as horrible as the original.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Not my cup of tea. Sorry.


He has a pronounced voyeur side of which he hitherto was not aware. When he saw his wife caressed and groped and kissed on the back of her highs just below her panties, he was totally shocked, which sent shock waves throughout his psyche. In the process his dormant (or latent) voyeur side got released. That's probably why he felt, and behaved, like e a rabbit caught in headlights. His mind was foggy. He was not able to think rationally.


My grandma used to tell me, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It's not a husband's responsibility to prevent his wife from cheating. It's hers. In the same way it's not a wife's job to stop her husband from wandering. They may be married, but they're not kids. Every person is responsible for their own actions. If we weren't, I'd walk into a bank with a gun in the morning. "But you didn't stop me......"

SikemSikemover 3 years ago

Thanks for the ending.

I know it is hard to finish someone else's story, and you do it well. However, I would suggest you completely changed the protagonist's motivation in watching his wife's misbehavior. The original story was sick. You chose to fix him by pretending he was not so turned on by his wife's behavior. Just my .02.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

That's some punishment that will stick. Another story that doesn't get old.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Hard on watching?!?!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
If you witness

Someone stabbing a person to death, are they excused, because you didn't stop them? Is it therefore your fault that person is dead? Or is the reasoning behind "Oh, but he should have stopped her" purely hypocritical?

As a previous commenter said, if fidelity requires third party intervention, then theres not much there to begin with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Liked the ending

I still think both the cheaters got off easy.

TreymonTreymonover 5 years ago
They remained friends?

With friends like that you need to take part of the blame for the stupidity of keeping them.

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