Strawberry Valentine


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"We were only supposed to pretend, to fool my parents."

"You fooled your mother, but not your father. He figured it out."

"Was he mad?"

"Oddly enough, I think he likes me."

"A month, you say?"

"And we don't have to do more than hold hands, hug, and kiss occasionally."

"I don't even know you. You don't know me."

"You don't think we've learned things about each other in the past week?"

"But is it enough?"

"It's enough for a start."


In spite of her reluctance, Saoirse agreed to begin dating Tim. He made a point of not pushing things, and after a few weeks, she seemed to accept having him as her boyfriend. Tim didn't touch her intimately, mostly because Saoirse still wasn't ready for that, but they settled in to dating and spending time together.

As they kept dating, Valentine's Day approached. Tim managed to get a reservation for them at a nice restaurant. He bought flowers for her, and since she had that cute strawberry blonde hair, he got her a box of chocolate covered strawberries. He had paid attention to the kind of jewelry she wore and bought her a pair of earrings, a necklace, and a bracelet with garnets which looked good on her..

Saoirse was surprised, as well as pleased by her gifts, and actually seemed a little shy. She put her flowers in a vase and put on the jewelry that Tim bought for her. She looked a little shy as they got ready to head for the restaurant.

"I might almost think you like me, Tim."

"I love you, and love your hair, and want you to be my Strawberry Valentine."

"And what would that mean?"

"Whatever you want it to."

They had a nice dinner, then went dancing. It was mostly fast dances for a while, when a slow number came on. Tim pulled her close, and Saoirse almost melted in his arms. Tim had danced this way when he was with Kelly, but even then it didn't feel as right as it did holding Saoirse. As the song ended, Tim was sorry, then Saoirse looked at him and opened her lips slightly.

He kissed her and the kiss was like no other kiss he'd ever had. He knew it couldn't, but he'd have been perfectly happy if that kiss had lasted forever. The kiss ended and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her again and again. Instead, she smiled shyly and led him off the dance floor. As they left the dance floor, Saoirse picked up her purse and looked at him.

"Tim, I think we should probably call it a night."

They walked to the car, where he opened the door for her. She smiled at him as she sat down. He drove them back to their apartments. She got out of the car as he walked around to her side.

"Saoirse, tonight has been wonderful."

"Tim, I think this has been the most wonderful Valentine's Day I've ever had."

"It doesn't have to end yet."

"Tim, I know what you want, and I don't think I'm ready for that."

"It doesn't have to be anything that you don't want."

"I had someone drug me and use me."

"You know I'd never do anything like that to you, Saoirse."

"It colored my views on intimacy."

"I only want to do what you're willing to do. Let's cuddle, and if I do anything you don't want, tell me and I'll stop."

"I don't know."

"Saoirse, I really care for you."

"Are you afraid to use the word 'love'?"

"I was more concerned that if I said 'love', you'd think I was just trying to use that to get somewhere."

"You wouldn't be the first."

"Just sit and cuddle for a while. Haven't I tried to do right by you?"

"And you won't push it?"

"I promise."

They went in Tim's apartment and sat on the sofa. Saoirse didn't want any alcohol, but she accepted a bottle of tea, though she was leery of the first sip or two. Tim took the bottle from her and took a big swig, and handed it back. Tim put his arm around her and after a little while, they kissed. The kissing got intense, then Tim began to stroke her back. She giggled, squirmed, and resumed kissing him.

It was beginning to feel awkward, so Tim leaned back pulling Saoirse on top of him. She paused and clucked her displeasure. "You are a bad boy." She then resumed kissing him.

As he stroked her back, his hand snuck down over her ass. She stopped and looked at him. "No, no, no, not that. At least not yet."

He removed his hand from her bottom and returned to simply stroking her back. As they continued to kiss, his hand slipped down over her buttocks again, though it wasn't intentional. He realized it, but she made no protests, so he left it there. He continued to fondle her ass as they kissed, then his other hand, which had been caressing her side brushed against her breast.

She stopped kissing him, pulled back, then stood up. He figured that was going to be it, then she held out her hand. He took her hand and stood up and she led him into the bedroom. As they got in, she turned to him. "We might as well do this. If all you wanted was to get in my panties then we'll do it and just move on."

"I want a lot more than just to get in your panties. You're my Strawberry Valentine and I want you to be mine for a long time to come."

"Easy to say."

"But true."

"Undress me, Tim."

He unbuttoned her blouse, including buttons at her cuffs. He pulled it free from her skirt and eased it off her. He bit his lip as he unzipped her skirt. It dropped to the floor and she stepped out of it. She turned around so he could more easily unhook her bra, which she threw on a nearby chair. She then picked up her skirt and threw it on the chair as well.

She had kicked off her shoes when they were in the living room, so now she stood before him in nothing but panties. Since she continued to stand there, he kissed her, then slid her panties down her legs. She kicked them to one side and lay down on the bed. Tim took off his shirt and just threw it to one side, then quickly got out of slacks and boxers too.

"Okay boy. Get over here and let's do this."

Saoirse had her legs spread wide. Tim came over but lay down with his face over her pussy. She asked him what he was doing. He smiled at her and gave a lick up the center of her slit. He smelled her musky but tangy aroma, then dove in, licking her like there was no tomorrow. She gasped and spread her legs wider than she even knew they would go, as he orally assaulted her womanhood.

She moaned as she spoke. "You don't have to do this, Tim."

He paused briefly to reply. "Yes, I do. It's important that you enjoy this at least as much as I do."

"I thought you'd just -- "

"You thought wrong."

He resumed lapping at her quim as she moaned. He got his tongue as deep in her as he could, then her clit peeked out and gave that some licks. She reached down and grabbed his head and held it so tight he was afraid she'd pull his hair out. When she hit her peak of ecstasy, it almost looked like she was having a seizure.

As it finished, she was as limp as a rag doll. Tim gave her a few parting licks, then moved up to enjoy her breasts. She still seemed out of it as his lips closed on one of her nipples. That seemed to jolt her back to consciousness and she gasped again, before making the most contented sigh. He kissed and sucked on one boob as he began to fondle the other one.

Her nipples were rock hard and he sucked on them and bit them lightly. That made her moan and writhe on the bed. He licked and kissed the one until it was pink and wet from his saliva, then he switched to the other one, while caressing the first, and tried to give it the same attention as its mate. She was almost incoherent with pleasure as he brought her to another peak of ecstasy.

He soon lay beside her on the bed, and kissed her, then rolled her over on top of him. Besides kissing, he stroked her ass and fondled her breasts. That continued until she pulled back and looked at him. "That's not what I thought this was going to be like."

"I hope you're not disappointed."

"I thought this was about you getting your pleasure."

"With a lot of guys, I guess that's what it is. I want you to enjoy this as much as I do."

"But you haven't even -- "

"I'd like to, but that's up to you. If you want that, lift up and put it in."

"You're not going to -- "

"I hope you want to, but if you don't, we'll stop."

She looked at him then raised her hips, reached down and guided his cock into her sweet pussy. She got him all the way in and stopped and looked at him once more. "This feels better than I thought it would."

He kissed her and caressed her ass, as she began to drive his prick in and out of her quim. Now it was his turn to lie back and enjoy, though he tried to kiss and fondle as it went. She took it slow and easy, and the look on her face was one of bliss. He lost himself in the feeling, but tried to hold off and make it last as long as he could.

Before long, he pulled her ass tight to him and came deep inside her. It took a few minutes before he came back into the world, at which point he kissed her more frantically than ever. She responded in kind and they lay there with her on top of him kissing as his dick slowly softened and slipped out of her. As it did, she whined and squirmed.

She rolled off and lay on her side beside him. As he lay there, something occurred to him. "I should have asked. Are you on -?"

"Birth control? Yes. After what the asshole did to me I got an IUD even though I didn't plan on having any more sex."

"That's a relief."

"Well, Tim, if all you wanted was to get in my panties, you succeeded."

"I always wanted more than just to get in your panties."

"What do you want?"

"I want to be your only man, and I want you to be my only woman, for as long as you'll let me. You're my Strawberry Valentine and I want that to last forever."

"Be careful what you ask for."

"I'll take my chances."

"You know, Tim, that sounded a lot like a proposal."

Tim reached over, gently touched her cheek, then kissed her. He rolled on his side and pulled her to him. As they kissed, he stroked her side and back. He lost himself in kissing her. It had not even been this good with Kelly. He was totally enraptured with the woman beside him.

"Saoirse, I don't ever want to lose you."

"Before she left, my mother told me I needed to hang on to you."

He rolled onto his back again and she cuddled up next to him putting her head on his shoulder. They managed to pull covers over them and drifted off to sleep.


They woke up the next morning, still cuddled up together.

"Tim, yesterday was wonderful, but how much of that was real, and how much was just to get me in bed with you?"

"Valentine's Day may be over, but I don't want to lose what we found. I meant everything I said and want to be with you forever."

"Some people say marriage is just a piece of paper."

"Saoirse, I want that piece of paper if that means you'll be mine."

She squirmed a bit and gave him a cute smile. "I don't know. I might need a little more convincing."

"I'll happily spend the rest of my life convincing you."

She rolled on top of him and kissed him. "Then let's start right now."


Saoirse and Tim made plans to get married. They got a marriage license and arranged for a very small intimate wedding. About a week before Tim and Saoirse were to be married, Tim got a call from Kelly.

"Tim, I made a mistake. I should never have cheated on you like that."

"How should you have cheated on me?"

"I should never have cheated on you at all. You were my one true love."

"I thought you were my true love, until that happened."

"Please give me another chance."

"I'm sorry, Kelly. I've met someone else. I love her and we're about to be married."

"She'll never be to you what I was."

"True, she won't cheat on me and throw it in my face."

"I made a mistake. Can't you forgive me?"

"It's over, Kelly. I love Saoirse and I'm going to marry her. I hope you can find someone you can truly love."

"I truly loved you."

"If you truly loved me, you'd never have cheated on me."

Kelly pleaded and cried, but to no avail. Tim could never give up Saoirse to go back to Kelly.


Five years later, Tim and Saoirse have two beautiful daughters, Maeve and Erin. Maeve has dark hair and is a quiet child, while Erin is a true red head and very rambunctious. They have a cute house and each has a good job. Saoirse works remotely a lot, which makes it easier to take care of the girls. Caitlin dotes on her granddaughters and visits them as often as she can. Liam still teases Tim about being Scots-Irish.

Tim still calls Saoirse his Strawberry Valentine and tries to make every day a Valentine's Day for Saoirse.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cute romance but the writing is somewhat stilted.

jackie_emjackie_emover 1 year agoAuthor

“Some drugs, such as benzodiazepines, may show up on standard urine drug-screen tests for several days after exposure, but it is often not possible to identify what, if any, drug you were exposed to,” Dr. Kathryn Hawk, a Yale Medicine emergency medicine physician and associate professor of emergency medicine at Yale School of Medicine notes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hate those stories where a girl gets drugged and raped and "nothing can be done" "there is no proof"... Do authors know that drugs can be found in the blood even some time later?

AutistAdventurerAutistAdventurerover 1 year ago

What's with the shits from LW infecting Romance? Can't they stay in their cess pit?

This was an ok Romance, not great but not worth the abuse the LW-tards are throwing out there. Thank you for sharing your imagination for free.

kinkybunny123kinkybunny123over 1 year ago

I liked the back&forth time aspect and the relationship! 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

EXACTLY what a romance story should deliver. Loved it!


5 *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. However, I am that kind of person that feels that evil should get it due. The evil one got away with all the evil he did. He should have had to face some kind of consequences.

ThorlolThorlolover 1 year ago

Way too akward. Didnt see any reason for them to be dating. Although she did not outright dislike Tim she also never felt attracted to him or his personality. He just asked and she said yes because? She really didnt want to. She also didnt want to have sex with him, but did. Why though? Super weird. Also, she still should have gone to the police. She even suspected that she was drugged. Just because someone could somehow make up a case of consent, the drugs in her system, wich would be tracable for a few days would actually be almost enough evidence.

panaflorapanafloraover 1 year ago

I can't understand why Tim never blocked Kelly. He went to the trouble of deleting social media posts, but didn't block her? I also had trouble reconciling how Saoirse more or less resigned herself to having sex with Tim, given her previous caution. That sort of diminished their connection. It's still a decent story.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumover 1 year ago

Really nice story. Enjoyed the buildup to the end

afosi2604afosi2604over 1 year ago

Enjoyable read. I will now go back and read more of your work. 5*.

MissedLifeMissedLifeover 1 year ago

Loved it! Such a sweet story. So glad they found each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Agree with Demosthenes…clunky and awkward writing. Also never got a sense of her reason for accepting him.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

Ladies, if a man has videod you or taken your picture without consent, you file a report with the police. If he shares those videos without your consent, you file a report with the police. Even if you made the video and pictures willingly and shares then without permission, you file a report with the police. You get a restraining order and demand the DA files charges. If they don't, you make a huge stink. Please don't feel you are powerless and there is no reason for you to ever feel ashamed. People will think what they will think. Honorable and decent people will not make rash judgements.

Assholes, bullies and rapists will never just stop on their own. They need to be forced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was certainly well done! I would never have guessed that a story that started with cheating and date rape could turn out so sweetly in the end. 5 stars

dmallorddmallordover 1 year ago

Thanks for a good read. Tastefully and not overly trashed like some similar veined plots in this genre. 5*s.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 1 year ago

I couldn't get past the awkward narrative and erratic characters. The underlying story arc was decent, but from a literary sense it never got off the ground for me. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A sweet story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice story but it should be "went" not "when" and "Catholics" is capitalized.

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