Strings Attached Ch. 31-36 - Complete


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She picked up the swath of fabric and straightened, smiling at him, her face showing no signs of the distress he could feel suddenly roiling in his belly.

"It's alright, Nathaniel. This is your tent anyway. I arranged for mine to be set up with the other messengers -- I need to be seen coming and going from it if we're—"

He leaped up from the blankets still naked, crossing the tent in a single moment, pulling her into his arms before she could finish.


He felt her stiffen in his arms, but she didn't pull away. He closed his eyes and held her tighter.


"No." He released her just enough to see her face, but kept his hold on her tightly -- too tightly. "No hiding. No sneaking. No secrets."

She raised one eyebrow artfully. "But, Nathaniel..."

He ran one hand through his hair roughly but refused to let her go. "I know. I know what I said. I know what you think you'll do to my reputation." He sighed and pulled her close again, pressing their foreheads together. "I don't care. If anyone in the world can protect themselves from the target I put on their back, it's you. I don't have a reputation to ruin; my marriage prospects within the Fereldan nobility are already nonexistent -- and no one who sees you, or knows you, will blame me for falling for you anyway. Aedan already knows -- and I'm sure Cailan's guessed -- and they don't care."

He paused to rub his long nose against hers softly. "I am not ashamed of this. Of you. I'm honoured to be with you. If you'd let me, I'd shout it from the rooftops. I love you, Leliana, and I don't care who knows." He took a deep breath. "Unless you don't feel the same. I know that people will look at you differently for being with me. If you'd rather keep it a secret for your own reasons..."

"No," she blurted. "No."

His shoulders dropped, his stiff frame relaxing as he released a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "Thank the Maker," he muttered, and then he was kissing her, again and again, unrestrainedly. Her arms went around his back, and he weaved his fingers through her hair with one hand as he stroked her spine with the other, the dress pressed between them, all but forgotten.

"Come back to bed," he cajoled. "Please?" He pulled the fabric of the dress out and tossed it back where she'd found it, then shifted his grip to her hands, pulling her gently back towards the nest of blankets where they'd spent the night.

She frowned at him, but her lips were struggling not to turn up at the sides, and she followed him willingly. "I'm keeping my own tent," she informed him.

"Absolutely. You should have somewhere private to go if you need it." He tugged her hands down as he knelt.

"Or if you do." She smoothed the skeptical eyebrow that rose at her words. "This is still new, and we may need space." She knelt beside him, going willingly into his arms, closing her eyes as he kissed her again. Things were quiet for a few minutes as they just relished being together.

Nathaniel didn't know where this would lead; he had no crystal ball, and Sierra had once told him he and Leliana had never even met in her game. He didn't care; he'd do whatever he must to make the bard happy, to keep her with him. He couldn't even contemplate the alternative; one night in her arms, and he never wanted to sleep alone again. It hadn't escaped his notice that she hadn't responded to those three little words he'd dropped on her, but it didn't matter -- he'd be there with her until he'd earned them, or die trying.

They spent the early morning in bed, exploring and touching and feeling and talking; he knew they should have been resting, but he couldn't seem to stop -- and her eager hands and lips told him sleep was the furthest thing from her mind as well. Finally they could wait no longer -- she had a route to ride, and he was expected in a meeting with Cailan any moment.

Letting her go, getting themselves dressed and watching her leave his tent was the hardest thing he thought he'd ever do.

Thirty-Six: Leliana

She kissed him one more time, her heart feeling like it was overflowing. Things had moved so fast, but the only thing she regretted was that they'd waited so long. He was everything she had expected -- methodical, deliberate, passionate -- and so much more.

She was anxious for the future; it was easy to say they didn't care what others thought, and yet harder to live by -- and they both had responsibilities. But she'd decided she'd cross those bridges when she came to them. The Maker had brought Nathaniel to her, somehow -- she'd just have to trust that he had some reason for it.

She ducked out of the tent flap, her hips protesting the movement stiffly; looking around surreptitiously before stepping into the open, she felt foolish after the discussion they'd had. And then she stopped and turned back. They were running late, but there was one more thing she needed before she could start her day.

She ducked back inside as Nathaniel buckled the last of his armour into place. He looked up at her in surprise, but his expression was pleased, not distressed.

"Leli?" Sierra had been the first to grant her the nickname, but it did wicked things to her to hear it in his husky voice.

She smiled shyly. "I forgot something."

"Oh?" He looked around the tent as though trying to identify a belonging of hers that she'd left behind.

She crept up to him while he was turned away, and ambushed him with a fiery kiss before he'd even noticed her there. She jumped away before he could pin her in place, and he grunted as his arms closed on nothing but air.

"Nathaniel?" He scowled at her, and she giggled. "See you tonight?"

"Count on it." His scowl, which he hadn't quite released, made the statement seem much more earnest than he likely intended, but her heart throbbed in response anyway.

"Good." She turned to leave, but paused, looking back at him over her shoulder. "I love you too. Just so you know." She slipped out before he could say anything, but she didn't miss the look of wonder that crossed his face before the tent flap fell between them. She hurried off before he could come after her.

She thought he'd probably get her back for that later.

She couldn't wait.


Here we come to the end of the origin story of Naliana (Lelithaniel?). Their story does continue as a small part of "There and Back Again". The next chapter after the events in this story is chapter 109. I hope you all enjoyed their back story, and felt the connection between the two that I did.

A million thanks to my fabulous betas, Kira Tamarion and Melysande, for their help with this project. And thanks to Turtle Burst, who first convinced me to write this, and then encouraged me until I finished it. You ladies rock!

Posting for "There and Back Again" should resume every second Monday at the end of the month.

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TREK1TREK1almost 6 years ago

Thank you so much for this side story, really enjoyed it and cannot wait for "There and Back Again" to continue.


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