Submissives of Catan


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What white-van drivers called 'melons', and a 'back end of the bus' when cat-calling me, these guys -- Duncan and Jake, anyway -- thought of as 'fab voluptuous tits' and a 'luscious curvy bum to get my hands on'. On a good day, so did I. A big golden backside was 'a gift to roving hands', Duncan said. He proved his enjoyment of it, regularly.

"Get on with it!" Duncan stared into my eyes, not letting me look away. "No backtracking, lah. I'm sure that would be punished, in this household..."

I double-checked no-one could see through the bay window. I'd still be wearing a full-cup green bra, opaque tights -- that was still clothed, right?

I pulled my dress up over my head, checked it was right side out, tossed it onto the sofa. Despite murmurs of approval from Dunc and Jake, and a knowing smile from Cat, I managed to convince myself I was wearing a perfectly normal outfit. "My go." Another bloody nine. "Development card, please."

"I bet she's trying to get the Largest Army," Jake muttered. Then he dropped his voice to a whisper. "To go with her large tits! City of Bristol Regiment!"

I decided to pretend I hadn't heard that bit. I did know 'Bristols' was rhyming slang for breasts, for some reason. I wasn't going to encourage him by asking why! Instead I explained to Jake, "Only because he keeps planting the Robber on my most productive hex!" Then I stuck my tongue out at my partner. "Why don't you rob Jake, instead of me?"

Duncan tried to act indignant. "Because his eight also has my City next to it? I don't want to rob myself, do I? Duh."

"Cat, then. See that lovely six, with all the wheat? Lovely, lovely wheat?" I didn't expect my persuasion to work.

"You think I ought to rob Cat? Robbery, theft and ravishment?" Duncan pretended to consider.

Cat laughed, leaning back in her armchair. "I'm more of a ravish-er than a ravish-ee." Jake's Mistress might occasionally play or get sexy with others, but never in a remotely submissive fashion.

Duncan shrugged. "Likewise."

"Maybe a mutual bit of piracy and ravishment?" Cat suggested. They considered each other for a second, then simultaneously hit on a better idea.

Both of them looked over at me. Meaningfully.

"Molesting each other?" I pretended to misunderstand; they glared. "Oh! You both ravishing me? I could live with that, I suppose." I assumed anything from Cat would be be in the realm of kink rather than sex -- or delegating sexual actions to Jake, to perform upon me. Either worked for me.

"Oh, definitely," Cat claimed. "You definitely need to be captured by our Robber."

"Or the dastardly rapacious Pirate," Duncan responded. "Speaking of which, I think she's going to join up those routes and claim the Longest Road."

The pair of them were agreeing.

"If she steals my Longest Road, then I say ravishing is only fair. She'd deserve it." Duncan said.

"Uh-huh? And how do we define ravishing these days, hor?" I wondered what Duncan might be up for, in front of the others.

"Mm... I'm sure in those pirate movies the damsel in distress is tied to something, her clothes get ripped off, and the pirate Captain and maybe others have their will with her."

"Sounds good," said Jake.

"Who said you'd get to do any ravishing, huh?" Cat put her finger under Jake's chin.

"How about, whoever wins gets to ravish?" he proposed.

Jake was currently in the lead. Though I expected to overtake him in the next couple rounds, using my Road Building card. Duncan was about level with me. He was right; I did plan to steal the Longest Road off him.

I hoped I'd be able to use more wheat, which he lacked, in the end game. Cat hadn't placed her settlements in the best locations. That, plus some unlucky dice rolls, meant she was trailing behind.

Cat caught Duncan's eye. "I could go along with that," she said. An enthusiastic domme, Cat would love to see how Duncan treated me when I submitted to him.

Jake chuckled as he rolled the dice, rolled his eyes at getting no cards, and passed them on to Cat. I got the impression he'd be happy, win or lose.

The repercussions of Cat's comment finally dawned on me. She could assist Duncan or Jake, to ensure I didn't win. Duncan, most likely. She and Jake had never actually seen me in sub mode. I knew Jake wanted to: Sauce for the goose, he said. And Cat would want to watch any entertaining, possibly educational, scene.


But, also, hot...

"Why can't I get an eleven?" I grumbled, needing wheat but never rolling any.

"Because we're not playing Cities & Knights, so you can't use an Alchemist card to make the dice be the number you want," Jake said, straight-faced.

We all groaned at the geeky joke.

A seven. "I've rolled the Robber!" Cat was gleeful, not having too many cards, so didn't have to lose half to robbery. Unlike the rest of us.

I gave away five wood and sheep cards. Damn. I had no chance of winning for another couple goes, now.

Even less, when Cat gave me her stunning smile and chose me to be her Robber victim. She took one of my cards. The brick. Now I didn't have the ingredients for a settlement on that new island, either.

I tried not to look disappointed. "You didn't want that, did you?"

"Yet another brick? Not really. I could swap it for, ooh, a sheep or two," Cat told me, calm as anything.

"A sheep? I suppose. Oh, why not." Nonchalance was difficult when I was feeling the lack of my dress. My tummy might be obscured by my trusty 50-denier tights, but the air was cold on my shoulders. More to the point, I knew my bra was designed to show my breasts off rather than cover me up. The capacious cups were big, but mostly mesh and lace, making my tits into big ornamental baubles. To be looked at.

It was working -- Jake's eyes were glued to them! I shook myself, and forced myself to concentrate on the game. The settlement was more important; I could always get more sheep, later. The appreciative stares were irrelevant.

"Why not? Why not?" Duncan interrupted, aghast. "You'll settle that new island, and be only two ships from winning, is why not! Cat, hold out for more!"

"You're not involved in this negotiation," I rebuked him. "It's her go."

Cat nodded. "More? Sarah, do you have two sheep?"

"Sadly, no." I did, but I needed to keep one to build that settlement.

"Shame. I'll need something else to sweeten the deal." She looked up at Duncan. "What do you think she could offer us?"

Duncan smiled. Wickedly. "You wanted to see her in sub mode, didn't you? I'd insist on her bra."

"Oi!" I squawked. Duncan was right; if I was topless, in front of the others all being clothed, the only way I'd cope with the embarrassment would be sliding into a headspace where I was meant to be objectified.

Thing was, I didn't have any cards to offer, and that brick was crucial if I was to keep my strong chance of winning the game.

Staying half-decent, or playing to win?

Not really a dilemma, for me. It wasn't like Cat and Duncan wouldn't be showing me and Jake off, later. I might as well go along with it.

If I was lucky, I'd at least distract Jake a bit. He'd wanted to see me topless since ever. Well over a decade, now. Duncan, obviously, was used to seeing my body. In any case, he was too fiendish a game-player to let something like mere nudity put him off!

Cat dangled a card over my corner of the table. "Brick, for a sheep and your bra... Sounds like the sheep's wearing it! That would be funny."

"Nah. The hooves might damage the mesh," I said.

"Don't worry. I'll take good care of it, put it over here," Jake spoke from the sofa, opposite me. "No livestock. Whoa! Nice tits!"

"Thanks." I tried to act sultry, carefree, and hoiked my breasts up, to show my giant cleavage off to maximum effect. Dunc blew me a kiss; I blew one to Jake. "My go?"

I tried to ignore both the weight of my hanging breasts and the men's stares. I knew I was blushing. I rolled a three, collected a wood.

I kept silent as I laid out my wheat, wood, sheep and brick, my nipples dangling perilously near the rough-edged cards, and carefully placed my yellow wooden house on the junction of two hexes on the coast of the new island. Without my tits knocking anything over on the board. A double achievement!

"Fuck! How many points do you have now?" Jake exclaimed, finally distracted from gazing at my bare breasts. To be fair, they're good breasts, bigger than grapefruits.

"She's got twelve," Duncan said. "If she puts down another two ships and steals your Longest Road, she's won."

"Give away all my secrets, why don't you?"

"It's out in the open! Anyone can count. You can't hide these things, love. Or your knockers. I like that bra, by the way, but especially now it's over there."

It was a particularly lacy one, turquoisey-green, with the cups mostly see-through mesh. Now, Duncan leered at my chest, just like Jake, really reminding me that I was inappropriately half-naked compared to the rest of them. And thus a sex object. He licked his lips.

I did my best to sound calm. Jake was topless too, so it wasn't that unequal, right? "You focus on my tits, dear. Can I remind everyone: he's only two points behind me? Or less!"

"Maybe one point," Cat observed as Jake bought himself another Development Card.

"Jake? If you've got a Knight card in that collection, now would be a really good time to play it," Dunc warned.

The bastard!

"Why?" Jake didn't see the point. Being topless and on the floor by Cat's feet was so normal for him, he had no problem being snarky as ever. "I'm not being robbed. And I'm never going to beat your huge Largest Army."

"Because then you can play the Pirate on Sarah." I could tell Dunc was trying not to sound patronising. He just about succeeded.

"She's got no cards I need!"

"Yes. But: she can't build a Ship by a hex where the Pirate is..."

The utter bastard! That would completely scupper my plan... I stayed very quiet.

"I don't have a Knight, sadly."

I could have kissed Jake, if he weren't on the far side of Cat's feet. Of course, if he were telling the truth, then he must have two Victory Point cards and thus be actually on 13 points, one short of victory. But as Duncan hadn't had a Knight, then he too must actually have two VP cards... And so also be on 13. All to play for.

Jake rolled a twelve. Cat collected a brick. He shook his head sadly and passed the dice on.

Cat gazed at me, all innocence. "Oh, dear! My Knight is coming out."

"And what is he going to do?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"Well, that dastardly Pirate is going to run away from him... To... There. Card, please, Sarah."

"I can't interest you in my leggings, instead?" It was worth a try. Now I was mostly naked, being eye-candy, going further didn't seem so difficult.

"Well... If you don't win, then the winner gets to claim them anyway." I noticed Jake perk up. "No. Maybe next time, we could play Strip Catan -- have to give up an item of clothing each time the Robber gets you! But not today. Cards up."

Cat stole a wood. If I couldn't build new ships at the end of my Trade Route, maybe I could just move the end ship -- oh, no, the Pirate prevented that, too. Bugger. Why had I built a road, not a ship, at the other end of my line of pieces?

She rolled the dice. I got one sheep. It wouldn't help, in the circs. Duncan seemed relieved not to get a card. Ah, he had seven, so now couldn't be robbed before his turn. "Anyone offer me a brick for this sheep?" I asked brightly.

"What clothing are you offering?" Jake teased. "I'd want those leggings off."

"Yeah. All right."

He shook his head. "Sadly, I have no brick.


"Manners, girl!" It was Duncan's stern voice, for when we played. I was generally a horrible brat at him, until he spanked all defiance out of me. Only then was I normally able to reach a headspace to submit properly.

"And you're a patronising git," I retorted.

"Ooh! Well. Don't think you're getting any of my bricks now." He waved a brick card in the air. "Even if you strip naked!"

"Like you would have ever traded with me at this point, anyway." I did the math. "Can I point out to everyone that Dunc's going to win next go, so we're all fucked?"

"I thought the fucking came after the ravishing and piratical punishment?" Cat made it quite clear she was willing to see such post-game activities. "How do you know, anyway?"

"He's on eleven. Two cards face down, they have to be Victory Points, because all the Knights are out -- he's got six, I've got four, Jake's got three, you've got one. That's fourteen. No more Knights. Any other cards, he'd have used them by now. And if you think those seven cards he's holding don't include enough to get one more point, then that's just you not recognising him hiding his smug git face!"

"Are you done?" Duncan asked mildly. He shook his head. "So rude! You deserve a spanking, you do."

"Subs always need a spanking," Cat agreed. "Your one definitely needs a top-up."

"It takes a lot to get Sarah to be submissive. Mostly, she's just a right brat."

I stuck my tongue out at him, because, really, what other response was there?

"Do you give up?"

I stared at my wood and sheep cards. Fuck it. I'd make a branch line with my ships, and move the new ship if I ever got the chance. I flicked the dice to Dunc and folded my arms, letting my breasts settle on them. "Do your worst."

He barely looked at the ten he rolled, and didn't bother collecting his rock. "I'm upgrading this rubbish settlement to a City." Duncan laid down the requisite three rock and two wheat. "And, yes, I have two Victory cards." He flipped over the University and Market.

"Bugger," said Jake. "Any way we can get points off him before the start of his next go?"

I shook my head. "Not in this scenario. You've got the Longest Road, there's no more Knights to build a larger Army. He's won."

"Mwa-ha-ha-ha!" Duncan picked up the black wooden pirate ship and made it dance in the air. "As conqueror of these fair islands, I think I get my damsel in distress as a reward, now." He did an Adam Ant impression, singing, "Stand... and deliver! Your body or your life!"

"I'm not in distress!"

"You will be." He looked up at Cat. "What's the etiquette here?"

She shrugged. "We can help you strip her off and restrain her. You could show off your flogging skills?"

"Flogging would be thematically appropriate, for a pirate on these high seas. Though maybe not, with all these pieces about, and your windows being clear at the top! Let's just get her in a good position for a spanking. Come on, Jake. Are you helping or not?" An appeal to the other man in the room.

"He is. He wants to prove what a good boy he is, don't you, pet? Hoping I'll go easier on him in a bit." Cat's voice was calm, in control.

Jake shrugged. "What should I do? Tell you what, if I grab round her waist, you can hold her hair, while Duncan gets rid of her leggings. Then Duncan can show us how he deals with Sarah when she's not all being all dommy. Or just normal and respectable," he added.

They could have just asked nicely! Instead, the three of them leapt at me, all at once, almost knocking me off the large footstool.

Duncan got his arm under mine. He ran his hand over my breast, then gave it a possessive squeeze. It spilled out of the sides of his palm. Then his hand roved up to my lips, fingers feather-light round my mouth. I touched his fingers with my tongue, trying to get him to press harder.

He intoned, "As Lord of Catan, by right of conquest, I demand to ravish you, barbarian princess!"

I responded with equally cheesy dialogue and a high voice. "Oh no! I shall never submit to a rough uncouth pirate, colonising my island!"

"We have ways of dealing with uppity women..." he promised. He added a sarcastic murmur in my ear, "It's only colonising, when white people do it." Dunc was probably right that I'd find that funnier than the others would. It distracted me from my tits being the focus of Jake's attention.

In his normal voice, Duncan called out, "Hey! Do we have a brig to put her in?"

"No," Cat replied. "No restraints down here, either. Do you want?" Duncan shook his head. "Tell you what. You go sit on the sofa and lay her across you, Jake and I'll help."

Duncan ran his hands possessively all over my body. My bare back, my breasts. Suddenly, he grabbed under my arms, and dragged me to the couch. Cat held my ankles, so I couldn't kick; Jake helped heft my legs. I had to comply, to avoid hurting myself on the hard-edged coffee table. Jake safely removed my leggings and socks, squeezing my toes for fun. Duncan twisted his hand into my long hair, to ensure I stayed down over his lap. In a trice, I was on my knees over his thighs.

It wasn't an unfamiliar position. Just, normally, it would be in private, between me and Dunc. Or in an appropriate club: nudity accepted, sex likely. But this -- the epitome of a conventional home on a totally normal housing estate? It felt like indecent exposure. It was indecent, exposing myself like this.

I buried my face in the couch cushions. The appreciative audience made it just on the right side of my line between erotic embarrassment and totally unpleasant humiliation. Just.

In case I wasn't horribly embarrassed enough -- but not actually crying uncle, because however much I hated to admit it, it was arousing as hell knowing three people were enjoying my nudity -- Duncan adjusted my pants to ride up my crotch, exposing as much fleshy bottom as possible. Two huge mounds of smooth sunny skin, with a tiny scrap of red lace riding up my butt-crack and across my waist, for all to see.


I was bare-arse naked, giant moon-coloured buttocks being shown off to the world, lying with my legs off the end of the sofa. My head pressed against the arm, my arse was raised over Duncan's lap. My cheeks burned against the leather sofa cushion. As Duncan pressed his fingers between my legs, I got hot there, too.

Somehow, my position felt way closer to humiliating than when Duncan did the same to me at home or a club. The mundane surroundings, I figured. There was something more dirty about exposing my arse to a TV, potted plants and a shiny white washing machine, than being in the same situation in a black-painted loft with play equipment and a bar. I'd never thought a blue Smeg fridge would seem so judgemental.

"OK, sweetie?" Duncan checked in.

Was I? His right hand stroked me soothingly, like when his family's dog was scared. I wasn't that much bigger than their Labrador. My embarrassment and sudden anxiety had me trembling, but I didn't know why.

He wasn't the problem.

Jake smiled at me. Was he thinking, 'Rather her than me'? Or enjoying having company, subs together?

Was he being submissive right now? He was sitting on the floor leaning on Cat's legs, so probably.

Was I? I was going along with Duncan and Cat's ideas. Close enough.

"Mm, pretty," Jake said.

"You're not getting your hands on her, Jacob," Cat told him, suddenly his imperious domme. "You're wearing too many clothes, too. Sort it out."

Jake bowed his head.

If he hadn't been submitting a moment ago, he was now. When I next glanced at him, he was nude, barring snug little underpants, all black and slinky. A contrast with his arms and legs, pinkish white skin. His tattoos made him look as if he had a vest on, too. As opposed to me, blatantly naked. More of a slut. Jake knelt again by Cat's feet, hands demurely in his lap.

Jake wasn't a problem either. So why was this so horribly embarrassing for me?

Duncan ripped my lace briefs off so he could finger me even better. Totally skanky, but he knew what he was doing. I relaxed into his warm hand, finding the public penetration soothing rather than embarrassing. If you're going to be on show, you might as well enjoy it, right?