Summertime Lust Ch. 03


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Mark smiled, hiding his disappointment, "Not too bad thanks, is James about?" he asked. Peter smiled at this and opened the door pointing upstairs. Mark walked through the house looking for signs of Karen while trying to look like he wasn't looking. By the time he got upstairs he was even more disappointed. Mark pushed open James' door surprised that it was not closed and locked he was even more surprised to find James at a desk a pile of books next to him and a notepad open that he was writing furiously in. "Hey," Mark said as a greeting.

James turned in his chair, "Hey," he replied back, "Anything I can help you with?"

"Look, I know what I said was a little rough but," Mark began just as James cut him off with a raised hand.

"Forget about it, you told me a home truth and to be honest I was fucking mad for a while but you know what? You were right. I just didn't know how to say that to you without your head swelling to ten times its size." James said a sheepish smile on his face.

Mark gave a soft laugh at that, "hey I have that under control now it only swells to three times its size. I leave on Monday and my mom's throwing me a party for me,"

"No shit Sherlock," James joked.

"Right! Be shitty if you weren't there." Mark conceded, James frowned and looked at his text books his pen tapping lazily in one hand, "Floyd, Oscar and Brian are there and a couple of my cousins that are pretty cute." James nodded his head slowly to that his eyes closed as he pondered his situation. Mark had had enough, "Stop being an arsehole and get over there in the next ten minutes." They laughed easily together and James threw his pen down on the table, "Hey we will still see each other on breaks when we come home,"

James stood up stretching his arms to the ceiling and yawning, "Very true, friends for life buddy."

"Hello Mark," Karen said from behind her voice a little off kilter, "Did I hear laughing?" Mark smiled at her his heat beating faster just at the sight of her. "I take it you two have made up."

"Were eighteen mom not eight," James was tidying his books away as he spoke, not noticing the lingering look between his mom and best friend, "by the way we're going next door for a little party."

"Thank god!" Karen exclaimed rather too loudly and excitedly.

James looked at her with surprise her reaction a little too out there to be normal. "Dad not taking you out enough mom?"

Karen laughed more off kilter, "Just excited that you two are friends again and I get to go out." She walked off quickly not waiting for a reply from James or Mark.

The house was crowded inside and out. Uncle Bob had decided that a barbecue was in order and had fired one up in the garden much to Jean's dismay, it was not part of her well laid plans but she was the only who seemed concerned by that. The smell of the burning briquettes had lured people outside into the cool evening air alleviating the pressure on a swollen living room and kitchen. After about an hour Mark had shook hands, hugged people and received kisses on the cheeks as well as on the lips from one Aunt that came close to incest, that he felt exhausted there was only so many ways to tell people he was excited about going to University.

Mark now stood in the kitchen a glass of wine in one hand talking to Floyd at great lengths about the current season of Deep Space Nine when he caught sight of Karen. She stepped in through the back door, he briefly lost track of her behind a small group of people when she reappeared a drink had magically found her empty hand. She greeted people like old friends a hug and a kiss a slight conversation then she was off moving ever closer to Mark but not looking at him. Her dark hair was loose and had been curled slightly at the ends so that it bounced on her shoulders as she moved. She wore a long white summer dress that was dotted with pink flowers. Her cleavage pushed up high and the curve of her breasts on show between a cheeky low cut at the front.

Mark acted as aloof as he could, he nodded and interjected key words when Floyd fell quiet, the words were enough to get Floyd flying again until Karen entered their orbit where he fell silent his eyes unashamedly going to the low cut front and resting on the breasts that lay beneath. "Hello Mark, Floyd, you boys doing well?" She asked, her lips had been painted a dark red that shimmered with the lights and made them look even fuller. Floyd was painfully shy and quickly made a terrible excuse pushing past Mark to get away. "He'll never get a girlfriend if he doesn't come out of his shell." Karen said sadly watching him go, "So how are you doing Mark?"

"Hugged out and tired from talking about University," he said truthfully, "How about you Karen?"

She smiled at him and took a sip from her own glass of white wine, "I'm doing well, quite a turn out for you, a popular lad it would seem." There were people here that she had known from Mark and James' college but they seemed more Marks friends than James' which struck her deep down and made her feel a little sad for her son, she hoped that University would change that.

"Who knew I was so popular," Mark replied, "I leave on Monday, this will be the last time I see any of these guys for some time if ever." He had come to depend on a lot of the friends that filled his house, he knew that they would be friends for life whether they remained close and in touch was still a mystery to him.

"That reminds me, I have a present for you." Karen finished of her wine and absently put the glass down, she looked around everyone was busy in their own little chats but she was more concerned about James and Peter, "it's nothing big but I hope it will remind you of home and of me." She said turning back to Mark, "I need to go to the bathroom, hope you don't mind." She said out of the blue and walked off.

Mark gave it a minute before he downed his own glass and headed with what he hoped was a casual walk to the kitchen door and the hallway and stairs beyond. It took another five minutes for him to get to the stairs as he got caught up in photographs and little conversations that he was dragged into. He made it to the top of the stairs and sighed with relief, it was empty up hear and a little cooler, his thumb and finger rubbed between his eyes letting his mind settle. He pushed open his bedroom door and found Karen waiting for him.

The library had not prepared her for this, her husband and son were downstairs and here she was with her young lover at that moment she did not care for anyone else if they were caught then she would worry. "You took your time," she said her voice wavy with nerves, they had already gone so far as a couple but this next step was huge for both of them.

Mark closed the door softly behind him, "I would have run if I thought I would have gotten away with it." Alone now he felt nervous, the laughter and noise from downstairs seemed quiet compared to the pounding in his chest, one more drink probably would have helped but there was no time for that now. Karen stepped forward hands going up to the tied neck of the dress, Mark licked his lips with anticipation as he watched Karen fumble with the knot.

Peter had almost thrown himself onto Karen when he found out what she was wearing or more to the point what she wasn't. She had playfully slapped his hands away then slapped them a little further when he did not take the hint. She toyed with him and had told him he would have to wait until after the party, she hoped the free alcohol would make it a moot point. The knot finally gave in and she held her breath letting the dress drop to the floor revealing her naked body beneath. It was as if Mark was seeing her naked for the first time, her breasts hung heavy and free nipples already firming up. Her pubic hair a dark mass that nestled between her thick thighs, he went to her and put his warm hands on her cool hips, the kiss was light and lingering as they tasted one another. Mark pulled Karen closer feeling her breasts press up against his chest her lips parting and his tongue slipping into her mouth and tasting wine. They said nothing, hands and gestures were enough, Karen sat on the bed as Mark undressed, his cock rigid and quickly taken by Karen into her mouth.

His cock felt bigger than before Karen thought as she took him willingly into her mouth anticipation had swollen him to a greater size and she felt giddy at the thought of having him in her soon. She sucked him slowly, one hand on the thick shaft the other at his balls squeezing gently while Mark reached beneath stroking and toying with one tit and nipple. As she took him in her mouth her hips rocked back and forth on the bedstead her sex wet, willing and aflame. Mark pulled back, his cock slipping free now wet and glistening before him as he rested his hands on Karen and pushed her down onto the bed. Karen went willingly her legs parting as she lay back.

Mark kissed her from knee to thigh on both legs before travelling further in to the epicentre of her musky smell. His tongue ran between her swollen, wet labia a moan escaping from Karen's parted lips at the sensation a lower moan and gasp as his tongue connected with her clitoris. Mark kept his tongue where it was turning in small circles as his finger found Karen's hole with ease, she felt far wetter than he had ever experienced with her before. "In me," Karen breathed out, her hands finding his hair and pulling him up to her, they kissed deeply tongues clashing. Marks cock nudged at her opening and Karen reached down steadying the thick mass and helping it into her.

Karen tensed a little as she felt herself being spread, even though Mark was not as long as peter his girth made up for it. Just when she thought he was fully in Mark pushed forward with his hips and the final inch or two slipped in causing her to yip in surprise. Mark froze and looked at Karen she smiled and lifted her hips as she kissed him gently. Karen blocked out the rest of the world there was only her, Mark and the fire that was between them now. She controlled him well, he sped up now and then and a simple tightening of her grip on his backside slowed him down, soon they found their rhythm and Karen moaned with pleasure as she felt Marks young, thick cock penetrate her.

Karen was his first, he had worried what would happen the first time, how he would let himself down with something embarrassing instead all thoughts had slipped from him the moment his cock had slipped into Karen. He had not known what to expect from a woman in her forties, she felt tight around his cock and was amazed at how her walls gripped at him as he slid in and out of her. He leaned his head down moving his body slightly so that he could take a nipple in his mouth, his cock pushed deep into Karen and he nibbled gently on her nipple his cock pulsing inside her with excitement.

Karen moved her body twisting as she sat up almost pushing Mark off the bed his cock popping free of her with a 'slurp' she sat astride of him now, and reached under herself taking hold of his sticky cock and effortlessly guiding it back in. She rode Mark slowly, letting his hands and mouth find her swaying tits, in this position he filled more of her and she could grind her clitoris down. She moved with more purpose now and Mark lay back his hands around her tits fingers pinching her nipples, Karen pushed down on Mark her clitoris going nuclear.

Mark sensed the change in pace, felt it deep in her and knew she was going to orgasm while his cock was in her. Karen's breathing had become rapid, her back arched and her tits swayed with each stroke. Karen's moans became louder and Mark quickly reached up his thumb sinking between her dark, full lips. Karen sucked on it noisily as her body began to shake her orgasm exploding through her. Mark watched in awe as Karen seemed to spasm, he could feel her orgasm through his cock, feel her juices washing over him as she gave in to the moment.

Karen sucked Marks thumb greedily, her moans muffled enough as her orgasm sent her body into uncontrollable spasms, she had never cum this hard for Peter not in many years the sensation was almost alien to her. As it subsided Mark slipped his thumb free letting Karen gulp in air, he was still in her and she wanted more of him. Karen leaned forward her tits just above Marks face and picked up her pace.

Mark lifted his head trying to get a tongue onto her nipples as they rhythmically swayed above his face, his hands had gone to her large backside holding her steady as Karen rode him faster and faster. Mark met her thrusts pushing as deep as he could into her, his balls and cock head tingling as he neared his own orgasm. He motioned for Karen to get of him, he would shoot on her belly or his own he had guessed then realised Karen had other plans. He held her backside and plunged deep into her his own hips and backside lifting from the bed.

He gasped loudly, neck muscles tensing, hands gripping a little too hard into her backside and Karen stopped moving, she could feel him pulsing inside and knew he was ejaculating deep into her.

It felt amazing to Mark, he wanted to be deeper still in Karen as he unloaded his hips were off the bed and he strained pushing further still as his cock twitched and his cum filled her up. With an almost agonising moan Mark lowered his hips. Karen leaned in kissing him deeply pleased that he kissed back just as deeply, she rolled off him and stood on unsteady legs. Mark's cock twitched still a glistening mix of their fluids across its length. Mark watched Karen get dressed, which took all of a minute. Apart from when Karen had asked Mark to be in her they had not talked, the act had been enough for both of them, bodies entwined and organs plunged deep they had made love for Mark it had been the first time.

Karen hoped that Mark would not talk, especially of love as she dressed. She smiled at him as he lay there watching her, "You are going to make plenty of girlfriends at University." She finally said doing the knot up on her dress.

Mark laughed, "I'll have you to thank for that." He had known it was never love between them, lust was as close a definition as he was willing to get, he had worried some nights that Karen would leave Peter and expect to run off with Mark he had continued the affair anyway and now tonight he had realised Karen had felt the same way all along. "If I get a girlfriend I'll make sure she thanks you."

Karen raised her eyebrows at this, she leaned forward giving Mark a lingering kiss, "Not a bad idea," she straightened up then said, "I've never had another woman before." And winked at Mark as she left his room, she smiled to herself as she heard him stumble of his words and closed the door behind her.

The rest of the party seemed drab to Mark he had gone downstairs finding he had been missed by nobody. By the end of the evening his mother was passed out in her bed and it was left to Mark to send everyone off. Saying goodbye to Karen was tough, the hug was embarrassing the kiss on the cheek even more so, it was not the send of he would have wanted but as things stood the smile he got when Karen looked over her shoulder was better than any hug or kiss.

Marks mom got all teary eyed at the train station, he had hoped to avoid any sort of melt down and asking if she would rather stay at home had not gone down well. His mom hugged him and cried on his shoulder, he promised to call and to write and that he would be home that very weekend which brought at least a moments rest to the crying. He boarded the train and found a four seat table empty, he sat down and waved at his mom as the train pulled off.

"Are any of these seats taken?" The voice was smooth as silk, Mark looked up and stared dumbly at the redhead that stood over him. Blue eyes picking out his own and a small spreading across her lips.

"No, no one at all feel free." Mark moved to stand up, stopping half way in an odd crouch-stance as the girl sat opposite him. He sat down a little embarrassed. The girl smiled sweetly and turned her attention to a book she had put down on the table. Mark caught a glance at the title before she opened it. "Great book, are you studying photography?" He asked.

The girl looked up, "Yes down in London, my first year actually."

Mark beamed a big smile, "No kidding, mine too, I'm Mark by the way."

The End

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