Superheroines Bk. 03


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She had two tried and proven methods of taking down her targets.

Her sneakiest was simply to hold on to the metal door handle.

When the target grasped it to open the door a high voltage electrical shock would send them flying back stunned.

The problem with this was that she couldn't see who she was shocking, and there was always the small chance that an innocent person would be sent to open the door.

The other way was to wait until the door opened, identify the perp and then blast them.

Unfortunately neither of these could be used here, because no one came to the door.

This was because the second kidnapper had gone down to the local shop for a six-pack, and was walking back to the trailer when he heard the motorcycle pull up near his trailer.

'Fuck, it's that cunt Dynamo and a big titted friend,' he swore to himself.

He put down the six-pack and drew his hunting knife.

He watched as Dynamo walked towards the trailer, where he had left that little whore Amanda tied naked to the bed.

Even though he was very concerned about the situation, he couldn't resist a small smile as he remembered how tight Amanda's pussy was as he had raped her.

They wanted to keep her alive for ransom, but that didn't mean such a young virgin cunt should go a-wasting.

Both himself and his partner Spike, had used and abused the girl many times.

She had a lovely tight ass, although he had to admit that Dynamo's ass in that black latex cat suit was also a fine specimen.

However he knew better than to try and jump her with his knife, he only had to touch her to be electrocuted.

Her friend however seemed an easier mark, her costume wasn't made from rubber and she seemed almost normal.

In fact like most of the bad guys he had a mental list of the Super heroines, and this woman didn't appear on his list at all.

He decided to go for it, and as Dynamo was busy at the door to the trailer he crept up behind the woman and jumped her.

Verity squealed in shock and fear as a steel hard arm wrapped around her neck, and the cold blade of a knife touched the tender skin of her throat.

She was forced to her knees in terror; Dynamo heard her scream and spun round ready to Blast.

Verity was far to close to her attacker for Dynamo to risk letting go with her power.

'Hands behind your back Dynamo and get on your knees, or I cut this whores fucking throat' Charlie screamed in triumph, pulling Verity's head right back to expose her vulnerable jugular artery.

He glanced down at the terrified woman, and their eyes met.

Verity was absolutely terrified; she had never been in this situation before.

She had never been attacked or forced to her knees, and she certainly had never had a knife put to her throat.

She was so scared that she forgot all about her shock gloves.

As her eyes locked with Charlie's she screamed, her terror flowed out of her mind and blasted into his, it swamped Charlie's mind completely.

His scream drowned hers out as her horror and fear unmanned him.

In his unreasoning terror he thrust her away from him as he would a poisonous spider.

This gave Dynamo a clear target, and raising her hands towards him she let go with all her power.

Thousands of volts crackled across the space between her hands and the steel blade of his knife.

Such was the power of the lightning bolt that Dynamo projected towards his thug who had dared try and hurt her partner; that the knife blade melted instantly.

Thousands of volts seared through Charlie's body cooking his flesh instantly and filling the air with the smell of burning pork.

The dead blackened husk that had been Charlie collapsed to the ground and lay there smouldering.

Verity had collapsed onto the ground and lay there sobbing.

In the mere seconds of the mind meld, she had experienced everything Charlie had done to Amanda.

It had been as if Alex was raping the helpless girl, and listening with pleasure to her screams and pleas for mercy.

Verity felt as if she had just dipped her mind in a tank of sewage, and she lay there feeling nauseous.

Just then the smell of Charlie's burnt body hit her, and she threw up all over the ground.

Dynamo saw what she had done to Charlie, and was swearing profanely.

'Oh you stupid fucking cunt Charlie boy, why did you make me do that?

Have you any idea of the fucking paperwork this is going to cause me. No you haven't you fucking idiot. That's right cunt, you just lay there and smoulder while I have to clear up your fucking mess,' she snarled at the dead Thug.

In truth Dynamo was a bit annoyed with herself, she could have simply stunned the man.

However deep down lurking in her id, was a need for vengeance against thugs like Charlie and Hammer.

She would be fucked if they thought they could get her helpless again.

Besides he had a knife to a fellow Super heroine's throat, and her response had been justifiable defence of her partner.

Calming down, she walked over to where Verity lay shivering on the ground.

She knelt down and lifted her head onto her lap.

Using the corner of Verity's white cloak, she gently wiped away the tears and vomit from the telepath's beautiful face.

'Are you OK?' she asked.

Keeping her eyes closed Verity nodded weakly.

'Why couldn't you tell he was sneaking up on you?' asked Dynamo gently.

'I have to be looking into their eyes to read them,' whispered Verity.

'I am so sorry Dynamo; I almost fucked us up just then, typical newbie being taken hostage.

I am so ashamed, I let you down,' sobbed Alex bursting into tears as Dynamo held her tightly.

'What the fuck are you on about girl; whatever you did to him set him up for me.

That's what I call good teamwork partner, you did good on your first mission and I now pronounce you a Super heroine.'

Dynamo bent down to kiss Verity in congratulation, and Verity opened her eyes.

Their eyes locked and Verity gasped at what she saw in Dynamo's mind and heart.

Respect, concern and unbelievably Love; radiated out from Dynamo towards Verity.

These were all the things that she had been searching for since she had come into her power.

None of her boyfriends had come anywhere close to the intensity of the feelings she was getting from Dynamo.

Verity reached up and brought Dynamo's head down to hers.

She kissed her with love and passion, sending back those same feelings into Dynamo's mind.

'Wow, what the fuck...' gasped Dynamo as she came up for air.

'That was fantastic girl. It would have been better had you not just thrown up, but fuck it who cares,' gasped Dynamo.

Verity blushed red and hastily scrambled to her feet brushing down her costume to avoid looking at Dynamo.

Dynamo was back at the power socket; she was taking no chances here and wanted to be ready for anything.

When Verity dared look towards Dynamo she was already at the trailer door.

With a strong twist and pull, she burst the cheap lock and looked into the trailer.

It was filthy inside, wrappings from takeaways littered the sink and floor, and beer cans were everywhere.

Dynamo listened carefully; it was silent until a muffled sob came from one end of the trailer.

Readying her power, she crept down the trailer and looked into the end room.

It was empty save for a filthy bed that stank of stale semen and urine, on to which was tied a naked and shaking girl.

'Please, no more, please let me go,' she was sobbing.

It was Amanda Whiteman; and she thought it was Charlie come back to continue his perverted abuse of her body.

Hearing no sound of mayhem from within, Verity had followed Dynamo into the trailer.

She was now standing besides her looking at the terrified naked girl.

She thought she would try something, and walked into the girl's field of vision.

She caught the terrified girls eye, and sent out a wave of love and strength into Amanda's mind.

She saw the young girls abused body relax, as the terror that she had lived with since she had been abducted, was washed away in the flood of love and concern radiating from the mind of Verity.

Dynamo realised that seeing her black latex clad figure might scare the abused girl.

She faded into the background, and let Verity release the girl and dress her as well as she could given the ripped state of her clothes.

'Who are you?' asked the girl as Verity sat on the bed holding her hand.

'My name is Verity, Champion of the Truth. I am Dynamo's partner, it was she who rescued you.'

'Oh my God, Charlie will be back soon, he only went out for beer,' cried Amanda starting to panic again.

'Charlie is dead,' said Dynamo moving into the room.

'He tried to kill Verity so I had to fry him, he won't be bothering you or any one else for that matter ever again.'

Amanda went to touch Dynamo in thanks, and was surprised when she jumped back from her.

'Whoa there girl, I'm fully charged,' explained Dynamo.

'I don't know how I can thank you enough Dynamo, can I go home now please?' I must get out of this room before I scream,' begged Amanda.

Soon they were all outside the smelly trailer, and Dynamo called in the back up cops.

They arrived within a minute and Amanda's father was with them.

Dynamo went off to a nearby metal pole to discharge herself down to operating levels.

At this level she could be touched, as long as it was on the latex covered parts of her body.

When she was fully charged, the thin rubber latex was no guarantee of safety.

George Whiteman was furious when he saw the state of his daughter's body.

'Where is the fucking animal that did this to my girl?' he bellowed looking around him in a rage.

He spotted the blackened husk of Charlie, lying where he had fallen and strode up to it.

'Is this what's left of the bastard?' he asked Dynamo.

'I'm afraid I had to burn him, he was going to cut Verity's throat,' explained Dynamo.

'Good work Dynamo, fucking good work I say.

Don't worry about any come back from this justified execution.

I will make it my personal business to back you up all the way,' he stated shaking hands with her.

Despite herself Dynamo breathed a sigh of relief at hearing this.

Normal humans were still a bit uneasy when any Super human killed one of them, regardless if it was deserved or not.

Each death was scrutinised, and often the Super human was subjected to rigorous questioning by the police.

George Whiteman was a personal friend of the Mayor, and a powerful man in his own right.

With his protection, Dynamo would have nothing to fear from this incident.

The two Super heroines watched as the cavalcade of cars drove off.

One car stayed by the body waiting for the coroners van to claim it.

'Well Verity, how about we call it a day?' said Dynamo.

'My name is Alexandra Armstrong; I am the Mayor's daughter.

I thought I should tell you this, in case it changes anything between us,' said Verity looking at Dynamo.

'Thank you for trusting me with this Alex,' said Dynamo 'I appreciate your position.

It must be very hard for a girl in your type of life to keep such a secret.

In return I will tell you that my name is Diana Hamilton, and no, who you are doesn't change anything between us.'

'You should also know that I cannot be lied to, ever.

Were I to ask you a certain question I would know the truth regardless of what you said,' replied Alex.

Diana looked into Alex's eyes without fear.

' I know this Alex, but I would ask you not to ask me that question just yet.

I have been hurt to many times in the past by jumping into situations and relationships too quickly.

Can you do this for me please?' she almost begged the tall white garbed Knight of Truth.

Alex could have screamed in frustration, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Diana was the one for her.

She knew also that Diana loved her.

She also knew why she was holding back.

Diana was afraid to love anyone too deeply in case she lost them.

Being a Super heroine was very dangerous indeed.

They were always putting themselves in harms way almost on a daily basis.

Diana's experience with Hammer had shaken her confidence badly, and she now knew that she wasn't invincible.

Verity suddenly and for the first time, felt sorry for all the non-telepaths.

It must be like living in the dark all the time; not knowing what people were really thinking about you; not knowing if they were telling the truth. Having to try and work it out by trial and error.

For the first time she saw her power as a gift and not a curse.

'I'd like you to consider me for a partner Dynamo.

Now I know I can project my emotions I don't feel so helpless as I once did,' said Verity changing the subject.

Dynamo breathed a sigh of relief at being let off the hook.

'Of course you are my partner Alex, how did I ever get by without you to back me up,' she answered with a grin.

Verity stood straighter and smiled down at her official partner.

'Lets go Verity,' said Dynamo straddling the motorbike.

'Your place or mine?' asked Alex.

Dynamo blushed as she answered, ' It had better be mine, I live alone and I don't have anyone to worry about me coming in late.'

'Or coming in with a date' smiled Alex, delighting in her power to make the feared Dynamo blush like a schoolgirl.

With Verity holding her tightly around her slim waist, Dynamo roared off into the night.

Diana lived alone in a small cabin on a piece of woodland outside the City.

It had once been a hunting lodge, before the spread of the city had driven away all the deer.

It was ideal for a Super heroine, as she could drive her bike up the secluded dirt path, and hide it behind the cabin in a small outbuilding.

'Come in and make yourself comfortable' she invited, as she led Alex into the cosy front room.

'Sorry about the size of this place, it's only got this room, the kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom but it's big enough for me,' explained Diana. She pulled off her latex mask, revealing her pretty cheerful face to Alex for the first time.

'It's wonderful Diana, secluded and cosy, a veritable love nest,' replied Alex who also removed her headgear and mask.

'Wow, Alex you are fucking beautiful' breathed Diana, staring at the tall blond woman with her perfect bone structure that screamed out good breeding.

'Your pretty fabulous yourself,' replied Alex draping her cloak over a nearby chair.

'Yeah right, I do have a mirror you know, I suppose I'm OK but I'm not in your class,' admitted Diana honestly.

'Mind if I use your shower Diana?' asked Alex.

Diana blushed and looked away from her.

'Why would you want to have a shower?' she asked.

'Hello, who was it who threw up a while ago? I can't go back home smelling of vomit can I?'

'Oh yes, I forgot about that, of course you can use the shower its through that door.

I'll make the coffee while you are getting cleaned up' said Diana, making a bolt for the kitchen.

Alex was discovering another side effect of her power, once she had locked eyes with someone the link never really got broken.

Although she couldn't read Diana's thoughts with out looking into her eyes, she was still connected to her emotions.

She could tell that Diana was fighting her attraction to Alex, and was determined not to allow herself to take their relationship to the next stage. 'We'll see about that young lady,' murmured Alex to herself as she walked into the small bathroom.

Alex stripped off her skintight white costume and examined it.

As she had feared she had been sick over it and it needed a good wash.

Alex had spent most of her adolescent life at various high-class boarding schools for girls.

She was comfortable with walking around naked in front of other girls in the shower rooms and the dormitories.

Consequently she thought nothing about walking out of the bathroom naked, with the costume draped over her arm.

'Diana, where is your washing machine?'

Diana walked out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee.

'What do you want to know that f... Fuck Me Alex! What the fuck are you doing!? she exclaimed as the coffee splashed everywhere.

She was staring at a totally naked Alex; her eyes drank in every detail of the young woman's perfect body.

Alex had impossibly long legs that went right up until they joined at a small tuft of pale blond pubic hair.

Her hips were a smooth line that led the eye to her fantastic firm young breasts.

Like most Super human females these were larger than a normal females, but jutted out proudly seemingly ignoring the pull of gravity.

She had small pink nipples that at the moment were sticking out provocatively.

Her long blond hair framed her beautiful face; that was smiling innocently at the flustered Diana.

'I need to use your washing machine to wash my costume,' she explained calmly.

Alex could read the waves of lust that were coming from Diana, only her steel control was stopping her jumping on Alex.

Alex smiled and turning her back on Diana bent over and laid her costume on a footstool.

'I'll just leave this here until I have had a shower,' she said.

Diana's mouth had gone dry; as Alex had bent over she had exposed her pink labia to Diana's lustful gaze.

'Fuck me, Fuck me, Fuck me, moaned Diana staring at Alex's perfect ass presented to her so brazenly.

Staying bent over Alex turned her head to look at Diana.

'Do you always swear so much Di? I can call you Di can't I,' she asked mischievously.

'You would make a fucking saint swear, why are you doing this to me Alex?'

'Because I know the truth of it Di, and I feel the same, why are you fighting this so hard?'

'You don't understand, I have had lots of lovers, men and women but it doesn't last.

My life is too complicated for them, and we drift apart.

At the moment I am making love to Amazon, she is my best friend and a fantastic partner.

It was she who rescued me from Hammer and I owe her big time.

I can make love to her without any problem, but I don't love her.

I have never loved anyone until .......' Diana stopped talking abruptly, and turned away from Alex.

Alex walked over to her and slipped her arms around her waist.

'Di listen to me please, I also have never loved anyone.

At boarding school I had crushes on various girls, but that wasn't love. Love hits you like a bolt of lightning, it cannot be avoided or even explained logically.

I cannot be lied to, and I am finding it very difficult to lie to anyone else.

I will go first, I Love You Diana Hamilton, I have loved you ever since I first scanned you at the interview.

I know all about Hammer and what he did to you, and I was so impressed by your sheer courage and bravery that I couldn't help but love you.'

'Oh Fuck Fuck Fuck why did I have to meet you of all people.

Why are you so fucking beautiful and sexy.

Most of all why the fuck did you have to fall in love with a dysfunctional sparkplug like me' groaned Diana, as she leaned back against Alex's naked breasts in surrender.

Alex turned her round and stared into her eyes.

'Do you love me Diana Hamilton?' she asked.

The answer was clear in her mind, 'Yes'

'Stop fucking about and come into the shower with me, I need you to help get all this sick off me' said Alex, holding her hand and pulling her into the bathroom.

'Oh Fuck me' whispered Dynamo.

'I intend to,' replied Verity.

Dynamo only had a small shower cubicle, the two large breasted women had by necessity to squeeze in together.

Diana had totally surrendered to Alex, and was now a willing participant to the mutual seduction.

She was rubbing her soapy hands over Alex's breasts, washing off the dried vomit that had splashed on them.