Supernatural Ch. 12


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He stood there, his cock still engorged, jerking intermittently up and down as he watched her, but then, recognising the sense in what she'd said, he began pulling his own clothes back on.

When they were finished she took his hand and pulled him after her as she headed for the last of the paintings.

'See darling, there, that pattern, I saw it on the rock!' She said excitedly as she pointed to the faint swirl of lines at the centre. 'See how far from it all these couples are, we were right on it. If it's that effective for the people that far away imagine the power right at the centre, where we were. It's not surprising we went at each other the way we did.'

Martin stared at the painting, then at Brenda, then back at the painting. 'That's what you meant before, when you said the paintings were a sequence. You think this place has some sort of power, for rituals, fertility rituals, or at least something like that.'

'Yes, yes of course! I don't know if it's exactly a fertility ritual, I guess we'll find that out in a month or so.' She added with a giggle. 'But you have to agree that something affected us, stimulated our sex drive.

But remember the sequence of paintings. In the first ones only some of the figures had enlarged genitals, the others were small or non-existent. In this one, after they have been influenced by the force in the earth or the rock itself, they all have enlarged parts. Their sex-drive has been reinforced, boosted. That's exactly what happened to us!'

She paused for a moment before asking in a lower, quieter voice. 'Don't you still feel sexy, even now, after all that we've just done?'

'Yes, yes I do.' Martin admitted. 'I've been a bit worried about that, couldn't understand why. But although what you're suggesting sounds weird, it makes some sort of sense. What I felt out there was nothing like anything I've ever felt before. In a way it was as though it was happening to someone else, not me.'

'And now?'

'Right now I want to make love to you again.' He answered, pulling her back into his arms, his lips finding hers, his hands gripping her bottom tightly.

In spite the equally powerful sense of need Brenda was feeling she was able to persuade Martin that the rock-strewn floor of the cave was not the most suitable place, and with several lingering backward looks, they retraced their path through the cave and then down the hillside.

For a while neither spoke as Martin manoeuvred the car back along the dusty tracks, although her mind was a whirling confusion of thoughts about their experience, Brenda found her eyes constantly drifting across to the unmistakable bulge in Martin's shorts. She found that just the sight of it, coupled with the memories of it powering into her made her want to tell him to pull off the road and do it to her again, and again.

Martin stared straight ahead, not daring to even glance at Brenda, even though he tried to block them out by concentrating on their route back to the main road, the images and memories still filled his head. He recalled the way she had reached out, slipping her hand underneath his cock as she'd said - 'I want you Martin, right now.'. Then the sight of her when she lay back on the rock and spread her legs wide, displaying and offering herself to him. How almost immediately after that first massive climax she'd crawled out from underneath him, then turned, got up on her hands and knees and urged him to do it to her again. He could still hear her voice saying - 'Do it to me again, this way, now!' And most powerful of all was the final memory, of her riding him, at first tenderly, but then much more aggressively, forcing what felt like every single drop of fluid in his body up through his fountaining cock.

The sound of her voice dragged him back to reality, but the images had been so strong he hadn't really heard what she'd said. 'Sorry darling, what did you say?'

'I said let's not waste any time getting back to the motel.' She replied, reaching across to lightly rest her hand on the still swollen bulge in his trousers.

He turned at grinned at her. 'I hear and obey, very, very enthusiastically my darling.'

She left her hand where it was and even through the layers of fabric she was able to feel the pulsing potency of his cock, and, as though that primal power was running back into her, felt her own body responding, re-moistening in readiness for what they both needed.

When they got back to the motel they virtually raped each other. Then, after they had taken a much needed shower, they did it again, then again, and even after that, it was only a different sort of hunger that finally drove them to get up from their literally soaking bed and go out to eat.

Not surprisingly, by then they were both so ravenous that for some time they did little more than deal with that other hunger, but when at least partially satisfied Martin said something that had been gnoring away at the back of his mind. 'After we had come in off the rock, when you were explaining what you thought had been happening to us, you said something. I asked if you thought the place had been used for fertility rites, and you said we might find out in a month or so.'

A cold shiver suddenly ran up through Brenda's body, of course she knew what he meant, and she dreaded his reaction to the potential situation. 'That's what I said, yes.' She answered cautiously.

'Did you mean you thought you might have, well I mean is that time of the month?'

'Well, yes, but no. If you see what I mean.'

'Not really, but, well, how would you feel if you were, well, pregnant.' He said, suddenly relieved to have got the word out.

'That's difficult to answer Martin. For myself, well I'd be thrilled, but...'

'Thrilled! But I thought you didn't want a baby. I mean, well your job, your career!'

The expression on his face told her she'd been completely wrong about what his reaction would be and she reached across the table for his hand. 'You mean you wouldn't mind?'

'Mind? I've always wanted to have kids, even more so since I've met you. But I've always thought that was the last thing you wanted. You've never, ever said anything about having children.'

The sense of relief was so utterly overwhelming that she suddenly laughed, then, ignoring the plates and glasses, half-lifted herself and reached across for him. 'We've both been silly, too scared of what each other might not want. Is that why you've been, well, distant lately?' She said as she let go of him and sat down again.

'I've been feeling, well I suppose I've been feeling that to you thought we were a bit, well a bit sort of, well, temporary. If you understand.'


'I know it's not the right word, but I mean having kids would make it more permanent wouldn't it.'

'And that's what you really want?'

'Of course it is, I love you, love you so much Brenda. I've been nearly sick with worry that you saw it all differently. That your career was too important.'

'Well in one way it is important to me, but that certainly doesn't mean we have to give up everything else for it. And I certainly don't want to give up either you, or the chance of having children for, well for what's really just a job, even though it is one I love doing.'

'Have you nearly finished?' He asked, glancing down at her plate.

'Yes, why?' She replied with a mischievous grin.

'Well let's go and see if we can make sure were going to have a baby. We can always ring out for some take-away, later.'

They saw little of their friends during the balance of the holiday, to their confusion and the motel cleaning staff's annoyance, spending much of the rest of the time in bed.

Luckily the potency of whatever it was that had happened to them lessened as time passed. But though they sometimes shared a laugh in later years when they looked back on those first few days and weeks, when their frantic, feverish love-making left them almost exhausted, their bodies raw, their mutual need for each other remained as strong as their love. Love that was further strengthened nine months to the day after their never to be forgotten experience, with the birth of their first child.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
OH YEAH Definately Disney Extra Dark

Like a Deep Penetration Topical Pain Reliever, Fire&Ice. It leaves you with a Sizziling Shiver. The whole series When are you going to film, but who could manage the FX

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

A great story. It was wonderfully erotic and imaginative. Fantastic writing too, well constructed and described. Thank you for a wonderful read!

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