Supernatural Short Bus


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"Why am I alive?" Kelly screamed, turning towards the voice.

It was impossible but there he stood in front of her. "R... Ryan?! But... but... but you're dead! You're dead, Ryan!"

The man was three feet away from her and still dressed in the same clothes from earlier in the evening. They hung loosely on him now. His face was pale. Bloodless. He was examining his own hands slowly. Skeletal hands with pale fingertips. His hair was sparse and oily in the dim overhead light. He was bathed in shadows. Slowly, as if unsure of how his own body worked, he looked up at her. "Who?"

"It's... It's... It's..."

Suddenly he was behind her. She hadn't blinked. There was no movement. One heartbeat, he was standing in front of her and the next, he was behind her.

"Kelly. I remember now. Yeah. Kelly. The bitch." She wanted to turn and yell at him but she was terrified. Rooted to the spot. He lifted her hair with his fingers and then let it drop. "What year is it, Kelly?"

"It's... it's..."

His voice became more of a command. "What year is it, woman? How long have I been dead?"

"Maybe thirty minutes?" She squeaked. Ashamed at herself for her behavior.

"Thirty... minutes. Thirty MINUTES?! It's a lie. It has to be. I was dead. For years. For years, Kelly. They fed on me for... Turn around and look at me." She turned. She didn't want to but she turned. His eyes were nearly completely white. White and black. And so large. She lost herself in those eyes. Surrounded by them. Her mouth hung open as she stared. "Tell me the lie again, woman. Tell... Ryan the lie again."

"It's been just over 30 minutes. I can check my cell phone if you want me to do it. Or I could ask someone. Someone might know better than me. I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly. I'm sor-" His hand caressed her cheek and she shuddered. Cold. So cold. Her mouth snapped shut as he hissed and pulled his hand away.

"Impossible. I was in hell. For decades. They fed on me. Slowly. On my soul. Whispering to me. Sticking needles in me. Feeding me worms and dirt and whispering all of my sins. Telling me who my wife was fucking behind my back. Telling me all the men she was sleeping with. All of the men except for me. Leeching my warmth bit by bit until even the ice felt more warm than I did. The ice they submerged me in. For centuries. Only my head above the frozen water. Alone. Screaming over and over for someone to help me. For someone to save me. And, nobody did. It was dark. They fed my hate. They told me secrets. Secrets of the world I used to live in. They whispered of the dark places and darker things living in them." He walked around her slowly, tracing a cold line along her throat and shoulders.

"But, do you know what hurt the most? The absolute most? When they took the sun and put it in the sky for me. In the dark, cancerous sky. I couldn't take it, Kelly. I couldn't handle the glare of the sun. After a millennium in the dark, I couldn't stand the light. It burned. Nothing should be that bright. I wanted to hide away. To hide all of my sins away from that light and I couldn't. I died a thousand deaths. A million deaths. I ate others to survive. Eventually, I enjoyed it. The taste of other flesh."

Ryan stopped in front of her again. She wanted to scream and run but she couldn't. She stared straight ahead at nothing. "But eating was the only pleasure I had, Kelly. They took my dick nearly at the beginning. They flayed me and forced me to eat my own dick. In slices. And now. Now here I am. Alive. Alive again. Is this the true world, Kelly? Is this the real world or yet another one of their tortures? Don't answer. You'd lie if it wasn't real and I'd never believe you if it was. I lived so many lives in the dark. All that is, is to survive. You're very warm, Kelly. You're alive. And very warm. Your flesh nearly burns me."

He leaned in, close to her cheek. "I remember you, Kelly. I remember you. I can hear you when I'm this close to you. Your thoughts. Your secrets. Your terror. I lived a nightmare but you... you made other people's lives into nightmares. Do you want to please me, Kelly?"

No, she thought. No. Absolutely not. Anything but that. "Yes," she gasped.

He rested her hand on her shoulder, pushing her down until she was kneeling. She knew what he wanted. He didn't tell her but she knew. She unzipped Ryan's pants while her mind gibbered at her, pleading with her own body to stop. His pants fell to the ground with a thump. His white underwear was stained from old piss and he smelled liked rotten cheese but her fingers eagerly pulled those yellowed underwear off. He was small. And flaccid. Please, she begged herself. Please don't. Please stop. Please please please please

Kelly's tongue nearly covered Ryan's entire limp penis. He hissed with a sharp intake of breath and grabbed her curly hair, pulling her back. "You burn me!" Tears rolled down Kelly's otherwise blank face. Oh thank God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank god. Thank you. Thank you.

He stared at her silently for a long time. Finally, he spoke. "I have nothing. My own heart isn't beating. What blood I have was bled out of me ages ago. I have nothing." His eyes were so big. She could drown in them. "But I hunger, Kelly. For life." He pulled her by her hair and she followed willingly. He hugged her, careful to not let her bare flesh touch his own. He had no breath. He wasn't breathing. The logical part of her brain wondered how he could talk without breathing. His lips touched her neck, slowly, it opened and she felt 4 pinpricks against her neck. Ryan slowly bit into her flesh and then, her neck went mercifully numb. He feasted while she felt her heart slowly die.

Chapter 7


When Tricia came to, she was still standing. The large table was now in the middle of the large basement and Adam was humming as he added pieces and parts to it. She still couldn't do anything other than look around herself but she avoiding looking at the mirrors again. The table was beginning to look like something in an insane gynecologist's office with stirrups made of leather and metal and cables and odd blinking electronics. New parts for the table seem to come from nowhere.

Adam looked up briefly. "Oh, could you be a good thing and strip for me, please?"

Tricia was surprised when she didn't move to obey him. Surprised and triumphant. Maybe it's wearing off? She wondered. Maybe after a while I'll be able to move again? And then I'm getting the hell out of here. Adam continued to hum and adjust things around him. Pieces and parts combined, as if by magic, into electronic equipment on the counter tops nearby. All the while Chami rode his shoulder, fluttering its little wings to keep its balance.

After ten minutes, Adam looked back over at her and raised his eyebrows. "Didn't I tell you to strip just a moment ago? Why are you still... ah! Right!" He walked to her and then behind her. She felt his fingers massaging the back of her neck while he whispered to himself. She watched in the mirrors as he walked around to the various little containers in the room. Finally, he came back with some screws and a small metal plate. She tried not to look but finally gave in.

Adam placed the small metal plate against the back of her neck. The metal felt odd but cool on the open wound but only for a moment as he took it away again. He raised a finger against the plate. The skin along his finger bulged and bunched for a moment and then a thin, glowing red blade pushed out from the tip of his finger. With deft, precise movements, he trimmed the edges of the plate as if it was made of paper. Finally, using the very tip of the blade, he made a few simple inscriptions on the metal itself. He placed the plate against her neck again and made a tiny exclamation of happiness when it seemed to fit.

"Chami?" The little horror flew off to the side while he held a screw to the side of the plate. When it came back, it held a small Phillips head screwdriver in its claws. He took the screwdriver, held it against the screw and turned. Tricia felt the sharp twisting bite of the screw as it pierced her skin. "Ack! What was I thinking! This is wrong!" Adam took the plate away, setting it on a nearby counter with the screwdriver.

When he turned back around, the little red blade was again at the tip of his finger. Tricia looked away quickly as he brought the blade up to her neck. The smell of burning flesh filled the room when he cut her flesh away. Tricia felt bile rise in her throat from the pain and smell but her muscles refused to work properly. She closed her eyes tightly, ignoring the wet splat of her skin and blood against the floor. Now the metal plate burned against her neck when he brought it back up. The screws shot an intense flaring pain from her neck to her skull and down to a small spot on the sole of her foot.

Adam stepped around in front of her, his eyes filled with childlike curiosity. "Okay! Let's see if that did it. Tricia, would you be a sweetheart and strip for me, please?" Her hands immediately pulled at the buttons of her shirt and then the straps at her bra until her upper body was completely bare. Goosebumps rode her arms in the cold air. Without pause, she worked on the zipper at the side of her skirt and let it drop when it was undone. Her panties followed immediately after. "Haha! It worked!" Adam spun in a happy little circle around her.

"Remote control," he explained. "The first of many modifications you'll be receiving. Tuned to my command. My, my, Tricia. You kept yourself in really good shape." Adam reached out, tracing the edge her of her left breast. He looked up. "Double Ds? Triple? I don't really care. They're splendid, though. No children fucking them up. Spread your legs a bit. There's a good girl." He went to a knee in front of her and she felt his finger trace from her clit down to her pussy lips. "Mmmhmm. Good. And a good smell, that's promising. I can't tell you how many girls in Vegas smelled like their pussies were full of dead mice. Not that that stopped me. Not at all. Still. Gross. Not you. Them. You smell like a... like a... girl without a vagina stuffed full of dead mice!" He snickered and his finger trailed up her thigh to her stomach and then around her nipple as he stood. The touch would be erotic if it wasn't so clinical. As if he were testing the merchandise.

"I wonder how far it goes. How much the body has control over the various parts. Tricia if I ... No, let's try it." Adam stood back slightly. "Tricia, cum for me." The orgasm was immediate and painful but still an orgasm. She'd never experienced anything like it in her life. There was a sharp pain in her gut followed by the orgasm itself, weak but still there. She wasn't even wet.

Adam clapped. "Nice! Nice! That'll come in handy, I'm sure." He grinned at her - like she was a student that'd done particularly well answering a question. "Okay! Time to get to it!" He patted the table next to him. "Climb in, Tricia. Let's start." She went, scrabbling up the top of the table, very aware every time she flashed her pussy to Adam. She settled into the frame as Adam adjusted various rods and straps until she was able to lay out completely stretched. "We'll start with those magnificent titties of yours, I think. Or your face? Hell, I'll just go back and forth. Tit first! Yeah!"

Bulges flowed down from Adam' head, down to his arms and then finally his fingers. Green dots swarmed into his eyes, filling them completely. Pale green light shone down on her as he leaned over, a glowing red blade at the tip of every finger. At the first touch on her bare skin, she thought she'd go mad. He cut into the skin below her collarbone, dragging the finger carefully down and around her right breast and then back up the middle of her chest. Her mind was a chaotic mess as he worked a finger under her skin, pulling it back. He stopped at one point to cut a circle around her nipple and then pulling the skin away again. The stench of blood and burned skin barely reached her consciousness.

"Wouldn't want you completely gone, would we? Oh, no, wouldn't want that. Come back to me, Tricia." She felt the madness leave her in a cold rush. The right side of her chest was a bloody red mess. Her nipple and aureole stood as an island in the raw redness. Pain hammered into the side of her head over and over and over again. "Did you know that I always wanted a robot? It started with Lego and then Mindstorm and then other little trinkets. I'd get started but I never seemed to get anywhere. And then I got older, puberty hit and I dreamed of robot women. There to service me, laugh at my jokes and, well, service me. Don't laugh but I even bought a sex doll from a roadside 'adult' store. It was fun once but, you have to clean them, you know? And they're all squeaky and weird and not at all what I wanted. More real than some of the girls I slept with since then, though. Hah!"

He was working on her face, now. Dragging his blade from the middle of her forehead ('Lift your head up, would you?') to the back of her head and then back to the front and directly down her face to her chin. "Oh! Oh! Silly me! I forgot the first part!" Adam dug around until he made a happy exclamation. She heard the noise of aluminum foil tearing from a sheet and then he was back again.

"Aluminum foil! Torn from a sheet!" He told her. "Now you might wonder, what in the world is he going to do with that aluminum foil? Lines of cocaine? Nope! Did that once and then woke up with a belly full of aluminum foil! That was not a fun doctor's visit! Here, I'll show you!" Using the blades on his fingers and the fingers themselves, Adam shaped the foil and the air around seemed to twist painfully now and again. When he was done, he had a dull piece of metal shaped like her right breast. "Magic. I went to Vegas for comedy when what I should've gone for is magic. It's not aluminum foil anymore, sweetheart. No. This... this will stop a bullet. Several bullets. All of the bullets."

He turned it around and around to show her. There was a hole for her nipple but was otherwise a solid, seamless piece of metal. On the backside were tiny little tentacles waving in the air, microscopic little mouths on the end of the stalks, opening and closing. Adam saw her expression and then turned to look at the plate in his hands. "Oh. Those. My little sticky guys. That's how it stays attached. My little babies." He fitted the material on her chest and she felt the hungry little mouths bite into her flesh. She fainted again.

"... back. Come back to me, beautiful." Adam stood over her, holding half of her face. Her heart thundered in her chest. "There you are! Now, you won't be needing this!" With a deft snatch, half of the world went dark and she was screaming inside her own head. Her eyeball was in his hand, something dangling from the end of it. He tossed it nonchalantly over his shoulder and then placed the half of her face on the table below her.

"Now. Now I have something special for you. Look here." Adam held something above her one good eye. It was a small, very delicate spherical golden cage, complete with a tiny lock. A red mote slammed against the bars. It looked like it could simply pass through the bars but it didn't. Or couldn't. "It's your new eye! I captured it just for you. Here, just a moment." Adam very carefully placed the cage in her eye socket. Light and pain flared for a moment and then, the world was different. She saw dim pale pink shapes above her. A large green shape was in the distance. Glowing green. A pink shape floated nearby the green shape. When she looked at Adam, she saw a mixture of green and pink and red and glowing silver. Chami was a fat green blob on his shoulder. Traces of silver and black danced through the air around her.

When Tricia tried to close her eyes against the onslaught of visuals, only her one eye closed. "Ah!" Exclaimed Adam. "I had to cut away the eyelid. But, don't worry! It can't dry out. Ever! Let's continue, shall we?"

Bit by bit, Adam stripped her flesh to replace it with the material he created. Tricia eventually found a mental trick that turned the pain into a kind of slightly maddening slightly painful scratching feeling.

And then, she grew to like it.

Chapter 8


When the last bit of clothing fell away, Sarah stood proudly with her arms at her side, fists clenched. She'd always meant to get protective tattoos done but had never found the time to do it. Always next month and then next month again. Now, there were no more months. She stood with her feet shoulder-width apart, left foot slightly forward. She was lithe and short but many a man and woman and otherworldly beast underestimated how tough she was. She had a wiry strength and seemingly endless energy. Her breasts stood as small and proud as she did, nipples slightly pointed up. Her short hair was braided in a tight pattern around her head. Her pubic hair was a simple strip above her clit.

Yes. Yesssssss. I smell your hatred. I smell the burning putrid stench of your disgust. Come to me, child. Come to me, pet. Come to me.

Sarah fought every single step she took but all she did was slow her progress. The creature simply waited, constantly waving its tentacle arms in the air as she approached.

It matters not to me if you fight it, child. I like the struggle. I feed from it.

She wanted to curse at it, to fight it until she couldn't fight any more. She wanted to kick and scream and... Oh. Oh, yes. That spell. Quietly, Sarah muttered under her breath, preparing the way for the magic.

Oh, no. Don't worry about that, pet. There's no need for it. Don't overwork yourself. I release you. I won't entrap you again. Run, run little one. You're free.

And she was. She was completely free. Sarah scrambled for her weapons but a single tentacle shot out, wrapping itself around her midsection. "No! You said I was free!"

And you are. Free to run. As I'm free to stop you. I'm no fool - even a simpleton such as yourself could pose a threat to me with half a chance. Could have... but not any more. The tentacle around her waist tightened, squeezing the air out of her lungs with a loud 'oomph'. Sarah grabbed hold of it, twisting to get to the trunk of it. She bit down, hard. The taste of its flesh nearly made her let go but she held on, biting hard enough to tear a chunk out of it. Green ichor oozed from the wound.

Oh dear. Is this the part where I scream in agony and drop you? Please. I barely felt that. However, if you liked the taste, I would be happy to give you another? No? That's fine as well, pet. Two more tentacles grabbed each of her legs, spreading her apart slightly. Their dry skin felt like old leather as they coiled around her struggling legs. The three tentacles pulled her towards the main body of the creature. Sarah glared down at it, slightly frustrated that there was nothing really to glare at. It was simply a large massive pink thing with hundreds of wrist-thick tentacles. Another of its tentacles rose up before her. With a light touch, it gently reached out to her chest, tracing a sinuous line around her small, perky breast and down her stomach. She grit her teeth as it toyed lightly with her clit.

"You think this is the first time I've been raped, monster? Think again. You won't-" She gasped and then bit her bottom lip as it entered her. She was dry but it was putting out some kind of liquid to make it easier. It moved in her, slowly back and forth.

As I was saying earlier, little one. Sarah watched in slight alarm as rows of bumps popped out from the tentacle inside of her, spiraling up and up until it was covered in hard little growths. One pressed directly on her g-spot, causing her to moan as it slowly rubbed back and forth. Another bump pressed against the hood of her clit and sometimes directly against her clit. A thick clear slime coated the entire tentacle. She moaned again, fighting the urge to wriggle her hips against the thickness inside of her. It'd been years since she'd had sex. At least seven years if she could remember. And three years since she'd even masturbated.