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I also enrolled Paul in a daycare center he could attend during my work hours. Claire's mom offered to watch Paul for free, but I was so pissed off at that point that I refused out of spite. I did let her parents take Paul out for a day trip on weekends, but I never let him stay overnight. You can call me petty, but they raised Claire and I somehow reconciled my actions based on Claire's betrayal.

My mom and dad didn't come right out and say, "I told you so" but they did take a perverse pleasure in what happened next. It seems dad, in the interest of protecting his grandson, took it upon himself to hire a private investigator in LA to have Claire and Neal followed. That's when we found out they were using cocaine with some regularity. He also documented their sex parties (I guess Claire was OK with sharing, obviously Neal didn't care either). The PI made certain the couple got busted for their drugs; it was just a misdemeanor, but the conviction and the sex party photos would be enough to paint Claire as an unfit mother if she ever changed her mind and tried to reclaim Paul.


It was at Paul's preschool daycare that I met my second wife Jane. Jane was a teacher at the school and took a special interest in Paul. As can be expected, Paul was having trouble adjusting to the divorce and the almost total disconnection from his mother. Jane's patience and guidance helped Paul overcome his emotional reaction to her abandonment.

I slowly got to know Jane through our weekly half-hour conference to discuss Paul's progress. Naturally as the weeks went by Jane and I ended up talking about ourselves. Jane started asking me questions to determine how I was reacting to Paul's issues. One afternoon I turned the tables and just asked, "What about you Ms. Summers; what makes you tick?"

Jane briefly gave me the run down. As a teenager she developed a tumor that required an operation which left her unable to have a child. After high school graduation she seriously considered becoming a nun and was actually a Novice for six months before she returned home to start college with the goal of becoming an elementary school teacher. Midway into her junior year she changed her mind to concentrate her studies on pre-school and for the past six years had been working at this school.

I decided to go for broke. "What about a social life? Any serious boyfriends?"

Jane looked at me and didn't answer, as if she was wondering how to respond to my invasion of her privacy. Oh, Oh, I thought to myself; here's where she tells me she's a lesbian or 'just not into men'.

But instead Jane smiled. "I've dated, but never ended up in any long-term serious relationship. There was one boy back in college, but he was very intent on having children and that became the elephant in the room."

I was encouraged. "Would you consider allowing me to take you to dinner some time? It would be nice to get to know you better and to thank you for all you've done for Paul."

"Seeing Paul smile and laugh is all the reward I need. But, if you'd like to have dinner together, then the answer is 'yes'."

That Friday at dinner was the start of a beautiful friendship that blossomed into a beautiful romance. Paul loved Jane, my parents loved Jane, I loved Jane, but best of all, Jane loved Paul and me. We were married within the year. Maybe someday I'll write more of our courtship and marriage, but if I do it will be found in the Romance section.

We heard less and less from Claire over the next few years and I finally asked Claire if Jane could adopt Paul. I flew out to LA with the paperwork to discuss it face-to-face. It was the first time we really talked since the night she left and I used the opportunity to get some answers.

"Tell me why Claire, I can't believe you left for the reason you gave that night."

"No, and I'm sorry I hurt you like that. We got married too young Mark, at least I was too young. You know I was wild when we met, I thought our love would change me, but it didn't. And then I have a baby while I'm still struggling with the whole 'forever' thing. It was all too much. I thought the job would help, getting out and being with adults, but Neal came along and I fucked up by letting him put stars in my eyes."

I didn't say a word as Claire spoke, but she could see the pain in my eyes.

"You really shouldn't be sad, Mark. You and Paul are better off without me, and much better off with Jane in your lives."

Claire and I spent another half hour talking. She signed the release for Paul's adoption and I kissed her good-bye.

To this day I still can't understand how a mother can let go of her child; I think the drugs had a lot to do with her spiral down. Still, we were all shocked at the level of her descent when Claire showed up at Paul's high school graduation. Neal was long gone by then; Claire was accompanied by a guy that made Iggy Pop look good. Claire was a skeleton of her former self. I felt sorry for Paul and especially for Claire's parents. How very sad to see your daughter waste away.

Once again it was Jane's love and attention that helped Paul pull through this nightmare. I must admit there have been times I've asked God why he didn't allow a woman like Jane to have her own children. Whether God answered me or not, I did come to realize that Jane not only raised Paul to be the wonderful young man he is today, but that hundreds of children have benefited from their days in Mrs. Davis' pre-school classes.

Ted Summers and Vincent Simoncelli -- Two Good Men to Know

Uncle Teddy didn't waste any time. Early Thursday afternoon, within a week of my Saturday evening call, Teddy was knocking on our front door. He sat down across the room from Jane and me; I handed him a beer and held my breath. Teddy began.

"Well, I'll tell you the good news first; Taylor hasn't done anything with Carlo Barzino."

I let the air out of my chest. Jane squeezed my hand at the same time.

"I think it's time for an intervention. There's been a little flirting between the two and Carlo is a professional charmer. We couldn't legally tap Taylor's phone, but based on Carlo's contacts with some unsavory individuals already under surveillance, my friends in the PD got a court order to tap Carlo. He called her a couple times this week; he pretends to ask her advice concerning a girlfriend. Taylor's been friendly on the phone and she's tried to give him tips on handling his relationship, which by the way, does not exist; but Taylor has not accepted any of his overtures to meet outside of work.

"Now, here's the bad news. the Russian mob tried to get something on Paul, but couldn't find any dirty laundry on him, so they're trying a different angle. Apparently, the Russians found out about Paul's mother Claire becoming a slut. They're using Carlo, who has a very nasty reputation as a first class gigolo, to get something on Taylor. Then they'll either blackmail Paul or they believe it will turn Paul into a basket case when he finds out his wife has turned into as big a slut as his mother."

"You've got to be kidding. They think this will work?"

"Well, my sources say there's a report from Interpol which relates how it worked once before. There was a prosecutor in Europe that went berserk when he was shown photos of his wife getting taken by multiple men at once. The man went crazy and went into the local Russian social club with a gun. He fired off a couple rounds before he was subdued; a couple people got injured, nobody died, the investigation was suspended and the whole affair was hushed up. I know it sounds too bizarre to be true, but what's the old saying about fact being stranger than fiction? Anyway, that's the story my PD friends gave me. It looks like the Russians think they can repeat their playbook here."

"OK, if that's what's going on, what do we do?"

"First, give Taylor a call to wake her up on what's going on with Carlo.

"Second, get rid of Carlo because he's probably getting desperate at this point with Paul coming home next week. He hasn't committed any crime up until now, so the police can't intervene. And as a retired cop I can't be involved in his disappearance or I lose my pension and maybe worse. Jane, call your mother's brother Vin, this is his department. "

Teddy was suggesting that Jane's Uncle Vincent handle Carlo; which had me wondering.

"Uncle Ted, what if Carlo is tied to the Sicilians? Are the Sicilians and the Russians working together?"

"Not going to happen Mark. Those guys hate each other. Carlo is strictly a freelance gigolo. He should have known when he got hired by the Russians that he was playing with fire. If Vin makes him disappear there's one less piece of crap in town."

Ted finished his beer, got up to kiss his niece on the cheek and walked out the door saying, "Good luck, let me know when it's over."

It was time to act fast. This was Thursday, Paul was due home next Tuesday or Wednesday, so it seemed logical that Carlo would have to make his play this weekend before Paul returned home. I called Vincent and asked if we could stop over right away. Jane called Taylor and asked her to come over this evening.


Neither Jane or I had ever asked Uncle Vin for a favor before. I knew he loved his niece, but he and I never really got close. Did he like my son, who wasn't really a blood relative, enough to help with this problem? And what about the Russians; was Vincent's involvement going to start some gang war? The wedding day scene from The Godfather and these questions were running through my mind as we sat in his study and told him what we learned from Ted.

"Ok, tell Taylor to accept Carlo's offer to get together. My guess is he'll try for Saturday night after work. He'll get a couple drinks in her, throw some date rape drug in her drink if necessary, then take advantage of the situation. I know this Carlo, he came to us looking for employment and we turned him down because of his reputation. Doesn't surprise me the Russian mob picked him up, the hard cases have zero respect for respectable women."

I had to ask, "Is this going to cause problems between you and the Russians?"

"Nah, that's why they're using an outsider. They think we're too stupid to connect the dots between them, Carlo and my great-nephew."

When Vincent said 'great-nephew' my eyes shot wide open and he caught the look on my face.

"Mark, I know we haven't discussed this. You married my niece, the sweetest girl I know. If I was blessed with a daughter I would pray she'd grow up to be as beautiful inside and out as Jane."

I looked at Jane and she was blushing. Vincent continued.

"And I'd pray she was fortunate enough to find the love Jane found with you and your son. I pay attention to these things; I know you two have what few couples ever have and I thank you for sharing that with my niece.

"Go on home. Talk to Taylor and tell her to go out with this clown after work Saturday night. Nothing will happen to Taylor; I guarantee it."

With that Uncle Vincent got up, shook my hand and kissed Jane on the top of her head as he gave her a hug. No doubt, both uncles loved her as if she were their own daughter.


As hard as it was to approach Uncle Vincent with our request for help; the hardest part was yet to come. Taylor was due over that evening. She seemed more relaxed than last Saturday afternoon when we opened the door, she kissed us both and sat down for dinner. I was hoping this was a good sign. Jane took the lead.

"Taylor, there's no easy way to say this, but Mark and I were disturbed by what we saw Saturday. Is there something going on between you and that Carlo?"

Taylor reacted sharply to Jane's questioning. "Mom, how could you think that?"

"Please Taylor. I've never insulted your intelligence, don't insult mine. It was very apparent you two were sharing a moment, even without any overt physical affection, when Mark and I walked in the restaurant. And you were much too flustered when you realized it was us to claim complete innocence. And even if you don't think you are having an emotional affair, it was obvious Carlo thinks that's what it is."

Taylor broke down crying as Jane finished.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Dad. I swear nothing has happened besides some flirting. I was embarrassed with what you saw Saturday. I would never do anything to hurt Paul. Carlo has tried to get me to go out with him and I've continuously turned him down. I admit that during work hours I allowed him to be more flirtatious then I should, he has a way of making it seem innocent. But please believe me when I tell you it has never been physical and I have never encouraged him to think we would be anything more than friendly co-workers."

It was my turn now; given how Taylor was worked up now, I had to be careful with the next phase of this intervention.

"Well, hold on to your hat young lady, because you haven't heard it all yet."

I proceeded to tell Taylor about the Russians, Carlo's actual occupation as a gigolo, the incident in Europe and how she fit into the plot. If I hadn't talked directly to Jane's uncles, I would have found it hard to believe, so I wasn't surprised when Taylor asked if we were making it all up to scare the crap out of her.

"Jane, call Uncle Ted, let Taylor hear it for herself."

With Uncle Ted on the line we watched Taylor get more and more distraught as Ted confirmed what we had told her. When she hung up the phone I handed her a snifter of brandy. Taylor took a long pull from the glass and looked a little better.

"What do I do now? Should I quit?"

I answered her. "No, but what we're going to ask you to do may be very difficult. First, and please forgive me for asking this, do you swear that nothing has happened between you and Carlo? I'm sorry, but everything depends on your answer."

Taylor had tears in her eyes as she answered. "Please believe me Dad; there has never been anyone but your son since the day we swore our love for each other and became exclusive. If I was that kind of woman I wouldn't have married Paul. I know how he was hurt when his biological mother left you two and I couldn't claim to love a man and do that to him. I want what you two and my parents have, a life-long partnership with your soulmate, and for me that's Paul."

"Taylor, that means so much to me. With that said, if you agree, here's what we need you to do.

"We've hired a couple private detectives to follow you over the next few days. We expect Carlo will ask you to meet him for drinks before Paul gets home, most likely after work Saturday night. Accept his invitation."

At this Taylor started shaking her head 'no' and looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"It's all right Taylor. Make certain it's a very public place to meet. No apartments of other private area. The detectives will be close by. Even before you take your first drink, the detectives will intervene."

I didn't tell Taylor that the 'detectives' were actually associated with Uncle Vincent. If she guessed she was wise enough to let it go.

"When the detectives intervene, one of them will put you in a cab and you'll be taken straight here."

I also didn't tell Taylor that there wasn't really a cab driver in the cab. It was another of Vincent's 'employees'. We weren't taking any chances.


As expected. Carlo called Taylor Friday and asked if she wanted to get a drink with him after work Saturday. He laid it on thick; claiming he needed her 'woman's insight' after being dumped. He acted as if his heart would break if he couldn't share his sorrow with Taylor, since he liked and respected her. Being Italian, he said, he needed to know why American women didn't find him worthy or attractive.

Taylor did her best to sound sympathetic and agreed to have a drink with him Saturday.

Taylor went into work late Saturday, missing the first half of her shift. She told us there was no way she could hold it together, working side-by-side with Carlo, for a full ten hour shift.

At eleven PM Taylor's cab pulled into the drive. She came into the door, sat on the couch and started to cry onto Jane's shoulder. With luck, this ordeal was over.


Sunday afternoon we went to Jane's folks' house for supper. I wasn't surprised when Uncle Vin turned up, I could smell the lasagna and the garlic bread in the oven and saw the two bottles of Sicilian Red on the table. After dinner he invited Jane and me out to the back deck. As Uncle Vin enjoyed a cigar and we all shared an after dinner Strega, he told us it was all taken care of.

It seems the two associates persuaded Carlo to leave the bar after Taylor was clear. I assume firearms and threats were part of the persuasion since none of the other bar patrons took notice. They found both a date rape drug and ecstasy on Carlo's person. Carlo was taken to a warehouse and sang like a bird while being videotaped. Carlo spilled everything including where he intended to take Taylor after drugging her. Two other associates went to the hotel room where they found three miscreants waiting for Carlo and Taylor. There were two cameras on tripods ready for the event to take place. Taylor was a very lucky lady that night.

The three men in the hotel were found the next day gagged and tied to chairs. They'll all live, but without the use of their fingers and feet for a few months and extensive rehabilitation. Carlo will never be found.

Taylor stayed with us until Paul came home on Wednesday. It was an emotional night. Paul was told everything except Uncle Vincent's part in Carlo's disappearance. Paul's an officer of the court and some things can't be shared. We claimed Carlo must have gotten out of town rather than face the Russians' wrath because of his failure to seduce Taylor. We know Paul is smarter than to believe this, but he's also smart enough to know when to not ask questions.

Taylor was holding her breath as she told Paul about the flirting that went on between her and Carlo, as innocent as it was. The moment was lightened considerably when Paul said if every couple got divorced because of some workplace banter, there wouldn't be too many marriages left. In fact, he said, he had to admit that he and Sandra Miller, one of the other attorneys in the office, flirted with each other on occasion.

We all broke out laughing when Taylor responded to his confession.

"You tell that bitch to stay away from my husband!" Taylor immediately turned red when she realized what she said.

Paul told his boss about the plot and let's just say that it didn't help the Russians' case at all. It appears the Russians were also trying to ambush a female attorney working on the case in Paul's office. She put two and two together when she learned about Carlo and Taylor, the young man she recently started dating was trying to get her involved in a local swinger' club. It was all too coincidental and she dumped the guy immediately.

The full force of the fed, state and local law enforcement fell upon the Russians. All of Paul's peers took a very dim view of what the Russians' had planned for two of their own. And if that wasn't enough, it seems a certain Sicilian we know sent word that if his nephew or his nephew's wife were ever harmed, all bets were off.

At our 25th anniversary party I saw Teddy and Vincent in the corner talking. I didn't disturb them, but I would have loved to be privy to that conversation.

Taylor ended up quitting her job soon afterwards. She spent the time getting the nursery ready and volunteering at the daycare. We were surprised to learn she was carrying twins; the twins were born last month, and yes, they are definitely my son's children.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Hopefully everything goes wrong for MC

Quit reading when he lets his wife tease the animals and when she tells him she screwed the black gentleman.

Flirting is never ok and flaunting your body and then crying about consequences is laughable unless you are in that type of marriage. I have never seen harmless flirting. Someone always gets hurt

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy11 days ago

I thought I had read all the B&K stories but I guess I hadn't. Great story! I wish you were still writing new stories.


oldtwitoldtwit11 days ago

For me it was a bit too twee, nice enough in itself, but not enough in it for me

EastCoaster1EastCoaster113 days ago

A Bill and Kate story is always a good one to find !

They are missed...

5 stars from here.

StruckwrongStruckwrong13 days ago

She flirted enough she felt guilty when she saw her inlaws. That is too much.

Not a dealbreaker , a flag.

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