Surprising Run in with the Law

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Couple getting nasty in a parking lot interrupted by the law.
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It was March, perfect 70 degrees outside and there was a big cook-off going on at the fairgrounds that Saturday night. Kyle and Megan were excited to go do some dancing and eat some good BBQ. They rarely get the opportunity to go out on a date night since they have a 1 year old. Alone time is scarce aside from the little bit they get at the end of the day after the baby goes to bed.

Kyle, (37), is a bit more on the freaky side than Megan (35) and has an over active sex drive. The more turned on she is the more turned on that makes him so her pleasure is his number one priority. He tries all kinds of new things in the bedroom including playing with toys such as vibrators and even dildos. I mean, what woman doesn't fantasize about having two men at once? His jealousy would never allow that to happen but it sure is fun to pretend so sometimes he fucks her with a thick dildo while she sucks his dick and vice versa. Kyle finds it extremely hot and thinks that she does too. Sometimes she loves to be called a slut and even says the idea of being one gets her off.

Kyle and Megan were excited to finally get some alone time and get out of the house so heading to the fair grounds for the cook-off was the perfect get away specially with this perfect weather. Megan wore a bright yellow and white sun dress which she filled out flawlessly. She claims she hates her body post pregnancy but to Kyle, she is a work of art. 130 lbs, amazing full double D breast, long legs and tight round ass. Platinum blonde hair and red lips are just the icing on the cake. Kyle wore his typical jeans / boots and button down, 6' athletic build. They both looked great so once the baby sitter arrived they headed out. This is a very rare event so Kyle did all he could to make sure it was an amazing night.

When they arrived at the fairgrounds, the parking lot looked almost completely full. A sea of trucks and cars all in a 20 acre pasture with little lighting. These cook-offs draw thousands of people so its normal to have quite the walk from the truck to the entrance. On their walk in, Megan glanced to her left to see the parking lot security guard and she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Kyle asked.

"Nothing" Megan replied with a smirk.

"You don't know that guy do you!?" Kyle asked nervously for some reason.

"No not at all! I just thought it was funny that he looked like Chris Hemsworth" Megan said hesitantly.

Kyle knew Chris Hemsworth was her ultimate celebrity crush. He also knew what must have been going through her mind... The officer nodded to them as they walked by as they continued into the fair grounds.

They paid their entrance fee and started to explore. The night was wonderful so far. They ate great food, danced, drank and were all over each other like they were 18 again. Groping each other on the dance floor surrounded by people gave the ultimate rush. As Megan pushed her ass against Kyles throbbing dick while she danced, feeling it between her ass cheeks, Kyle's hands slipped under her dress to feel her tight ass and perfectly shaved pussy. Midnight was starting to creep up and Megan and Kyle were beyond ready to take all this excitement back to the house. Dreading the long walk back to the truck, they headed that way. You could still hear the music clear as day in the middle of the parking lot. As Kyle walked with Megan, her sexy sun dress was eating him up inside. Megan loves how spontaneous Kyle can be and he knows that so in the spur of the moment Kyle grabbed her and pushed her up against a random car in the middle of the parking lot. With not a person in sight, music in the cool air, Kyle kissed her hard.

Their hands started to explore again but this time a bit more aggressively. The thrill of public display was a small fetish for them both so things were starting to heat up right there int he middle of the parking lot. Kyles hands cupping Megans big tits and Megan rubbing Kyles rock solid dick from the outside of his jeans. As simple as it would have been for Kyle to bend her over and fuck her right there, Megan had other plans. She wanted to save the sex for the house so she quickly dropped to her knees and unbuckled Kyles belt releasing his throbbing cock from his jeans. All this excitement had him harder than ever and pre cum was dripping from his dick. Megan licked the tip, swirled his juices around on her tongue, then took all of him in her wet warm mouth. Kyle gasped, leaned his head back in ecstasy, then looked around to make sure they were still alone. The coast was clear but she didn't seem to care either way. Sucking dick was kind of Megans specialty so as she went to town on his dick, Kyle tried all he could not to blow his load too quickly. Slobbering all over his hard dick and shaved balls, licking from bottom to top, twisting with her tight grip simultaneously, she had Kyle in the palm of her hand. At least until a bright flash light interrupted them and they both heard a deep voice yell...

"Freeze! What's going on here?"

Kyle turned around quickly, his dick still dripping saliva, to see the officer from earlier walking up to them. Kyle quickly tucked his dick back into his pants and helped his wife up.

"Good evening officer." Kyle said nervously.

Megans face showed sheer panic. She does not thrive in situations like this and Kyle knows that so he hid her behind him to face the situation himself.

"Sorry to interrupt you two but you know that sexual public display is against the law."

Megans panic started to elevate thinking about how this cannot be happening!

"Im sorry officer. We were just trying to get back to our vehicle" Kyle said.

"Ill need to see some ID" Said the officer. As he looked them over, a small silence fell over the 3. Kyle attempted to break the silence thinking he can help the situation by saying, " Sir, I know this looks bad but is there anything we can do to get off with a warning? We hardly ever get to get out and we made a simple mistake."

What the officer said surprised them both.

"Look y'all. I don't want to take you both in for something so stupid but as I was watching from the other side of the parking lot, I guess I felt left out." The officer subtly tugged at his crotch. "I could take you both downtown or you could simply let me in on the fun." Kyle and Megan couldn't believe what they were hearing! Another awkward silence that lasted what seemed like minutes until the office said, "So what's it gonna be?.....I'll give you two a minute." And he took several steps back. Megan turned to Kyle and said, "What the fuck! This cant be happening!" Kyle thought about the situation for a few seconds then responded with, "Isn't that the same cop you were eyeing on the way in?" With an evil smirk on his face...

Megan studied his face for a second then said, "You can't be serious!"

"Im just saying! Would it be so bad? You love sucking dick and it seems like a better option than jail." Kyle whispered in her ear.

The officer walked back up and said "So, what's it gonna be?"

Just then Megan felt Kyles hand run up her back to her shoulder and push her down to her knees once again. Megan looked at Kyle, the panic on her face now changed to interest and then to his surprise, Megan didn't resist. Kyle reached into his pants and pulled out his already hard dick and slipped it back into her mouth. Megan began to suck with enthusiasm. Much more aggressively than before almost as if someone watching made her hornier. Officer Hemsworth watched as she did what she is good at.

After several minuets, the officer finally walked up to Megan and undid his belt buckle, unzipped his pants and released a cock that must have been 9 inches long and standing straight out. Megan gasped as it hit her chin. With her husband's dick still in her mouth and a strangers dick just inches from her face, she felt nervous and subtlety excited at the same time. Megan looked up at Kyle for one last approval to which Kyle nodded. She turned to face Officer Hemsworth. Her hand reached up to feel the weight of it as she pointed it toward her wet and hot mouth. In her brief hesitation, Kyle grabbed the back of her head and pushed her towards him causing her to take his dick in her mouth. Megan began to suck his dick while she simultaneously stroked her husband. Back and forth she went between cocks worshiping them both. Just like a porn star. Just like a slut... Sucking Kyle's dick while stroking the other and vice versa. After a few minuets Kyle pulled away and Megan knew what that meant. He was bout to cum and couldn't hold back any longer. Megan left only with Officer Hemsworth now, taking him as deep as she could but she could only get half of him in her mouth before he hit her throat. This didn't stop her. She was determined to take it all so she pushed on and finally got all 9 inches down her throat. Thats when he let out a deep moan. Just then Kyle grabbed her hair and pulled Megan away from his cock. A "Pop" noise came from her mouth as she separated from Officer Hemsworth and Kyle jammed his cock balls deep into her mouth and came hard down her throat. Megan being the champ she is took it all and didn't spill a drop sucking her husband dry while the stranger stroked his cock next to them. "Fuck thats so hot...... Oh... Um...

Im cumming!" said the Officer. Megan released Kyle's cock, turned to face the officer and quickly swallowed all 9 inches of him once again deep into her throat. With every moan he let out, his big cock pulsed a hot stream of cum down her throat. Megan finally released his cock and the officer stumbled back with not a single drop of cum on his dick.

Megan wiped her face and reached for Kyle's hand as she stood up, both of them in a lustful daze. "Have a good night you two" the officer said as he disappeared into the parking lot and Kyle and Megan made their way to the truck. On the drive home there was several minutes of silence until Megan said, "OMG what the fuck just happened!? I can't believe I did that! Who the fuck was that guy!? I mean, was he even clean?"

"Yes, He was clean..." Kyle responded with a smirk on his face....

"He was? Why do you say that? How do you know?" Megan said. Kyle just smiled as he planned the entire thing and said, "I hope you had a fun night love."

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