Suzanna's Darlings Ch. 01


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"Did you think that making me worry would make you a favorite?"

Again, she swallowed. "N-No, sir . . ."

"But you didn't bother telling me where you were going. Me . . . the man you were devoted to and had sworn to honor and obey!"

Again, he smacked her ass, and Suzanna was nearly in tears. Both from the pain and from the humiliation of knowing he was right. "I was foolish, Master," she sobbed. "Foolish and selfish."

Again, he went back to pleasuring her, sliding the length of the flogger between the crack of her ass, slowly massaging her exposed asshole with the shaft. Suzanna moaned even as she sobbed. She was broken; her body's sensations utterly controlled her now. Even though she was well aware of how her husband had done it, she was powerless to fight it. She'd used this same pleasure-pain alternation to train him years ago, and but he'd mastered it and turned it into an art form. Now, he was so good at it that even an experienced domme like her stood no chance.

She glanced up at her fellow submissives—Ariadne, Trena, Chandra, and Imani. They watched her with sympathetic but stoic expressions.

The most humiliating thing was that Suzanna was their leader. In any other stable, such a blatant show of weakness would lose the respect of the other slaves—but not with Master Barry's Sluts. Every one of them knew how powerful and dominant he truly was, so it was no surprise to see even a woman like Suzanna completely at his mercy.

Seeing their leader, the Alpha Slut, being broken like this would serve as a lesson for them all. This would be their fate should they ever fail to please the Master.

This would make her better. If there was anything Barry knew, it was how to get inside someone's head and find out what made them work. Then, if necessary, he would break them apart just to make them better than before. That was precisely what he did now.

"What were you thinking when you abandoned your duties as a wife?" he asked. "How did you come to that conclusion?"

"I wasn't thinking, Master!" Suzanna sobbed. "I wasn't thinking at all!"

"That's NOT what I asked you, Slut," he demanded. "You need to pay better attention."

She caught his meaning, but not in time to halt another slap from the flogger. "I thought that was infertile, Master. That I couldn't make a baby for you. I . . . I was thinking . . . that I couldn't tell you. That I couldn't let you find out."

"Why?!" he demanded with another spank.

"Be-Because this was a problem that was all about me. It wasn't your problem, and I had to fix it."

His voice lowered, but remained firm. "You belong to me. You always have belonged to me. You should not have made any decisions that were not brought to my attention first."

"I know that now, Master," Suzanna gasped, "please forgive me!"

"Not yet," he said, cupping his fingers underneath her pussy. God, why was he doing this to her? Couldn't he see how badly she needed his cock inside her?! "You lied to me repeatedly. You lied right to my face, and you went out of your way to deceive me. You have no idea how painful that felt."

She whimpered.

He slipped three fingers inside her moistened folds. "For months, over a year even, I thought you were giving this pussy . . . my pussy. . . to someone else. I thought another man was getting a taste of what belonged to me!"

He stuck four of his fingers into her pussy at once, making her body tighten.

"N-Never!" she gasped. "You don't know how much it pains me to hear you say that, Master. I never thought . . . aaaaaah . . . I never thought that you would ever consider that. I didn't think there was any way such a . . . a horrible thought would cross your mind! How could I ever let another man have this, Master? I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you. You earned my body the moment you saved my life, my Master. I would rather die than give someone else access to it."

At once, his hands slipped out, and he gently squeezed her ripe ass.

"Baby Farm," he said, using her Slut name.

"Yes, Master?"

"Your life is more precious to me than anything else in this world. I don't ever want to hear something like that again."

"I . . . apologize, Master," she said dejectedly. "I forgot that my belly will always be swollen with your child from here on. I would never surrender my life if it would harm the child of my Master."

"No," he said, trailing his fingers gently across her spine, causing her entire body to shiver. "That's not the reason."

Finally, he stepped in front of her, casting his soulful eyes into hers. "God dammit. You still don't understand. I love you, Suzanna. I always will love you, and I would gladly take another bullet for you if I had to."

She sobbed. "I . . . I don't deserve that, Master."

Suddenly, his brow creased, and he stepped behind her once more. Then, the flogger struck her rear again . . . harder than ever. The loud smack made everyone save for Barry cringe.

He then turned to Ariadne. "First Slut?"

She stepped forward. "Yes, Master."

"I want you to start applying the clamps."

Ariadne swallowed, but nodded. "As you command, Master."

Suzanna's heart sank again. How much more blatant did her desperation need to be? How long would she need to be punished before she finally felt him inside her again? Why didn't he see that?

"Suzanna . . . I don't know where that sort of attitude came from," Barry stated, with simmering anger just beneath the surface. "I don't know how you started to think that you're worth less to me than you are, but that needs to end. Immediately."

Suzanna winced as the first clamp closed upon her naked nipple. Ariadne's eyes met hers sympathetically, but the older brunette nevertheless obeyed the orders of her son/master and clamped a second to the other nipple. Pain burst through Suzanna's chest, making her heart jog several times faster.

Then, Ariadne brandished ten more of the silvery items, and her fingers moved slowly toward Suzanna's pussy.

"We're going to figure out what's happened to you . . . even if it takes forever."



Suzanna turned the burner on the stove down when she heard the kitchen phone ringing and then carefully placed her knife on the countertop as she reached for it.


"You have a lot to answer for, young lady!"

"Mama . . .?"

"That's right, hija! Your mother! Don't I deserve to be honored and respected?!"

Suzanna blinked. "What . . . what are you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, Suzie. Why the hell am I looking at a DVD box with your naked body plastered all over it?!"

Suzanna's cheeks drained away, and the air sucked from her lungs. On her list of moments she hoped would never come, this one easily ranked somewhere in the top ten.

"Um . . . I . . . I just . . ."

"Please don't try and tell me that I've just got the wrong person, Suzie. Even under all that phony makeup and airbrushing, I know my own daughter. And your name is right here on the box! 'Suzanna G'! G! That's your husband's initial, isn't it?"

Suzanna sank in her chair, still struggling to find words. "Mama, just . . . just calm down, alright? Hear me out."

"Hear out what, Suzanna? That my daughter's a whore? A total slut?!"

The saddest part about hearing those words from her own mother was that Suzanna and Barry used them quite often. They called each other names like 'whore', 'slut', 'tramp' because it perfectly fit everything they enjoyed about themselves. Everything in their lives—their professions, their personal lives, their academia—all revolved around sex, and most often not with each other. She was a porn actress and he was not only her boss, but a sexologist and a professional dominant. In six years, Barry had acquired a number of slaves whom he not only fucked with regularity, but often fathered children with.

The two of them fit the words 'whore', 'slut' and 'tramp' perfectly, and those terms had long ago lost any negative connotation in their marriage. Being called any of those three things in the Garrett house was meant as the greatest of compliments. In fact, Barry often insisted on capitalizing the word "Slut" when it was in referral to his women.

But hearing her mother spit the terms with such venom had made her forget that fact. Instead of embracing the words as she knew she should have, she felt compelled to strike back.

"What do you want me to say, Mama? What do you want from me? An apology?"

"I want you to come to your senses," her mother said. "Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to know the . . . the . . . filth you do for a living? Is this what we put you through school for?"

"You didn't put me through anything!" Suzanna's fist smashed into the counter. "I was class valedictorian! I earned my scholarships!"

"That's a fine way to honor the people who raised you to be the best you could be. We didn't teach you discipline and integrity so that you could . . . could go out and spread your legs in front of heathens and perverts!" Her mother's voice lowered, but lost none of its malice. "It was that boy, wasn't it? I knew he was trouble the minute you mentioned him."

The insult to her husband wore out Suzanna's patience. "Barry has nothing do with this!"

"Is this the type of movies he 'produces'? This smut?!"

"I told you, Barry has nothing to do with this!" She intentionally ignored her mother's question. "And bullshit 'you knew he was trouble'! You were all smiles, hugs and congrats when I told you he was a millionaire! And while we're on that subject . . . you were always keen on telling all us girls to 'marry UP'. So how is what I do . . . fucking for money . . . any different from marrying a man just because he's rich?!"

"It's plenty different, and you know it. And stop your filthy mouth. I can already see the kind of influence these people have had on you."

"God-dammit, Mama! When are you gonna see that this was what I wanted to do!? I didn't even know Barry when I started acting!"

No sound came from the other side after that admission. Suzanna held her breath, trying to steel herself for what she knew wouldn't be a positive reaction.

"So how long?"

"Maybe eight years. Seven at least."

"The entire time you were in college? From the minute you moved out, it sounds like."

"It was probably a few months afterward, but yes. That's mostly correct."

She heard her mother breathe a long, controlled sigh. "I won't tell your father anything. His health hasn't been great as of late, and I don't want anything upsetting him. But, I want you to make no mistake: Suzanna, you have become a total disappointment."

Suzanna gasped. "M-Mama, please, listen to me a second—"

"This man of yours . . . 'Barry', was it? I bet that you're not the only woman in his life, are you? Men like that . . . they aren't satisfied with just one pussy to fuck. They'll stick their cocks into anything they can find. The younger, the sexier, the better."

Suzanna gasped. Hearing it, her mother chuckled and said: "What? You thought that your dear mother didn't know how to use those words? Grow up, child.

"Right now, you feel confident and secure because he's rich and as long as you open your thighs for him, he's happy. But, eventually, he'll find something younger and sexier. Something that gives you things that he can't.

"Hell, this man you love . . . we've never even seen him. Not once. Tell me, Suzie . . . how often has he offered to meet his beloved wife's parents?"

Suzanna didn't reply.

"As I thought. Why get to know us when you're just a flash in the pan? And tell me, Suzanna: how many children do you two have?"

This time, she tried to respond. "I-I don't see what that has to do with—"

"You're young and you're pretty, Suzanna, but it's easy for men to get bored. You make him lots of money right now, and that would be harder to do if your pretty figure gets ruined with a baby. And since child support won't be an issue, he can just hop on the next big thing whenever he feels like it. And then, you'll find out just how foolish you've been. But by that time, it'll be too late.

"So eventually, when you figure it all out, you'll call me with tears in your eyes, telling me how right I was and how sorry you are. You'll want a shoulder to cry on and bosom to comfort you. But when you call me, I'll remind you of this very conversation. And then I'll laugh and the phone hang up. Or, if it's in person, I'll just close the door and walk away."

Suzanna's hands balled into quivering, jittery fists. "You're wrong, Mama. Barry would never do that to me. Ever. He's not like any other guy I've ever met! He loves me and—"

But then, her mother chuckled. "Enjoy your life, Suzanna."

The line clicked, and she was gone.

Suzanna spent the rest of the evening alternating between rage and sadness. That was the first time either of her parents had ever talked to her that way. Yes, she'd been punished or grounded before, but she'd never heard the spite she'd heard today. No matter how strict, how overbearing and protective her parents were, Suzanna had never failed to understand that they loved her.

But there was none of that today.

When her mother spoke to her, when she called her a 'disappointment' . . . it was like all of the affection for her daughter had decayed and withered. How could she have said those things? Why didn't she see that her daughter was happy? That she was in love with a wonderful man and that everything was better than she could have ever hoped they'd be?

Suzanna didn't tell her husband about the conversation with her mother—she honestly tried her best to block it out and hope that her parents would come around. She wouldn't give her mother the satisfaction of calling and trying to smooth things over. She'd prove to her that she was wrong about Barry and wait for her to be the one crawling back for forgiveness.

But the seed of doubt had been planted.


To be continued in next chapter...

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Can't wait for more.

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