Swordfight ends with a stabbing

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Drunken silliness turns into more.
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Mark plopped down on the couch next to Ben, handing him a beer. It was Saturday night, and after a long week at work, Ben had come over for a night on the drink. They had just finished watching a movie, which apparently wasn't interesting enough for Ben.

"Fuck that movie was boring. That chick with the huge tits was the only decent thing about it," he said.

"Yeah, it wasn't that great. It's too late to start another one though, any other ideas?"

Ben sat there, pondering. Then he shrugged, and said "fuck it, put some porn on. Those funbags have me wanting more."

Mark laughed. Ever since their early teens, they'd be comfortable watching porn and jerking off together. They'd never done anything together, just been in close proximity when it happened. Now in their mid 20s, they still did it from time to time. Neither was gay, but they'd grown so comfortable with it they never gave any thought to the 'gayness' of it. "Yeah alright."

He pulled up his phone, found a saved one they both liked, and synced it to the TV. Pretty soon they were both sitting next to each other, watching two people fuck on screen, with neither wearing any pants. Nor were either of them masturbating yet; they both enjoyed waiting until they were hard from arousal, rather than stroking it to force an erection.

After a few minutes, Mark had a quick glance down. He was half erect, his plump cock starting to rise away from between his legs. Looking over at Ben. he saw the same. 6 inches of fattening penis was on the rise, which meant they would start jerking off. Ben would cum first, as he always did. Mark had a lot of staying power, even when doing it himself. He suddenly remember he forgot to grab cleaning material. "Oh, tissues!" he said out of nowhere.

He rose to his feet, but apparently Ben had taken it upon himself to get them, as he quickly jumped off the seat...right into Mark, making their dicks knock into each other. Mark's eyes widened in surprise, then he stepped back, thinking this was going to get awkward. Despite all the times they'd jerked off next to each other, neither had touched the other's privates.

Ben however, burst out laughing, easing Mark, who quickly saw the humour in it, and laughed along with him. He laughter was cut short when Ben yelled out "sword fight!", and twisted his hips, swinging his still half-erect penis toward Mark's, whacking it softly. Mark made to ask what the fuck he was doing, but he realised that it was harmless drunken fun, so he returned the cry with "en garde!", and swung his own sword, scoring a hit on Ben's.

The two men traded blows and parries for a few moments, laughing and cheering the whole time. Ben eventually changed tactics. He would swing then thrust, simulating a stab into Mark's pubic region. Mark followed suit, which quickly developed into the two no longer swinging blows, simply stabbing each other with their dicks. This had the consequence of friction.

With the two both aiming their thrusts into the same point, their dicks began to rub and slide alongside each other, and it wasn't long before both of them were sporting full erections. The laughter had also stopped, so to an outside observer, the two men were now simply rubbing dicks together. Eventually their breathing became audible, then Ben reached out and grabbed Mark by the hips, holding him steady while he continued his thrusts.

Mark was well aware that what had began as seemingly harmless fun had suddenly turned very sexual and very gay, but the rubbing felt amazing, so he didn't want to say anything that might make it stop. Ben's hands pulled them closer together, with both dicks pointing straight up and rubbing along the bottom of the shaft. Annoyingly, this wasn't very accurate, as their dicks would fall to the side often. Mark had an idea, but it would mean they'd have to stop, and he wasn't sure they'd start again if they did. Ben suddenly spoke, easing Mark's worries.

"Um...my legs are getting pretty sore in this position, do you wanna make sit on our knees or something?"

Mark's legs were fine, but anything to keep going, so he agreed. "Sure, but the hardwood floor will hurt even more. The couch then?"

Ben looked at the couch, then shook his head. "There's not really much room, how bout on your bed?" He looked a bit embarrassed to suggest it, and Mark could tell why. To continue in the bedroom made it more real that it already was. They could currently explain it away as drunken spontaneity, but to stop and then start again on a bed, there was no excuse. They were engaging in a gay sex act.

Mark still agreed, trying to sound confident, like he wasn't embarrassed as well. "Yeah, that sounds pretty good. Let's go." They moved towards the bedroom, with Mark ducking into the bathroom to quickly grab a hairtie, left behind by some girl a long time past.

Both men climbing on the bed, they sat facing each other in silence for a few seconds, before Ben sheepishly got on his knees and faced Mark, with Mark doing the same. Both had lost their erections though, almost completely. Mark moved closer so he could begin the awkward rubbing of two soft cocks, but Ben stopped him, his face turning red.

"Do...um...do you wanna maybe get each other hard first? Like using our hands? We'll get hard faster like that than if we did it to ourselves."

Mark's eyes went wide, and he didn't say a word for a few seconds. He could see the logic of Ben's idea: another person's hands feel much better than your own, so they would get hard the fastest that way, meaning they could go back to frotting faster. But it would mean touching another man's dick. Even though he had done plenty of touching already that night, using his hands felt gayer than using his own dick. He didn't get to finish his thought when he felt Ben's fingers gently begin stroking his privates, making him jump.

He looked down. Ben had one hand running fingers along his shaft, and another reaching under to fondle his balls. Mark's stomach tensed up at the feeling; Ben's hands were like magic. He wanted to focus on it, but he realised he should do the same. Hesitantly, he reached out with both hands and did the same thing as Ben. Within a few seconds, both were completely erect again, and Mark pulled his hands away, prompting Ben to do the same.

Ben suddenly changed his position from kneeling to lying on his back, confusing Mark. "Uh, what are you doing?"

Ben looked up at him. "Well it's kinda awkward doing it from a kneeling position, so I figure we could do it like this. You get between my legs and we can rub against each other, like missionary position or something."

Mark was a bit apprehensive at the idea of being over Ben, as if he was properly fucking him, but he put it aside. He moved between his legs, then positioned himself close enough for their dicks to touch, then grabbed the hairtie he'd plucked from the bathroom. Placing it over both dicks, they were now held against each, preventing escape. Ben looked rather impressed at the ingenuity, a look that changed to a tiny gasp as Mark began to move.

Sitting up while between Ben's legs, he began thrusting as if he was fucking a woman in this position, their dicks rubbed against each other completely along the length of each other's shafts, the hairtie allowing constant contact. The smooth skin of each penis was rubbing along by the other's, with occasional throbbing making them wobble in unison.

It only took a few minutes, but Mark began to grow hornier, his thrusts becoming faster. He leaned forward, placing an arm next to Ben's shoulder to hold him up, so he was now lying over him. Suddenly, he went a little too far, and while 'pulling out', his dick slipped out of the makeshift noose that was binding them together. He didn't react fast enough, and followed through with a forward thrust. His dick was now pointed down, and it went right into Ben's crack, the precum allowing it to slide along his cheeks until it hit the bed.

He sat up, looking a bit sheepish. Ben also sat up, an odd look on his face, as if he had a secret he was bursting to tell. "What is it?" Mark asked.

"Well I dunno about you, but this is making me unbelievably horny. It feels fucking awesome...but it won't make me cum. What about you?"

Mark hadn't given it thought. Now that he did, he realised Ben was right. It felt awesome, it was making him blindingly horny, but it wouldn't make him cum. He told Ben this.

Ben nodded, then took a deep breath, then spat out "whataboutsex" so fast Mark almost didn't hear him.

Once he realised what Ben had suggested, he sat there in silence, stunned. What had began as being silly and drunk was about to turn into full on gay sex. Could Mark do it? Fuck Ben up the arse, or let Ben fuck him? Straight away he knew the answer to the first. He was so stupidly aroused he'd fuck anything at this point, his best friend's arse was definitely a yes. But could he take it? He knew the stories about prostate play, but he'd never tried it.

After a moment, he spoke. "How? Like, who does...who?"

Ben looked redder than a tomato by now. "Maybe we could try both? See if we have a preference? I guess...you could maybe go first. Like, you...do me." He paused a moment before quickly adding "if you wanted."

Mark's entire thought process changed. He was no longer questioning whether he would go through with it, but wondering if he's have to take it up the arse after he finished fucking Ben. Mark knew Ben had a bizarre tendency to finish everything he started, even if he didn't like it. Food, movies, games, you name it. Hopefully, Mark though, that tendency would ring true here. If so, it wouldn't be over in 30 seconds. So he simply nodded. Ben also nodded, a bit more sheepishly, then lay back down and lifted his legs, exposing his butthole.

Mark swallowed at the sight of it, then moved into position. His dick was still rock solid, such was the state of his arousal. He summoned up a mouthful of saliva, then spat it all in his hand. Rubbing it all over his cock until it was well lubricated, he positioned it at Ben's backdoor. Taking a deep breath, he pushed forward.

Ben's arse initially resisted, but maintaining the pressure, eventually won out, and the muscle relaxed enough to let in the intruder. Slowly sliding in, Mark's cock eventually crossed the barrier, the entire head popping in, which caused a loud gasp from Ben, along with a grimace of pain. Mark froze. He wasn't sure whether to stay still or pull out, when Ben answered the question for him: "don't move! Just stay still a moment. Jesus christ that hurts."

"Do you want me to pull out?" Mark asked.

"Not yet, just stay still. See if I get used to it." After a few moments, he nodded. "Ok, you can push a bit more, just go really slow."

Mark secretly smirked. His intuition had been right. Ben wanted to see this through. He very carefully began to push in, only managed a small amount before Ben stopped him again. "Ah, fuck, stop. How far in are you?"

Mark looked down, and based on his leftover length, he guessed about 3 inches. He relayed this information to Ben, who shook his head. "Nope, ain't gonna work. Pull out, I'll go on top, like cowgirl I guess."

Mark slowly slid out, a confused look on his face. "What do you mean? If it hurts too much, why are you going on top?"

Ben sat up. "If I'm controlling it, then I can control the pain, do it in a way that won't hurt as much. Just lie down, I'll show you."

Feeling a bit nervous, Mark lay down, with Ben straddling his stomach as soon as he did. Looking up, Mark saw Ben's dick only a few inches away from his face. The erection had gone, and it was now drooping feebly onto his chest. His own dick was still hard, and he gasped when he felt Ben reach behind himself and grab it. While Mark was still nervous about what they were doing, Ben apparently was not, taking complete control of the situation.

With his hand on Mark's dick, he positioned it at his backdoor, then slowly pushed himself backwards, impaling himself. Doing so very slowly, he carefully let Mark's dick gain depth, inch by inch, until after several minutes, the entire length of Mark's cock was buried deep inside him. Judging by the look on his face, the pain was considerable, but Ben never said anything. After a few moments, the grimace began to subside, and Ben eventually began to rise up, sliding himself off. Just as he reached the head, he slowly reversed direction, pushing himself back onto it. A few back and forths, and it seemed the pain was gone.

Mark quickly looked up and saw that Ben's face was calm, serene even. There was no visible pain as he rose and fell, fucking himself on his best friend's cock. Mark was doing all he could to not thrust upwards; Ben's arse was tighter than anything his dick had ever been in, and it was incredible. He lay his head back and closed his eyes, savouring the feelings from everything. Ben's soft cock slapping onto his stomach with every downthrust mildly amused him, and he almost laughed, stopping at just a smile, before letting out a moan.

After a few moments, Ben's pace began to increase. He still wasn't going fast, but no longer in near-slowmotion. The change in pace made it feel even better for Mark, and he reflexively let out another moan. A few seconds later, another moan. They were coming more often, and even though he was embarrassed about it, he couldn't stop it. Ben's arse just felt too good. He began to wonder if it even felt good for Ben, when he noticed he was not feeling the slap of his dick on his stomach as often.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Ben's dick had grown. It was almost completely hard now, even though Ben wasn't touching it. It was bobbing up and down with Ben's thrusts, and for some reason, Mark couldn't stop watching.

It was hypnotic.

Mark looked on with rapt attention. Despite not being attracted to men, he was now witnessing the most arousing thing he'd ever seen in his life. The bouncing cock grew harder as he watched, gaining in length, fattening also, until it was pointing straight up. Ben's thrusts had gained in speed again, and also intensity. Instead of easing himself onto Mark, he now began *ramming* himself backwards. With the change in technique, his breathing become loud and heavy.

Mark watched in erotic bliss as Ben fucked himself silly, leaning backwards for a better angle. Mark's breathing quickened as he felt his orgasm approaching. He wanted to last longer, but he couldn't; it felt too good, it looked too hot. His dick throbbed in preparation of his orgasm, and Ben gasped at the extra thickness, and he cried out "oh god!", and that was it.

Mark's dick erupted like a volcano, shooting cum deep into his best friend. As he did, he felt Ben tense his arsehole, which made the feeling even better. Uncontrollably, he began to thrust upwards, his body demanding more. Through his orgasm, he felt wetness on his chest. Managing to look up, he saw Ben had stopped moving, and was simply letting Mark fuck him. He also saw Ben's cock spasming, as semen spewed out of it onto Mark's stomach and chest. Ben had apparently cum just from anal.

After a few seconds, the orgasm receded, and Mark stopped thrusting. Ben stayed in position above him a while longer, still twitching from his post orgasm come-down, before he eventually rolled off Mark and lay down next to him on the bed. Apart from the heavy breathing of the two men, there was silence for several minutes, which was eventually broken by Ben. "So that's the last time we jerk off next to each other."

Mark looked over at him. "What do you mean?"

Ben grinned cheekily. "Well now we can just fuck each other. Although next time, you gotta be the bottom. You're really missing out if you don't."

Mark looked away, thinking. Next time? Then he smiled. Hell yeah next time.

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RobJasperRobJasperabout 3 years ago

Great progression of sex acts with lust taking over. Wonderful writing! WOW!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Absolutely awesome!

This is an A1 story. Love it every time I read it.

biguy125biguy125about 4 years ago

that is perfect gay sex guy

63lsmith63lsmithabout 4 years ago

Two young men learning how to be real men. Very hot and nice story. To bad they had to be drunk for this to happen. 5 stars just the same.

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