Syracuse is Waiting


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With that she withdrew completely but it felt as if she had left an open wound. I lay there, humiliated, still unable to master my own muscles.

"Why not try the double ended one?"

Her mothers heartless words made me retch and I barely managed to keep my stomach under control. I could take no more but the choice was not mine to make.

Behind me, out of sight, I heard the harness being adjusted accompanied by more mocking laughter before the spiteful imp spoke again.

"I think I'd like to see his face."

"Good idea"

She took hold of my hair none too gently and pulled me upright.

"Turn around and sit on the end of the bed."

I looked over her shoulder but the imp had her back to me as she concentrated on the final adjustments and then, as I sat down, she was lost to sight behind her mother.

"Lie back."

I lowered myself, balanced half on and half off, and she immediately bounded onto the bed beside me. She arranged herself so that she was kneeling upright by my head with her knees together.

"Put your head in my lap and let me have your ankles."

I moved backwards, resting my head as I had been told to, and there followed a few seconds of futile resistance before I bucked my legs upwards. She grabbed my ankles with the skill of a circus acrobat and then held my legs apart.

I lay there staring stupidly through the vee formed by my legs and then jerked convulsively.

"Stay still!"

I could not help myself. She was walking towards me looking faintly ridiculous but the menace she now presented was gut wrenching. She had slotted a new device through the opening in the harness. One end of it was buried inside her, accounting for her awkward gait, but the other protruded a good eight inches from her groin. It was a reasonable facsimile of a real cock, complete with veins and glans, and it was already glistening with lubricant.

I desperately wanted to appeal to her, to convince her that what she was proposing was a punishable assault, but I remained mute.

"Are you ready for this?"

Whilst her face was a gloating smirk I tried to compose my features, to strike fear into her, but she was confident now that I was completely under control. She playfully teased the tip of the thing across my buttocks before calmly centering it.

I could feel sweat breaking out all over my body and the onset of an uncontrollable tremor but her mother simply tightened her grip on my ankles and pulled my legs a little further back making my own centre of gravity work against me.

As before, my mind was telling me to co-operate, to give her what she wanted, but some deep-seated instinct was causing my muscles to tense. For the next few seconds she nudged painfully to no effect.

"Use your weight. Push from the hips."

Heeding her mother's words her face was set with renewed determination. She took hold of the thing in her slender fingers and then leant into me. The pain grew and grew as we fought one another but there could only be one outcome. After a few seconds my muscles relaxed for an instant as I girded myself for another effort but she sensed the change. With a heartfelt grunt she gave a relentless shove and she was through.

For a heartbeat it was almost a relief, allowing my muscles to give up the fight, but then it felt as though I had been cleaved in two. She went with her own momentum and rammed home the whole eight inches.

The three of us remained frozen, they almost in disbelief, and me painfully impaled, my eyes fixed on her breasts which were heaving with excitement.

She slowly regained her composure and then she began to withdraw but the thing was so tightly lodged that she actually started to pull the shorter end out of herself. These seemed to her liking and for a moment or two she rocked herself backwards and forward riding the static rod.

"Oh fuck! This is more like it."

Her every movement served to work the thing deep inside me and to compound my misery but worse was to come. She took hold of the shaft and held it as she pulled backwards and this time it did start to move but it felt as though my innards were being sucked out with it. out with it.

The respite was temporary. Having withdrawn almost completely she plunged again driving it right back where it had come from and then she found a rhythm. She was like a porn actress as she worked the thing in and out of me ever more vigourously and this time she was going to make damn sure that she reached a climax.

I tried to switch off, to disassociate myself from the wretchedness that threatened to swamp me but then, without warning, her mother slowly opened her legs. I sank, as my support was removed, until I was lying with my head between her thighs

I knew what was to come but could do nothing about it. In a single movement she raised herself, moved forward and then came to rest on my face.

Her daughter's pleasure had obviously transmitted itself. Her dank pubis was like a laden sponge and, as she settled herself, squeezed moisture seeped into my mouth. She made no attempt to ride my face. Her daughter's athletic exertions provided all the movement and stimulus she needed.

"Do it harder, really fuck him."

It was a struggle to breathe which seemed ironic because it felt as if air was being pumped into me. The thing was moving easily now but, as she gathered pace, she was driving it deeper. The initial pain had eased to be replaced by a sensation of stomach cramps and an ache that was transmitted all along my spine.

My vision was obscured by her mothers toned buttocks but I managed to open my eyes every now and again when she worked her clitoris over my nose and chin. I was veiled by her white robe which allowed a translucent light but, in my mind, it was the fogged light of a steam room. I was sweating profusely and every breath I took seemed humid and deprived of oxygen.

The imp reached a climax first. Her groans of pleasure came to me as stifled echoes as she rammed herself home one last time and held herself in place. Her mother, not to be outdone, began to work her hips grinding herself over my whole face until, with a final bursting of the dam, she slicked my face with moisture.

Once again we remained frozen in place, they drawing deep lungs full of revitalizing air, leaving me to fight for every molecule whilst still pressed beneath her now relaxed buttocks.

I was on the point of passing out when I felt the thing slide, almost reluctantly, from inside me and then her mother lifted herself allowing me to draw a gasping, life-giving breath.

She remained poised just above me with her well used sex an angry red within the mess of her pubic hair and then she hopped off the bed altogether.

"Let's swap."

Chapter 6

I collected my luggage from the gatehouse and less than four hours later I was in France. Common sense told me to go to a hospital and get myself checked out but I somehow knew that the damage would not be lasting; the wound to my pride would take longer to heal.

It was imperative for me to get as far away as quickly as possible and I could always seek medical assistance in France if needed be.

That first night, in a nondescript hotel, was bad. I deliberately sabotaged the phone but I soon became hot and restless. Sleep would not come and I found myself flicking my tongue reflexively. It did not seem to matter that I had left Katrina's infernal contraption many miles away.

The next morning I found an internet café and started to work but I felt dog tired and I did not count the day as productive. I dropped by a pharmacy on the way back to the hotel and pleaded neuralgia. He gave me some pain killers and, more importantly, something to help me sleep. It worked to a degree, I was slightly less agitated and I was able to doze for minutes at a time. When dawn broke I felt a little better but the urge to get to a phone was growing greater by the hour.

I knew I had to work fast; I could not hold out for very much longer. It was mid morning when I finally turned up the details I wanted on the computer. I felt a rush of excitement when I found a local address for Dr. Hachimi Khalid.

His home turned out to be one of the better properties in the Algerian quarter but I had to wait until the evening for him to come home. I came up behind him as he opened the front door and he did not look pleased having recognized me after a gap of nearly three years.

"I no longer have any involvement with the military."

"I need your help."

Khalid had been working with NATO when I first knew him. His line of work was not dissimilar to Katrina's role at home and I had met him at a three day seminar in Marseilles. The subject was the legitimacy of torture in the fight against terrorism and Khalid had spoken in favour of psychological methods including hypnotism. I had found his lecture fascinating particularly in light of my own experiences at that time.

It transpired that Khalid had fallen out with his military paymasters over what he saw as increasing persecution of the Muslim community at large and I was able to work with that. I told him about my conditioning and suggested that, were he able to help me, it would be a spanner in the works of the military machine.

It took a supreme effort of will to allow him to administer the necessary drugs but I took heart when, almost immediately, he was able to overcome the urge that I felt to make a phone call. Over the course of the next few days I submitted to him and allowed him to re-map my mind.

I offered him money but he refused to take it. He seemed happy that, in some small way, he had got one over on the authorities.

On the last afternoon I went back to my hotel and packed. Just before I left I dialed Katrina's number.

"I'm coming for you."

I hired a car at the airport and drove towards Katrina's cottage contemplating revenge.

If she had any sense she would have gone into hiding so I was a little surprised to find her at home. She opened the front door and, without a word, ushered me inside. The reason for her apparent calm was immediately obvious. Seated in the living room were two military policemen, one wearing sergeant's stripes.

"We would like you to accompany us sir. There are some questions that we would like to put to you."

I sneered at Katrina.

"This won't save you. I'll be back."

The presence of the policemen was an inconvenience but it had little effect. I had intended to go to the military authorities to tell them what I knew and this move simply brought my plans forward. I was more confident of being believed now that I could call on Khalid's medical testimony to corroborate my story.

They remained very polite and simply asked me to follow them in my own car. The drive took about twenty minutes as we headed east and I wondered why the area was familiar to me. It was only when I saw the complex that I remembered that the region was home to the largest military prison in the country.

I felt slightly uneasy but we drove beyond the older buildings, with their barred windows, until we arrived at a modern block which sat innocently in it's own landscaped gardens. Nevertheless, security was tight and I was card swiped through three sets of doors as we moved deeper into the building.

"If you would wait in here please."

I walked into the room without thinking and it was only as the door was slammed closed behind me that I realized that I was in a cell. It was antiseptically white with a bench seat doubling as a bed and a simple stainless steel toilet and basin in the corner.

I convinced myself that it was merely a formality and that someone would be along soon but an hour later no one had come and I started to bang on the locked door. By the end of three hours I badly needed the toilet but I found myself reluctant to go as it somehow seemed like an acceptance of my circumstances. Soon after I gave in a meal was shoved through a flap in the foot of the door. I bellowed my lungs out but there was no answer.

I was there for three days.

Meals arrived at regular intervals through the flap and a pair of shorts and a singlet were delivered in the same way along with a set of toiletries.

At the end of the third day the door finally opened. Two men came into the cell, dressed in nondescript grey coveralls, and in my fury I lunged at them. I did not see the stun gun until it was too late. The current surged through my body paralyzing me in an instant and as I lay quivering on the floor Katrina entered the room.

"Hold him down."

She knelt and fastened a metal collar around my neck snapping it closed with an obvious effort.

"You can go."

The two men left, locking the door behind them, leaving Katrina and I alone. I fought for control of my vocal chords.

"What the fuck is all this about."

She turned to sit down on the bench before replying.

"You have proved more enterprising than I anticipated. Hachimi Khalid was a clever choice."

"How did you know?"

"His allegiances have been in doubt for some time. The French have been watching him and they asked questions of us when you turned up on the radar."

"And what the fuck is this place?"

I was slowly regaining some feeling in my limbs and I managed to get myself into a sitting position on the floor.

"This place? This place doesn't exist, not officially. You see, the nature of our business throws up casualties of war not only physical but mental. There are some military secrets which are just too sensitive to remain trusted to an unsound mind. You might like to think of this as a retirement home."

"You have to be kidding."

"I'm in deadly earnest. In here my word is law. In some instances we can use the techniques that you are familiar with to make adjustments and the patients can be released but in other cases...."

"And what the hell has this got to do with me!"

"You are privy to a particular scheme of mine that needs to remain secret."

My anger grew and I snarled at her.

"So what are you going to do? Hypnotize me again?"

"Unfortunately that is no longer an option. You have already undergone two drug induced programmes a third could cause irreparable damage."

At that moment it dawned on me that she intended to keep me incarcerated and something in me snapped. I launched myself at her with my hand formed into a fist but I

never reached her. The pain gripped my neck like a noose and dropped me to the floor.

She came and stood over me and showed me the tiny controller which she held in her hand.

"All the staff carry these. If you behave you can earn privileges, in fact many of our guests have come to enjoy their retirement, but if you choose to make waves then you will be brought back into line."

"This is bloody inhuman! What about the Geneva Convention!?"

"Consider it suspended. You know as well as I do that the government turns a blind eye when it chooses to. This is one such instance. Consider yourself lucky, we could follow the example of some other countries and use a cheaper and more permanent solution."

"You can't keep me here!"

"You think not?"

She touched the control and I felt a steadily growing cramp in my neck.

"You know what? I've missed you in the last few days..."

As she said it she started to unwrap her skirt from around her waist.

"You're out of your mind."

"Just because you've managed to overcome your conditioning doesn't mean that I should miss out on my pleasure."

"So help me, I will kill you..."

The pain in my neck suddenly increased. It was as if I was carrying a milk maids yoke and someone had just added to the load..

"I could force you with the controller and, believe me, you would break but I haven't got time for that.

Let me give it to you straight. Most of the guards here are male and they all carry controllers. We have only ever had two female guests and both are long gone. Now, are you getting the picture? You either do as you're told or I leave you here with my friends for an hour. We will then see if you are any more amenable."

She had me and she knew it. Under normal circumstances I could have killed the guards with my bare hands but until I knew more about the controller I had to bide my time.

She saw the acquiescence in my eyes.

"That's a good boy. Come and show me what you can do..."

She sat back down on the bench with her legs wide open and it was obvious that she had been looking forward to this moment. Her labia were puffy and her pubic hair was matted to a dark brown but the final evidence was a glistening line of moisture which ran down her inner thigh - she had been masturbating in anticipation.

I went quickly to work between her thighs plunging my tongue straight into the molten maw that her sex had become.

"Yesss!...Suck me!...."

She took hold of my head in both hands and pulled me in tight. She had waited long enough and she wanted it quick and rough. I drove my tongue in and out of her bringing her quickly to brink but my mind was working furiously I suspected that that neckband could not be forcibly removed but if I could snatch the controller from her I might be able to use her as a hostage.

"Don't even think about it...They are watching us and they can use the controllers from the other room."

I could not help myself. I stopped what I was doing and looked around the room for evidence of any unseen cameras.

"You should be grateful. Those boys jack off fantasizing about me and you get to be the lucky one. Now let's finish what you started."

It had been bad enough to start with but now, knowing others were witness to my humiliation, it seemed so much worse. She hauled me back in and she was wetter than ever. Having an audience excited her and she played to it.

"Get your tongue inside...isn't that the sweetest taste..."

"...suck it all out of me..."

"Oh God! I'm wet!"

"Now! Lick my clit...that's it!"

She was flooding and, as I worked hard to stay with her jerking limbs, she started to come spraying my face with each exultant contraction.

She held me in place as she rode out the waves and I struggled to breathe as she smeared herself all over my face. When it was over she leaned forward and whispered, theatrically, into my ear.

"Why don't we give them a real treat..."

She pushed me back and then stood over me as she removed the remainder of her clothing with the aplomb of a high class whore. When she was naked she teased her nipples to even greater prominence and then whispered once more.

"Isn't the army a wonderful thing? They are probably sitting there now with their hands on their cocks drooling over a body they can never have and when I leave the room they are going to have to salute me and cut their own throats if I tell them to."

With that she arranged herself on the bunk. She knelt with her head low and her arse raised high. She brought her hands behind her and, digging her immaculately manicured nails in deep, she parted her cheeks.

"I'm sure you get the idea."

The prospect was repulsive but even as I stared at the tight opening, which even now was flexing in excited anticipation, I was reminded of my own possible fate if I refused to co-operate.

Her cleft was darker hued than her general complexion and there was tiny fringe of auburn hairs along its length which, somehow, made the opening itself seem darker and more foreboding.

"Lick me first."

I presented my tongue and made a first tentative pass picking up the taste of salty, stale, perspiration and then I licked more quickly. The, almost insignificant, hair felt like a prickly growth under my tongue, even when it had been moistened, and I found it difficult not to baulk but I braced myself and carried on.

She luxuriated in my attentions for a few minutes and groaned every now and again no doubt for the benefit of the spectators but my nose told me that she was reaching a new peak of arousal.
