Taken at Sea: A Voyage to Submission

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A princess, a pirate and a voyage of discovery.
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"Quick! Hide!" Gwendolyn whispered in a panic.

"I refuse to hide while my crew and, most importantly, my ladies-in-waiting are savagely attacked! I shall stand and fight with you!" I argued.

"But, your High—"

"No, Gwen. If anyone is going to hide it's you. Now get down and get ready for a fight."

I could hear the chaos ensuing on the deck above as the sea battered our ship, seemingly on the side of the pirates. We had been sailing for over four weeks now, bound for the West Indies, where I was to be married as part of an arrangement to ensure our stronghold in the Caribbean colonies. While I was disappointed, I always knew this is how it would be. It's our duty as women to be the glue that binds.

"Down below!" I heard a rough voice shout amidst the slaughter above our heads. We were losing, quickly. I would not let them take my ship! I grabbed the hem of my emerald green silk dress, brushed the fiery red locks from my face and stood, ready to fight, my sword in front of me.

Then it dawned on me, "If we let them come down here, we're cornered. Ladies, our only chance is to get up there and fight alongside the crew. I understand you're frightened. So am I. And I know not all of you know how to wield a sword, but we've been practicing on our voyage. I ask you now...if any of you are willing and able: fight with me!" I didn't wait for a response. I marched to the steep wooden steps, climbed, unlatched the lock and pushed my way out of the dark underbelly of the ship and into the bright sunlight.

Immediately I found myself face to face with one of those dirty dogs, who seemed amused by my holding a sword. I showed him immediately as I raised it, ready to fight. I could have just run him through, but that wouldn't have been very sporting. "Raise your weapon, sir. And fight me like a man, you bloody coward!" Our swords clinked and clashed as we danced around the deck, but it didn't take me long to defeat him. I knocked his sword aside and kicked him overboard before turning and attacking the next pirate that I saw.

By this time a several of my ladies had joined me on deck and were doing their best, although it wasn't long before they started to be bested, one by one. Their training was not as extensive as mine, and, in the time that it took me to defeat five of our enemies, they had all been captured and were being taken to the other ship. I tried grabbing their petticoats with one hand while I fought off pirates with the other. But as they flew out of reach and as the men of my crew fell one after another, the others dropping their swords in surrender, I started to see there was no hope and my fight...was fading.

"Do you yield, madame?" I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Never," I turned to face a tall but handsome man with shaggy hair the color of sand. He was better dressed than the others. "Am I addressing the captain?"

"No, madame. I'm his first mate, Kip, and will gladly take you to him."

"I go willingly to no one," I raised my sword to him.

"Not even...to save your precious cargo?" he gestured toward the enemy ship, where my ladies were on their knees, hands bound, crying, pirates' swords aimed at the backs of their necks.

What do I do? I couldn't just let them die, but, on the other hand, I couldn't surrender. I wasn't brought up to surrender. And what if I did? That didn't guarantee their safety! I had to think quickly. What could I trade!? What could I possibly give them that they can't take!? I dropped the sword and pulled a small jewel-encrusted dagger from my waist.

"Let them go," I commanded.

The man called Kip laughed at me, "I don't think you're in any position to demand anything, madame."

"Actually I am. I would like to offer a trade."

"Oh? And what would you like to trade?"

"Them for me."

"Six women for one!? You must be daft, woman," he laughed louder.

I didn't back down, but instead stepped closer and said, "You will address me as Your Highness, pirate!"

His face shifted and became more solemn. He stepped toward me, but stopped immediately as I raised the dagger and pressed the blade against my throat saying, "Come no closer, pirate. It would be a shame to lose a bargaining chip that could make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams." He looked to his ship, as if seeking someone's approval. I didn't dare turn my gaze from him for a moment.

"What are your terms, lass?"

"Let my ladies go. And the rest of my crew. Take whatever valuables you want. I care not for those. But leave them to sail away with their lives and enough provisions to make it to their destination. In exchange, I'll accompany you to your ship. My ransom shall be quite large, I can assure you."

"I have to speak this over with the captain."

"Then go! Stop wasting time!" Thankfully he couldn't see my legs shaking beneath my gown, as he grabbed a rope and took the short swing back to his ship. I lowered my blade as I watched him disappear into the main cabin. I took a moment to marvel at the size and luxury of the ship, clearly stolen from someone important. The main cabin was one level above the main deck and all of the wood was in pristine condition.

I walked to the rail of my ship and ran my hand across the wood grain, knowing that I would soon be taken from it. But I'm doing the right thing. I looked at my ladies-in-waiting, who appeared to have calmed down a bit and were looking to me for answers. I smiled and nodded and mouthed, "It's going to be okay." Moments later Kip emerged and walked to the spot where our ships were a mere few feet apart and hopped back over. I immediately put the blade back to my throat.

"That's not necessary, Your Highness. The captain has agreed to your terms. Now if you'll accompany me—" Kip started.

"My ladies first. And your word of honor that they and the rest of my crew will be allowed to safely set sail with provisions, as discussed," I demanded.

"My captain is a man of his word, Your Highness. I will not allow his honor to be questioned! Not his!" he shouted.

"Very well," I lowered the blade. "My ladies..."

Kip motioned to the crew, who looked thoroughly disappointed to be letting women off of their ship, and they cut each girl loose and helped them to their feet. They led them to the rail and helped them back over to my ship. Each hugged me as they rushed past into the main cabin, terrified. Gwen stopped and wrapped her arms around me, "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

I hugged her back, "The right thing."

I then turned to them and the rest of my crew and spoke loudly enough for them to hear, "These men will be allowed to board and take what they want. They will be leaving enough provisions for you to reach Port Hope. Show them no fear and no fight. Please let my betrothed know that I have been taken and have him prepare a hefty ransom for these men. And I shall meet you all there soon." I turned back to Kip, "Have your men board, under instruction that they are to cause no harm to the crew and follow our agreement."

"Aye," Kip motioned to the crew, who immediately started boarding in silence. This is MUCH more civilized than their initial attack. I stood and watched each carry an armful of cargo back to their ship, the last of which was several trunks of my dresses and jewels. Just things...I thought, as I watched. Precious family heirlooms lived in those wooden crates, but, in the end, they weren't worth the lives of any more of my crew.

"That's the last of it, Your Highness," Kip looked at me solemnly, almost respectfully.

I nodded and turned to my crew, "Safe passage." The men bowed and the ladies, crying, curtsied. I gave them a reassuring smile as I allowed Kip to take my arm and lead me to the other ship. I stood and watched as we pushed apart, the water between us growing more and more. My ladies were waving and I did all that I could to hold back the tears. They will NOT see me weak.

Dark clouds were rolling in from the distance. We would have a storm upon us soon. When they were finally far enough that I could no longer make out the details of their faces, Kip said, "The captain is waiting for you, your Highness."

The crew snickered and leered at me as Kip led me across the massive deck to the recently oiled stairs, leading me up to the captain's quarters. I ran through every stereotype of pirate captain in my head, picturing him with long grey hair and a scraggly beard, a hook for a hand, an eyepatch over his left eye and definitely a peg leg. No question about that last.

Kip knocked and I heard a deep, rugged voice say, "Enter, Kip." He pushed open the door and motioned for me to go inside. I stepped into the room, confidently, so as not to seem weak, but jumped slightly as the door slammed shut behind me. I was all alone. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the combination of a dim interior with light pouring in (well, what light there was from the now cloudy skies) and candlelight. It was quite a large space! To my left, a long rectangular table, surrounded by chairs and covered with maps. To my right, a large four-poster bed. Candles burned everywhere.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, my breath causing my pale bosom to heave, a figured appeared in the doorway adjacent to the bed, what I assumed to be the washroom. As he came closer, I started to make out his features. THIS is the captain?

He had medium-length, ruggedly messy black hair, dark but gentle eyes and the perfect amount of unshaven stubble on his face to make him seem a bit...dangerous. His lips looked soft and not weatherbeaten. As he came closer, dressed in a black loose shirt with a black vest over black leather trousers and boots, he towered at least six inches over my head. My breath caught and my mouth must have dropped open.

A small, knowing smile formed on his mouth. "You were expecting a hook and peg leg and all of that?" he almost chuckled.

"I beg your pardon. Not at all," I pretended to be offended by the notion that I could be so short-sighted.

"Okay, Your Highness. Whatever you say. I am Captain Edward Paine. Welcome to my ship," he bowed, taking my hand and lifting it gently to his lips.

"Princess Aoife Finn, Captain. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but under the circumstances..." I couldn't help but be a bit cheeky.

"Ah. Feisty. I like that. Well, Princess, I know these are not ideal circumstances for you, but I'm prepared to make your stay pleasant and comfortable. Your crew is still a week or so out from Port Hope, so I expect you have at least a few weeks on board with me. Let's start with a drink."

"I could certainly use one."

He let out a very warm and, dare I say, almost...sexy...laugh, "I'm certain you can."

He poured wine for us both and raised his glass, "A toast to one of the bravest and most selfless acts I've seen in quite some time. You truly impressed me, Your Highness."

"Well, quite frankly, Captain, you left me with little choice. I couldn't stand by and watch my crew be killed, my ship be burned and my ladies be raped...or worse."

He seemed a bit taken aback and hurt by that last, as he lowered his glass and took a large gulp. "Is that the fate that you think they had?"

"You're pirates," I gulped down my glass of wine and challenged him with my eyes. He threw his glass aside and let it shatter on the floor, and moved toward me with such ferociousness that I backed into the large table. His nose was mere inches from mine, as he said, "Understand this, Princess. I have NEVER taken a woman by force and have never knowingly let a member of my crew do so either. If I take a woman you had better damned well believe she wants it, even often begging me for it."

I felt intoxicated, not only by the proximity, but by his confidence, the strength in his words and movements, the unusually arousing statement that he made regarding begging. Not to mention his manhood, which I could feel pressing against my nether regions as he pushed me into the table's edge. I could feel my face grow flush, as I had what were probably the first impure thoughts of my life. I wished for nothing more at this moment than for him to lift me onto this table and have his way with me. What's the matter with me!?

I looked away, ashamed of my reaction to this circumstance. I could feel his breath on my ear as his lips brushed against it, he gently moved my soft red locks aside as he whispered, "It's ok, Princess. You're allowed to feel. You never have, have you?"

"I am a lady. I will not discuss such topics with you," my voice quivered as I fought tears of humility.

"Not yet maybe. But you will. I'm sure of it." He kissed my neck, gently, right below my ear. No man had EVER come close to even grazing his lips near that area. As my knees buckled, weak with feelings I had never felt, he wrapped his arms around my waist and helped me to the bed.

"Perhaps you should lie down," he suggested, looking out of the windows at the impending storm. "I need to go have the crew get ready for this storm and have them bring your belongings."

"What do you mean?" I sat up, surprised. He surely didn't mean I was sleeping HERE.

"You'll sleep with me...in my cabin. It's that or below with the crew. This may be a large ship, Your Highness, but it's also a large crew and we have tight quarters. Your choice."

I was both excited and terrified at once, but I knew where I wanted to be. "I'll sleep here, Captain."

"Good girl. Get some rest. You've had a trying day. I'll be back shortly."

I turned to face the wall of glass and watch the rainfall on the water come closer and closer to the ship. The waves picked up and the swaying became more and more intense. A lot of my ladies weren't able to handle this and frequently became ill on the voyage, but, for me, it's like being gently rocked to sleep. As I began to drift, I thought of them and how happy I was that they are safe. Did he mean what he said? Would he really not have harmed them? Regardless, I behaved like a future queen. I did what was best for my people.

The door burst open and the winds howled into the cabin, causing the lit candles to flicker in their fight to stay lit. "Quick, men! Set them over here!" Captain Edward directed several men from his crew to set down my trunks near the bedside. The rain was trying to push its way inside.

"Crew switch, men! Get some rest and let the others take over for the night. You've done well!" he shouted after them as he pushed the door closed. He was soaking wet and crossed quickly to the small fireplace near the bed and threw more wood on the pile. He unbuttoned his vest and removed it. Then he turned to me, water dripping from his hair, and pulled the shirt, now plastered to his thin but built form, over his head. His skin was kissed golden by the sun, his muscles flexed with every movement, the body of someone who has worked to live.

My lips parted and I couldn't take my eyes from him as he said, "Have you ever seen a man, Princess?"

I didn't quite understand the question, "I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" He kicked off his boots and began to unbutton his trousers.

"Sir, please!" I gasped and looked away.

"Look at me, Princess. You're going to be seeing me every day. And it's okay to be curious. I assume you're on your way to be married?" he spoke to me, gently, reassuring. I couldn't help but look back.

"I am," I realized as the words escaped my mouth that I sounded like I was dreading it.

"You don't sound very excited," he continued unbuttoning his pants. "Arranged marriage?"

I couldn't help but watch with curiosity as each button was undone. "Yes. Of course. Are there any other kinds?"

"You could always marry for love."

"Unfortunately being born into a royal family doesn't afford a woman the luxury of such things. It's my duty to marry who—"

"Your parents have paid to take you."

"How dare you!?" I was on my hands and knees facing him, charged with anger at such a rude statement. Comparing me to cattle as if I'm some animal to sell off to the highest bidder!

Without warning, his member sprung free from his trousers. With virginal curiosity I looked, then remembered myself and immediately shut my eyes. I felt him reach across and put his hand on mine. I breathed in heavily as he said softly, "It's ok to look, Princess. I won't tell. What happens between you and me is our secret and doesn't leave this cabin."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked. It was not what I expected. It was quite thick and at least eight inches in length and pointed right at me. "Do they all look like that?" I sounded like a child.

He chuckled a bit, "No, Princess. We are all quite different. And...it's not always standing at full mast. That happens when a man finds himself aroused. I'm told that I'm well-endowed. From what I've seen amongst the men, I consider myself fortunate."

I laughed with him as I felt his hand wrap tighter around mine before he let go and walked naked to the fire to put on more wood. Did he just tell me he's aroused? He then crossed around the room and lit a few a candles. I hadn't even realized that it was now pitch black outside as the rain beat against the glass. He turned and said, "You can't possibly be comfortable in that corset, petticoat and gown."

"I have nightgowns in my trunk, but it seems indecent—" I started.

"Princess, I'm naked. And we're sharing a bedroom. I respect your wishes, but you're on a pirate ship in the middle of the sea. Decency is not a requirement here and I wish you would allow yourself a bit more freedom to be comfortable."

"Fine. Help me with this?" I climbed out of the bed and turned so that he could unbutton my dress. This is what Ladies-in-Waiting are for, but since I have none...

He gently pushed my hair aside and began to slowly unbutton my gown. As I felt him reach my lower back, he took a deep breath and his hands moved to my shoulders, pushing the gown away to the sides. It slid down to the floor, leaving me more exposed to a man than I'd ever been in just a petticoat and corset. I wasn't even wearing anything under the petticoat today!

I shivered with nervousness and anticipation of his removal of the rest of it. His warm hands traced down my soft back as he yanked hard at the corset strings, causing me to gasp and grab the edge of the bed in front of me. He continued pulling the strings until the corset was able to be lifted free, exposing my never-before-seen-by-a-man breasts. To my surprise he then yanked down the petticoat, leaving me completely naked.

I closed my eyes tightly. I felt so ashamed and so liberated, all at the same time. It felt amazing to be looked at and to be free from the constraints of my everyday life.

"Turn around," he ordered, his voice less gentle and more authoritative.

Without even thinking, I did as I was told, my hands covering my breasts. As I turned he looked me in the eyes, "Remove your hands. Let me look at you." I hesitated. "Do as I say, or there will be consequences," he threatened.

"But you said—" I started to argue.

"Ah, but I said nothing would happen that you didn't want to. You want this just as much as I do, Princess. And...it's ok," his voice softened for a moment. "Now. Remove them."

I let my hands fall to my side and hid my face by looking down at the floor. I immediately felt his strong hand on my chin, lifting my eyes to his as he said, "There is no shame here. You are....beautiful. Truly. You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Your Highness. You're...perfect." He opened his palm and cupped my cheek as I gazed into his eyes. He wrapped the other around my waist, letting it rest at the small of my back as he pulled me to him and his lips fell on mine.

They were soft and warm and tasted of the sea. I let him part my lips with his tongue, as he gently penetrated my wanting mouth. This was all foreign to me. I had never been touched. Never been kissed. Never been desired as I felt he desired me. A strong current was spinning me round and round, sweeping me away. I felt drunk with passion, addicted. I wanted more.