Taken by a Stripper Pt. 09

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A guy has fun with a stripper.
4.4k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 01/06/2024
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End of Part 8

She caught onto what I was doing, and I heard her clear her throat as I continued to 'brush' her legs and feet off. I looked up and saw her mischievous grin as she said,

"I think you got it all Danny." Before I could say anything and was still rubbing one leg, she spread her legs, and I got a full view of her pussy that even in the dim light was glistening even though we had just had sex. My dick lurched up inside my briefs as I cried,

"Oh god damn babe!" I said as my cock was again fully hard and straining against my silk briefs.

"Maybe we should go home now." she suggested innocently.

I couldn't get in the truck fast enough.

Part 9

Bambi and I were enjoying a lazy Saturday morning. It was one of those rare times she had the night off and we had just eaten breakfast and had talked about getting some grocery shopping done at some point in the day, but that was the only thing we had planned. We had finished eating and washing the dishes and Bambi had gone to take a shower. I sat on the sofa watching TV waiting for her to get done, so we could decide what to do.

After about 30 or 40 minutes Bambi appeared in front of me looking frustrated. I could immediately see why. She had clearly been attempting to put on a pair of her jeans and not been entirely successful. While she had gotten them all the way up, she couldn't get the zipper all the way up or the button done. I could see the top of her white panties and felt the natural reaction in my briefs.

"Danny I've gotten fat. Look at me." she said sounding sulky.

I stood up trying not to laugh at her predicament as I said, "Babe you are not fat. You are the sexiest woman I've ever known and don't forget it."

"But look at this I can't even fit in my jeans anymore." she said. "Why do you think I've been wearing my leggings so much?" She wasn't lying when she said she had been wearing her leggings a lot. Those leggings were turning into my weakness. They looked way too good on her hips and ass and anytime I saw her in them I not only got aroused but stayed aroused. Sometimes it led to some fun times, but others not so much.

"Ok, ok." I said raising my hands in surrender. "Well go to the mall and get you some clothes ok."

She smiled at me and said, "You're the best Danny." There was the smile again. That smile that I would do anything to see.

By this point it was mid-morning, so I said, "Well we better get on the move if we want to get anything done today." She nodded and we both headed back to the bedroom. While I got dressed, she swapped her too tight jeans out for some bright yellow leggings. As I watched her slip them on, I felt the familiar rise in my briefs. She looked back at me with a sly grin before saying,

"Enjoying the view?"


"You are such a perv." she said giggling.

"I can't help it." I said. "You're gorgeous." Another smile and another stomach full of butterflies to go with my tightening briefs as we headed out.

Bambi and I spent the next several hours going through stores at the mall finding her some new clothes. It took several stores for her to find jeans that she said fit her the way she liked. I wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for since they all looked great on her to me, but she was the one who had to wear them, so I couldn't really argue, I guess. And again, I was getting a good show.

At one point we were moving through one department store, and I had a few pairs of jeans thrown over my arms as well as a few t-shirts she wanted. We were passing the lingerie section when she turned to me and said,

"You know I should probably get some panties too. My old ones are getting stretched out and worn."

I nodded as she led me into the lingerie department. It's always awkward being a man in the women's underwear department. Even the most strait-laced guy couldn't help but feel like a pervert being surrounded by racks and shelves full of women's underwear. I felt a little awkward as a couple of middle-aged ladies eyed me suspiciously as Bambi browsed the selections. After a few minutes though I thought 'freak it' they were going to think what they were going to think, and I decided to have a little fun.

I walked over to a rack that had some pretty sexy panties hanging on it. I picked up a pair of black panties that had a lace front and a sheer back. I carried them over to Bambi where she was still looking at packs of cotton panties.

"Here's what you need." I said showing her the black panties and grinning.

"Oh, you would say that you little perv." she said trying to scoff but only partially succeeding before starting to giggle.

After a little more browsing through the sections and a few more 'suggestions' from me Bambi found a couple of packs of panties she liked, one panties, the other thongs. Once she was satisfied with her choices in underwear we made our way across the store to the checkout. As we went that way, we ended up skirting the men's section. One display had a large variety of men's golf shirts that caught Bambi's eye.

"Ooh look at these." she said eyeing the wide variety of bright colors.

"You need some golf shirts too?" I asked.

"No but your wardrobe could use some color in it." she said. "All you have are blue and grey." She wasn't lying. Most of my golf shirts that I wore to work were either blue or grey. I had one red shirt that I occasionally wore if I felt a little bolder. I had learned that blue and grey were the best colors when working on installing/working on servers since they hid dust the best.

"I don't need any shirts." I said.

She picked up a seafoam green shirt and held it up saying, "Oh come on this would look good on you." Then seeing a dark purple one added, "This would too." Then giving me a wicked grin said, "I know you look good in purple because you have purple undies." I couldn't help but glance around to see if anyone had heard what she had said.

"Please baby. Do it for me." she said giving me a pout. Damn this girl was going to be the end of me.

"Ok." I said sighing slightly. "But don't go overboard with this."

She held onto the seafoam green shirt and the dark purple one and added a black one and in a rare moment of boldness I grabbed an orange one that she liked. I did veto a pale pink in a rare moment of being able to say no to her.

With my arms overflowing with jeans, panties and golf shirts we made our way to the checkout. I placed the items on the belt and watched as the cashier rang them up. After the cashier bagged all the items and gave the total, I moved to get my wallet, but Bambi was too fast for me. She pulled a credit card from who knows where given the fact she was wearing skintight leggings and a form fitting t-shirt that barely covered her midriff.

"No Danny I've got this." she said. "I can't let you buy me clothes when you're letting me live with you." she said as she swiped her card in the reader. I did have the golf shirts for me rang up separate and paid for them myself.

After paying for all the clothes we made our way back across the store to the main entrance to the mall concourse. As we neared the center of the store with the fitting rooms Bambi said,

"Hey Danny!"

I looked at her and she gave me a sort of mischievous grin.

"You ever have sex in a fitting room?!"

My dick which had stayed partially hard from seeing her in many pairs of jeans and watching her pick out underwear suddenly lurched up in my briefs. Before I could respond she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the fitting rooms. Luckily, there was no attendant to watch us as Bambi pulled all the way down the small corridor to the last fitting room on the left. She pushed me in and shut the door behind me as I set the bags down on the small bench.

As she shut the door behind her, she turned back to face me with a look of pure lust on her face. That look made my briefs even tighter as I got a full up-close look at that look as well as her killer body in those tight bright yellow leggings and white graphic t-shirt that fit her upper body like a glove. I didn't wait for an invitation before I took her in my arms and beginning to kiss her. After a few passionate kisses I felt her hands start to grapple with the front of my shorts.

I couldn't help but chuckle before saying in a low voice, "Are we really going to do this?"

"Don't tell me you don't want to." she said innocently.

"Oh no you little vixen." I said in low purr. "You started this and now I'm going to finish it." As she got my shorts open and let them fall to my ankles before I kicked them out of the way I pushed her up against the sidewall as I forced my hands down the waistband of her leggings and pushed them partially down her legs along with her panties.

Her bare pussy was glistening with arousal as she pulled my briefs partially down freeing my raging erection. I needed no more encouragement before thrusting right into her. We each covered each other's mouths with our hands to try to keep from making too much noise as I slowly thrusted in and out of her pressing her up against the wall. I could feel her body squirming from arousal and pleasure. Sex with Bambi had never been dull, but being in this fitting room and the risk of getting caught somehow sent our arousal to another level. If we weren't covering each other's mouths, we would probably have been arrested. I could hear muffled moans from her as I continued to fuck her pussy and a few times I thought I would cry from the intense sensations it was sending through my cock.

It didn't take long for all of this to reach peak levels and I soon felt her pussy start to tighten around my cock. I pressed my hand down on her mouth harder as I felt her orgasm start to pulse through her body. I pulled her tight to me with my other arm as she shook from an intense orgasm while I continued to thrust in and out of her. I pulled out as her orgasm subsided and she eyed my cock with a hungry look. Before I could say anything, she put her hand back over my mouth and pushed me back up against the opposite wall. Then she dropped to her knees and took my cock in her mouth.

After a morning of being at least partially aroused it didn't take long before my cock was starting to throb out of control as she sucked and licked it. I knew I wouldn't last much longer as I tried to talk into her hand pressing over my mouth.

"Babe, I can't hold it much longer."

If she understood what I said it made no difference. She continued to suck and lick my cock and soon I felt the pressure of orgasm build as she licked the tip of my cock. Soon my cock was exploding sending a torrent of cum down her throat. Instinctively I pressed my hands against the back of her head urging her to go harder which she did. She sucked and licked until my cock quit pulsing almost giving me a double orgasm.

I watched as she pulled back off of my cock and looked up at me with a sheepish grin on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle as I drop of my cum streamed down her chin. She stood up and said,

"Well, that was fun."

"I can't argue with that." I said panting from my orgasm. "We better get out of here before someone finds out what we've been up to." I said as I pulled my shorts up.

"Yeah I guess you're right." she said as she pulled her leggings and panties back on.

We were just about to open the door when I said, "Hold up." When she turned to look at me I used my finger to wipe the drop of cum off of her chin. "Don't need anyone seeing that." I said and we both giggled.

Back in the main concourse we made our way to the exit where I was trying to stay awake after just having been given a killer blowjob. As we got to my Explorer and put the bags in the back Bambi looked at me and said, "You want me to drive?"

'Damn she is wonderful.' I thought to myself as I told her, "Yeah actually that sounds really nice." I said as I handed her the keys.

"Thought you might like that." she said grinning. "I guess I wore you out back there."

I reclined the passenger seat back a bit as she drove us out of the parking deck and towards the grocery store. I must have been even more worn out than I thought I was from the kinky dressing room sex because the next thing I remember is waking up to a feeling my cock being rubbed and naturally expanding in my undies.

"Great day in the morning." I said as I fully awoke and realized what was going on. Bambi hand her hand down my open shorts and was rubbing my hardon through my briefs. She gave me a mischievous grin as I woke up.

"Wakey wakey Danny Boy! We've got to buy food." she said in an almost cooing like voice. Once it was clear I was fully awake she let of my cock and made to open her door.

"Oh come on!" I exclaimed. "You can't wake me up like that and leave me hanging."

"All's fair in love and war." she said grinning as she hopped out of the truck. I zipped my shorts back up noticing that my briefs were stained from precum and post cum and more precum and I couldn't help but shake my head. This girl knew just how to drive me crazy whenever she wanted. And the crazier part was I absolutely loved it.

I zipped up and quickly caught up to Bambi as we grabbed a shopping cart and started getting groceries for the week. As we got about 3 quarters of the way through the store and were starting to go down the frozen food aisle, I caught a glimpse of a face I hadn't seen in almost a year. As Bambi and I headed one way, my ex-girlfriend Hannah was walking the other so there was no way we could pass without her seeing us.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. How are you, Dan?" Hannah said.

"Hello Hannah." I said. "It's good to see you."

Hannah flashed me a smile as she said, "I was just thinking about you the other day and thinking how nice it would be to see you again."

"Well now you have." I said trying to find a way to end this conversation without being rude.

"She's lovely." Hannah said looking at Bambi.

"Yes she is." I said. "Hannah Bambi, Bambi Hannah."

"Hello." Bambi said shyly.

"Well I won't keep you." Hannah said awkwardly. "It was nice seeing you Dan." Then looking back at Bambi said, "Nice to meet you."

"You too." Bambi said shyly.

Bambi and I continued our way through frozen. Once Hannah was out of earshot Bambi asked me, "Ex-girlfriend?"

"Yeah." I said. "We dated off and on for about a year before determining the only thing we liked about each other was the sex. She was clearly feeling me out just now to see if I'd be interested in a jump in the sack for old time's sake."

"Really?" Bambi asked.

"Oh yeah." I said. "If you weren't with me she would have gotten the conversation around to old times before trying to seduce me again for old time's sake."

"And would you have gone for it?" Bambi asked.

"No." I said. "Hannah is a nice girl, but in the end we just weren't compatible. I'm much happier with you."

She looked over at me with her brown eyes wide as a tear escaped one of them. "Why do you always make me cry?"

I wiped the tear from her cheek as I said, "I'm just telling you the truth babe. I love you."

"Hold me." she said and I quickly embraced her. I felt a little awkward holding Bambi in the middle of a grocery store with people wandering by. I had never been big on PDA but if Bambi wanted to be held then I would hold her and everyone else, including Hannah if she saw it, could kiss my ass.


That Monday morning started off like any other since Bambi and I started sleeping together. My alarm went off like it did at its appointed time every morning. Bambi threw it a brief dirty look as I slowly extracted myself from her arm and head lying on my body. I hated getting out of bed every morning especially when I knew she didn't want me to, but staying in bed with Bambi all morning wouldn't pay the bills. If it did, I'd be richer than Warren Buffet.

After carefully extracting myself from Bambi's grip I made my way into the bathroom and began my morning routine. After doing my morning business and showering and shaving I made my way back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around myself. Why I was wearing a towel I'm not entirely sure given that Bambi had seen me nude many times but that's what I did.

As I entered the room, I saw a set of clothes laid out on the end of the bed for me. Though it was still fairly dark in the room I could make out a pair of my khaki pants and the dark purple golf shirt Bambi had picked out at the mall over the weekend. Socks and undies were sitting on top of everything else. As I got closer, I noticed that the white undies weren't my usual briefs or even the silk briefs I had but looked like panties. I picked them up and realized they were the ruffled 'schoolgirl' panties Bambi had given me ages ago. As I examined the panties and the lacy ruffles on the seat, I heard a throat being cleared behind me.

I turned to see Bambi standing there with a mischievous grin on her face. I also noticed she had tied up the base of her grey nightshirt to where it sat firmly on her stomach giving me a full view of the white panties she had on. In other words, she looked sexy as hell.

"I figured since you haven't given them back to me you could wear them." she said.

"Aw come on I can't wear these." I protested. "Someone might see."

"Hmm, planning on stripping for someone today?" she said.

"You know what I mean." I said.

"Oh come on Danny it'll be super sexy." Bambi said. "Think about this." she said as she came up to me. She walked around me slowly as she whispered in my ear, "You'll be wearing something that's touched my pussy. It'll be like you're fucking me all day while you wear them."

As she finished whispering that in my ear my hormones were naturally flowing freely. Back in front of me she untied the towel I was wearing and let it drop to the floor. Eyeing my semi hardon that was growing she said with a wicked glint in her eye, "Looks like someone is on board with it."

"Please Danny, do it for me." she said giving me another pouty face she had learned I couldn't say no to. "I promise I'll make it worth it for you." With that my resistance melted and I grabbed the panties and pulled them on. I barely got the panties up around my waist before my semi hardon quickly grew into a full hardon that barely fit under the low-cut waistband.

I looked up to see Bambi with a look of lust on her face as she said, "Oh god those look gorgeous on you." She was on me in a flash running her hands all over my panty clad crotch and ass. My own silk briefs felt really good to wear but hers were even softer and stretchier. Bambi's hands running all around my private areas had my arousal levels up at what I had thought were impossible levels. Just a few rubs of my cock had it dribbling precum all over the front of the panties.

"Please babe. You can't leave me like this." I whimpered as she teased the tip of my cock.

For a second I thought she was going to torment me since she was still giving me a devious smile, but my plea apparently worked as her wicked grin slowly melted into a sweeter one. "Oh ok, I guess you've earned it. Or maybe it's because I can't resist you when you're wearing sexy undies, even if they're mine." She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the armchair in the corner of the room and motioned for me to sit down. As I moved to sit down, she partially pulled my panties down. Once I was sitting on the edge of the chair she dropped to her knees and took my cock in her mouth and began to suck and lick.

Within seconds of going into her warm sexy mouth my cock began to twitch almost out of control. She knew just how to suck and lick to keep me on edge without bringing me over the edge. After a few minutes of this though I could feel my control of my cock starting to slip and knew it wouldn't be much longer before I was emptying my cock down her throat.