Taken by the Viking Ch. 19


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A roar inside the main room made her quiver, as she was reminded of all the people on the other side of the wall, but it didn't matter anymore.

Her skirt was up around her hips in front, falling to her sides, as Jordan started fucking her, rough and fast up against the wall. Playing with her in front of everyone seemed to have made him even hornier and more aggressive than usual - and Trish was just along for the ride. She squealed as moaned as he pounded her into the wall, only his hands supporting her ass keeping her lower back from being bruised as he ravaged her. Her breasts bounced, rubbing against his chest, as she almost wished they were bare so there would be skin to skin contact... but she couldn't bring herself to even try and pull her top down, not when he was fucking her, out here in the hallway, where anyone might come across them.

Instead she just hung on for dear life, her pussy squeezing and shuddering around him, her orgasm growing with every thrust. She was doing her best to stifle her moans as cries of pleasure as her body wound tighter and tighter, afraid that any noise out here might attract attention from those inside the room.

She leaned forward and bit into Jordan's shoulder as she came, smothering her scream of ecstasy as her body pulsed around him. She felt him buckle a bit under her weight as his own orgasm hit him, and she clung to him as he throbbed inside of her.

Panting, Jordan leaned against her, pressing her into the wall as they came down from the ecstatic highs of their climaxes. Trish breathed in his scent, basking in her post-orgasmic glow. She wasn't sure she would even care if someone DID come out of the door and see them. Even though Jordan's shrinking cock was still inside of her.

As she had the thought, Jordan pulled away, letting her slide down to stand on her own feet as he shoved his dick back into his pants. Her skirt settled back down, covering her pussy and thighs, as if nothing had just happened.

"Come on, baby girl," he said, taking her hand. Trish thought he was going to lead her back into the room, but instead he headed down the hall, towards their room.

"We're not going back in?" she asked. She was torn. She didn't particularly want to watch what was happening to Lisa and Ken - and definitely didn't want to face the part of herself that actually kinda felt like they deserved what was happening to them - but she was surprised Jordan was ready to just leave the room. And maybe there was a tiny part of her that just wanted to know what was happening.

"No." Jordan glanced at her and his brow furrowed, like he was searching for extra words to give her. "I'd rather just be with you."

A warm glow filled Trish. Silly, but she couldn't help her reaction to his words, any more than she could help her body's reactions to his fondling and stroking even when they were on the dais in the main room.

The truth was, she'd rather just be with him too.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I enjoyed this even more than Taken by the Wolf, and that's saying something. I wonder if Trish would like living so isolated on an island with a man who's so emotionally closed off. She seems to crave the friendships she's established to balance out the near non-verbal relationship she enjoys with Jordan. Maybe she would be happier if they stayed at the compound as guests. I hope he improves on the talking front regardless. Can't wait for more!

GoldeniangelGoldeniangelalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Thank you All & Update

Thank you everyone for the kind comments - things have been up and down healthwise. It's been a rough summer and only a slightly better fall for the family members =/ I'm working on getting back into an emotional / creative headspace. Right now I'm trying to finish up my book that I have a deadline for, that'll be out by the end of this month and then I AM finishing this series next, period. Normally I'm working on 2-3 projects at the same time but right now I can barely muster the energy for one at a time. There's only four more chapters to go though, so my goal is to have them done and out by Thanksgiving. After that I'm gonna be writing shorter Lit stories and taking a break from the big long series ones! Probably. I always say that and then end up writing another series cuz I fall in love with the characters. But I'm gonna try =)

DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsabout 7 years ago
Love your stories

Agree with other comments, I always anxiously wait for more from you! I think you are a great writer...I am sorry if life is handing you lemons right now...I don't really know what is going on...I only wish it works out for you. For your happiness and well being and selfishly because I want more stories!

subnotslavesubnotslaveabout 7 years ago
Have just read this whole story again...

while awaiting the next chapter. Really glad I did! I love this story. If I hadn't already given 5* to each chapter, I would've done so now. Brilliantly done! Hope all fans will re-read this as well...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Breathlessly waiting for more

Dear Goldeniangel,

I hope you are taking care of yourself and have a good support network while you're going through such a challenging time. While I am breathlessly waiting for the next 5 chapters I know one's priorities should be with their loved ones. I have so enjoyed TBTV even more than TBTW. Jordan and Trish have been so amazing to watch lean into one another emotionally.

Please don't let the critic(s)? bother you or influence your work. I don't know how anyone has the right to troll your work 18 chapters in. By now anyone not thoroughly enjoying the story could have simply moved on by realizing that this really isn't their genre. I'm pretty sure it's just one individual having a multi personality breakdown given that each new post correlates to a brand new account. It seems to be quite a long time off the meds if she's read through your entire body of work while disliking it. What I enjoy so much about Literotica is the astounding volumn of variety even in the same genre. There's just no sane reason to waste one's time pursuing stories and/or authors that are not your cup of tea when there are thousands of alternatives. Including not even visiting the website! Also there's a saying in the kink world "Don't ik someone else's yum"! It's an extremely judgemental act and completely out of place here.

annikasfuryannikasfuryabout 7 years ago
This chapter kind of felt like filler

But it's a fantastic story. I'm a big fan of Trish and Jordan, and every story by this author I've ever read. All of the animosity on this comment thread perplexes me. There are plenty of other categories to choose from and even a few non-con stories with tougher protagonists, although very few that I've ever found. Move along to something a little more palatable and leave the rest of us in peace. And Goldeniangel our thoughts and prayers are with you, hope all is well.

subnotslavesubnotslaveabout 7 years ago
I love this story...

Do hope things are getting better for you on a personal level Goldeniangel.

Don't always comment on the stories I read. Just wanted to say how very much I am enjoying this story. Another 5* chapter, thank you. Glad to note there are more chapters to come... Really looking forward to reading how Trish and Jordan move forward. Also, I'd love to find out more about Jordan - who he is, why he is as he is... Know I'm not alone in wondering if there maybe a chance of a story - in the future - involving both The Wolf and The Viking...

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your writing. Hope you continue to do so for a long time to come.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Holy crap this thread of comments!

First off, wow another great story from an amazing author. Half the time I back out of stories because they arent written well enough for me to buckle down and read them for the pleasure I might receive from them. that is never the case with goldeniangel. please ignore the resident nutjob who is obviously facing her own conflictions over having a profile on the site and yet not being open to the possibility that different people get off from different things (or she did get off from it and felt ashamed, then lashed out at you). love it. love you. keep writing, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Dear Goldeniangel,

I am enjoying this series a great deal. I love the subtle character development that is running throughout the story along with the developing deeper relationship between the main characters.

I hope your family members are recovering well and continue to improve. Don't get to bogged down in the haters that have supported a thread that stated that she hadn't even read the chapter. Any criticism she provided on this chapter is irrelevant as it wasn't read first, so I considered the comments that followed a 'fruit of the poisonous tree' situation. I encourage you to do the same.

Good luck with your future chapters and, hopefully many, other stories.

crazysexykool93crazysexykool93about 7 years ago
Great as always *****

Hope things with your family gets better...

And I hope that raving lunatic and her extra accounts/personalities get the help they need. This comment thread was hilariously sad

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