Taken by the Wolf Ch. 17


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"Are all of them like that?" she asked. If there were... good grief, how many secret passageways would be around the compound?

"No. All the passageways are behind symbols, but not all the symbols have passageways," Jordan said, walking quickly enough that she had to trot to keep up with him. His legs were so much longer than hers, but he expected her to make up for that. "They're not commonly known, although everyone knows they're there. You could get lost in them if you don't know where you're going."

As if to emphasize his point, they had already reached an intersection that branched off into four other passageways; five including the one that they had just come from. And nothing to differentiate them from each other. But Jordan took the second to the left without hesitating, obviously knowing exactly where he was going.

"But what are we doing in here?" she asked, looking around for any sign of where they were within the compound. They passed more symbols, so she assumed they were passing exits from the tunnel, but she didn't know where they would open up in.

"There was a... disturbance on our usual route," he said, unperturbed by both her questions and whatever the disturbance was. Trish sighed and hoped it wasn't something too awful. Maybe Cora's men and the Wolf's men were fighting?

She didn't know how she felt about that. It might be easier to escape with the two sides fighting each other... but escape to what? Where? Plus, how would she find Bella and Alex? Could she really live with leaving them behind? And what would happen to Jordan if there was fighting? Dammit... she shouldn't be worried about him, but she just didn't like the idea of him being in real danger. Even though by all rights she should have wanted to see him hung out to dry, the idea of his admittedly beautiful body being torn apart or ripped open by violence made her insides clench in a kind of anguish.

Even knowing that she was suffering from a psychological condition didn't dissipate the effects of it.

Falling silent, disturbed by her own thoughts, Trish wondered about the passageways behind the compounds walls. Where did they all lead to?

They went through two more intersections before Jordan finally stopped in front of another symbol, pressing his fingers in the exact same pattern. The right end of the bar, the left end, the bottom curve, the top curve, and then on each place where the S intersected the horizontal bar. As he did it, Trish watched, standing behind him and silently mouthing the pattern, trying to commit it to memory.

As soon as it opened and they stepped out into the hall, Trish recognized where they were. Just steps away from the room that Alex and Bella were kept in. She was willing to bet they'd barely even lost any time from their detour. One look back at the wall, with its distinctive but common decoration, and then Jordan was pulling her along again.


"Secret passageways?" Bella repeated, her mind whirling around the possibilities.

Trish nodded, nervously glancing over her shoulder at Jordan, standing and talking to a small group of soldiers, a mix of Cora and the Wolf's men. The little blonde wasn't a very good actress, she was obviously agitated as she passed the information on to Bella, quickly whispering the way to open the panels as Bella tried to memorize it.

As usual, Alex was swimming his laps, frustration and anger written in every line of his body. Bella was pretty sure he was still feeling the effects of Cora's torment, both physically and mentally. Last night they had slept wrapped around each other, but it seemed like neither of them had known what to say to each other.

Carefully committing everything Trish said to memory, Bella tried to damp down her excitement. This was definitely something Alex would want to know. She knew that he would hope the passageways could find them a way out of the compound. Personally, she wondered what else they might be able to learn inside of the compound. A lot of questions had arisen in the past few days, not just about Earth and the Wolf, but also about the Moon's government.

Now she just had to figure out how to pass the information along to Alex.


By the time he pulled himself out of the pool, every part of his body ached. And even though he'd been swimming for at least an hour, not to mention the fact that he'd already scrubbed himself clean in the shower, he still felt dirty. Like there was a layer of dirt on his skin that wouldn't come off.

Nearby there was a small group of three soldiers, talking and joking. Two were the Wolf's, one was Cora's. Tidbits of their conversation floated on the breeze, even though he wasn't really interested in listening. Although at least they weren't talking about him. Then a tingle went down his spine as he became more alert, hearing something more relevant.

"... the Wolf and Cora..."

"... think they'll run into any trouble?"

"... Jordan and Trace are still here..."

"Guess we'll find out tomorrow."

Did that mean that the Wolf and Cora were out of the compound, personally leading whatever mission they were on while their second-in-commands stayed behind?

He looked across the pool, past where Trish and Bella were deep in conversation, and over at the big blonde. After all, it really wasn't often that he allowed Trish out of arms' reach, but it looked like his attention was divided today. Soldiers were coming into the outdoor area, heading straight to Jordan, and as soon as he finished talking to them, would walk purposefully back out. Which was very different from the usual day when Jordan would walk Trish around the gardens and watch over her exercise.

Now that he thought of it, he didn't think Bella or Trish had gotten anywhere near the pool and no one seemed to care. Something was definitely going on.

Which became even more clear after they were fed and exercised and escorted immediately back to their room by some more soldiers. Jordan had already gone off, Trish in tow, and Alex realized that he hadn't seen the big blonde molesting her even once. She'd also looked incredibly nervous, giving Bella a little glance as she was pulled away, and he wondered what the two of them had been talking about.

When they got into the room, which was empty as usual, Bella looked over at him. He could almost see her thoughts churning inside of her head as she chewed on her lower lip. There was definitely something she wanted to tell him.

Glancing around the near empty room, Alex inwardly sighed and went over to the bed. His cock was still feeling a bit sore, his balls tight and achy, but there was no other way to get any kind of privacy. If they were observed whispering to each other, he doubted they'd be left alone for long. And even if the Wolf was out of the compound, they couldn't be sure that no one was watching.

Walking over to the bed, he sat down and looked over at Bella, who was shifting nervously back and forth on the balls of her feet as she watched him. Even though his cock and balls had been tortured yesterday, he still felt the familiar stirring of arousal as he looked at her feminine curves, the tight pink nipples tipping her breasts, and the puffy lips between her legs. It didn't matter that he saw her naked all day or that it wasn't by choice, whenever he focused on her, his cock got a little jolt of excitement.

He patted the bed next to him.

"Come sit down," he said in a low voice, giving her what he hoped was a significant look.

Bella's eyes widened, but she came towards him. And was it his imagination, or did her nipples actually get a little bit harder?

To his surprise, she didn't sit next to him, instead she crawled onto the bed, going behind him, forcing him to turn and follow her. Not that he really minded, as she lay down on her side, facing him. This would be easier to get close enough that they could whisper in each other's ears, while making it look like they had another reason for their closeness. He lay on his side, facing her, so close that he could feel the heat of her body against his even though they weren't quite touching.

Her cheeks pinked a bit as he leaned slightly over her.

The movement was deliberate he realized; both in that he was crowding her and taking charge of their interaction. He needed that return to control, the dominance, after yesterday with Cora. And Bella was definitely sexually submissive. It was like a soothing balm to his psyche, one he hadn't even known he desperately needed until this moment. He could feel arousal stirring even more as he looked down at her, seeing her reaction to him.

It made his cock and balls tingle, in a not entirely pleasant way, as the remnant of yesterday's torture was still lingering, but at the same time he couldn't help his physical reaction to those wide brown eyes and the slightly parted pink lips.

Sweeping her hair back off of her shoulder, he leaned forward and gave her neck a kiss, his cock hardening as he felt a shiver go down her body, causing her nipples to lightly brush against his chest hair. She shifted, giving him more access to her neck, making herself more vulnerable to him and arousing him further.

"I think the Wolf and Cora are gone today," he whispered in her ear as he moved his lips up her neck, bringing his hand up to rest lightly on her hip. His fingers drew little patterns on the side of her buttock, eliciting more small shudders for him to enjoy. He could feel his cock beginning to swell, reaching for her; uncomfortable as the skin stretched, but he was pretty sure that even without the cock ring, that tiny bit of discomfort wouldn't be enough to deflate him. "And Jordan and Trace had been left in charge."

One of Bella's hands pressed against his chest, trying to push him back. He was pretty sure that she wanted to be able to speak back to him and couldn't, because right now her face was pressed against his arm and shoulder. But Alex didn't want to lean back and let her on top, so instead he relinquished his resting spot on her hip and grasped her wrist in his, pushing her onto her back.

Bella gasped as he leaned over her, half-covering her soft body with his harder one. Pressing her hand down next to her head, he continued to explore her throat and collarbone with his lips, inserting his thigh between her legs as he felt her hips lift in response.

"The sheets!" Bella whispered urgently in his ear. Alex growled at the reminder that they couldn't just touch each other freely, but he released her wrist to reach down and grab the sheets, pulling them up to cover the two of them.

And with any luck, if the cameras in the room were on, whoever was watching wouldn't realize that anything more than sex was happening. Although, the last time they'd touched each other, no one had been watching. Maybe the cameras had only been turned on because the Wolf had known that there was going to be a show after injecting Bella with the aphrodisiac.

Not that they needed any extra help right now. Alex's cock was completely hard and pressing against Bella's hip, and he could feel from the way she was wriggling underneath him that she was just as aroused as he was. Her silky skin felt almost too intense against the sensitive surface of his dick, but it wasn't nearly as painful as it had been yesterday.

When he moved back into position, he found that Bella hadn't moved her arm an inch from where he'd placed it, and that made him groan as he buried his face into the crook of her neck, finding the sensitive spot right where her neck met her shoulder. She gasped, her other hand wriggling between their bodies to come up and wrap around the back of his neck, holding him in place as she arched beneath him.

She twisted slightly, holding him in place as her lips found his earlobe. "This morning Trish and Jordan used a secret passageway."

That got his attention, even as Bella sucked his earlobe into her mouth and nibbled on it. The suction went straight to his cock, which he pressed harder against her hip, bringing his thigh up more, finding the wet heat between her legs. She gasped and rubbed herself against his leg, as if she was riding his thigh, her fingers tightening around his neck.

"Tell me."

And she did. It was hard to concentrate while they caressed and moved against each other, her whispering words filling his ears even as erotic need filled the rest of his body. Bella was so soft, so willing beneath him... it was an incredible gift that she was so willing, considering their situation, as well as being hot as hell. Not being able to move away from kissing her neck and shoulders, so that she could whisper in his ear, was slow torment; especially because his ears were on a direct line to his groin.

He slid between her legs, rubbing his cock against her pussy while she repeated the directions to open the passageways, trying to concentrate while pleasure and just a slight amount of pain shot through him. Soft, wet heat, but it was almost too much to bear. Cupping her breast, he squeezed, feeling her nipple pressing against the palm of his hand, enjoying the way she writhed beneath him.

Her repeated words were becoming breathless, ragged, as he aroused her.

Being on top of her felt right. It felt good.

It was almost easy to forget that it wasn't a necessity of their situation. As a gentleman, he should stop. Pull away. Stop trying to make her as horny as he was. Just because they'd touched each other, had an intimate moment, didn't mean that she would necessarily consent to sex. But he didn't want to stop. Pinching her nipple, he tugged on it, knowing how sensitive those little buds were.

Arching beneath him, Bella's legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs, her heels digging in just above his knees as she tried to pull him into her.

"Please," she whispered in his ear, interrupting her recitation of the sequence to press on the S shape. It didn't matter anyway, he had it as committed to memory as it was going to get; he couldn't concentrate anymore because all of his focus was on not plunging his cock into that soft wet heat between her legs. But then she moved her hips, bringing it up to him, rubbing her juices over the length of his cock.

Drawing back just enough to angle himself correctly, Alex pressed forward... and hissed between his teeth as her molten core gave way for him. It didn't hurt, like it had yesterday, but it wasn't pure pleasure either. She was incredibly wet, which helped, because her tight walls were providing a lot of friction over the sensitive surface of his cock, her muscles gripping him as he slid into her.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," she chanted under her breath, and as Alex pulled his head back to look down at her, he could see that her cheeks were flushed a bright pink and her eyes were closed.

"Look at me," he growled, curling his hands under her shoulders to hold her in place as his cock nestled home inside of her.

Eyelashes fluttered and she looked up at him, her gaze hot and feverish, clashing against his as he shoved the last inch of his cock into her heated tunnel. Her lips made a small 'o', eyes widening as he ground his body against her pussy lips and clit, feeling her jerk beneath him in reaction.


This was exactly what he needed. Bella, wet and willing, not just allowing him to be on top, but wanting him there. Being turned on by his control over her. Her pupils dilated as he stared down into her eyes, flexing his hips to pull out halfway and then thrust deep. She whimpered, but she kept looking up at him, still obeying his order. Giving him that small amount of control in his life.

Something dark and needy unfurled inside of him and he growled again, low in his throat, as he moved his hands up her body, sliding them up her arms and forcing her arms above her head. His fingers intertwined with hers, making her stretch out beneath him and holding her in place on the mattress. Bella moaned, bucking as her pussy clamped down in visceral reaction to his dominance over her.

"You would tell me to stop if you didn't want me, wouldn't you?"

It wasn't really a question, as he pulled back and thrust hard into her, but more a demand for her acknowledgement that she wanted him, that she wanted this. Bella's eyes seemed to burn into his, shining up at him, as her body welcomed him in.

"Yes," she whispered, tightening her legs around him as he pulled out again, before shoving back in hard and deep. She made a sexy sound, low in her throat, as he filled her. It felt like her pussy was made of hot, wet, nubby silk, wrapping around him, rubbing against him.

"And you want me, don't you? Tell me you want me."

"Yes... Alex, please, yes!"

Shuddering, Bella arched beneath him as he began to pound into her, hard and fast, fulfilling his need to claim her... images of the Wolf and Trace double-teaming her ran through the back of his mind, images that he wanted to erase from her memory and replace with himself. Pressing down on her hands, he leveraged himself up to take her hard, knowing that he was sending slices of pain through both of their pleasure as he pummeled her with his sensitive cock. It only made the ecstasy stroke higher.

"Yes, yes, yes yesyesyes!" Bella was chanting the word as if her life depended on it, her throaty affirmative voicing her desire for him, her joy in choosing him, choosing this. And Alex reveled in it; wallowed in her passion the way he wallowed in her body, wrapping himself in her sexual need and allowing it fulfill him in a way that he'd never felt before.

Because he'd never so badly needed a woman to say yes to him. Never so badly needed to have control over both himself and someone else, needed the peace that kind of trust could bring. Because he'd never been so out of control, never been sexually tortured and never been so aware of the privilege of receiving that 'yes' before they'd been taken by the Wolf.

When Bella came, pulsing around him, writhing beneath him, the ecstasy was so great that Alex felt it all through his body and into the air around him, as if their orgasms were too large to be contained by their physical bodies. It permeated the air, reaching into his brain and touching his soul, his inner self, in a way that none of the Wolf's depravities or torments ever could. The pleasure, the connection was pure... beautiful... and real.

Alex gripped her hands tightly as his cock throbbed inside of her, shooting jets of cum into her pussy with the same rhythm that she clenched around him, as if she was actually pulling every pulse of pleasure from him.


Completely spent, he nearly collapsed on top of her. His body and his head were whirling with the combined effects of their passion and the information about the secret passageways.

Groaning, he turned, bringing her with him, so that they were still connected as he pulled her on top of him. She was a soft weight, like a blanket, over his body. With a sigh and a small wriggle, she settled in, her cheek resting on his shoulder. A tender care stole through him, as he stroked her hair away from her face, turning to place a kiss on her forehead. As much as Bella aroused him, she elicited much softer emotions from him as well. Protective emotions that were all the more frustrating because of his inability to provide her with any kind of actual protection or care. What he could give her was this, a gentle touch, a sweet caress, and soft kisses while she hummed with pleasure. A stolen moment to pretend that they were just two lovers, cuddled together after their passion.

But even as he blinked, looking across the room, his eyes focused on the S shape, his mind already moving away from the moment and towards the possibility of their freedom.

Author's Note: I've gotten a lot of requests for Trish's perspective, and I have to admit, I was pretty curious about her too. This was my response to that; a glimpse inside of another part of the Wolf's world and also into that rather complex relationship. We'll see more of Trish and Jordan in the future, although I don't know if I'll visit her POV again, but I hope you enjoyed the little peek!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great characters

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Trish’s perspective was perfect. This story is taking shape beautifully!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

and there's more awaiting!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Through the eyes of a Sadist

I've finally gotten to this point, started with your Viking aspect of this story and so far I love it, very well written indeed. Although I've been thinking what or how this story might be further expanded upon if by chance it is seen the "Scott's " eyes and those like him.... just a thought :D

GemmaGreyGemmaGreyover 8 years ago

Trish's POV!! Her Stockholm-syndrome is HOT! I was hoping for that in the beginning haha! Also, agree with the other commenters, this scene between Alex and Bella is one of my all time favorites!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I've read a lot of your stories and this scene between Alex and Bella is one of if not the best one I've read.

always_yesalways_yesover 9 years ago
Speed reading!

I have been unable to stop reading since I started but had to comment here on how much I loved getting to see the class difference inside the Wolf's compound and how different Trish is treated. I also liked being in her head and seeing her struggle on how to react to Jordan! The relationship flourishing under pressure between Bella and Alex is so satisfying as a reader and I love the way you balance the noncon and the consensual in this story! Bravo!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
story telling

You really are a great story teller!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Favourite Chapter

This is by far my favourite chapter, I sometimes find Alex and Bella's treatment too sadistic and cold. I'd love to see more chapters with Trisha's POV.

Redbeard1952Redbeard1952over 10 years ago
The story behind Trish

You never fail to amaze me with the turns your stories take. The change in perspective adds to the tale and the clues to future actions tease us. I am looking forward to where this story leads and am caught in the trap of its writer and very glad to be there too.

notusuallyshynotusuallyshyover 10 years ago
At last

I have been one of those who requested more on Trish and Jordan, her reluctance and his obsessiveness were fascinatingly sexy from the start. I would like to have had more on her spanking and paddlings but then that's my fetish. Maybe it's the hints that fires the libido, the age play, the tentative possible love the passionate obsessive attention of Jordan. Maybe they need their own story telling, hint, hint.

inspector123inspector123over 10 years ago
Agree with everyone who has commented ....

Thank you for Trish's POV. Would it not be funny if it turned that the clue given by the "meekest" character (she is an orphan and she does not have Alex to protect her) be the one that bring down the Wolf and his organization?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Trish & Jordan !!!!!

Thank you so much for doing a trish pov. Trish and Jordan are my favorite characters and I really hope to read more about them,

grrlslavegrrlslaveover 10 years ago
More please!

Thank you so much for the little peek at Trish and Jordan. I love the hint of age play and his extreme control but gentle domination. More more more please!!!

MaynessMaynessover 10 years ago

I really enjoyed this chapter and very much Trishs POV. It fleshed her character out well and I really do hope you do return back to her and Jordan again. I found that I was getting a bit frustrated on Alex and Bellas behalf during the last chapter and desperately wanted the story to move forward more in terms of plot and this chapter seems to have done just that. Also I know you warned us this would be dark but I have enjoyed the softer nature of sex in this chapter, just as a one off ; ). *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very hot

I very much enjoyed reading Trish's pov with Jordan, a different kind of captivity than the harsher, often sadistic treatment of Bella and Alex. I actually found this whole chapter one of the most erotic in the series.

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