Taken Wife Pt. 04

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Wife gives into temptation.
4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/17/2015
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Days passed and I began to feel more like myself. Stephen came home. Life was business as usual. Things were fine. Dylan had not reached out to me. My rings were still missing. "I sent them to be cleaned" I told Stephen when he eventually asked. "Should get them back in a few days" I told him. I was hopeful that it was true. If not I would have to tell him the jeweler had misplaced them or something like that. I often fingered my ring finger. It was odd not having something there, but not uncomfortable.

It was Friday morning. There was an early call. I heard Stephen answer in a hushed voice. "Bad news," He told me when he returned to bed. "The entire east coast network went down. They want me to fly out to Atlanta immediately". I grunted my acknowledgment and went back to sleep. I woke up again much later to get ready for work. Stephen was gone. I expected a boring day. I made myself a cup of coffee and headed out the door.

It was a perfectly normal and boring morning. I spent the morning chatting and filing paperwork. I set up some appointments and took an early lunch. I text Alex to meet me. She was the only person I felt like I could confide in. We went to a soup place around the corner from my office. I listened to the details of her most recent adventure. She had gone out the night before and met a man of her own. It was no surprise. From the way she had been talking I figured it was only a matter of time before she cheated on her husband. Eventually she asked me about Dylan. I was happy to report that nothing else had happened. I was beginning to think I might be able to get out of this situation.

I headed back to the office about 1 pm. The receptionist told me there was a man in my office waiting for me. My heart sunk. I knew who it was.

I found Dylan sitting behind my desk. "Good afternoon" he said.

"Hello," I responded in a small voice. My insides were flipping. I didn't realize until that moment how bad I had wanted to hear from him. But at the same time, I was apprehensive. I could not let this go any farther. I was going to be okay. I could be strong.

"I was wondering if you might like to go to dinner with me sometime. I am free tonight night if you can make it." his voice was even and confident.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked him, genuinely shocked. I had expected him to try to see me again but I figured he would have another "business dinner" or something to use as an excuse. I hadn't expected this.

"Yes," He replied simply.

"No," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm married." I said. My heart skipped a beat. I had done it. I couldn't believe it. I had finally told him no. I was so proud of myself. Then I remembered.

"Can I have my rings back please?" I asked him.

"Sorry, they are at my house. You will have to get them back some other time. I can bring them to you tonight night if you can meet me for dinner."

"I need those," I told him. "My husband asked about them. He is going to notice."

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't have them. If you want your rings, I can bring them to dinner."

I glared at him. "Fine," I said.

"Good, Ill pick you up at your place at 7. Wear something nice. " Dylan walked out of my office without another word.

I immediately text Alex.

"What an asshole!" she said. "You know you love it though, LOL."

I tried to tell her that she was wrong but she wouldn't have it.

I left the office early. It was hard for me to focus on work with my impending date. "Date" I thought about the word seriously. Why had he decided to ask me out. On a real date. Not a business dinner, not a corporate obligation, a real date.

The house was empty. I checked my phone. There was a message from Stephen.

"Hey babe, probably won't be home until tomorrow" Good I thought. I text him back.

"Okay sweetie, Im not feeling well. Headed to bed early. See you tomorrow," I quickly turned off my phone. This way I wouldn't have any distractions tonight. I wasn't sure what was going to happen but I knew I wouldn't be able to text Stephen and I didn't want to be suspicious.

I started to make a plan. The rational side of me said "Jackie, get yourself together. This is wrong. You need to put an end to this before you do something really stupid. Get the rings back and get out" But then there was the less rational side of me that was urging me forward. "Think of his body," It told me. "Think of his hands against your skin and his dark eyes. Think of how you felt when you were with him."

My life moved in slow motion as I waited for my date with Dylan. I felt like I should be productive but I was so flustered and scattered that I couldn't accomplish anything. I circled my house a dozen times trying to focus on something but I couldn't. I decided to start getting ready. I spent a lot of time grooming myself, mostly just to take up time, but it had the added effect of making me feel good about myself. I showered, shaved, and plucked. I did my makeup and hair. Then I started laying out clothes for the night.

"Something nice," He had told me. I picked out a red dress. It didn't show a lot of cleavage and was thigh length. The back was open. Modest but sexy. It had some gold fletching that bordered the collar and ran down the back. I choose a pair of black heels to match the dress. I slipped into a pair of red lace panites and choose a bra to match.

I was starting to get really excited. It was hard not to, I spent so much time getting ready. I began to imagine how he would act when he saw me. I pictured a change on his stoic face. I wanted some indication that he wanted me. I felt like a teenager getting ready for a first date. "No," I told myself "just get the rings".

At 7 o'clock on the dot, there was a knock on the door. I slipped my heels on and ran to the door. Dylan was dressed in a casual suit. He wore a collared shirt with no tie. It was a light pink color. I watched his eyes and got the acknowledgement I had wanted. I watched as his eyes swept up and down my body.

"You look beautiful," he told me. I blushed and allowed him to lead me to his car. Again I found myself sitting beside him, his hand on my thigh. Dylan took me to a secluded restaurant on the lake that I had never heard of. I gasped when I opened the menu.

"I can't afford any of this," I whispered to him, embarrassed.

"It's my treat," He told me reassuringly. It made me feel small again. Powerless. I shook my head.

"I should actually just go," I told him. The words fell out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I stared at my hands and wringed them in front of me. "I just need my rings back and I'll go". My breath was fast. My heart was racing. I had finally spoken for myself but somehow I could not look at him. I felt like if I met his eyes I would break.

"No," He said simply. "I will take you home when I am ready," He was gentle but stern.

I glanced at his eyes and it was finished. I just nodded. Our dinner continued. I ordered the most modest meal I could. Chicken breast with roasted veggies. It cost 45 $. Dylan did most of the talking. I sat quietly and listened to him. He ordered wine and poured a drink for me. I eyed it reluctantly. I couldn't afford to lose my head tonight. I had to keep my wits about me. I looked a Dylan. Our eyes locked. "Drink," he instructed me. Again I found myself unable to refuse him. I drank.

We finished dinner and two bottles of wine. I was feeling better now. I felt less apprehensive. The wine was part of that for sure, but there was also something reassuring about being with Dylan. It was hard not to feel safe with him. I started to give in.

After dinner Dyln lead me out on the dock. The sun was setting over the horizon. I felt his hand on my hip and he pulled me close to him as we walked. The wind blew and I shivered. Dylan removed his blazer and placed it around my shoulders. It was huge on me. I felt safe wrapped in it. We came to the edge of the pier and I gazed over it into the sunset. I felt Dylan's body pressed against me. He draped his arms around me and held me. This moment was perfect. I let myself go. I stopped resisting, I stopped thinking. Dylan kissed the back of my head and then lead me back to the car.

We rode in silence, but it was a content silence. Dylan rested his hand on my thigh. I had become accustomed to feeling it there. I gripped his hand with my own and ran my fingers across his knuckles. It was like having a safety blanket. His hand steadied me. Before I knew what was happening Dylan was parking the car in front of my house. I looked at him surprised. I figured he had some great plan. Some elegant place to take me or people to show me off too. His eyes met mine.

"You wanted to go home right," he said. Dylan helped me out of the car and walked me to the door. I unlocked it and pushed it open behind me. Dylan leaned in to kiss me good bye. I pushed my lips against him. I had forgotten how good he tasted. I had forgotten how firey this felt. It was Dylan who broke the kiss. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two shiney golden rings. They were mine. I stared at them and hesitated.

"I..." I couldn't think of what to say. "Thank you, "I said quietly and grabbed the rings.

There was a moment of silence as we stood and stared at each other. Then Dylan began to walk away. I turned my back to him and walked through my threshold. The next thing I did surprises me to this day. Il turned back and I called out to him.

"Come in?" I asked hastily. I felt a surge of adrenaline. Dylan turned to face me.

"Would you ... like to come in? "I asked again, stronger this time.

Dylan smiled. He approached my door. And pushed me inside.

Dylan's lips found mine instantly. We were locked in a fiery passionate kiss. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips. Dylan carried me as we kissed and somehow we found our way to my bedroom. Dylan laid me on the bed and he undressed. I began to do the same. I pulled my dress off and undid my bra. I left my panties in place for his benefit. I wanted him to see me in them and I wanted him to take them off. I absent mindedly tossed my clothes on the floor and tossed my wedding rings on my bedside table. I heard them clink and roll off onto the floor.

Dylan had removed his blazer and his pants. He stood in front of me in his boxers and an unbuttoned under shirt. I could see his rippling body as he removed his shirt and I could see his manhood, swelling. I wanted to taste it badly. I went to him and freed his cock from his boxers. Dylan did not have to tell me to do this. Not this time. This was what I wanted. I wanted to surrender myself to him. I wanted to be his. In that moment there was nothing that I wanted more. I eagerly licked the head of his monstrous cock before shoving it as deep as I could inside my mouth. I felt his hands rub down the back side of my body. He slapped my asse hard and I moaned around his dick. He grabbed the back of my head by the hair and forcefully shoved me down onto him. It was the most I had ever been able to take but it wasn't enough. Dylan wanted more he pushed further and further inside of my mouth. I closed my eyes and let him control me. I gagged but I did not fight. I wanted more than anything to please him. I was lost in the moment.

Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the romance of the night. Maybe it was built up sexual frustration that I hadn't been able to shake since first meeting Dylan. Whatever the reason was, I had lost my head. If I had been thinking maybe I would have checked my phone. Maybe I would have gotten the text that told me that Stephen was on his way home.

"All finished." It said. "Catching a late flight in."

But I did not see the text until it was much too late.

There was a shout that came from the doorway. Stephen was standing there, anger across his face, luggage still gripped in his hands. I sometime think what it must have been like for him to see me in this moment. On my knees, naked except for my panties, hungrily sucking another man's cock. Had he been there long? Had he see the lust in my eyes? Did he watch for a moment in shock before deciding to act? I like to imagine that he did.

The next moment Stephen was hurrying through the door.

"Son of a bitch!" He shouted at Dylan but to my surprise it was not Dylan that he came for. It was me. Stephen gripped my arm hard and snatched me up from the floor.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" He screamed in my face.

"I ... I..." I stammered. I had no answer. It was exactly what it looked like.

Dylan grabbed Stephen's arm and broke his hold on me.

Stephen then turned on Dylan. His fist flew through the air but it never connected. Instead Dylan caught Stephen in the stomach. I saw the air leave out of him. He fell to his knees. I stood by silently, terrified as Stephen struggled to his feet. "Don't" I wanted to scream at him, but my voice faltered. It was easy to see that Stephen was out matched. He swung his fist again and missed again. Dylan shoved him hard against the wall and the rounded on him. Stephen swung wildly again but Dylan's fists found their mark first. Dylan landed two very fast punches to Stephen's face. I saw his lights go out. Stephen fell to the floor.

"I... I.." I stammered. My eyes were wide with fear. Dylan approached me. His eyes were ice cold. "I didn't.. I never wanted this to happen..." I spoke rapidly. My heart was pounding in my chest. Dylan pushed me back toward the bed. I could see that Stephen was starting to rouse but he could not stand. Dylan forced me onto my knees on the bed, facing my husband who was now sitting against the wall.

My brain shut down. I would relive this moment over and over in the months and years to come but in that moment, I was brain dead. I did not resist as Dylan positioned himself behind me. I saw Stephen's eyes open. He saw me, saw what was happening. I stared at him. There was blood streaming down his face. A large bruise was already forming on the side of his face. Behind me Dylan's hands were rubbing me. He removed my underwear. My pussy was dripping wet. I can't remember a time when I was more horny than that moment.

"I..." I tried to speak again but just then the breath went out of me. Dylan had pushed inside of me. I gasped and moaned loudly. I felt like I was being split open. It felt amazing. Dylan pushed deeper and deeper inside of me. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"MMMMMMM..." I groaned and squirmed under the pressure. Then I felt Dylan's hips press against me and I knew he was in. It was satisfying knowing that I had taken his entire cock. I don't know if I would have been able to had I not been so horny and so wet. I felt the pressure subside and Dylan removed his cock and I was instantly hungry for it. He thrusted into me and I moaned.

"Oh God," I breathed. "Oh God..." Dylan started to get into rhythm now. The room was filed with the slapping of his body against mine. I felt his hands run down my back and rest on my hips. He pulled my hips to his as he slammed into me with his cock. Then I felt his hands underneath me. He rubbed my clit and my body shook. I was having my first orgasm.

"MMMMM..." I cried out loud. I had never cum harder. Never in my wildest fantasies did I dream of this feeling.

I whimpered as Dylan continued to fuck me. I opened my eyes and saw Stephen. He was still slumped against the wall. He was watching. He looked pitiful and powerless laying there. I should have felt bad, but I didn't. In fact the more Dylan fucked me the less bad I felt. Dylan deserved me. Dylan had fought for me and won. I belonged to him. As I stared at Stephen I began to resent him. I wanted to do something to make him hurt.

"Oh baby," I said in a hushed voice to Dylan. "Oh baby, please... Harder... please..." I begged Dylan to fuck me. "Please," I told him. "I've never felt like this before...please". I whimpered to him. I could see in Stephen's eyes that it had worked.

I felt Dylan pick up his pace. He grabbed my hair from behind and jerked me back. "Do you like that slut?" Dylan asked me.

"Yesss..." I hissed at him. I felt Dylan's other hand grip my neck and I closed my eyes again.

"Tell me what you want," He demanded.

"I want you to fuck me," I told him. "I want you to own me, use me."

"You want me to own you?" he asked me. "You want to belong to me".

"Yes, baby ... please..." I begged again.

"Prove it," Dylan's thrusts were slowing now.

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked

"Do whatever I ask you to, no questions," he told me.

"Okay..." I said cautiously. "What do you want me to do?"

Dylan pulled my ear to his mouth and whispered to me. His eyes darted maliciously to Stephen. Dylan let go of my neck so I could turn back toward Stephen.

I stared at him. And then I did what I was told. I shouted at Stephen and belittled him.

"Are you just going to sit there, Pervert or what? "I yelled at Stephen. His eyes widened. "Enjoying the show? Why don't you pull out that tiny dick if you're enjoying it so much!"

Stephen looked shocked. His hand twitched but he didn't move.

"Do what she said Bitch!" Dylan's voiced boomed. Stephen jumped and quickly unzipped his pants. His dick was soft and small.

"No wonder she needed more," Dylan poked fun at Stephen. "Go ahead and rub that tiny thing. You might as well get used to it since you're never sleeping with your wife again." Stephen's hand began to move slowly over his penis. He became partially erect.

Dylan was thrusting in earnest again now. "Tell him what you like," He commanded me "Tell him why he isn't enough."

I gasped for breath and through moans, I did what Dylan asked.

"I ... mmmm... I need a stronger man. I need... Oh God... I need more sex..." I moaned. "You...mmmmm... not big enough..." I gasped. "Not ... man enough..." Dylan's cock was pounding into me and it was hard to breath. "MMMMm.." I moaned loud again as I climaxed.

Dylan flipped me over onto my back and placed himself between my legs. I opened myself for him eagerly. He pushed his cock back into me and I cried out in pleasure.

"Yess..." I cried. "I need this..." I said. "I need this..."

Dylan fucked me hard and I could feel his giant balls slapping against my ass. His hand were all over me. He licked and bit my breasts. Grabbed my throat and slapped my ass. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride. It was several more minutes before Dylan broke the silence in the room.

"Where do you want it?" he asked me.

Anywhere, I thought, Everywhere. And then I answered him. "Inside. Please cum inside."

Dylan did not need any more encouragement. His pace quickened and his body became rigid. He was about to do it. He was about to shoot his seed into my fertile, unprotected pussy. The thought was arousing to me and I began to cum again.

"Please," I whispered to him. "Please cum inside of me..."

Dylan began to grunt and his thrusts became long and deep. Then I felt a surge and he released himself inside of me.

"Ummmmmm..." he moaned and collapsed on top of me. I was oddly comfortable with his massive body on top of me. I could feel his cum dripping out of my pussy. Dylan and I laid in bed, intertwined with each other for a long time after that. I was more satisfied in that moment than I can ever remember being. I may have even dosed off.

Sometime later I startled as if coming out of a dream. I looked up. Stephen was gone. I did not know when he had left. I had forgotten about him in the excitement. Dylan was still there. I curled myself into his arms and we slept through the night, peacefully.

The next day Stephen did not return, nor the day after that. He did return briefly to gather his belongings sometime during the next week while I was at work. I came home to an empty house and the meaning was obvious. I was proud of him actually. It made me respect him as a man. Of course I didn't last. After three months Stephen came crawling back to me. He was as pitiful and weak as ever. I accepted him back but our relationship was never the same. I had changed and things could never go back to the way they were.