Taking Natalie to Will's

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Natalie and Mr. Kramer take things to a new level.
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It had been several days since Natalie and I had met with Tim. When we parted, I told her I would contact another buddy for a possible meet-up. It took me much longer than I thought to get the free time to contact him. Will and I met on one of the many gay cruising websites. Unlike Tim, I could only contact Will on the site, usually only on weekends. As I logged on to the site, I figured I would send Will a message and wait until the weekend to hear back from him. I was surprised when the green light next to his profile was on.

I quickly tapped out a message: "How are you doing? It has been a while since we've connected." I waited for a response.

A message popped in. "Yeah, it has been a while. We should get together this weekend. Are you free Saturday afternoon?" Will responded.

It was a perfect opportunity. My wife was scheduled to travel for work beginning Thursday and would not return until Monday night. I quickly replied, "Yes! That works for me."

I thought for a minute about how to ask if I could bring Natalie. I decided to be direct.

"I have a friend, a young woman, that is interested in watching. Would you be okay with her coming with me? She is very discreet. She has come with me to another friend's place." I hit send.

Several minutes passed before a response arrived from Will.

"Sure. The setup is designed to keep everything anonymous. I have two requests," he continued. First, do not show her my profile here. Second, she only watches."

I was shocked that he agreed. I sent my response confirming his requests. We exchanged a couple more messages, set a meeting time, and exchanged numbers for easier contact on Saturday. I logged off.

I texted Natalie, " Are you free on Saturday around 2?"

"Yeah." She responded. "I have a work thing but should be free by then."

I responded, "Okay, we can meet at the coffee shop near the fetish shop."

"Okay. See you then." She sent back.

The rest of the week went quickly. My wife left as planned on Thursday. I confirmed with Will and Natalie that we were still on as planned on Friday.

Saturday morning, I went to the local adult bookstore and picked up a fresh bottle of poppers. I knew that I would need them for the afternoon's planned fun.

I arrived at the coffee shop early. I got a coffee and sat down at a table where I could see the door.

A little after 2, Natalie arrived. I was surprised to see Julia, another student from Natalie's class, was coming in with her. The two young women walked to meet me at the table.

Natalie, "Mr. Kramer, do you remember Julia?"

"Yes," I replied as the two women sat.

My expression said a lot because Natalie quickly explained why Julia was with her.

"Julia is one of the friends I've shared our experiences with. When I told her she was dropping me off to meet you, she insisted on coming in to say hi," Natalie said.

I sat silently as Julia began to speak.

"Mr. Kramer, Natalie has told me about what you two have been up to these past months. I have to say; it is sooooo hot!" Julia said.

I looked her over as Julia told me about what she had been up to since she had been my student. She had kept her hair short like a young boy. Her clothes were masculine but tailored to fit her feminine shape. Much as I had remembered. Her pants were high-waisted, accentuating her hips. The blouse was fitted, hugging her breasts. I could make out some of the details of her light blue bra through her white top. Natalie was dressed professionally in black dress slacks and a dark blue blouse. Although modestly dressed, Natalie still looked sexy to me. Julia explained that she and Natalie now worked together at a local advertising agency. As she wrapped up her update, my phone chirped.

It was Will. "All set here. Are you guys on your way?"

I looked up from my phone and to Natalie, "Sorry to cut this short. He is waiting for us. We should go."

Natalie said, "Hey, Julia, I'll catch up with you later. Thanks for the ride."

Julia looked at us both, and a sly grin came across her face. "You two have a good time." She said. She got up and left the coffee shop. She stopped to wave to us as she opened the door and exited.

Natalie looked at me, and I nodded toward the door. The two of us stood and left the coffee shop. When we arrived at my truck, we got in. As we drove, I began to explain how the experience we were about to have would be very different from what we had done with Tim.

"So, I want to tell you how this will be different from what we've done with Tim." I started.

I began, "First, Will has a Gloryhole that he sets up between his kitchen and mudroom. So we won't see his face."

"Really, a Gloryhole? I thought those things were only in gay porn." Natalie said.

"No, they're real things, and there are even some at the adult bookstores around town," I responded.

I could feel Natalie looking at me and her mind processing what I had said. I kept my eyes focused forward on the road as I drove and continued to explain.

"Second, Will doesn't suck me. I suck his cock." Before I could continue, Natalie interrupted me.

"What! You suck his cock? That is going to be sexy as hell, Mr. Kramer!" She exclaimed.

"I've been fantasizing about watching you suck a cock. Is it big, like yours? Can you deep-throat him? Do you swallow his cum? I can't believe I'm going to get to watch you." She went on.

As I turned down Will's street, I looked at her and said, "I guess you'll have to see for yourself."

We parked, and I led Natalie through the gate and to the house's backdoor. Our eyes met, and Natalie had a new sexual sparkle in her eyes. We went inside. I locked the door behind us. I handed the bottle of poppers to Natalie. I began undressing. I pulled off my sweater and then took down my pants and underwear. My hard cock sprang out. Natalie looked at my swollen cockhead and licked her lips. She began mindlessly shaking the bottle of poppers as she unbuttoned her blouse.

She pulled open her blouse. Natalie was wearing a white bra that seemed too small for her. The blouse had done an excellent job of hiding the ample cleavage that was now exposed to me. She reached between her breasts and undid the clasp, freeing them. A smile came across my face at the site of her large, firm breasts. She smiled back at me.

Natalie looked down at the pillow on the floor of the mudroom. She stood watching as I knelt on the pillow. Will's cock came through the hole in the panel hung in the doorway.

The cock was semi-erect, so not to its full 8-inch length. I leaned forward and flicked my tongue across Will's soft cockhead. I heard Natalie with a quiet gasp as she saw me take a cock for the first time. I slid the semi-hard cock passed my lips and into my mouth. It grew in my mouth as I began sucking. I reached my hand out, motioning to Natalie for the poppers. She handed them to me. I took Will's cock out of my mouth and licked the shaft and his balls. My saliva shined on his cock.

I took my free hand and began stroking my cock. As I continued to lick and suck Will's cock I felt Natalie squat down behind me. I could feel the fabric of her slacks press against my sides. Then she leaned against me, her bare breasts pressing into my back. I could feel her breath against my ear.

Natalie, in her deep, sexy voice, whispered in my ear. "It is so fucking hot to watch you stroke your cock while you lick those full balls and stiff cock shaft. I want to see you hit those poppers and swallow that big cock. Do it, Mr. Kramer, swallow that cock."

As I kept sucking Will's cock I unscrewed the cap. I brought the brown bottle to my right and then my left nostril. I took a deep hit each time. I held my breath and slowly released the poppers, which made my head swim. As I did, I slid Will's cock deep into my mouth.

Will let out a deep, "Fuck yeah."

"Fuck. Take Will's cock balls deep into your throat." Natalie whispered.

My free hand continued to work my hard cock and was busy stroking. I nodded my head to show Natalie that I understood her command.

"Yeah, that's it; stroke that cock while you deep-throat Will," Natalie said.

Natalie began running her fingernails along my thighs. I rubbed my precum up and down the shaft of my cock.

Will's cock was as hard as I remember it ever being. As I took the bottle of poppers to my nose, I heard Will take two hits of his own. His cock swelled as I began to swallow his length.

Natalie again was in my ear, "Mr. Kramer, you're taking his whole cock into your throat. It is so fucking sexy. I can feel my pussy pulsing while I watch you. Oh yeah. Hold his cock in your throat. I want him to cum in your mouth. You need to swallow his hot cum."

With Will's cock still buried in my throat, I pushed my tongue out and began licking his full balls.

Natalie leaned in close to me, "Oh my gosh!"

Her thighs tightened against me, and her tits pressed hard into my back.

I slid my mouth up and down Will's cock. I brought it so that just the head was in my mouth, then slid the entire length back in until it was in my throat. The motion of my sucking up and down Will's cock matched the rhythm of my stroking. I hoped that my sucking and stroking would bring both of us to explosive cum shots simultaneously.

Will grunted. Natalie was now kneeling behind me, gripping my thighs to balance. Her face was beside mine as the cock slid in and out of my mouth. I felt the head of his cock swell in my throat. As the first splash of cum hit my throat, my cock began to explode. I moaned as we both started to cum.

"Oh, Mr. Kramer," Natalie's husky voice began, "swallow every drop of his cum. I bet it tastes so good. Your load is so big. I haven't seen you cum this much before."

I kept working Will's cock with my mouth as it softened. My hand was squeezing the final drops of my seed out. His load began to seep out past his cock and my lips. Slowly, Will pulled his now limp tool from my mouth.

"That is so sexy," Natalie said in her sensual voice.

I turned to face Natalie. Cum running down my chin. The look in her eyes made my softening cock twitch. She smiled and stood up.

Will slipped his cock through the hole in the board. I stood, and I put my clothes back on. Natalie put herself back into her bra and buttoned her blouse. I slipped the poppers back into my pocket. Unlocking the door, we left.

Neither of us spoke as we got into my truck and began to drive.

I broke the silence, "Where do you want to be dropped at?" I asked Natalie.

"If it's not too much trouble at home, that would be great. Julia drove to the work event earlier today, and my car is home." She replied.

"Sure, I can do that," I responded.

Then Natalie began, "I can not put into words how sexy what I just watched was. Watching you deep-throat that cock was the hottest thing I have ever seen. My panties are soaked from watching you suck that dick and swallow that load."

She continued, "When you turned to me and had cum running down your chin, I wanted to lick it off so bad."

"You should have," I told her.

As we drove, Natalie directed me to her house. Natalie was also texting furiously.

"Who are you texting?" I asked.

"Julia. She wanted to know how I was getting home." Natalie responded.

"I let her know that you were driving me home. Then she responded, 'You wish.'" Natalie laughed.

I pulled up in front of Natalie's house. It was a small post-war bungalow in an older neighborhood. I realized it was close to the shop we had initially met at when this adventure began. I put the truck in park and unlocked the doors. I looked up the sidewalk to see Julia standing at the door. She gave a quick wave. Then Natalie's phone went off.

She answered. "Why are you calling me? I am right in front of the house. I guess I can ask him."

Natalie turned to me. "Do you want to come in for a cup of coffee? Julia wants to hear all about our afternoon."

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

"Sure," I responded.

I put the truck in park. I followed Natalie up the sidewalk to the front door. I had noticed earlier how well her dress slacks hugged her hips and ass. I could feel my cock beginning to stiffen as I watched her walk. Julia was waiting at the door and held it as we came in. I noticed that Julia had changed. She was no longer wearing the smart attire she had worn earlier. Now, Julia was wearing a tank top, which allowed me to see more of the bra she was wearing, and a pair of short running shorts. She smiled at me as I entered past her.

As we entered the living room, Natalie turned to me. "Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to get out of these clothes."

Julia chimed in, "Make sure to change your panties."

I'm not sure if I blushed more or Natalie did. But she just left the room. I found a spot on the couch. Julia sat down on the wingback chair. She crossed her legs as she sat. I couldn't help but run my gaze up and down her legs.

"So, how was your afternoon?" Julia asked, breaking the silence.

"I think it went pretty well. How was yours?" I responded.

Julia, "I'm sure it went great! I can't wait to hear about it. I just came home, showered, and did some reading."

As Julia finished her comments, Natalie came back into the room. She stood in the doorway for a moment. I could tell she was trying to figure out where to sit on the couch beside me or in the other chair across from me. Natalie was now dressed in yoga pants and a tight t-shirt. I could see that she was no longer wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard and pressed against the fabric of her shirt. She decided to sit across from me.

"So, Nat, you have to tell me how things went this afternoon." Julia began,

Natalie shot Julia a look. "I don't know. Mr. Kramer might feel weird hearing me tell you about it."

Both women looked at me.

"I'm willing to hear how you tell it. It will be interesting to listen to your perspective." I said.

Natalie shrugged and adjusted herself in her seat. Julia had a massive smile on her face. I sat back as Natalie began to recount our afternoon's activity. Natalie's voice slipped into the deep, husky, sexy voice that she uses when we're together. I could feel my cock begin to harden again in my pants. Whether she was aware of it or not, Julia had started to rub her crotch. As Natalie talked about watching me, Julia pressed the palm of her hand against her pussy. Both women were becoming flush, and a glassy look filled their eyes. Natalie had slid her right hand into the top of her yoga pants.

As Natalie continued, I was surprised at how detailed and drawn out she recounted the 20-minute experience we had had earlier that afternoon. The two women had locked eyes. It was as if I wasn't even there.

Julia had opened her legs and slid her shorts to the side. Giving Natalie and me a clear shot of her well-groomed, aroused pussy. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as she slid two fingers into her moist hole. Natalie gasped as she watched her friend begin to masturbate in front of us. As I watched Julia, I didn't notice that Natalie had slid her yoga pants off and her t-shirt over her head. I was now noticeably rubbing my stiff cock through my pants. Running my fingers along the length outlined against the fabric. Natalie had stopped talking and shifted her attention between Julia and me.

Julia opened her eyes and looked deeply into Natalie's eyes. "You should come here and clean this mess you helped create."

Natalie stood and walked across to Julia. Julia spread her legs over the arms of the chair. Natalie knelt in front of her. She looked over her shoulder at me. I had taken my pants down and was now stroking my cock.

Julia said, "Damn, Nat, you were right. He does have a beautiful cock."

Natalie turned back to Julia's pussy and buried her face between the smooth milky thighs. I squeezed the base of my cock. Julia waved me over.

"C'mon and get a closer look. Watch Natalie eat my pussy until I cum."

I stood up. As I slid my pants down, I felt the bottle of poppers in my pocket. I pulled them out and then finished taking my pants off. As I walked over, I looked down to see Natalie working her pussy as she licked Julia. I stood next to Julia. I had a birdseye view of Natalie licking Julia's pussy.

"Stroke your cock while you watch us," Julia said.

I did as I was instructed. I gave the poppers a shake. The sound of the ball rattling inside made Natalie look up. Her mouth was soaked with Julia's juices. I took the lid off the bottle and took two deep hits, one in each nostril. As I held in the chemicals, I spat into my right hand and began stroking my cock. I slowly released my breath. My head began to spin.

Julia began moaning. She was coming on Natalie's mouth. Natalie's muffled moans were buried in Julia's pussy as she also came. I continued to stroke my cock at the scene in front of me.

Both women began to regain their focus after their quaking orgasms and looked at me. Julia pulled off her tank top and bra. Natalie moved up to suck on Julia's small, 32A tits as the two of them watched me stroke.

I shook the poppers again.

"Yeah, take a deep hit, Mr. Kramer," Natalie said.

I brought the little brown bottle to my nose and took several deep inhales into each nostril. I held my breath. I kept stroking. My cock was so engorged. The head was a deep purple. Natalie and Julia were urging me on to cum. I could feel my balls tighten.

"Cum on my tits Mr. Kramer," Julia instructed.

I turned and aimed my cock at Julia's tits.

With one last pump, a stream of thick cum exploded from my cock and splashed onto Julia's tits.

"Fuck yeah!" Julia squealed.

Another strong blast launched from my cock as I continued to stroke.

Julia pulled Natalie up, and the stream of cum landed on her cheek just below her right eye. They both laughed.

I shot another stream where it landed on Julia's left tit.

I could feel my cum surge weakening. I stepped closer to the two women. As I did, Julia leaned in and popped my cock head into her mouth. My last drops oozed into her hungry mouth.

Julia let my cock drop from her mouth and leaned down to lick my cum from Natalie's face. Natalie then licked my jizz from her friend's chest. Finally, the two women began to kiss. I could see my cum being shared between them.

I collapsed back onto the couch. Natalie came and snuggled into me. Julia laid back in the chair. The smell of sex filled the room. As the three of us dozed off, I thought this fantastic adventure had just taken another exciting turn.

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