Talent Spotting


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I could feel the power of her but I was no longer afraid knowing that every careful thrust was a pleasure shared. It was a magical revelation, two women knowing each other, attuned to one another, with no fear of softening or disappointment.

I licked with renewed enthusiasm, darting strokes of my tongue that soon had Cassie crooning with delight. She changed her position slightly to make her clitoris available to me and I did not disappoint.

It swelled from the confines of her labia and felt like a grape beneath my tongue. As my efforts lifted her towards the inevitable outcome Lynx began to increase the length of her strokes almost withdrawing before pushing home once more.

Some innate sense was harmonising us and I understood that the nearer I brought Cassie to orgasm the closer both Lynx and I would be.

I was licking in a frenzy, groaning with effort, whilst they both exhorted me to greater even greater exertion.

When my orgasm erupted I almost fainted with the power of it. Cassie's body was rigid above me as she drowned me with her offering and I was aware of Lynx shuddering as I was.

For that brief span of time we were like a single organism, the exultation even greater than the sum of its parts. I felt a disappointment when Cassie finally rose from me on to unsteady legs and an emptiness that was more than physical as Lynx withdrew.

I did not have the strength to move as she stood over me and eased herself free of her harness. She smiled as she presented the gleaming shaft to my mouth.

"Lick it for me...."

I heard the others laugh but I was lost in the throes of a new depravity as I did as she asked. I had no idea if the taste was hers or mine but it was of no matter as she ensured that I cleaned the whole thing.

Up to that point I might have taken my leave with some semblance of dignity left to me but this final act of abasement left no doubt about my place in the scheme of things. I was simply there to be used and, as Lynx purposefully straddled my face, it was obvious that I was going to be used to the full.

Chapter 7

How curious, the correlation between the rise in my professional fortunes and the sinking of my personal esteem.

Samois were a big success in Central Park; so much so that Astral approached me to ask if they could cover 'Halo'. It was as if the events at the Plaza had never taken place.

By the time I returned to London, their cover version was well on its way to number one and I was contracted to write a dozen new songs for consideration.

Hannah carried out all the negotiations and, despite strong pressure, she refused to sign up to an exclusivity clause. As I result, I was soon swamped with additional requests from other managements.

She advised me to step away from Samois for the time being and, in truth, it needed little persuasion. Relations between Sophie and I had remained strained and it was beginning to effect the whole band.

I simply wanted to return to the relative anonymity of solo performances which, as well as being more conducive to song writing, would allow me the time and space that I needed to explore my inner feelings.

Hannah wanted to arrange a formal meeting but I wanted to break the news to Roxy personally. I felt a little uneasy but my conscience was eased by the fact that she was now big news in her own right.

Her storming performance in the park had really grabbed attention and it was obvious to me that she had outgrown the others. Hannah was already booking her on to chat shows and she was a natural in front of the cameras.

One measure of her success was the new apartment that she had leased overlooking the river near the new business area. I took the river bus and sat for a moment in the communal gardens before taking the stairs to the top floor.

When the door was opened to me I thought that I had the wrong building. I immediately recognized the young actress and it would have been difficult not to do so. With the opening of her latest film her striking face was adorning billboards all over the country. She seemed unsurprised to see me and ushered me in.

I found Roxy slouched in an oversized leather chair just inside the open balcony doors. Dressed only in a white kimono she was benefitting from the sunshine whilst avoiding the stiffening breeze.

"Would you like a drink?"

I requested tea and, without a word, her young friend disappeared to the kitchen.

Roxy noticed my puzzled expression and laughed as she spoke.

"It was supposed to be you."

"I'm sorry?"

"Don't be coy. I know everything."

I was not sure how to reply and so I simply waited for her to continue.

"Hannah told me all about you from the outset when she arranged for you to join us on tour."

"She didn't know me then. My manager arranged it all."

This slip up convinced me that she was simply fishing but she appeared unfazed.

"Hannah was grooming you long before that, right back to your pub gig days. She has her 'talent spotters' everywhere and we're not just talking musicianship."

This last unsettled me a little and she seemed to enjoy my unease.

"Have you kept in touch with your manager? I'm willing to bet that, if you checked, you'd find her somewhere on Hannah's payroll."

This all sounded too farfetched and my face must have shown it but she pressed on.

"If you don't believe me I can give you Glennys' phone number."

At this I shot back.

"You told me that Glennys had walked out on us. You said that she took everything."

"She did, because Hannah told her to."

"This is nonsense. Why would Hannah go to all this trouble?"

"Well from what I hear you're a special talent. Sophie certainly thought so."

Now they could be no denial and I was shocked to silence.

Roxy smiled, but warmer now.

"For Hannah it's just a game. Women like her and Eva try to outdo one another. They could afford street girls but being able to exercise their control over somebody that everyone would recognize that's the real thrill; and there's the twist, the more famous she makes you the greater the kudos."

At that moment tea arrived. I looked up but the girl could not meet my eyes. Roxy's amusement was obvious.

"She's still on Hannah's books. When she progressed from pop starlet to the big screen Hannah continued to represent her...and you wouldn't want it any other way would you my little princess?"

As I looked back towards Roxy she uncoiled her legs from beneath her and dropped her feet to the carpet. Now that she had my attention she parted her knees with theatrical slowness and her kimono rose like a stage curtain.

She was becoming famous for her platinum blonde punk hairstyle and so it was a shock to see a slash of black hair deep between her legs. For a second or two I could not find my breath even though my heart was beating with an adrenaline fuelled turmoil.

It was almost as if I could taste her, and I could feel myself surrendering to the temptation, but the invitation was not for me.

Without a word the girl crossed the room and went to her knees. There was no preamble, no foreplay, she simply pressed her mouth to Roxy's sex with a groan that could only be interpreted as gratitude.

Roxy smiled down at her, obviously pleased with her eagerness, and petted her head indulgently

My thoughts were confused. I was angry with myself for allowing them to manipulate me, and I felt strangely upset at the way the girl was being used, but they was no denying that the strongest feeling of all was one of jealousy.

Roxy gave a gasp of approval at something the girl was doing and then spoke, her voice slightly unsteady.

"Would you like to be her right now...of course you would...but Hannah has made you her own very special project....perhaps when she's finished with you."

I felt my cheeks redden, and I made to rise, but Roxy simply laughed.

"Stay, finish your tea, she's going to be down there for hours yet..."

Chapter 8

For the next few weeks I threw myself into my work and my only contact with Hannah was a series of transatlantic calls to discuss progress.

In that time I think that I unconsciously favoured male company but something had changed. Now, when they flirted with me, I still enjoyed the attention but I always fended them off.

I even went on a date with a woman. She interviewed me for her music paper and we had hit it off. She was very open about her orientation and had asked me out.

She was beautiful, savvy, and when she asked me in for coffee I almost accepted but there was something missing. We parted as friends but, I have to confess, I had a tinge of regret for days afterwards.

It was frustrating. Everything appeared to be going so well but there was now an undefined hollow in the centre of my existence. I had determined, very early in life, that I did not want children and I wondered if this was the unconscious cause of the void but I knew that nothing had really changed in that regard.

Deep down I knew its origin but I was trying to deny it.

A couple of days after my visit to Roxy I was composing at the piano when I received a call asking if I could come along to the office. In theory, the London office was an independent company which had a commercial partnership with Hannah's New York headquarters. In reality it was completely subordinate.

I turned up in good time, for what was only my second visit, and was ushered up to the boardroom. I was expecting to meet someone from the creative team and so I was totally taken aback to find Hannah sitting there.

She looked fit and well, so much so that I wondered if she had had some work done. She had certainly shed a couple of pounds and I found myself checking out her slimmer figure as she ushered me towards a sofa which afforded a view over St James's Park with the Palace in the distance.

After a few niceties she extracted a sheaf of papers from her bag.

"I want you to take these away and consult a lawyer."

As she said it I felt a lurch in the pit of my stomach.

"What do I need to consult on?"

"This is a revised contract. I think you'll find it's better than anything out there. The terms are improved and it represents an increase in your percentages."

I looked at her, waiting for the catch.

"Look honey, I see even greater things for you in the years to come. Now, you can stick to our original agreement, and you can walk after three years, but I would like to be a part of your future."

There was something about the way she spoke the words...

For a moment I just sat there looking at her but then she asserted the control that was so necessary to both of us.

She stood up looking almost imperious against the backlight of the picture window.

"Undress me..."

I reacted slowly, knowing that I had reached some sort of tipping point, but then, still fighting my nerves, I tentatively reached for the buttons of her blouse.

She offered no assistance as I slipped it from her shoulders and then fumbled with the fastening of her bra.

Finally I removed it with the care of an archaeologist revealing hidden treasures. Her breasts were beautiful in their fullness and my tongue stirred in my mouth.

As I knelt to unzip her skirt I remembered that the door was unlocked but she was either certain that we would not be disturbed or did not care if we were. She also seemed unmindful of the office building that overlooked us albeit some distance away.

I let her skirt fall to her ankles and gasped. She was wearing stay ups but no panties. It as if all this were preordained and she had been confident of my acquiescence all along.

Now taking the lead she stepped out of her shoes and retook her seat on the sofa with her legs open in welcome.

There was no need for words. I took my place at the shrine and began to worship.

Her first orgasm came quickly, a pent up eruption, but the second and third were lovingly bestowed. The shadows in the room lengthened and by the end my whole body ached but I did not let her down.

As the final ripples of pleasure settled I felt pleased with myself and I nestled against her thigh leaning in to lick at one last, sweet, droplet that oozed from her sex.

I gave up on self analysis, anguishing whether or not this was just a phase I was going through, and decided that I would simply live for the moment. With that decision taken I felt as if a weight had been lifted. I smiled inwardly and started to unfold myself but Hannah touched me on the cheek.

"Not yet honey...we still haven't finished."

I was shocked by her stamina and suddenly very conscious of my tender tongue but then it all paled into insignificance.

With a surprising litheness she drew up her legs until her feet were flat on the seat of the sofa. I could feel my pulse throbbing at my temples as I beheld the glory of her toned thighs and the taut curves of her fully presented posterior.

Her position left her sex lewdly displayed but my eyes were drawn downwards to where the shaded oculus glistened with a comingling of her leaked arousal and my saliva.

It was clear what was wanted of me but I remained frozen. I had never done it before, and had never desired to do so, but I understood that this was a test. She did not prompt or cajole. She simply reclined serenely and awaited the inevitable.

I felt overwhelmed. She seemed possessed of a power both physical and mental that had a mesmeric attraction. I was drawn towards her and could feel the heat radiating from her skin.

I was so close now that I could see the opening flexing very slightly. I felt like a primitive staring into the iris of a camera lens that was about to steal my soul.

I could not bring myself to use my tongue immediately and, instead, I kissed hesitantly but, once I had her taste on my lips, I was lost. Soon I was greedily using the flat of my tongue following the course of her natural furrow.

The temptation to devour her sex once more was strong but I knew that this would be deemed a failure. I willed myself to stay lower and each sweep of my tongue was slowly foreshortened until I was focused on the forbidden declivity itself.

My earlier exertions had resulted in my tongue becoming a little swollen and it seemed impossible that I could overcome the coiled tension. I pressed as firmly as I could, seemingly to no avail, and hoped that my attempt would be proof enough.

I was about to admit defeat when I felt a subtle yielding and I made one last effort.

In a single movement I was through, lodged impossibly deep, and I felt a surge of joy as she gave a groan of contentment. I began to flex my tongue and felt her squeezing me in welcome.

I could still taste her arousal, countered by something slightly aseptic, but it was not in the least unpleasant. There was a strange sense of calmness and I felt completely in harmony with her.

Now that she was assured of my total subjugation she began to lazily rub her clitoris until her sex began seep over my captive tongue and I recognized the now familiar signs as she teased herself to the summit once more.

I could feel every tiny compression and each one somehow reinforced my own arousal.

She began to speak, her voice slightly strained as she tried to retain control.

"I'm going to introduce you to some friends...friends like Eva...and I know that you won't disappoint me...but this...this you will do only for me...and I am going to be so demanding of you..."

With this last, my tongue was tortuously compressed as she joyously began to come. I felt myself carried with her, an orgasm like no other, and, somewhere deep inside, I felt an emptiness begin to disappear.

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