Tales from the Grave: Wicked Beauty


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When they finally reached the location of their departed, they made their way through a crowd of both black of white whispering among themselves, her hands went to her face in defeat, and disbelief.

Evangeline let out a loud scream and ran over to her only boy, and demanded that he be cut down from the tree. His sisters wept and moaned and felt nothing but disgust at such a brutal act of hatred done upon their own flesh and blood. As Evangeline cradled his dead body, the tears of sorrow began to flow.

She continue like this until he heard footsteps approaching her. She looked up to see that wicked woman from the boutique standing above her, with her husband, the sheriff, by her side, grinning at her.

"Well, well. Fancy meeting you again"

"What was his crime?" she asked, with tear stained cheeks.

Danny and Rebecca looked down at her in triumph. "That mongrel attacked a white woman," Danny said looking over to his wife. "Tell her, sweet-cheeks."

Rebecca stared down at the woman with folded arms, as satisfaction filled the air. "I am guessing that's your son. Wow, what a bang up job you did raising a rapist for a son."

"You lie!" she stood up straight with anger. "You mean to tell me my son would dare touch your filthy skin, let alone try to rape you, BITCH! You are delusional. You fucking worthless wet rag jizz."

Everyone who stood around gasped. "Lady, do you know who you are talking to?" the sheriff yelled. "Don't you know if I wanted to, I could throw your black ass in jail for assault?"

Evangeline wanted to knock the idiot up side his head. "Ohh, you rotten-." She wanted to really go in on them, and rip their heads off. But when she felt her oldest daughter grabbing her arm to calm down, she simply just nodded up and down smiled.

Gaining her composure, she felt herself bottle up all her emotions, but she refused to be defeated and let them win.

"Whoever did this to my only boy, may God have mercy on their souls, 'cause I won't. They will pay for what they have done to my son." And she walked off into the night

They both stood there looking at each other contemplating what she had said. "What does she mean?" Danny asked.

Rebecca responded "OH, she's just nuts. C'mon, let's go home. I'm hungry."


Rebecca still felt angry, and agitated. Even-though his mother had done her bidding, and she had some joy of killing a black man, she was still upset that he rejected her. 'How dare he?' she silently said to herself.

She looked over at her husband as he drove home. "What you thinking about?" she asked.

He continued to stare at the road up ahead. "I am just thinking about what our lives would be like without these niggers. It would be make life so much easier for us, especially for our white women. It gets tiring trying defend y'all from those mongrels."

"Hmm, I know baby." Reaching to him, she began rubbing his shoulders to calm him. She would've told him that she was the one lying, and causing all these unnecessary deaths of innocent black men, but she did not want to ruin her reputation.

When they finally got to their house and walked inside, it was pitch black. He tried hitting the light switch to turn the lights on, but nothing came on.

"It's probably just the fuse box, or something. I'll go check it while you check the rest of the house."

She watched him as walked through the kitchen, and out the back door where the fuse box was. She turned on her heels, and walked through the house checking each light switch to no avail.

She finally went up to the bedroom to get some candles ready. As she passed her mirror, something in the reflection caught her eye. There in the reflection of her mirror, standing just a few feet away in the corner, a lifeless black body hung from the ceiling in the corner of the room.

Dropping the candles as she ran screaming, she accidentally fell, and hit her head in the hallway against the wall. She looked up to see a bright light coming her way, and the image of her husband came into her blurry view.

"Becca, are you ok?"

"Oohhh, awwww ooowww. My head," was all she could say, as her husband picked up and carried her to their bed. He laid her gently down and rubbed her head. "What happened, Sweet-cheeks?" he asked.

She looked up towards the corner to where the body was hanging, but nothing was there. "It was nothing," she said, looking back at him. "Maybe me almost getting raped for the second time this week has did a real number on me. Maybe I just need some rest."

He looked back down at her smiling. "Yeah you do. You are a tough girl to endure such much in one week. Let me help take care of that wound for you"

"Hey what happened to the fuse box?" she asked.

He turned back around shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. When I went down there, everything was fine." Going into their bathroom he came out with a cold wet rag, which he placed gently on her head to nurse the huge sore.

"Can you handle this aching wound while I am gone?"

"mm Hmm," she nodded.

As he left the room, she laid there in her bed tending to the huge knot that was forming. As she held the cold wet rag against her head, she felt herself getting sleepier and sleepier. And just at the final moment sleep was about grip her, Evangeline appeared in her room.

Rebecca jump upright in bed and screamed for her husband. "DANNNY!"

"That won't do you good, bitch. The moment your husband left the room, I took care of him."

"What did you do with him?" Rebecca shouted.

"He's fine...for now .And if were you, I would watch my tone of voice," Evangeline growled. "REBECCA JANE WATSON! I have learned so much about you in these last few hours. Granted our first encounter with each other was not so pleasant, I disregarded that little incident. But NOW, my dear, you have truly fucked up this time. And there's no way your husband will save you."

When she saw Evangeline slowly moving towards her, she used whatever strength she had to try to scramble out of bed towards the closet where Danny kept his guns. But she was pulled back by an unseen force throwing back in her original spot. She looked up to see Evangeline waving a doll around.

"Where you going? I hope you ain't thinking about trying to blow my head off. Hahahha. Oh dear, bad news for you, you gots to come at me stronger than that."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE? WHY—." With a soft finger to her lips, Evangeline rendered Rebecca speechless.

"You don't need to worry about who, or what I am. Your question should be more along the line of what I can do. Especially to you." Evangeline saw Rebecca struggling to speak, and was amused. The girl was powerless for once in her life, and it delighted her.

"Rebecca is it? I am going to cut to the chase. That young black man you got killed because of your pathetic lies was my son. My only son, and the only male heir of the Marie Laveau Bloodline born in the past five decades."

Rebecca's eyes widen in shock, and fear started to paralyze her.

"To you, he might have been just a fun rump in the hay that he rejected, or just a mere worthless black man that needed to be taught a lesson by your husband, but to us, his family and the Laveau clan, he was something more. And I am here at this very moment to help you reap the seeds you have sown."

Evangeline moved in closer to her, and sat herself on the bed next to Rebecca. With one hand she gently began to caress her face, as she held the voodoo doll in the other.

"My, what a beautiful sight you are. I can almost see why men go crazy over you," Evangeline said gently in a smooth tone.

She looked over at her doll, and quickly back over to her. "Though, I cannot say the same for that evil wicked heart of yours." Evangeline smiled devilishly as she thought of the perfect form of vengeance. Getting up she walked over to the dresser, and picking up a hand-held mirror, brought it over to Rebecca. Roughly grabbing her face in one hand, she held up the mirror showing Rebecca her reflection

"Oh Rebecca, what a beautiful sight you are. So beautiful that every man you have met felt weak at the knees by your mere beauty. Men have fought over it, some have killed over it, and now, sadly, men have died over it. But tonight, that will all change."

"For all the bloodshed, tears ,screams of agony ,and the sheer terror you have inflicted amongst innocent men and their families for your evil wicked ways, and that evil heart of yours, has come to bite you in the ass, and is now coming back to you tenfold," Evangeline said waving the mirror over her face.

She took her other hand away from her face, and placed it over Rebecca's heart. "I now take all the ugliness you have in your heart, and all the wicked evil deeds you have done. I now let the world know and see the true ugliness that lurks inside you. That's right! The hideous monster that you are on the inside shall be seen on the outside. You will be so hideous that everyone in their right mind will be terrified of you. And you will continue to live like this until you meet the same demise of fate that you have brought upon my son ,and all the other's innocent blood you have shed for your lies."

Evangeline placed her hand back on Rebecca's and brought the mirror closer. "And so, it shall be done. By the higher universe I say, blessed be. Enjoy that pretty face of yours while you still can," Evangeline said tucking the mirror under her arm.

"Ta taaa," she said sweetly. And just like that, she was gone. Vanished without a trace.

Rebecca shoot up straight in bed looking around the bedroom. The lights were on, and she saw her husband walking towards her with a towel around his waist.

She looked around the room once more to see if Evangeline was still there, but she saw no signs of her. She put her hand over her heart and understood that it was all a bad dream. "Oh God, what a terrible dream."

"What dream?" her husband asked. She glanced over to him as he was crawling into bed.

"It's nothing," she said, shaking her head. "Hey, when did the lights come back on?"

"Oddly enough, a few seconds before you woke up. Are you ok, babe? You look like you saw a ghost."

She turned her gaze away from him, and shook her head. "I'm fine. Let's just go to sleep ok. Shut the lights off, will ya?" Rebecca turned away from her husband and closed her eyes for some desperate need of sleep.

As she was about to slip into a deep slumber, she could hear the laugher of Evangeline echoing in the distance of her mind .She chalked it up to her mind playing tricks on her from the blow to the head she took earlier. She fell right to sleep with her husband cradling against her back.

"Good Night." he said against her ear.


Surprisingly, despite the awful dream she had last night, Rebecca had awoken the next morning in a blissful state. The birds were chirping and she felt a nice warm breeze blew against her skin.

She gave herself a good stretch and turned over to face her husband to wake him. As she turned over to face him, he began to open his eyes to his beautiful wife, but was in for a shock.

He quickly hoped out the bed screaming for dear life. When she heard him shouting, she shot up in bed looking around in a panic "What's wrong-." she tried to say, but that was cut short as he began to berate her.


She looked at him confused and slowly slipped out of the bed. "Honey, what's wrong?"


She began walking to him with pleading hands, still a state of confusion. "Danny, please. What are you talking about?" As she continued walking toward her husband, she caught a glimpse of her image in the full length mirror in the corner of the room, and screamed herself.

There, staring back at her, was something so hideous even horror stories could not describe it. She was bald, with thin stringy hair with open reddish sores all throughout her bald head. Her once perfect face and beautiful white teeth she prided herself on, were no more. Her face had sunk in and shriveled up, and scars, boils ,and moles decorated her face .Whatever teeth she did have were now shaped into piranha-like fangs. Her eyes were no longer the beautiful blue she once knew. Now they were sunken in, black as coal, with blood red circles around them. And her once perfect body was haggard, dried up, with bones sticking out her skin. And, to top it off, the smell that radiated off her was beyond foul.

She was so transfixed on her now hideous image she could only catch the last instant of her husband running up to her, and bashing over the head with the bedside lamp.

She looked up at husband once more with blurry out of focus eyes. When she saw the image of the woman responsible for turning her into a monster, she tried to warn her husband with a shaky weak hand. But the only thing he did was kick her in the head, officially knocking her out cold.

Danny looked down at the creature below and looked around the room nervously. He had no idea how this thing got into his house, or what it did with his wife, but one thing was for sure. He was going to get rid of it before it will cause havoc on the townspeople.

Quickly getting dressed, he grabbed his guns and a net, and called up a few of his friends to get rid of this thing.


"Danny please it's me, Rebecca. You have to believe me!" he heard the thing shout.

"Shut up! Your breath smells like burning death," he growled. With all the strength he could muster, he tied the thing up and threw it in the bed of his truck.

He didn't have to wait long for until he heard the loud motor of his deputy's pickup truck roaring from the distance. He looked up to see his crew, and their comrades driving towards him as they kicked up a cloud of dust with their tires.

When their truck came to a full stop and they exited their vehicle, they let out groans and whistles of disgust and intrigue

"What is that thing?" he heard one say.

"I don't know. That thing was in my bed when I woke this morning, and I believe it killed my Becca."

"But honey, you have to understand. I am Rebecca." Getting angry at the monsters mouth, Danny hopped up on the truck bed, striking in its head knocking it out once again.

He turned back to his crew and staff with pleading eyes, begging for help. "Now, I know y'all might be scared shitless, but do y'all think you are brave enough to help get rid of this thing before news gets out about it? I don't want no feds coming this town, thinking I can't run it."

They looked at each other with doubtful frightened looks, but nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good. Call up some friends who can keep a secret, and let's get ready for a night of lynchings to end all lynchings," He said, closing the bed of the truck.


A look of terror plagued his face, as blood dripped from the open, bleeding deep wound on his head and into his hands - begging, pleading hands - as he begged for his life on his knees at her feet.

She saw herself looking down at the man with a cheeky smirk. "Too late for your begging, nigger. You should have thought of that before you looked at me in the eyes. DANNY! Lynch him."

She saw herself having a grand ole time, and enjoyed the sight of murder and mayhem she caused against innocent black men, and was disgusted with herself. Image after image played across her mind of innocent men she got killed and beaten as she physically tried to cover herself from the harsh beating the group of men, including her husband, dished out on her.

She screamed and wailed in terror and agony, just like the men that she killed, as faces of murderous whites landed punches and kicks upon her. She was in pain. Awful pain. She just wanted to go home and back to her normal life.

When the kicks and punches stopped, she felt a small moment of relief until the rough texture of a rope was put around her neck. She tried to put her hands up to loosen its hold, but that ended when she felt herself being dragged by the neck against dirt, rock, and rubble across the field to an oak tree by her husband.

Throwing the rope high across the closest tree branch, Danny and his boys pulled the rope and tied around the base of the tree as the crowd around them cheered them on.

Feeling herself being quickly elevated and swinging from side to side in midair, she began kicking and struggling against the rope's hold.

As she looked into the wild cheering crowd of her neighbors and friends, the image of an angry Evangeline flickered amongst them. And, as she continued to struggle against its hold, the twisted mouths of black men in fear and terror played in her mind one last time, as the feeling of hot fire touched the tip of her toes and quickly ran up her body and engulfed her in hot flames.

She kicked and screamed as the hotness became unbearable and, when she bounced for the final time, she took her last breath. Her demise was just like those of the innocent men she got killed. It was then she knew what it felt like to hated, despised and mistreated, for something you cannot control. It was then she truly understood how it felt like to be black in America and what it felt like to be one of her victims.

And that, my friends, was the end of Rebecca Jane Watson.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
A beautiful story....

at the time of my posting this, the rating for your story stands at 3.64, i cannot fathom how is that agreeable.

please dis regard any rating for this story, its atleast a 4.50 & above in my book. why not a 5.00 as it could always be better, but definitely what the current rating is.

ofcourse you could have dealt with tho whole rat pack & given their comeuppance, but i leave how you wish to end your story up to you. this is first story of yours i ve read, & am gonna read thru the rest of yours too. No, am not some publisher or any one who could help you out financially, am just a simple fool who just enjoys getting my feet wet & reading something good.

i promise to leave a constructive comment atleast after reading each of your stories. please remember one thing, there is only one thing & one thing only in this world you are meant to be, i.e to be yourself.

never let the good or bad comments sway your style how you write, the bad comments may make you feel blue, but that okay, what you should be watchful of are the good comments, just because 1000 people liked a story doesn't make it good, a good story needs no approval save one, your own.

thank you for your effort, hope you always find the strength & courage to persevere inspite what the world throws at you.

my final thoughts are, i dont know if you're black, white, brown or blue. whatever you are, your one of a kind & i for one am happy to know you thru your works.

Jim Bob.

Queen_VickiQueen_Vickiover 8 years agoAuthor
Something Different

I have something different in mind for them

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I was so hoping Rebecca's looks would've changed back after her husband and those other psychos lynched her so they could live with the guilt. Some kind of justice need to be brought down on them too.

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