Tales of Decadence - Dark Elf Town Ch. 07

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Celedwin's Story comes to a conclusion.
15k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/01/2018
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((The dark elf town stories are concluded with our wizard girl's project. Please enjoy))


All Celedwin felt was the warm embrace of the soft cotton sheets over her naked body, caressing her small breasts and curvy, toned ass, the feeling of clean linens as if she was embraced by a thousand soft hands.

It all felt like a wild dream, quickly fading away as if she never lived it.

Yet it had happened. Yesterday, Celedwin was violated by dozens of men after blundering into a human slaver(a vicious slut of a human woman who had no qualms about selling her kin to monsters), she was mercifully released back to her monster host's home.

Back under the dark elf who graciously hosted her, she rubbed her eyes and saw a half naked, cute girl next to her bed.

"Coffee?" Violet, her host's slave girl was lounging on a couch, wearing white skirt and a small bikini top, her hair tied in a bun, her body exposed to the sunlight as she lazily sipped the brown, rich liquid of the south in a china cup. "Mistress is gone for the day. You are going to prepare for the conference, yes?"

It was Celedwin's raison d'etre for visiting Dark Elf City, and she had nothing on, a bruised body, a severely satisfied libido, and aching vaginal muscles from a sexual marathon she endured on all fours, offered to anyone passing by like a pet...If she ever got pregnant, she wouldn't even know the father...

She drew in a sharp breath, slowly getting off the bed. Time to work.


It was never boring for a voyeur in Dark Elf cities, with own customs away from Agrat's sphere of order. Pale, nude human women wearing slave collars and gloves cleaned the public gardens with shears, rakes, hair protected by cotton bandannas. A lazy looking Dark Elf and a smiling Alraune kept directing the slave women from garden to garden, large baskets on their naked backs full with dry leaves and rubbish. The streets had mail slaves delivering newspapers and letters, nude women running with backpacks and tossing parcels and papers over the gardens and to the mailboxes and porch. Their breasts dangled freely or were bound by linens with no underwear or cheap, makeshift thongs as they ran.

Clothing fashion often being "Less is more" for many monster girl citizens, and imposed and slow assimilation into naturism on part of human slaves, freedmen and citizens, the sea of beautiful, naked bodies of both genders was fit for a brothel painting back in Lescatie's seedier towns. It was far more scandalous, especially since many of them were either engaging in public sex, simple exhibitionism or servitude eroticized with chaingangs, coffles and collars: restraints more for tracking down humans rather than abuse them for practicality's sake in the chaotic monster girl empire.

Even as Celedwin was fully prepared to present her projects and discuss ice magic in the Mage Tower, she could not help but gaze at the streets, drinking in the sighs as she walked. One never got enough of a Dark Elf Town.

Across the street stood the Centaur's Heart, her stay for the first few days, patrons, servants and anything in between happily eating, drinking, and...copulating.

Helga, the busty blonde centaur was busy serving breakfast to the visitors, trays of eggs and bacon dropping on the tables one by one. The centaur's trademark dirndl was looking a bit strained on the chest area as usual, the poor Ulmic centaur being the bustiest creature in town except Holstauri milkmaids. Her two young boys she bought from the market were clearly in love, cleaning the tavern but also one of them (Celedwin couldn't find out which) kissed her on the cheek when she was clearing some dishes of trash and reached his hands to grope her enormous breasts. She chuckled, kissing his nose in turn and patting his ass, signaling him to clean upstairs.

"No sex before both of you made ze rooms squeaky clean my dear!" The blonde Ulmish centaur scolded him and poking his nose, turning with grace on her loud hooves to deliver another plate to a customer.

The boy had given her a quick grope on her voluminous equine bottom above her skirt before dashing off, earning a string of Ulmish curses spoken in amused anger by the busty blonde centaur, and a weak kick to his general direction with a sigh.

Looking up, Celedwin saw a rare sight in a dominant monster town, getting ready to meet the Magic Council of Mamono:

A Kikimora, a strange monster girl wiping the windows of her apartment flat.

Kikimora were northern mamono with strange, dog-like fluffy hair and ears with bird-like feet, their beautiful arms decked with vestigial, wing like feathers. They often avoided Dark Elf run cities since their docile and submissive aura was useless to attract men here...Yet this one persisted in staying inside the city, cleaning windows and watering plants on each floor wearing her trademark maid dress. She politely nodded and smiled at Celedwin before resuming her work. Behind her, Celedwin could swear some shadow was fumbling with her dress as the Kikimora kept a perfectly polite face. She had a good idea who was behind the curtain and what he intended to do with the bare bottom of the Kikimora.

Celedwin noticed that the Kikimora's face face became strained as she was cleaning a particularly distant stain. Stretching, she gasped in discomfort, her upper body shaking when she wiped the stain away. Celedwin watched with interest when the Kikimora pulled herself a bit, and slowly, kept wiping the rest of the windows in a slower pace, with small gasps escaping her lips, her eyes squinted as if she was suffering from a sickness, shaking.

Celedwin grinned when the Kikimora put a hand on her own mouth and closed her eyes as she shook, clearly held and...taken by someone behind the curtains. Her maid dress was clearly lifted behind her back, her face red as beets as her apparent lover, hidden behind the curtains kept thrusting behind, plunging his manhood with short, quick thrusts. Even so, the Kikimora was a dutiful one. With shaking hands (and body, being thrust harshly), she took a small watering can and watered the flowers before shuddering with closed eyes.

Celedwin simply watched her movements become faster as her master and lover kept pumping inside her, until she stopped, let out a squeal and closed her mouth abruptly. The Kikimora sigh, stretch and shudder, finally giving up and turning back to disappear behind the curtains with a loud sigh and a protest even Celedwin could hear across the street...

"Sir! This...was...embarrassing!"

Looking down, she noticed a dark-skinned, bald, naked woman with a backpack full of newspapers, a leather collar around her neck and a pair of boots walk across the street, tossing rolled up papers to every house, every lawn and occasionally hitting a window. Celedwin admired her small, toned breasts with tiny nipples, muscles rippling under a reasonably feminine padding of fat with toned legs... Yet her round, big ass had some welts across her buttocks, red thin lines crossing her toned white cheeks suggesting corporal punishment. Also the customary slave stamp was inked clearly on her right cheek as the newspaper girl kept walking, her brown, clean shaven head slick with sweat, as was the rest of her body, calves, buttocks, back contorting and relaxing seamlessly with every step. Her smile and deliberate slowness made Celedwin smile and bite her lips, suggesting that the after-work canings had become something the woman started to enjoy.

Celedwin, simply thought about how it would be to cuddle with one in bed, massaging the poor girl's daily labor away in gentle, soft oiling and squeezing... She sipped her coffee, now her brand new, black, skimpy wizard robe draped around her in perfect condition as she imagined making out with Reik humans and monsters with a lewd, distant look in her eyes until she heard muffled sighs and rustling of leaves with the snipping of shears next to her. The neighbors' slave humans were working.

To her right slept two naked girls on the lawn, with content expression on their faces, two, sun-kissed, brick-colored naked human girls were simply tucked in a plain blanket under the shed, one awake and enjoying the sun.

Celedwin had a good idea why. They had been thoroughly fucked the night before, judging from their pleasant sighs and sore squirming of their hips.

Looking down from the window, Celedwin saw the Dark Elf neighbour, the curvy lady without her clothes, straddle a body with her hips on his crotch: Arius, the new boy she had brought was spread-eagled on the bed, nude, with no restraints. Murmuring something Celedwin could not hear, the dark-skinned, pointy-eared vixen popped open a bottle, her delicate hands gleaming with the magic lotion to relax her new property's abused muscles.

"Poor thing. Now that my two naughty Afghan beauties are properly satisfied, I can finally have this pale morsel for myself..." The ebon vixen purred, her delicate lips splitting in a gentle smile.

Softly, she pulled the boy for a kiss, her own dark purple lips parting the boy's pale mouth and inserting her tongue deep into his throat.

"Mmm... I can never stop kissing boys..." She purred inside his throat, tiny, delicate dark elven teeth nipping his upper lip with every soft smooch. Even Celedwin could see his cock, abused by two horny human girls for days, rejuvenate and spring back into action. The slender neck of the dark elf pulled back, mouth open in sweet laughter.

"You like being bit!"

The boy furiously shook his head at the lewd accusation even as he was being pampered nude by his owner. The dark elf smirked, her plump dark purple lips curling into a wicked grin as her left hand went to a riding crop.

"Boy. Don't lie to me. You know I become very angry when my slaves lie to me. So much that I feel like putting them in chastity." She pointed with her arm to her two girls working the garden, frustrated and sighing with every sensation caressing their intimate parts. "Now..." She cradled his cheeks, lovingly looking into his eyes as her dainty feet tickled his thighs with her squatting over his feet.

"Do you enjoy it when women hurt you?" She had asked the question with perfect clarity, emphasizing every word.

Quietly the boy pondered as the dark slut slowly caressed his thighs, soles of her feet gently rubbing the sides of his exposed penis, which sprang into action like lightning.


Sniffling, the boy hesitantly nodded, earning a bright smile and a kiss on his lips. "I LOVE it when you boys are being honest!" Leaning, she whispered in the young boy's ear:

"I will reward you now." Celedwin, Shaida and Zubaidah simultaneously gawked when the dark elf gently lifted her the boy's face, cradled his jaw, and closed on his mouth for a gentle kiss, her own pointy black ears wiggling when their lips met. In a show of acrobacy, she laid her feet around the boy's penis, cradling his shaft with her soles.

"Have you ever been given a footjob by a dark elf?"

The boy gulped. "N-no! Feels...w.."

"Weird?" His mistress smiled sweetly, gently rubbing her feet up and down, her toes playing with the head of his penis. "Lie back and enjoy..."

So the dark elf slowly moved her feet up and down, soles massaging the boy's painfully erect penis, her dark black soles rubbing his skin with great sensations. Heart beating fast, the boy gasped and relaxed on the bed, his owner softly massaging his crotch with her feet. Several minuted later she had sat down, straddling his crotch as she danced up and down, Celedwin clearly hearing his pleasured moans.

She sipped the rest of the rich black coffee with a satisfied sigh.


Finishing the coffee, Celedwin realized the merchants started their daily routine, signaling that the ninth hour past midnight had started, judging from well-dressed monster girls like Dragons, Dark Elves, and the like, with their human property carrying their goods behind them. One of the best (or worst?) traits of dark elves that they used their humans in every aspect of life.

A captive human to bee-girls or lizard girls might be a maid, perhaps freed after a while if said animosity wore off. Dark Elves took their slavery business to its extreme without disobeying Agrat's commandments... By using human females for every labor while men often did what they had to do... Women often worked carrying light goods in the streets where horses were too big to enter, stayed as eye-candy, cleaned and accompanied them merely as ornaments: even presence of humans nourished monster girls.

Each merchant led a chain leash, leading nude women with collars chained to each other who carry their goods in well ordered, docile coffles on backpacks, and baskets fastened to their bodies. Celedwin enjoyed the sight of helpless, blushing human women passing in a long line of naked bodies, bearing the wolf-eared monster girl merchants' goods with slow, steady steps and baskets tied to their backs and fastened to their nipples and legs as their tattooed asses swayed with every step. One had to be careful not to feel waves of pleasure every time she carried her mistress' goods. Some of these deliciously curved bodies were more or less restrained with various bondage harnesses: some had their wrists tied behind them, others in a U-Shaped leather cuff bondage, arms parallel to the ground and hoisting their backpacks, others freely walking, quite cheerful at their own nudity: those were the freest save for their collars, some even walking hand-in-hand, chatting with their owners.

The most extreme of these displayed women were blindfolded, slowly and hesitantly following their neck leashes like a mule train, groaning under produce baskets. Particularly long coffles full of women belonging to more professional merchant guilds were gagged, fit with blindfolds and their wrists fastened around their waists with serial numbers tattooed on their buttocks...as a dark elf led them by the lash, barking curt orders to move them slowly as a supply train. Celedwin took a peek at one of the porter slaves' buttocks, reading the serial number.

"Slave#453" Her face was entirely hooded save for a slit for eyes and nose, carrying a large basket with goods on her back with her neck chained to the slave before, and behind her as well. She had less individuality, more of a tool, and still, the poor thing's crotch was clearly overflowing with juices as she walked slowly in an endless coffle of similarly hooded girls, all marked with numbers one after another. Each carried baskets fastened around their naked bodies with ropes and leather straps, marching chained to each other, quietly, and slowly into a warehouse to unload the wares on the backs of naked women.

Celedwin bit her lips watching them.

When they left Celedwin's sight, the dark elf merchant had one arm hooked under the girl's own, leading her home like a friend. She noted that the girl started to smile happily after something whispered to her, her nude, harnessed, slave porter body finally leaving her sight.

To serve monster girls, in body, and perhaps, soul.

It was Lescatian Theocracy's greatest unspoken fear, and perhaps, a suppressed deep issue. Celedwin had to admit: after a few months of getting used to the...sexual subservience, especially older female captives were quite...happy, even to serve merely by physical labor, and rewarded with a monster bedwarmer at night.

Monster girls *loved* merely sleeping next to human bodies, their Succubus curse defining their new lives. One naked human woman was on all fours being led like a pet, a giggling Hellhound holding the leash standing on her legs, ruffling her head.

It was a witch's brothel crossed with a heathen city all in one.

"C'est la vie..." Celedwin mumbled, finishing her coffee and gathering her backpack. She couldn't worry about thousands of slaved at once. She was sure they could find a way to fit in, get free, or find joy. Her real purpose was today: to help both races with magic. Maybe she'd donate a coin or two to Fraterni Caritas' manumission funds.

As unfocused her mind was today, she was certain, even as she dressed up and set off for the wizard's tower, that she would persevere.

Playtime-a-fuck-around was over, it was time to see what she could do to better all lives under the threat of a drought.


She gave Violet, her host's slave girl a handful of silver as a tip and a big hug.

"I have to go to work."

Leaving her without further ado, Celedwin started her journey to the Yuki-Onna's wizard tower, exiting the house in her skimpy, black robes with a leather hood just for show, a small steel staff topped with a sapphire heart, her host's gift to make a show for humanity's representative.

Intending to see the slave market because she liked to see rows of naked bodies presented for sale, Celedwin took the path through the docks and towards the wizard tower. It was still every bit as fun to pass by and simply look at the sights. Time to see the flesh market's delights, the long, walled-off streets at the docks where naked bodies were traded for pleasure to new mistresses. Boys, girls, women and men, the monster girls were shopping well for new servants, lovers, confidantes and maids. Lovely lamia girls slithered around for new mates, pensive looking, busy Blue Oni women checked bodies and even spoke with them to measure mental acuity, and human tourists watched their kin paraded naked for sale just for the hell of it.

Occasionally an ashamed-looking nun or a tonsured monk (something ALL monstergirls found very funny) with the orange sash of Fraterni Caritas, the human empire's unofficial arm would sift through the masses, hurrying to buy and free whom they could, and looked desperate to get out. Celedwin giggled when a dark elf merchant keeping a cage of young boys and girls jokingly suggested she'd set free five...at the cost of the pretty, young, wimpled nun, only to watch her big blue eyes widen and mutter a prayer, skittering away, blushing.

"I could really use a well-read clerk slave like you sweetie!" The long-haired, opulently-dressed slave merchant shouted, laughing behind the human and flipping her gold coins on her black hands as her pointy black ears wiggled in delight. "THINK ABOUT IT!"

A two-person carriage clopped past Celedwin, its mount being a muscular, naked woman completely harnessed in leather straps as its driver, an elegantly dressed Dark Elf equestrian smacking her ass with a riding crop and carrying its veiled, elegantly dressed Naga passenger fanning herself. The ponygirl was panting at the bitgag, drooling, her nipples fit with bells as she trotted with her passengers, her body not having an ounce of fat save for her breasts and curved hips sporting welts from the dark elf's whip. Another carriage followed it, a large, four-person cart with a naked, yet proud-looking, blonde centaur female with her wrists cuffed behind her pulling it. Celedwin noticed her pussy was dripping wet, the driver dark elf grinning as she smacked her bottom with a whip and a holler, carrying four, shy looking human women wearing elaborate diplomatic dresses. They were eyeing the over-aroused mount with red-faces, more ashamed than aroused as they were taken to the embassy.

The streets were full of grinning, human visitor women from positions of power in Lescatie, who came to see the sinful sights. Celedwin passed a group of veiled, hooded women watching the cages, watching the naked women and men on display for the monstergirls' pleasures, in cages, in ropes, in display stands and in ways anyone one can imagine.

There was eye candy abundant in the slave markets. Naked, strong women with steel cuffs around their ankles and wrists relaxed in a public shower, deliberately open to spectators. Scrubbing themselves as people passed around them, a short haired blonde had her eyes closed, her strong, muscled body with tanlines with the shape of a backpack, being wiped clean by another slave woman. After finishing, they simply went back to work, taking large straw baskets to their backs and carrying groceries to nearby shops, their dark elf owners kissing their cheeks for a work well done, one of them slapping the buttocks of one of the women after she filled her load. Taking her wrists behind her and crossing them, she locked the cuffs, and gagged her with a leather mask, she patted her bum.